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Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Berbicians to get own radio station …as govt recommits to free press


RESIDENTS of the Ancient County will soon receive a radio station, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo announced on Saturday at the Whim Cricket Ground, Corentyne, Berbice.“Soon, we want to add quality to Berbice,” he said, adding: “Not only will we improve delivery of NCN television programmes in Berbice, we are working in the new year to see if we can have Radio Berbice for all Berbicians, so you can have access to your own radio, a dedicated radio…” Many of the residents present on Saturday were elated by the Prime Minister’s remarks. Paul Sookhoo of Whim told the Guyana Chronicle that Berbice deserves as much attention as Georgetown and other areas. “I think we deserve we own radio station; we only get NCN and Radio Guyana, so it would be good for we. I would be happy if we get that,” Sookhoo said. Another Berbice resident, Samantha Prince, said a radio station unique to Berbice will encourage Berbicians to listen to the radio more. She also believes that a Berbice radio station will focus more on things central to Berbice. “I would be really happy if the Prime Minster delivers on his promise to get the people of Berbice their own radio station. I think it will help with the broadcasting of information. We appreciate the radio stations we have, but they are not for and about Berbice people; they are national stations,” Prince said. Ryan Ramlall, of Port Mourant, said that while he doesn’t listen to the radio, he is sure it would benefit others. “I don’t really listen to the radio, but my chirren and grandchirren does listen. So if it happens, I would be happy so they can listen,” Ramlall said. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nagamootoo emphasised government’s commitment to the freedom of journalists. “We want to enlarge on those freedoms; we want to enlarge in a way… a qualitative way that will bring professionalism to the job they do. Because the job they do is a dignified job,” he said. He expressed disgust, however, at what he deems to be finger-pointing by many within the media who suggest that he is seeking to censor the State media. He said, too, that he has in no way been responsible for the resignation of a certain Guyana Chronicle employee. “It is wrong to say that to the world, when around us, we have not fired anyone who has even been dangerously playing politics with their jobs in the past.” The Prime Minister said the press has been “playing up certain issues of freedom of the media in Guyana,” so much so that they are “inventing a jumbie when they talk about violation of freedom of the press.” To press home the point, he noted that a certain editor of the Guyana Chronicle is still on the job, despite carrying a headline that referred to him as a jackass, replete with his photograph. “I didn’t dismiss him,” he said. “He offered me his resignation, but I haven’t fired him. “Then recently, a columnist resigned and he didn’t know who to blame for the resignation, but he decided to say that I was interfering. I have not seen this journalist for over 15 years; I have not spoken to this journalist for over 15 years. I am least interested in the journalist’s affairs; I read his columns, but I had never spoken to the editor of the Chronicle newspaper in relation to his columns, I have never mentioned his name to the editor in relation to his columns, I have not interfered or given an instruction to the journalist to feel displeased and resulted in his resignation or withdrawal of his column,” the prime minister maintained. The accusations, the Prime Minister said, are made on racial grounds. “But he chose me; to identify me, because many people cannot stand the fact that Moses Nagamootoo, an Indo-Guyanese, has teamed up with David Granger, an Afro-Guyanese, and that we have, today, a government of national unity.” By Ariana Gordon

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Originally Posted by asj:

Wonder why such a drastic change? Free Press seems like a dream, but there is a their own radio station to go with it, why not a TV Station?

These are the kind of comments that make me question the mindset of Guyanese. You give them a finger to begin with, and they start asking is what wrong with giving the whole hand instead.


And what is wrong with the government making a contribution towards the radio station creation by putting the foundation in place? You complain that the government is not creating jobs, but now that this station will be providing jobs, and much more besides, you complaining that the government is doing something bad for Berbicians.


It's all just talk until it actually happens. Who they give license to operate a radio station(s) and who they deny would be very interesting. Don't believe everything you hear coming from the government.  By now most of you who are acquainted with Guyanese politics would recognize that APNU is using this guy Nagamootoo to paint a nice image of the coalition.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It's all just talk until it actually happens. Who they give license to operate a radio station(s) and who they deny would be very interesting. Don't believe everything you hear coming from the government.  By now most of you who are acquainted with Guyanese politics would recognize that APNU is using this guy Nagamootoo to paint a nice image of the coalition.

That is what House Slaves do all over the World.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Govt (recommits) to free press comes with a gift from the messenger. Just throw a bone to the dogs.

When has a givernnent owned press facility been free. The BBC comes the closest bet there were accusations about government pressure on it.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It's all just talk until it actually happens. Who they give license to operate a radio station(s) and who they deny would be very interesting. Don't believe everything you hear coming from the government.  By now most of you who are acquainted with Guyanese politics would recognize that APNU is using this guy Nagamootoo to paint a nice image of the coalition.

I bet any one they give it to would be more salutary than giving it to Vishal Persaud. Bobby the boob or Brian Young and Robert Persaud and sister not to mention 5 going to the PPP itself. You apparently only think that the matter is worthy of mention if a PPP crony is not awarded this contract.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:


It's all just talk until it actually happens. Who they give license to operate a radio station(s) and who they deny would be very interesting. Don't believe everything you hear coming from the government.  By now most of you who are acquainted with Guyanese politics would recognize that APNU is using this guy Nagamootoo to paint a nice image of the coalition.


Moses show his willingness to do the dirty work for Granger. Ramjattan said to forget and forgive the PNC past. Moses said there will be no more rigging. Granger said he get them where he want them.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:


It's all just talk until it actually happens. Who they give license to operate a radio station(s) and who they deny would be very interesting. Don't believe everything you hear coming from the government.  By now most of you who are acquainted with Guyanese politics would recognize that APNU is using this guy Nagamootoo to paint a nice image of the coalition.


Moses show his willingness to do the dirty work for Granger. Ramjattan said to forget and forgive the PNC past. Moses said there will be no more rigging. Granger said he get them where he want them.

What dirty work you shriveled brains conceive is in the works? There is no greater sense of satisfaction than watch bigots like you grovel  only because a black man is in office.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

It's all just talk until it actually happens. Who they give license to operate a radio station(s) and who they deny would be very interesting. Don't believe everything you hear coming from the government.  By now most of you who are acquainted with Guyanese politics would recognize that APNU is using this guy Nagamootoo to paint a nice image of the coalition.

What's the use they get a radio station? Deliberate blackouts in Berbice will render it a POS.


As is Berbicians do not care for any Radio Stations, as they can always tune in to Surinaam and get dozens Radio Stations.


Radio station now promised to Berbician, is like shiny beads promised to the Amerindians, by the PNC or better yet increase of pension promised to the poor Pensioners, after deducting their subsidies of Water and Electricity, this shameless Government will still owe the pensioners something more.


Berbicians  were right to tell Moses to go and shove his Radio Station down his ..........


It is like sooner or later I will not be surprised if People from Essequibo starts clamoring for Madhuru to govern Essequibo, as the PNC/AFC Government cannot be trusted.


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