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RiffRaff posted:


Save America!

How the heck can you lose the Rust Belt???

Here is what you do. When people like Caribny warned you all you all claimed that I was mad.

1. I said that Hillary wasn't ahead because there was no acknowledgement of what the independents are doing.

2. I described the frustration of the black base.

3. I stated that Obama had ignored the fact that many people feel financially vulnerable and this is what will determine how they vote.

4. I stated that Hillary was over emphasizing the "woman thing" and ought to have focused more on de constructing the argument that Trump is a genius who will magically create jobs.

5. I told Kari that his demography is a myth.  Trump did BETTER with blacks and Hispanics.

The Democrats need to examine

RiffRaff posted:


Save America!

How the heck can you lose the Rust Belt???

Not gonna happen. We need Obama to stay and help rebuild the DNC but he never had an inclination to do anything hence he let the Colored girls dominate as gate keepers and locked out good young people. They gotta go.  Someone has to step up...we have a mid terms congress to fight for.

caribny posted:
RiffRaff posted:


Save America!

How the heck can you lose the Rust Belt???

Here is what you do. When people like Caribny warned you all you all claimed that I was mad.

1. I said that Hillary wasn't ahead because there was no acknowledgement of what the independents are doing.

2. I described the frustration of the black base.

3. I stated that Obama had ignored the fact that many people feel financially vulnerable and this is what will determine how they vote.

4. I stated that Hillary was over emphasizing the "woman thing" and ought to have focused more on de constructing the argument that Trump is a genius who will magically create jobs.

5. I told Kari that his demography is a myth.  Trump did BETTER with blacks and Hispanics.

The Democrats need to examine

Black and other minorities did their part. Your barista at Starbucks stabbed you in the back.

There is no over emphasizing the woman thing....that the hell is that? I never heard any complaint of about a man thing and there is lots to complain about here. Hillary never ran on a woman's thing. She ran on a vision she was unable to sell given the noise and clutter.

The problem was not with the demographics. The problem was with white people taking the race option. There is nothing to attribute the following he received to since his policies were vacuous,his advisors odious and everything about him reeked of a carney barker.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:

Can't say I disagree....

Let's see how they prepare for 2018 midterms

That is not hard. The republicans have deep divisions. Most did not support Trump and will align themselves with others to check him. They will have to rebuild because the Trump vision is not conservatism. It is nativism.

Last edited by Former Member
RiffRaff posted:


Save America!

How the heck can you lose the Rust Belt???

Those are lots of very poor and worried people who blamed their positions on immigrants, job flight and a black president. They do not knowledge that coal is not coming back nor are any of the vast industries needing manual labor and Trump was willing to let them believe that. No one had a real plan for them.

Danyael posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Can't say I disagree....

Let's see how they prepare for 2018 midterms

That is not hard. The republicans have deep divisions. Most did not support Trump and will align themselves with others to check him. They will have to rebuild because the Trump vision is not conservatism. It is nativism.

Doan worry. Trump has a skill Obama never had or has. He is a negotiator. 

According to Lyndon Johnson, it is one of the skills to have as a President of the USA.

As usual u r wrong in almost everything u write.

The Republican Establishment is finished like kaput. It is a new beginning for White America.

Blacks and Hispanics, I am unsure about them. They tend not to vote on issues, but instead on sentiments. They probably will not progress in this new administration. But Trump will pull them along. 

Uneducated White People have determined the new path of America. God Bless Them. 

Hispanic votes for Trump 26%, Black votes for Trump 8%. It is understandable why Trump stayed focused on the White vote.

A genius of a man. He knew what was going to pull him through.

Will there be self-exiles, starting with the SWINE guy. I hope so.

seignet posted:
Danyael posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Can't say I disagree....

Let's see how they prepare for 2018 midterms

That is not hard. The republicans have deep divisions. Most did not support Trump and will align themselves with others to check him. They will have to rebuild because the Trump vision is not conservatism. It is nativism.

Doan worry. Trump has a skill Obama never had or has. He is a negotiator. 

According to Lyndon Johnson, it is one of the skills to have as a President of the USA.

As usual u r wrong in almost everything u write.

The Republican Establishment is finished like kaput. It is a new beginning for White America.

Blacks and Hispanics, I am unsure about them. They tend not to vote on issues, but instead on sentiments. They probably will not progress in this new administration. But Trump will pull them along. 

Uneducated White People have determined the new path of America. God Bless Them. 

Hispanic votes for Trump 26%, Black votes for Trump 8%. It is understandable why Trump stayed focused on the White vote.

A genius of a man. He knew what was going to pull him through.

Will there be self-exiles, starting with the SWINE guy. I hope so.

He is not going to get shi.t done because what he wants done cannot happen. What economic  model informs you that we can get 4 percent growth on Trickle down economics? Who cares for large standing armies with massive numbers of ships and aircrafts? Do you think a wall will rise up from the desert on our Southern flanks that Mexico will pay for? Not even a republican congress will authorize the money for the removal of 14 million people when they know they need them. Coal is not coming back and those fly over people have no chance for anything happening to improve their lives anytime soon.

Leonora posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Anyway, time to move on from this...hopefully the Dems learned a lesson

You aren't getting away so easy!  Folks, let's beat up Riffy just like he beat up everyone who badmouthed Hillary.    

You will beg for Hilly since money aint coming to center street. All of those  programs to help fight and prevent diseases abroad does not interest the Donald.


This was a white backlash. Hillary had too many blacks campaigning..JayZ, Beyonce, Lebron, Ray Charles..... White men felt threatened, came and voted in huge numbers. Trump knew all along that the blacks are not going to vote. Remember he said they have a lazy trait. They did not want to get off their asses and vote. They prefer to kill their brothers and complain about racism. Let's see how they do for the next four years.
It's the black people who caused the dems to lose.

skeldon_man posted:

This was a white backlash. Hillary had too many blacks campaigning..JayZ, Beyonce, Lebron, Ray Charles..... White men felt threatened, came and voted in huge numbers. Trump knew all along that the blacks are not going to vote. Remember he said they have a lazy trait. They did not want to get off their asses and vote. They prefer to kill their brothers and complain about racism. Let's see how they do for the next four years.
It's the black people who caused the dems to lose.

blacks voted in large numbers 88%, Asian voted similarly. Latins voted 60 percent. You are as usual wrong.

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:

This was a white backlash. Hillary had too many blacks campaigning..JayZ, Beyonce, Lebron, Ray Charles..... White men felt threatened, came and voted in huge numbers. Trump knew all along that the blacks are not going to vote. Remember he said they have a lazy trait. They did not want to get off their asses and vote. They prefer to kill their brothers and complain about racism. Let's see how they do for the next four years.
It's the black people who caused the dems to lose.

blacks voted in large numbers 88%, Asian voted similarly. Latins voted 60 percent. You are as usual wrong.

They did not vote in the same numbers as they did for Obama.

Danyael posted:
RiffRaff posted:


Save America!

How the heck can you lose the Rust Belt???

Not gonna happen. We need Obama to stay and help rebuild the DNC but he never had an inclination to do anything hence he let the Colored girls dominate as gate keepers and locked out good young people. They gotta go.  Someone has to step up...we have a mid terms congress to fight for.

Obama did nothing for blacks. A South Sudan man told me that people in his country miss George W Bush.

skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:

This was a white backlash. Hillary had too many blacks campaigning..JayZ, Beyonce, Lebron, Ray Charles..... White men felt threatened, came and voted in huge numbers. Trump knew all along that the blacks are not going to vote. Remember he said they have a lazy trait. They did not want to get off their asses and vote. They prefer to kill their brothers and complain about racism. Let's see how they do for the next four years.
It's the black people who caused the dems to lose.

blacks voted in large numbers 88%, Asian voted similarly. Latins voted 60 percent. You are as usual wrong.

They did not vote in the same numbers as they did for Obama.

That is a mere 2 percent off so they could not have swayed the outcome

Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:

This was a white backlash. Hillary had too many blacks campaigning..JayZ, Beyonce, Lebron, Ray Charles..... White men felt threatened, came and voted in huge numbers. Trump knew all along that the blacks are not going to vote. Remember he said they have a lazy trait. They did not want to get off their asses and vote. They prefer to kill their brothers and complain about racism. Let's see how they do for the next four years.
It's the black people who caused the dems to lose.

blacks voted in large numbers 88%, Asian voted similarly. Latins voted 60 percent. You are as usual wrong.

They did not vote in the same numbers as they did for Obama.

That is a mere 2 percent off so they could not have swayed the outcome

In 4 years the afro population has grown in America and a lot more turned voting age. If they were real serious about supporting a white person as they did for a black person, they should have made it their priority to go and vote the same way they did for Obama. I don't think it was a percentage factor as a numbers factor.

skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:

This was a white backlash. Hillary had too many blacks campaigning..JayZ, Beyonce, Lebron, Ray Charles..... White men felt threatened, came and voted in huge numbers. Trump knew all along that the blacks are not going to vote. Remember he said they have a lazy trait. They did not want to get off their asses and vote. They prefer to kill their brothers and complain about racism. Let's see how they do for the next four years.
It's the black people who caused the dems to lose.

blacks voted in large numbers 88%, Asian voted similarly. Latins voted 60 percent. You are as usual wrong.

They did not vote in the same numbers as they did for Obama.

That is a mere 2 percent off so they could not have swayed the outcome

In 4 years the afro population has grown in America and a lot more turned voting age. If they were real serious about supporting a white person as they did for a black person, they should have made it their priority to go and vote the same way they did for Obama. I don't think it was a percentage factor as a numbers factor.

I really am in no good mood to entertain your usual bigotry on a day of serious reflection. To you all thing reduce to the same problem, black people. I cannot add any instruction that could transform that warped perspective. You are a decade older than me and should show that much more wisdom for having had that much more experience. Alas, you beyond redemption


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