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Former Member

This will be a somewhat playful post, so please play along with me

RULE FOR THIS GAME: Please refer to the gentleman under discussion as 'Bertie' or 'Bertie B'. If you really must, you can say "Bertie fowl dirty". But, even if you know, DO NOT mention the actual surname OK members? For my sake, and to be nice, play along with me OK?  Amral / Ray / Admin, please note how considerate Quantum is.  As Guyanese say, "Who know know"..... nudge nudge, wink wink

Where do I begin? Hmmm....  

Bertie was the legal eagle of RH. A rising political star. And a community man to boot. Though small of stature, Bertie had big ambitions.... and an ego to go with it. Some say he had 'short man syndrome'. He loved to pose at photo ops with the powerful and connected.

Bertie rolled the dice and ran for office. Things went awry and Bertie got into hot water. He cried foul but the judge felt differently. Bertie did time in the pen. They say small men don't do well in prison...

OBESERVATION: When Bertie was going down, GNI came alive with robust posts. Some said he had it coming. A few were sympathetic. What puzzles Quantum is this: knowing the way GNI is, one would have thought that on Bertie's release GNI would start hopping again on the topic of Bertie. Instead, there was a deafening silence. Not a peep from members. Very odd, Quantum thought...

Anyway, fast forward to the present. It took a while, but sometime after gaining his freedom, Bertie picked up the pieces. He staged a comeback of sorts by writing good. letters in the Guyana newspapers. But now he has gone silent. This has me worried.

With all the cussing, stabbing and buse out, we Guyanese are forgiving, compassionate and caring at heart. It is one of our finest qualities as a people - regardless of race, religion etc. I have seen that softer side expressed many time right here on GNI. One sees it when someone dies or is sick etc. Everyone deserves redemption. Besides, the man did his time. Everyone deserves a second chance.

So, I ask you:

* Has anyone reached out to Bertie to see how he is doing? Even to say "Bertie bai, ah sarry wah happen"

* Since he lost his profession, how is he coping financially?

* Is he depressed?

* If not, please reach out to Bertie and cheer him up.

Please keep all comments clean. Nothing off colour OK?  So, for example, speculation as to whether anyone 'dropped soap' in the pen, or became 'Leroy's bitch' would clearly be out of order. Clearly!

Nudge nudge, wink wink....

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Quantum posted:

This will be a somewhat playful post, so please play along with me

RULE FOR THIS GAME: Please refer to the gentleman under discussion as 'Bertie' or 'Bertie B'. If you really must, you can say "Bertie fowl dirty". But, even if you know, DO NOT mention the actual surname OK members? For my sake, and to be nice, play along with me OK?  Amral / Ray / Admin, please note how considerate Quantum is.  As Guyanese say, "Who know know"..... nudge nudge, wink wink

Where do I begin? Hmmm....  

Bertie was the legal eagle of RH. A rising political star. And a community man to boot. Though small of stature, Bertie had big ambitions.... and an ego to go with it. Some say he had 'short man syndrome'. He loved to pose at photo ops with the powerful and connected.

Bertie rolled the dice and ran for office. Things went awry and Bertie got into hot water. He cried foul but the judge felt differently. Bertie did time in the pen. They say small men don't do well in prison...

OBESERVATION: When Bertie was going down, GNI came alive with robust posts. Some said he had it coming. A few were sympathetic. What puzzles Quantum is this: knowing the way GNI is, one would have thought that on Bertie's release GNI would start hopping again on the topic of Bertie. Instead, there was a deafening silence. Not a peep from members. Very odd, Quantum thought...

Anyway, fast forward to the present. It took a while, but sometime after gaining his freedom, Bertie picked up the pieces. He staged a comeback of sorts by writing good. letters in the Guyana newspapers. But now he has gone silent. This has me worried.

With all the cussing, stabbing and buse out, we Guyanese are forgiving, compassionate and caring at heart. It is one of our finest qualities as a people - regardless of race, religion etc. I have seen that softer side expressed many time right here on GNI. One sees it when someone dies or is sick etc. Everyone deserves redemption. Besides, the man did his time. Everyone deserves a second chance.

So, I ask you:

* Has anyone reached out to Bertie to see how he is doing? Even to say "Bertie bai, ah sarry wah happen"

* Since he lost his profession, how is he coping financially?

* Is he depressed?

* If not, please reach out to Bertie and cheer him up.

Please keep all comments clean. Nothing off colour OK?  So, for example, speculation as to whether anyone 'dropped soap' in the pen, or became 'Leroy's bitch' would clearly be out of order. Clearly!

Nudge nudge, wink wink....

Kwantam, you seem to be really concerned about Baldeo. How about you visit him in prison, go see where he showers, and join in the communal bathing.  Feel free to drop the soap and you can report on you and Baldeo's experiences. Let us know if Leroy, Elroy, Bubba, or LaQuanda fondled you.

GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Leave Baldeo alone.

Why am I not surprised you would be associated with trash like that? He is a low life maggot with no scruples who deserved exactly what he got. He is going to lose a lot more. And before you start getting personal, I have dealt with him so I know what I am speaking about.

Fact of the matter is, I don’t give a crap about you or Baldeo.  Glad you dealt with him.  I have never dealt with him in any way, shape, or form.   For the record, I have never been associated with him.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Leave Baldeo alone.

Why am I not surprised you would be associated with trash like that? He is a low life maggot with no scruples who deserved exactly what he got. He is going to lose a lot more. And before you start getting personal, I have dealt with him so I know what I am speaking about.

Fact of the matter is, I don’t give a crap about you or Baldeo.  Glad you dealt with him.  I have never dealt with him in any way, shape, or form.   For the record, I have never been associated with him.  

Sure. I must have misread the post where you said "leave Baldeo alone" or is senility kicking in?

GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Leave Baldeo alone.

Why am I not surprised you would be associated with trash like that? He is a low life maggot with no scruples who deserved exactly what he got. He is going to lose a lot more. And before you start getting personal, I have dealt with him so I know what I am speaking about.

Fact of the matter is, I don’t give a crap about you or Baldeo.  Glad you dealt with him.  I have never dealt with him in any way, shape, or form.   For the record, I have never been associated with him.  

Sure. I must have misread the post where you said "leave Baldeo alone" or is senility kicking in?

That is between me and Quantum.  Has nothing to do with you or Baldeo.  Not everything I write is about you.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Leave Baldeo alone.

Why am I not surprised you would be associated with trash like that? He is a low life maggot with no scruples who deserved exactly what he got. He is going to lose a lot more. And before you start getting personal, I have dealt with him so I know what I am speaking about.

Fact of the matter is, I don’t give a crap about you or Baldeo.  Glad you dealt with him.  I have never dealt with him in any way, shape, or form.   For the record, I have never been associated with him.  

Sure. I must have misread the post where you said "leave Baldeo alone" or is senility kicking in?

That is between me and Quantum.  Has nothing to do with you or Baldeo.  Not everything I write is about you.

You are such a hypocrite. You jump at me without really reading anything I write every time I even mention or reference your idol. Now, let me see if I have this right. "Leave Baldeo alone" has nothing to do with Baldeo, is between you and Quantum but you chose a public forum to air. Alrighty then.

Last edited by GTAngler
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, ker yuh Baxside suh. LIberty Attorney, was a Candidate for city Council which got him to Jail. Never heard anyone says good things about him or his Dr brother.

Did he go jail because he ran for city councilman?

Here you go Base,article on the case.

Is not the "strawman" thingy that put Ed Ahmad in jail also?  Dem bais tek a leaf out of Burnham book, "strawman" voters!  But he rass dead a free man!

Me catching up with NY Guyanese politics.  Abie bring bad habits to America!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, ker yuh Baxside suh. LIberty Attorney, was a Candidate for city Council which got him to Jail. Never heard anyone says good things about him or his Dr brother.

Did he go jail because he ran for city councilman?

Here you go Base,article on the case.

Is not the "strawman" thingy that put Ed Ahmad in jail also?  Dem bais tek a leaf out of Burnham book, "strawman" voters!  But he rass dead a free man!

Me catching up with NY Guyanese politics.  Abie bring bad habits to America!


Baseman posted:
Nehru posted:

Base, ker yuh Baxside suh. LIberty Attorney, was a Candidate for city Council which got him to Jail. Never heard anyone says good things about him or his Dr brother.

Did he go jail because he ran for city councilman?

Not quite, he committed fraud with regard to Election tampering while running.


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