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Former Member


February 17, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source - Kaieteur News


The AFC held a rally in 2006 at the Parade Ground (now Independence Park) in Georgetown. It was at the same rally that one of the AFC’s leaders almost fell through the floor of the stage because of loose boards.

At that rally, I noticed a number of young people. Two of them, I recognized. The parents of one were long-time supporters of the PNCR. The other young lady belonged to a family that has long supported the PPPC.

The two young people were making a statement. They were indicating that they were breaking with the political loyalties of their families. But they were also saying that they wanted to distance themselves from the old race-based politics and wished to embrace a new political culture.

I had a chat with these two young persons. They indicated that they supported a Third Force because it offered the best promise of changing what they believed was an archaic political culture that was suffocating the development of the country and by implicating their future. They said they were products of the new generation and therefore they wanted to identify with a third force. Their presence at that meeting was not out of curiosity. They were there because they rejected the politics of the PPP and the PNCR and wanted to be part of the creation of a new political culture.

The AFC offered them this opportunity. The AFC presented itself as an alternative to Guyana’s race-based politics and ethnic polarization.  A great many young people flocked to the AFC because they wished to distance themselves from the old politics and to embrace a new political culture, the one promised by the AFC.

I wonder how these young people feel about the decision of the AFC to no longer offer itself to the electorate as Third Force. Is the feeling one of betrayal or one of confusion?

I wonder how they feel when they saw the AFC squander the opportunity to use its position of holding the balance of power in the 10th parliament to bring about change. Were they disappointed that the AFC instead of using that position to do so contributed to the political gridlock and confrontation?

I wonder whether they see a future in remaining within the AFC now that it has indicated its intention to join in a pre and post- elections alliance with APNU.

When a political party emerges as an alternative to the two main political parties in the country and then later joins with one of those parties to contest an election, it is impossible for it to re-present itself to the people again as a Third Force.

If the AFC jumps into bed with the PNCR, as part of a pre-election coalition, then the AFC would have betrayed its founding principle as a third party.  Any coalition between the AFC and APNU will alter the DNA of the AFC. It has long preached that it would never join with either the PNCR or the PPP. It is now turning its back on that principle.

The AFC is likely to counter that it is impossible to change the political culture unless the PPP is removed. This line essentially argues that a third force in Guyana is ineffectual, even one that holds the balance of power.

But can the AFC truly bring about change from within APNU? Unlike its position in the 10th parliament where it could exercise leverage on both APNU and the PPPC, the AFC will hold no balance of power under this new arrangement. How then will it bring about this change?

And what is the new understanding of the AFC when it comes to changing the political culture of the country. Changing the political culture of Guyana is not about passing the Public Procurement Bill or some other Bill. That is a far cry from changing the political culture.

Indeed, the great fear is that this decision of the AFC to move towards a coalition with APNU signals that the AFC does not see itself as having the patience to continue to struggle for this change. It now places emphasis on holding power and position.

For those two young persons who were at the 2006 rally, this position by the AFC I am sure represents a disappointment and a betrayal. It is a development that will test their loyalties and misplaced faith in the AFC.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is worse than a mere betrayal.


It is an original sin from which the AFC will never be able to atone for.

you know during the 2nd world war the American government use the mafia  to help fight hitler what happen with this coalition was happening from the being of time where people join force to fight evil    

Last edited by Former Member

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!!

On APNU-AFC coalition

β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!! On APNU-AFC coalition β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!
Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!!

On APNU-AFC coalition

β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!! On APNU-AFC coalition β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

oh he is going to jail maybe charge for murder

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!!

On APNU-AFC coalition

β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!! On APNU-AFC coalition β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

The man setting up the Trojan Harsie. Harsie, you see dah? De man(PPP) ah play possum pun you PNC bais.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is worse than a mere betrayal.


It is an original sin from which the AFC will never be able to atone for.

you know during the 2nd world war the American government use the mafia  to help fight hitler what happen with this coalition was happening from the being of time where people join force to fight evil    


Very true. Very true. However my friend, the analogy fails when you consider that the mafia in this case (the PNC) towers above the tiny AFC.


I don't know how 2 Coolies in the AFC can withstand the might of the PNC.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!!

On APNU-AFC coalition

β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!! On APNU-AFC coalition β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

The man setting up the Trojan Harsie. Harsie, you see dah? De man(PPP) ah play possum pun you PNC bais.


I don't know why dem bais think the PPP is gonna give them good political advice

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Honorable Jalil I think your boy the great Shaitan is upset wid dis deal uncle mo sanction here.

Might be fiah in de camp. Hehehjehe


I'm not upset. I just see a disaster in the making.


In less than three months we're gonna know definitely whose right.


If you're wrong, then the AFC is dead. No chance of fighting another day.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is worse than a mere betrayal.


It is an original sin from which the AFC will never be able to atone for.

you know during the 2nd world war the American government use the mafia  to help fight hitler what happen with this coalition was happening from the being of time where people join force to fight evil    


Very true. Very true. However my friend, the analogy fails when you consider that the mafia in this case (the PNC) towers above the tiny AFC.


I don't know how 2 Coolies in the AFC can withstand the might of the PNC.

some time you have to think about human decency,it about country not indians or blacks,its only fair that the APNU with the largest voting blocks have more seats.but this coalition will take the guyanese in a new era where they will start thinking about issues and not race,now policy can be put in place to benefit all guyanese  and not a elite few  

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!!

On APNU-AFC coalition

β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

Breaking News: it looks like Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, wants to join the coalition in his own words!! On APNU-AFC coalition β€œbut almost daily in Regions 5 and 6. I am not disappointed because I believed that they have improved their chances to win an election”, Ramsammy said.!!!

The man setting up the Trojan Harsie. Harsie, you see dah? De man(PPP) ah play possum pun you PNC bais.


I don't know why dem bais think the PPP is gonna give them good political advice

Harsie bai, lies and believes his own lies. Looks like he is hallucinating from smoking crack. The man is like dry goat shit..blows with the wind. Supported the AFC; now supports the PNC.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is worse than a mere betrayal.


It is an original sin from which the AFC will never be able to atone for.

you know during the 2nd world war the American government use the mafia  to help fight hitler what happen with this coalition was happening from the being of time where people join force to fight evil    


Very true. Very true. However my friend, the analogy fails when you consider that the mafia in this case (the PNC) towers above the tiny AFC.


I don't know how 2 Coolies in the AFC can withstand the might of the PNC.

some time you have to think about human decency,it about country not indians or blacks,its only fair that the APNU with the largest voting blocks have more seats.but this coalition will take the guyanese in a new era where they will start thinking about issues and not race,now policy can be put in place to benefit all guyanese  and not a elite few  


I sincerely hope the future bears you out. I really do man.


I hope if the PNC wins, they behave like a civilized political party and governs well.


But any anti PPP Indian can be forgiven for either staying at home or casting a vote for PPP based on the recent track record of the PNC in Opposition. I cannot bring myself to reward terrorism.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I sincerely hope the future bears you out. I really do man.


I hope if the PNC wins, they behave like a civilized political party and governs well.


But any anti PPP Indian can be forgiven for either staying at home or casting a vote for PPP based on the recent track record of the PNC in Opposition. I cannot bring myself to reward terrorism.

isn't there a Hindutva/RSS meeting that u are late for?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Honorable Jalil I think your boy the great Shaitan is upset wid dis deal uncle mo sanction here.

Might be fiah in de camp. Hehehjehe


I'm not upset. I just see a disaster in the making.


In less than three months we're gonna know definitely whose right.


If you're wrong, then the AFC is dead. No chance of fighting another day.

you missing the point this election is the decisive factor if guyana will get a chance to move forward in the 21 century or keep going backwards with high migration in the forefront.if the ppp win the AFC Or THE APNU will make no difference or can stop the ppp from being a full fledged dictator  

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I sincerely hope the future bears you out. I really do man.


I hope if the PNC wins, they behave like a civilized political party and governs well.


But any anti PPP Indian can be forgiven for either staying at home or casting a vote for PPP based on the recent track record of the PNC in Opposition. I cannot bring myself to reward terrorism.

isn't there a Hindutva/RSS meeting that u are late for?


They revoked my membership for atheism.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Honorable Jalil I think your boy the great Shaitan is upset wid dis deal uncle mo sanction here.

Might be fiah in de camp. Hehehjehe


I'm not upset. I just see a disaster in the making.


In less than three months we're gonna know definitely whose right.


If you're wrong, then the AFC is dead. No chance of fighting another day.

Yuh seem beaten down and really broken up over de situation.

Maybe de Honorable Jalil can have a word with you and settle you down lil bit?




The honorable Jalil even got TK behaving nicely see dat?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I sincerely hope the future bears you out. I really do man.


I hope if the PNC wins, they behave like a civilized political party and governs well.


But any anti PPP Indian can be forgiven for either staying at home or casting a vote for PPP based on the recent track record of the PNC in Opposition. I cannot bring myself to reward terrorism.

isn't there a Hindutva/RSS meeting that u are late for?


They revoked my membership for atheism.

it's tribal . . . u don't need to be a believer

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I sincerely hope the future bears you out. I really do man.


I hope if the PNC wins, they behave like a civilized political party and governs well.


But any anti PPP Indian can be forgiven for either staying at home or casting a vote for PPP based on the recent track record of the PNC in Opposition. I cannot bring myself to reward terrorism.

isn't there a Hindutva/RSS meeting that u are late for?


They revoked my membership for atheism.

it's tribal . . . u don't need to be a believer


You've obviously never met an RSS fellow. These dudes are really into their Hinduism. They're so Hindu, they're Christian.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

It is worse than a mere betrayal.


It is an original sin from which the AFC will never be able to atone for.

you know during the 2nd world war the American government use the mafia  to help fight hitler what happen with this coalition was happening from the being of time where people join force to fight evil    

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
I sincerely hope the future bears you out. I really do man.


I hope if the PNC wins, they behave like a civilized political party and governs well.


But any anti PPP Indian can be forgiven for either staying at home or casting a vote for PPP based on the recent track record of the PNC in Opposition. I cannot bring myself to reward terrorism.

isn't there a Hindutva/RSS meeting that u are late for?


They revoked my membership for atheism.

it's tribal . . . u don't need to be a believer


You've obviously never met an RSS fellow. These dudes are really into their Hinduism. They're so Hindu, they're Christian.

De Great Shittain following modi too closely he spend nuff nuff time reading up pan de RSS. Now he is an RSS pandit expert.


Lord have mercy.....

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Honorable Jalil I think your boy the great Shaitan is upset wid dis deal uncle mo sanction here.

Might be fiah in de camp. Hehehjehe


I'm not upset. I just see a disaster in the making.


In less than three months we're gonna know definitely whose right.


If you're wrong, then the AFC is dead. No chance of fighting another day.

Such be the scenario  that will be good for PPP

they will rule forever,all the injuns gonna be happpy.



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