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Better Hope businesswoman robbed, beaten

As crime spirals out of control…

Armed bandits have once again launched an attack, this time robbing and severely beating a 36-year-old businesswoman at her Better Hope, East Coast Demerara home. The incident occurred sometime around 00:45h on Saturday.

Businesswoman Nirvona Boodhoo, was robbed and beaten by gunmen on Saturday morning

Businesswoman Nirvona Boodhoo, was robbed and beaten by gunmen on Saturday morning

According to Police reports; three men, two of whom were armed with hand guns, attacked businesswoman Nirvona Boodhoo as she was about to enter her Lot 188 Pulwarie Street, Better Hope, home, which is the last house in the street. Speaking with Guyana Times, Boodhoo who operates a restaurant and bar on Garnett Street, Kitty, Georgetown, said she drove home and decided to park on the street, instead of going into the yard as she usually does. The traumatized woman related that as she was exiting her vehicle when she was confronted by the perpetrators.

“They were right there, I couldn’t do anything. I tried to play cool as if I was turning back in the car because I wasn’t sure what was happening but after the guys pulled out the gun and they come towards me, I realised that it was serious,” she noted.

Boodhoo went on to say that the men pulled her out of the car and took away three cellphones and about $100,000 cash that were in her hands. She added that they started to rough her up, chucking her, because she had started to scream. “One of them started saying shut her up, let her stop scream, shoot her or something, so I ran to the gate trying to call out for help,” she stated. The businesswoman noted that her daughter was upstairs at the time looking out the window and started screaming when she saw what was happening.

At this point, Boodhoo said the men went to the vehicle looking for the car keys, which were in her hand, so she threw it into the yard. This, she explained, annoyed the men and they started verbally abusing her and threatening her.

“One of them said ‘oh b***h, yuh throw the car key in the yard, that is what yuh do’ and he take the gun and started hitting me in my head. I was screaming and he said ‘I gon shoot yuh a**’ then he point the gun to me and I begged him not to shoot me,” the woman recounted.

By this time, she said her sister ran out of the house screaming and the men casually walked away as if nothing happened. “They just walked away, they didn’t run… I could’ve run behind them cause they were right there walking,” she noted. Boodhoo pointed out that while the men were unmasked, she could not have seen their faces clearly, as it was dark. She however noted that the men were very young, averaging their ages in their early 20s. She added too that they were very rough with her, slamming her into the car and even though she was bleeding profusely, they still kept hitting her.

Furthermore, the businesswoman related to Guyana Times that the incident was reported to the police and she was given a medical to seek treatment. However, when she arrived at the Georgetown Public Hospital with blood oozing from her head, she was made to sit and wait without anyone even checking the severity of her wounds.

This treatment prompted her to seek medical attention at a private institution, where an X-ray was done and her wounds were stitched. Meanwhile, the Police said that they have since launched an investigation into the matter.

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She however noted that the men were very young, averaging their ages in their early 20s. She added too that they were very rough with her, slamming her into the car and even though she was bleeding profusely, they still kept hitting her.


These might have been the Criminals Grainger released from Prison, seems like President Grainger is releasing Afro Guyanese prisoners to harass and brutalized Indo Guyanese.


Furthermore, the businesswoman related to Guyana Times that the incident was reported to the police and she was given a medical to seek treatment. However, when she arrived at the Georgetown Public Hospital with blood oozing from her head, she was made to sit and wait without anyone even checking the severity of her wounds.


There are  still 140 doctors who has qualified and cannot obtained health care jobs by the present PNC/AFC Government.

Why couldn't the Police accompanied her to seek medical attention. We are heading back to Burnham days ladies and gentlemen. Did anyone remember last week Granger had the military officers accompanied him to visit schools. This is was what PNC use to do and cockeye and Naga only care about themselves. 

Fear is been driven into indo - to leave the country of their birth.
Originally Posted by ian:
Why couldn't the Police accompanied her to seek medical attention. We are heading back to Burnham days ladies and gentlemen. Did anyone remember last week Granger had the military officers accompanied him to visit schools. This is was what PNC use to do and cockeye and Naga only care about themselves. 

Fear is been driven into indo - to leave the country of their birth.

Great point Sir.  I guess these SHAMELESS Bastards suddenly got blind and deaf. Hammie used to walk around with 50 Black Clothes Officers with AK 47.  Coming soon to a village near you!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ian:
Why couldn't the Police accompanied her to seek medical attention. We are heading back to Burnham days ladies and gentlemen. Did anyone remember last week Granger had the military officers accompanied him to visit schools. This is was what PNC use to do and cockeye and Naga only care about themselves. 

Fear is been driven into indo - to leave the country of their birth.

Great point Sir.  I guess these SHAMELESS Bastards suddenly got blind and deaf. Hammie used to walk around with 50 Black Clothes Officers with AK 47.  Coming soon to a village near you!!!

Already happening in a village near you. AFC/PNC scums have destroyed Guyana in less than six months. We are now seeing daylight choke and rob.

Originally Posted by asj:

She however noted that the men were very young, averaging their ages in their early 20s. She added too that they were very rough with her, slamming her into the car and even though she was bleeding profusely, they still kept hitting her.


These might have been the Criminals Grainger released from Prison, seems like President Grainger is releasing Afro Guyanese prisoners to harass and brutalized Indo Guyanese.

man ease up with that poison in your soul. These are 99 percent more probable  to be junkies that infest the place than those 50 or so people Granger released.

Originally Posted by ian:
Everything is supported by American, Canadian and English Government. They were all part of rigging the election.

Your mama told you they rigged the election????


You people come here with your shit that the ABC countries [Not Argentina, Brazil and Columbia,so well described by the educated PPP] rigged the election.


If the PPP was a significant part of the election process. Why was any 'fraud' allowed ? 

Why was the result accepted by Carter and international observers as democratic and fair, separate from the ABC countries ?

The same ABC countries helped the PPP to power in 1992.


Greedy Jagdeo and the PPP are friggin sore losers.


Instead of using their energy to build Guyana, they dwell on this shit that will no longer make a difference and continue to divide the people.

Its in the nature of the PPP to divide and conquer, that will continue to tear Guyana apart.    

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by ian:
Everything is supported by American, Canadian and English Government. They were all part of rigging the election.

Your mama told you they rigged the election????

Mus be de Big Mama.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ramjattan is like a piece of useless garbage, unable to deal with escalating crime.

Yada yada hi dharmasya glanirbhavati bharata

Abhythanamadharmasya tadatmanam srijamyaham
Paritranaya sadhunang vinashay cha dushkritam
Dharmasangsthapanarthay sambhabami yuge yuge
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ian:

Fear is been driven into indo - to leave the country of their birth.

Yo mama tried to leave and she got hit by a parked car.

Was it a 57 DESOTO ?  Me Uncle Enac  had to fix de fenda.

Last edited by Tola

The pattern to target Indians and business people is very alarming. Granger message to Guyanese in Barbados to come home and get rich and let's take back what belong to us is not a coincidence. Releasing criminals is not a coincidence either. People have valid reasons to vent their frustration.


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