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Beware of China’s $$$

MAY 23, 2014 | BY  | FILED UNDER NEWS 

By Howard W. French

“The problem (though not limited to China) is relying on shady arrangements made at the very top of the political system, often in the president’s office itself. Contracts are greased with monetary bribes and other enticements like expense-paid shopping trips to China and scholarships there for elite children.”

(Taken from the New York Times) NAIROBI, Kenya — For nearly a decade, as China made a historic push for business opportunities and expanded influence in Africa, most of the continent’s leaders were so thrilled at having a deep-pocketed partner willing to make big investments and start huge new projects that they rarely paused to consider whether they were getting a sound deal.
China has peppered the continent with newly built stadiums, airports, hospitals, highways and dams, but as Africans are beginning to fully recognize, these projects have also left many countries saddled with heavy debts and other problems, from environmental conflict to labor strife. As a consequence, China’s relationship with the continent is entering a new and much more skeptical phase.
The doubts aren’t coming from any soured feelings from African leaders themselves, most of whom still welcome (and profit from) China’s embrace. The new skepticism has even less to do with the hectoring of Western governments, the traditional source of Africa’s foreign aid and investment (and interference). In a 2012 speech in Senegal, Hillary Rodham Clinton, then secretary of state, implicitly warned Africa about China. The continent needs “a model of sustainable partnership that adds value, rather than extracts it,” she said, adding that unlike other countries, “America will stand up for democracy and universal human rights even when it might be easier to look the other way and keep the resources flowing.”
Some Africans found Mrs. Clinton’s remarks patronizing. What’s most remarkable, however, is how passÉ this now seems, given skepticism about China from Africa’s own increasingly vibrant civil society, which is demanding to know what China’s billions of dollars in infrastructure building, mineral extraction and land acquisition mean for the daily lives and political rights of ordinary Africans.
This represents a tricky and unfamiliar challenge for China’s authoritarian system, whose foreign policy has always focused heavily on state-to-state relations. China’s leaders demonstrate little appreciation of the yawning gulfs that separate African people from their rulers, even in newly democratic countries. Beijing is constitutionally uneasy about dealing with independent actors like advocacy groups, labor unions and independent journalists.
After a decade of bland talk about “win-win” partnerships, China seems finally aware that it needs to improve both the style and substance of its push into Africa. Last week, at the start of a four-country African trip, Prime Minister Li Keqiang acknowledged “growing pains” in the relationship, and the need to “assure our African friends in all seriousness that China will never pursue a colonialist path like some countries did, or allow colonialism, which belongs to the past, to reappear in Africa.”
This language came in belated response to a sea change that arguably began with an op-ed essay last year in The Financial Times by Lamido Sanusi, who was recently suspended as Nigeria’s central bank governor. He wrote: “In much of Africa, they have set up huge mining operations. They have also built infrastructure. But, with exceptions, they have done so using equipment and labor imported from home, without transferring skills to local communities. So China takes our primary goods and sells us manufactured ones. This was also the essence of colonialism.”
Mr. Sanusi’s commentary prompted critical assessments of China’s involvement in countries like Botswana and Namibia, over issues like the takeover of local construction industries, or the proper execution of building projects, working conditions, and the proliferation of Chinese newcomers — many of them illegal migrants — who have begun to dominate low-level commerce in a number of countries.
In Ghana, an estimated 50,000 new migrants, most of whom are said to have hailed from a single county in southern China, showed up recently to conduct environmentally devastating gold mining. This set off a popular outcry that forced the Ghanaian government to respond, resulting in arrests of miners, many of whom are being expelled to China.
In Tanzania, labor unions that have historically been close to the ruling party have strongly criticized the government for opening the floodgates to Chinese petty traders.
In Senegal, neighborhood associations blocked a giant property deal that would have handed over a prime section of downtown real estate to a Chinese developer with a scant track record.
Independent media have played an important role in demanding more scrutiny of government deals with Beijing. A recent op-ed article in one of Kenya’s leading newspapers, The Daily Nation, questioned whether a huge new Chinese investment in a railroad that would run from the coast all the way to landlocked Uganda and beyond was truly a good deal. The project’s first phase will increase Kenya’s external debt by a third.
The writer, David Ndii, noted that Kenya could have sought the financing for a project like this through the World Bank, which would have cost as little as a third of the Chinese commercial loan. But that would have required time-consuming processes, from competitive bidding to rigorous environmental and feasibility studies. Kenya’s Constitution insists on “intergenerational equity,” but also requires that “public money be used in a prudent and responsible manner.” Mr. Ndii asked whether the deal with the Chinese was consistent with either provision.
As someone who recently spent a year traveling widely in Africa to research a book about Beijing’s relations with the continent, I find Mr. Sanusi’s assessment too pessimistic. Yet a dose of caution for Africa, and of public scrutiny about the high-level deal-making underway, was clearly long overdue.
The booming, fast-changing China offers potentially extraordinary upsides to Africa. Without question, the continent is badly in need of more and better infrastructure. Competition among foreign investors holds the prospect of better returns for African states. Immigration, which is the central topic of my own reporting, has begun to create serious tensions between China and its new African partners, but even this is insufficiently recognized for its potential dividends. The spread of trading and business diasporas throughout history, including that of China, have a deep and proven track record for wealth creation, and properly managed, this could prove true for Africa as well.
But because China seems to be in such a hurry, and is so often seen to be looking out for itself, the potential downsides for many Africans have begun more and more to stand out: accelerated environmental destruction via mining and other activities; disregard for labor rights; the hollowing out of local industry; and even the stalling of the continent’s democratization.
This isn’t simply a matter of Beijing’s doing business with odious dictators, whether Omar al-Bashir of Sudan or Robert G. Mugabe of Zimbabwe. From Zaire to Equatorial Guinea to Rwanda, the West clearly has its own deep and insufficiently acknowledged history of doing much the same.
Rather, the problem (though not limited to China) is relying on shady arrangements made at the very top of the political system, often in the president’s office itself. Contracts are greased with monetary bribes and other enticements like expense-paid shopping trips to China and scholarships there for elite children. Adding to the opacity, China typically favors its state-owned companies for African projects and bypasses open, competitive bidding procedures.
The best way for the United States and other rich countries that have economic and political interests in Africa to respond is not by warning Africans about the advance of China — but rather, helping to strengthen African civil society and, thereby, governance. Washington should also encourage China and other up-and-coming players in the international economy, from Brazil to Turkey to Vietnam, to abide by higher transparency standards — and to rigorously abide by them, too.
In the end, though, what will minimize any downsides of China’s involvement in Africa is the deepening of African democracy. Grass-roots activism and vibrant independent media are, everywhere, the ultimate check on corrupt legislators and on foreigners who get lucrative but unsound deals by handing over bags of cash.

Howard W. French is an associate professor of journalism at Columbia University, a former correspondent for The New York Times and the author, most recently, of “China’s Second Continent: How a Million Migrants Are Building a New Empire in Africa.”

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

When you don't mama you have to suck Chinee Grannie.

You may be happy with nonsense sayings but this is serious business. Most of the deals have nothing to do with development but with the availability of funds for unnecessary projects and bribes  to politicians as a lure to get their feet into the door to plunder national resources. Meanwhile they build poorly, use their own cheap labor and we get stuck with the bill. The sugar factory is just an example. And that is only a small  threat from Chinese inroads into the society.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

You have been making all sorts of wild claims of corruption yet you never been able to support any of those claims. You are behaving like those charlatans in media in Guyana. 

You gotta be blind as well as deaf if you think I am telling tall tales. Ifart did not win the lottery, got in on the Facebook IPO. I bet they all sold the one cow they owned to get into this deal because they do seem to be the mysterious rich class! Jagdeo did not even have a bicycle so I wonder what he did? Not a mystery to most Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Name a country where there is no corruption or charges of corruption?

What sort of stupid statement is that? Scarcity is fundamental so why the hell do you go to work? It is within the human psyche to strive for better so if you want to suffocate that on account of a need to bend the knees to those crooks don't come up with a stupid rationalization that corruption exists elsewhere so it is all right if the PPP is corrupt. That is  your way and it is not the right way on by theology, ethical doctrine etc.


America owes China some 14 trillion dollars to date. Stormborn, look in your kitchen, you may find something that made in China. The British stole Africa's wealth. China is investing in Africa for a profit. You don't get money for nothing. The poor African countries are incline to sign contracts with a lot of fine lines, kick backs and bribery. Guyana is a wiser country when doing business with China.


D2, aka Stormborn, is as bogus as paiwari made in China.  I have always held the view that there is corruption in every country in the world. Guyana has corruption but it is nowhere near what the opposition is telling us nor does come even remotely close to what it was under the rule of the PNC. If we replace the PPP with another government we can only expect greater corruption. We don't have a better choice than the PPP at this time. The opposition is corrupted, racist, incompetent, and has no clue on how to build an economy. We had them there for 3 decades and they did a poor job in managing the economy. The PPP is not perfect but it is still the best choice.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

D2, aka Stormborn, is as bogus as paiwari made in China.  I have always held the view that there is corruption in every country in the world. Guyana has corruption but it is nowhere near what the opposition is telling us nor does come even remotely close to what it was under the rule of the PNC. If we replace the PPP with another government we can only expect greater corruption. We don't have a better choice than the PPP at this time. The opposition is corrupted, racist, incompetent, and has no clue on how to build an economy. We had them there for 3 decades and they did a poor job in managing the economy. The PPP is not perfect but it is still the best choice.

When everyone of your politicians become bloated with obscene amounts of cash when they were barely  had a pot to piss in before entering office one does not pontificate on how they got that way.


What makes those gimpex graduates any better prepared to govern than any other person? Get real.


Guyana is obscenely corrupt on every corruption index. That is not unexpected since the government is unaccountable and refuse to account.


These are not Guyanese Chinese we are taking about here.  We share a common culture and historical experience with Guyanese Chinese.  We do not share our culture and experiences with many of these over night rich business class Chinese from Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China many of whom got some really racist views when it come to darker people of color and are no different from a White racist.


The gov't of Guyana revealed the names of the investors in the Marriot Hotel project. The main investors are from Hong Kong. The gov't of Guyana holds about 8% interest in the project through NICIL. The opposition's voices in the media have been screaming about secret investors in the project who they claimed were ministers and the former head of state. It is now clear that those who were making these speculations were trying to score political points. On the other hand, the gov't. must be criticized for taking too long to let the nation know who were the investors in the Marriott. Chinese businessmen from Hong Hong and Taiwan have investments in Jamaica and other Caribbean tourist destinations. Hong Kong and Taiwan were the first countries to invest in mainland China. 


Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

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