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What a lovely life in Guyana under jackass Granger.

Man shot dead, brothers wounded while preparing for dad’s memorial service


-after bandits invade home

 “Just imagine we came for our father’s one year death memorial and now we have to end up burying our brother…” – sibling

Bandits shot an Albion, Berbice man dead and wounded two of his siblings at around 23:30 hrs on Saturday, after storming a Freeman Street, East La Penitence home, at which the victims were planning a memorial service for their father.
Fazal Shaheed, 58, of Lot 61 Cropper Street, Albion, Berbice was shot at least four times, reportedly during a scuffle with two gun-toting bandits, at the Lot 194, Freeman Street residence, where the victims were staying.
Shaheed succumbed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
His younger brother, Tallim Shaheed, 50, of Toronto, Canada, was shot in the back. Shalim Shaheed, 53, of New York, was shot in the abdomen. They have been admitted to the GPHC.
Police have detained a suspect.
Police said that the bandits gained entry into the concrete structure via the southern door which was left open and exited through the north western bedroom. Detectives recovered three spent shells and three warheads from the scene.
Bibi Zalika Shaheed, the mother of the slain man, said that she and other family members were in the kitchen when one of the gunmen scrambled her hair and ordered her to lie on the floor.
“Soon me reach on the ground, I heard the gun go pow pow, pow! And me hear my son them scream. My daughter-in-law, who was lying next to me, seh them (the bandits) gone. So when me reach in the living room, I see blood sprinkling from my son’s body. Imagine they shot meh son and kill him.”
The woman, who will be 82 today, stated: “Is only last year I had to bury my husband. Now this gone and happen, exactly one year after.”

Shot dead: Fazal Shaheed

The injured: Tallim Shaheed

The injured: Shalim Shaheed

The slain man’s wife, Rahima Shaheed, said that she was in the kitchen while her husband was outside cleaning.
“All I remember is seeing a gun in my face and a man wearing a mask standing in front of me. The man told me to go on the ground and don’t make noise.”
The grieving woman said that she was in a state of shock and continued to stand. This angered the bandit, who pushed her to the ground.
After hearing several gunshots, the woman said she waited for a while before entering the living room, where she saw Shalim and Tallim sitting in the chair with blood streaming from their wounds.
The woman added that when she went at the door, she saw her husband’s lifeless body and shouted for neighbours, who helped to take him to the hospital.
But at the hospital, a doctor told her that her husband did not survive.
According to the eldest brother, Raymon Shaheed, some of his relatives who came from overseas, were gathered at the premises in preparation for a memorial service to mark their dad’s first death anniversary.
“There were family and friends over, we were all preparing the sweet meats and food for the service.”
Raymon Shaheed recalled that he and his wife, along with some other relatives, left for his residence at Subryanville, Georgetown, before the attack.

The wife of the slain man

The grieving brother Raymon Shaheed

Distraught mother, Bibi Shaheed

He said that about an hour later, he received a phone call from his sister, who frantically told him that his three brothers were shot and that he needed to return to the East La Penitence residence.
Shaheed said that he drove as fast as he could. But upon arrival at the home he was informed that a taxi had already transported his brothers to the hospital.
The visibly shaken man recounted that when he arrived at the GPHC, he barged into the triage room where he saw his brother, Fazal lying motionless on a bed with about four gunshot wounds. One wound was in the region of his heart.
He added that Shalim was admitted in a critical condition; but is now in a stable condition having undergone surgery yesterday.
He said that his other brother, Tallim, sustained one gunshot wound to his back which exited through his armpit.
“Tallim is doing much better. He recently had a coronary artery bypass (heart surgery) and he requested his medication and some other personal stuff. The entire family is hoping for the best.”
A teary eyed Raymon Shaheed said: “Just imagine we came for our father’s one year death memorial and now we have to end up burying our brother. When I leave last evening, the gate had a padlock; so my assumption is that the bandits had to jump over the fence and when they finish they exited through the back.”
He said that the bandits escaped with his brother’s wedding band and sister’s handbag, they removed from one of the bedrooms.

The house were the robbery/ killing occurred

Commander of Police ‘A’ Division, Marlon Chapman, who was on the scene, said that between 23:30 hrs on Saturday evening and 01:00hrs, the following morning, ranks received a report of an alleged robbery/murder at the location. Commander Chapman said that he received information that the perpetrators were seen entering the house.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Drugb posted:

Indo life especially in Guyana have no value as the slop can boys rather stay away from this topic and discuss trivial matters. 

While President Granger said Guyana need brains,the carnage continues.

You are on my Ignore List,

just to prove your mind is warped,will respond to your post today.

I created a thread 22hrs ago.

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

THis is beyond horrific and sad. It is an absolute DISGRACE to a Country that is beyond Lawless and uncivilized. This will continue as long as a criminal Govt is in power!!

Started under your PPP, remember Minister Sat Sawh?


However, having said that, I certainly agree that more has to be done to combat crime and criminals in Guyana.


Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Meh neighba seh sometimes it is better not to reply to illiterate and dumb people!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why your neighbor erected that fence and  stop speaking with you? 

I did not expect you to know who my neighba talkin about  Clue. a banna from Skeldon prading as a religious and caring fellow but is actually a robber Baron!!!!

Drugb posted:

Indo life especially in Guyana have no value as the slop can boys rather stay away from this topic and discuss trivial matters. 

Ramotar and the PPP pardoned a murderer. You are so right that Indo Life have no value. Look how de PPP did nothing about Sat Sawh and family in a similar attack and murder. The PPP could not even protect their own, a Minister, much less the common man. 

Carry on with your Lil ABC school comments.

Nehru posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Meh neighba seh sometimes it is better not to reply to illiterate and dumb people!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why your neighbor erected that fence and  stop speaking with you? 

I did not expect you to know who my neighba talkin about  Clue. a banna from Skeldon prading as a religious and caring fellow but is actually a robber Baron!!!!

I"m am not in the mood to  stoop to your level so for now I send my best regards to you, hopefully you can correct yourself so your neighbor will start speaking with you .

Our holy and Nobel, Prophet Muhammad  (ON WHOM BE PEACE) says that one must live good with their neighbor.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Meh neighba seh sometimes it is better not to reply to illiterate and dumb people!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why your neighbor erected that fence and  stop speaking with you? 

Square cut for 4

rass Nehru..yuh mek Chief diss yuh like dat

RiffRaff posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Meh neighba seh sometimes it is better not to reply to illiterate and dumb people!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why your neighbor erected that fence and  stop speaking with you? 

Square cut for 4

rass Nehru..yuh mek Chief diss yuh like dat

I tried hitting Nehru outside the boundary!

Chief posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Meh neighba seh sometimes it is better not to reply to illiterate and dumb people!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why your neighbor erected that fence and  stop speaking with you? 

Square cut for 4

rass Nehru..yuh mek Chief diss yuh like dat

I tried hitting Nehru outside the boundary!

You did, gone fo channa with that one, it still going.

RiffRaff posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Meh neighba seh sometimes it is better not to reply to illiterate and dumb people!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why your neighbor erected that fence and  stop speaking with you? 

Square cut for 4

rass Nehru..yuh mek Chief diss yuh like dat

A square cut is a classic delicate stroke. This was more of a Chris Gayle slog over cow corner for six.


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