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Fmr. President Jagdeo named first Chair of Global Green Growth Institute

Fmr. President Bharrat Jagdeo chairing the Global Green Growth meeting

Former President of Guyana Bharrat Jagdeo has won another international acclamation by being elected as the first Chair of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). The assembly of the GGGI is currently being held in Seoul, South Korea which is being attended by the former President and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett.


The Global Green Growth Institute aims to spread green growth models as alternative development strategies and to support emerging countries’ eco-friendly growth.

Green growth is the agenda that responds to both continuous development and climate change, the key issues drawing high interest from developing countries,” said Shin Boo-nam, Seoul’s Green Growth Ambassador.

President Ramotar at the launching of the GGGI in Rio, Brazil

The inaugural Assembly and the Council is being attended by some 300 officials from  many countries


Despite the neemakarams, the WORLD recognise him as an Envirnoment Leader.

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