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Originally Posted by Jalil:


the PPP needs watch in the Mirror

&  to do a self-check,

because it has the biggest kleptos

who came in broke,

riding bikes,

riding in taxis and renting living space.


they have massive bank accounts in Guyana and overseas,


own mansions and luxury vehicles

and they did not achieve those on their basic salaries.


There you go with your idiotic postings again. Why dont you go and read a good book on Guyana or something or do something constructive? 

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


the PPP needs watch in the Mirror

&  to do a self-check,

because it has the biggest kleptos

who came in broke,

riding bikes,

riding in taxis and renting living space.


they have massive bank accounts in Guyana and overseas,


own mansions and luxury vehicles

and they did not achieve those on their basic salaries.


There you go with your idiotic postings again. Why dont you go and read a good book on Guyana or something or do something constructive? 

Is Riffraff Rifffraff when Jalil posts his spam on the board?

Originally Posted by Jalil:


the PPP needs watch in the Mirror

&  to do a self-check,

because it has the biggest kleptos

who came in broke,

riding bikes,

riding in taxis and renting living space.


they have massive bank accounts in Guyana and overseas,


own mansions and luxury vehicles

and they did not achieve those on their basic salaries.



Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Jalil:


the PPP needs watch in the Mirror &  to do a self-check, because it has the biggest kleptos who came in broke, riding bikes, riding in taxis and renting living space.


Today, they have massive bank accounts in Guyana and overseas, own mansions and luxury vehicles and they did not achieve those on their basic salaries.


There you go with your idiotic postings again. Why dont you go and read a good book on Guyana or something or do something constructive? 

It is a valid commentary. The transformation of church mice into fat cats is surprisingly anomalous to any with some reasoning faculty to  conclude un natural acquisition of wealth took place.


It is the ad hoc summary to the picture of their evil and corrupt rule. The particulars may be necessary to explain it all  but the conclusion is self evident. These are crooks you are looking at.


No additional reading is necessary for that conclusion. I suggest you go for a lesson in principles of reasoning if you have doubt. Back track from if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc it is ....?

Last edited by Former Member

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