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Former Member

From Gilbakka's observation tower near the North Pole he can detect a diabolic design by APNU to debunk, demean, demonize and destroy Bharat Jagdeo and Anil Nandlall politically before the 2020 elections campaign begins. Why? Because Bharat and Anil are the top two possible contenders as PPP presidential candidates. And because they possess mass appeal aka the winning touch.

Not for nothing is President attempting to frustrate Bharat, now asking him for curriculum vitae aka resumΓ© of the 6 names submitted in the 2nd list for GECOM Chairman position. Not for nothing Bungling Basil's concerted hounding of Anil.

So, it seems as if the ex-soldiers in commanding positions are charging up their forces with the chant: bharatanil-bharatanil-bharatanil-leftright-leftright- FORWAARDD MARCH!!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Excellent observation Gil and thanks for pointing out the obvious. This is a dictatorship in the making which will destroy Guyana for good. Sometimes a nation has to hit zero before comprehending the impact of a bunch of PNC thugs who have dictatorship etched into their DNA.

You and others were warned about this prior to the election. I can proudly state for the the record that I was 1000 percent correct with my warning about Granger since he was an integral part of the Burnham's Rigging Machinery.

Need I remind anyone about Granger Rigging his own PNC leadership at Congress Place ? He is a master rigger.

He is in the process of executing his Papa Burnham's Rigging plan (Part 2) and no one can do anything about it. But let me make this prediction, if this happens, Guyana will hit ZERO in less than five years after rigging. Venezuela descent despite it's oil resource should serve as a reminder for Guyanese and it's economic collapse will look like child's play compared to what will happen Guyana.


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Blame should be placed on PPP, they had ample time to Constitutionally change the Electoral process.

You are a shameless man. The blame lies on you and others in the AFC who propped up a future dictator. That statement of yours is worse than shameless. 

You are insulting the intelligence of President Carter. Please do not try to rub PNC filth on the PPP.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Excellent observation Gil and thanks for pointing out the obvious. This is a dictatorship in the making which will destroy Guyana for good. Sometimes a nation has to hit zero before comprehending the impact of a bunch of PNC thugs who have dictatorship etched into their DNA.

You and others were warned about this prior to the election. I can proudly state for the the record that I was 1000 percent correct with my warning about Granger since he was an integral part of the Burnham's Rigging Machinery.

Need I remind anyone about Granger Rigging his own PNC leadership at Congress Place ? He is a master rigger.

He is in the process of executing his Papa Burnham's Rigging plan (Part 2) and no one can do anything about it. But let me make this prediction, if this happens, Guyana will hit ZERO in less than five years after rigging. Venezuela descent despite it's oil resource should serve as a reminder for Guyanese and it's economic collapse will look like child's play compared to what will happen Guyana.


Repetitive statements,

none is saying who are to be blamed if APNU plans to rig the elections.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Excellent observation Gil and thanks for pointing out the obvious. This is a dictatorship in the making which will destroy Guyana for good. Sometimes a nation has to hit zero before comprehending the impact of a bunch of PNC thugs who have dictatorship etched into their DNA.

You and others were warned about this prior to the election. I can proudly state for the the record that I was 1000 percent correct with my warning about Granger since he was an integral part of the Burnham's Rigging Machinery.

Need I remind anyone about Granger Rigging his own PNC leadership at Congress Place ? He is a master rigger.

He is in the process of executing his Papa Burnham's Rigging plan (Part 2) and no one can do anything about it. But let me make this prediction, if this happens, Guyana will hit ZERO in less than five years after rigging. Venezuela descent despite it's oil resource should serve as a reminder for Guyanese and it's economic collapse will look like child's play compared to what will happen Guyana.


Repetitive statements,

none is saying who are to be blamed if APNU plans to rig the elections.


yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

Blame should be placed on PPP, they had ample time to Constitutionally change the Electoral process.

You are a shameless man. The blame lies on you and others in the AFC who propped up a future dictator. That statement of yours is worse than shameless. 

You are insulting the intelligence of President Carter.


You can't see far from your nose and there are many like you,

you may think using invectives is smartness in politics.

Tola posted:

Two main leaders knackin heads, instead of kancking glasses of ginger beer and the Guyanese population continue to suffer  in the process.

Any good gun eva come fa Guyana ?  

Hold your horses there Tola. Let us stay objective.

WE are talking about the the dictator Granger's refusal to accept a GECOM Head as required in a formula as set out by President Carter. Granger's intention is quite clear and Gil has pointed out this time and time again. In fact, he predicted the second list will be rejected because Granger already has his candidate in mind and it is one who will assist him with his rigging.

Granger is just stalling to rig. Jagdeo is fulfilling his constitutional responsibility. We need to be more objective every now and then.


The AFC are Chameleons, the have evolved with pitted handouts into PNC, the two swing leaders Moses and Rumjaat are muzzled and lack any representation of their race . The Afros will vote APNU, and the Indians will vote PPP, It left upon Granger how much freebies  he is willing to offer the other races and that will be the determining factor. I can see the PNC will be on a campaign from now to next election to discredit the PPP and especially the leaders, this will be Guyana Style Wikileaks Fake NEWS. Why do you think the AG needs so many Legal Advisors? is to bring members of the Opposition to court accusing them of all sorts of crimes that are not in the Law BOOKS that Anil has, and eventually hope for settlement then label them as criminals.



The Mixed race is actually the new swing voting block and with the extreme hardships and collapse of the economy under the PNC, how do you think that they will vote ? 

The intent by the PNC to paint Anil and Jagdeo negatively will backfire since it will only galvanize the Indo votes. They already see the PNC as racist and oppressive. It will definitely play well into the hands of Blacks who vote PNC.

If fact, if you read today's headlines, you will see that Indos are being portrayed as criminals and drug dealers. This is the main message that the racist PNC is selling to their Black supporters who are actually buying into their racist mantra.

We will have to observe how it plays into the hands of the mixed swing voters who have since expressed regret and disappointment at voting for the so called coalition. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


The Mixed race is actually the new swing voting block and with the extreme hardships and collapse of the economy under the PNC, how do you think that they will vote ? 

The intent by the PNC to paint Anil and Jagdeo negatively will backfire since it will only galvanize the Indo votes. They already see the PNC as racist and oppressive. It will definitely play well into the hands of Blacks who vote PNC.

We will have to observe how it plays into the hands of the mixed swing voters who have since expressed regret and disappointment at voting for the so called coalition. 

Is that the view of the entire Indian population??

or solely your assumption.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


The Mixed race is actually the new swing voting block and with the extreme hardships and collapse of the economy under the PNC, how do you think that they will vote ? 

The intent by the PNC to paint Anil and Jagdeo negatively will backfire since it will only galvanize the Indo votes. They already see the PNC as racist and oppressive. It will definitely play well into the hands of Blacks who vote PNC.

We will have to observe how it plays into the hands of the mixed swing voters who have since expressed regret and disappointment at voting for the so called coalition. 

Is that the view of the entire Indian population??

or solely your assumption.


kp posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


The Mixed race is actually the new swing voting block and with the extreme hardships and collapse of the economy under the PNC, how do you think that they will vote ? 

The intent by the PNC to paint Anil and Jagdeo negatively will backfire since it will only galvanize the Indo votes. They already see the PNC as racist and oppressive. It will definitely play well into the hands of Blacks who vote PNC.

We will have to observe how it plays into the hands of the mixed swing voters who have since expressed regret and disappointment at voting for the so called coalition. 

Is that the view of the entire Indian population??

or solely your assumption.



and...the increasing amount of supporters.

Last edited by Django

Bhai KP,

Please ignore Django. He is not at that level to comprehend the intent of this thread and lacks the ability to engage at the required level of the conversation that will occur at this thread. In fact, his comments appear to derail this thread in quite the opposite direction.

Word of caution for Bhai Django, Please avoid contributing when it acts as a distraction to an excellent thread.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:

Is that the view of the entire Indian population??

or solely your assumption.

Let me give you a hand with that slop can. 

Time will tell, not withstanding rigging, if the Indos who voted PNC are being pushed back into the arms of the PPP.  Even during Ramoutar time the economy was on the way down getting ready to implode with the collapse of Guysuco and the Venezuelan rice deal. 

Where I find fault with the PNC is that they stated that they had the answers, but we haven't seen any so far. 

yuji22 posted:

Bhai KP,

Please ignore Django. He is not at that level to comprehend the intent of this thread and lacks the ability to engage at the required level of the conversation that will occur at this thread. In fact, his comments appear to derail this thread in quite the opposite direction.

Word of caution for Bhai Django, Please avoid contributing when your contribution acts as a distraction to an excellent thread.

Look in the mirror before casting stones.

Suh far you haven't add anything of substance to the current debacle to select GECOM chairman,Granger have the trump card and the truth is PPP is to be blamed,the current crew loved the Burnham Constitution.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

DrugB, that is not fair to rescue Django. This thread is beyond his mental capacity. I hope that your assistance keeps him away from distracting this thread.Bann

Banna stop beating your chest,you just faking.

you are useless when it comes to politics especially in the homeland,

take drugb along with you,the two of you barely reside there alyuh run early.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

DrugB, that is not fair to rescue Django. This thread is beyond his mental capacity. I hope that your assistance keeps him away from distracting this thread.

Ow buddie, if the man lose he paycheck how he guh mine he picknee dem? 

Bhai you are correct. The man took a cow wid calf, he deserves a paycheque.

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

DrugB, that is not fair to rescue Django. This thread is beyond his mental capacity. I hope that your assistance keeps him away from distracting this thread.

Ow buddie, if the man lose he paycheck how he guh mine he picknee dem? 

Bhai you are correct. The man took a cow wid calf, he deserves a paycheque.

Fuh real? No wonder he fell obligated to defend the wickedness of the PNC

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:
yuji22 posted:

DrugB, that is not fair to rescue Django. This thread is beyond his mental capacity. I hope that your assistance keeps him away from distracting this thread.

Ow buddie, if the man lose he paycheck how he guh mine he picknee dem? 

Bhai you are correct. The man took a cow wid calf, he deserves a paycheque.

Don't need pay check,all them picknee are 21 and above.

Come again suru and duru.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Bhai KP,

Please ignore Django. He is not at that level to comprehend the intent of this thread and lacks the ability to engage at the required level of the conversation that will occur at this thread. In fact, his comments appear to derail this thread in quite the opposite direction.

Word of caution for Bhai Django, Please avoid contributing when your contribution acts as a distraction to an excellent thread.

Look in the mirror before casting stones.

Suh far you haven't add anything of substance to the current debacle to select GECOM chairman,Granger have the trump card and the truth is PPP is to be blamed,the current crew loved the Burnham Constitution.

I have never, EVER, seen someone so obsessed with another person's house.  There has to be a name somewhere for this sort of illness.

Bibi Haniffa

The PNC forgot how they were booted from office. This is not the sixties when cold war politics overlooked democratic rule in the interest of the super powers.  Guyana's democratic tradition re-established over the last two decades will not be changed by force and fraud again. Forces within the society will put up a major fight and they will receive international support. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:


I have never, EVER, seen someone so obsessed with another person's house.  There has to be a name somewhere for this sort of illness.

Pradophobia. Coining a word isn't a crime. It's called neologism. Wheneva y'all want a new wurd, just contact gilly. One fine day a gillyism will find its way in the dictionary. Wait and see.

Django suffering from pradophobia; no cure for that sort of mental illness yet.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Is that the view of the entire Indian population??

or solely your assumption.

Let me give you a hand with that slop can. 

Time will tell, not withstanding rigging, if the Indos who voted PNC are being pushed back into the arms of the PPP.  Even during Ramoutar time the economy was on the way down getting ready to implode with the collapse of Guysuco and the Venezuelan rice deal. 

Where I find fault with the PNC is that they stated that they had the answers, but we haven't seen any so far

Well put. When Granger got elected I hoped things would change. Let's see what happens over the next few years. If he proves to be failure, then vote him out. Just not Jagdeo.

GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Is that the view of the entire Indian population??

or solely your assumption.

Let me give you a hand with that slop can. 

Time will tell, not withstanding rigging, if the Indos who voted PNC are being pushed back into the arms of the PPP.  Even during Ramoutar time the economy was on the way down getting ready to implode with the collapse of Guysuco and the Venezuelan rice deal. 

Where I find fault with the PNC is that they stated that they had the answers, but we haven't seen any so far

Well put. When Granger got elected I hoped things would change. Let's see what happens over the next few years. If he proves to be failure, then vote him out. Just not Jagdeo.

Jagdeo was never voted out!!

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Is that the view of the entire Indian population??

or solely your assumption.

Let me give you a hand with that slop can. 

Time will tell, not withstanding rigging, if the Indos who voted PNC are being pushed back into the arms of the PPP.  Even during Ramoutar time the economy was on the way down getting ready to implode with the collapse of Guysuco and the Venezuelan rice deal. 

Where I find fault with the PNC is that they stated that they had the answers, but we haven't seen any so far

Well put. When Granger got elected I hoped things would change. Let's see what happens over the next few years. If he proves to be failure, then vote him out. Just not Jagdeo.

The Guyana economy was tanking during Ramotar's last days and ground to a halt during the first quarter of 2015. In that period, GDP growth shrunk to a meager 0.7%. What I don't see mentioned a lot is the strength in the US dollar over the last two years. The USD dollar index has increased from around 82.00 in 2015 to close to 98.00 currently. It is doing a number on commodity exporting economies like Guyana's. Export prices are depressed and it's putting serious pressure on the Guyana Dollar as well as in other countries in the region whose exports are commodity based. I remember a few years ago when the Canadian Dollar had inched ahead of the US and GNI Canadians were celebrating. Today they can barely get .75 cents for their Loonie. 

Last edited by Mars

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