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Bharrat Jagdeo acquires more Prime Real Estate in Georgetown

December 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 

Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, has acquired even more prime real estate, this time in the posh Queenstown, Georgetown neighbourhood.

The lot 299 Church Street property

The lot 299 Church Street property

According to the Official Gazette, dated December 7, 2013, he acquired the two properties from his friend Brian James. The leases will be passed after December 21, 2013. Brian James is the local partner for Haier, the company that won the contract to supply computers for the One Laptop Per Family programme. It is unclear how much was paid to James by Jagdeo to acquire the two properties. Public record discloses that the transports for the “North halves of lot numbered 299 Church Street and 300 New Garden Street, Queenstown, in the City of Georgetown, in the County of Demerara, Republic of Guyana, with the buildings and erections thereon,” are to be passed on to Jagdeo. The lot 300 New Garden Street property is the building that houses the Bharrat Jagdeo Foundation which he began building after leaving office. The properties are located across the road from, and in the vicinity of the Georgetown Cricket Club, Bourda ground, which Jagdeo’s best friend Dr Ranjisinghi

The lot 300 New Garden Street property where the Bharrat Jagdeo Foundation is located

The lot 300 New Garden Street property where the Bharrat Jagdeo Foundation is located

‘Bobby’ Ramroop recently sought to take control of. The new properties acquired by Jagdeo, would be in addition to the mansion he built at Sparendaam on East Coast Demerara, an area commonly referred to as ‘Pradoville Two.’ How Jagdeo acquired that property was cause for concern when word broke. During the ‘corruption debates’ which were broadcasted live on NCN, Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes had lambasted the saga. Hughes, who had virtually taken on members of the ruling administration by himself on the “corruption debate” had lashed out at the circumstances under which Jagdeo acquired his two-acre plot of land at Sparendaam. According to reports, which were confirmed during last September’s debates, Jagdeo acquired his land at Pradoville Two at a “market value” of $5M per acre, a price that was justified by Attorney General, Anil Nandlall. But when compared with the price that the government is offering land to re-migrants at Providence, East Bank Demerara, Jagdeo and his associates have actually secured a sweetheart deal, Hughes said. In 2010 Jagdeo sold a property he had built in ‘Pradoville One’ for $120M. That property was sold to Ernest Ross, Guyana’s Honorary Consul to Trinidad and Tobago.

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Dem boys seh…People getting rich overnight

December 11, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Jagdeo empire growing. Fuh a man who had nutten before he tun president couple years ago, this man got more than wha some big ones who had real money when dem born.  This man didn’t have no business and he didn’t pursue investment. Fuh sure he didn’t have a goose that lay de golden egg and he family was no Silas Marner. And he was no King Midas who tun everything he touch to gold.  In fact, everything he touch tun to kaka. That is why dem boys want to believe that he was in some business that was not de people’s business at all. Jagdeo build a mansion pun prime real estate on de Sparendaam foreshore. He try fuh tell people that he use he salary, but he legitimate salary couldn’t do that. If perks and hustling and spin-off from project and things like that is salary, then de man do extremely good. That’s a smart man. If dem boys check he friends, dem all think dem smart like Jagdeo. But dem boys want to tell dem that dem ain’t smart. Is just that dem think people stupid. Some stupid, but nah all stupid. Dem got a saying that you can fool some of de people some of de time, but not all de people all de time. Brian James who get de laptop contract and plenty other deals under Jagdeo, transferring two prime property in Queenstown that in he name, to Jagdeo. He got to tell people how much money he get from Jagdeo, or if is a payback fuh dem contract wha he get. Talk half and watch how people getting rich.


Just the latest example of greed by PPP/C leaders who made themselves fat cats while in government.

Fat Cat Jagdeo is now getting two fine kittens in Queenstown.

Gross. Sickening.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Just the latest example of greed by PPP/C leaders who made themselves fat cats while in government.

Fat Cat Jagdeo is now getting two fine kittens in Queenstown.

Gross. Sickening.

Gilbaka, Just asking, are Ex Leaders exempt from Investing in their Country??  This has nothing to do with Jagdeo. As I said before Jagdeo should never invoke Jagan name.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Just the latest example of greed by PPP/C leaders who made themselves fat cats while in government.

Fat Cat Jagdeo is now getting two fine kittens in Queenstown.

Gross. Sickening.

Gilbaka, Just asking, are Ex Leaders exempt from Investing in their Country??  This has nothing to do with Jagdeo. As I said before Jagdeo should never invoke Jagan name.


where exactly is the investment here?

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Just the latest example of greed by PPP/C leaders who made themselves fat cats while in government.

Fat Cat Jagdeo is now getting two fine kittens in Queenstown.

Gross. Sickening.

Gilbaka, Just asking, are Ex Leaders exempt from Investing in their Country??  This has nothing to do with Jagdeo. As I said before Jagdeo should never invoke Jagan name.

Nehru, theoretically ex-leaders are not barred from investing in Guyana.

It is debatable whether Mr Jagdeo's accumulation of wealth is "investing."

Another thing. Presidents Forbes Burnham and  Cheddi Jagan died in office and didn't become ex-leaders.

Presidents Desmond Hoyte and Janet Jagan became ex-leaders but neither was reported to have amassed properties as Mr Jagdeo has done.

Naturally, citizens have a right to be curious and concerned.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Just the latest example of greed by PPP/C leaders who made themselves fat cats while in government.

Fat Cat Jagdeo is now getting two fine kittens in Queenstown.

Gross. Sickening.

Gilbaka, Just asking, are Ex Leaders exempt from Investing in their Country??  This has nothing to do with Jagdeo. As I said before Jagdeo should never invoke Jagan name.

Nehru, theoretically ex-leaders are not barred from investing in Guyana.

It is debatable whether Mr Jagdeo's accumulation of wealth is "investing."

Another thing. Presidents Forbes Burnham and  Cheddi Jagan died in office and didn't become ex-leaders.

Presidents Desmond Hoyte and Janet Jagan became ex-leaders but neither was reported to have amassed properties as Mr Jagdeo has done.

Naturally, citizens have a right to be curious and concerned.


As a Finance expert maybe the man is good at making money. I hope you don't hate Donald Trump, Warren Buffet and others the same way.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Just the latest example of greed by PPP/C leaders who made themselves fat cats while in government.

Fat Cat Jagdeo is now getting two fine kittens in Queenstown.

Gross. Sickening.

Gilbaka, Just asking, are Ex Leaders exempt from Investing in their Country??  This has nothing to do with Jagdeo. As I said before Jagdeo should never invoke Jagan name.

Nehru, theoretically ex-leaders are not barred from investing in Guyana.

It is debatable whether Mr Jagdeo's accumulation of wealth is "investing."

Another thing. Presidents Forbes Burnham and  Cheddi Jagan died in office and didn't become ex-leaders.

Presidents Desmond Hoyte and Janet Jagan became ex-leaders but neither was reported to have amassed properties as Mr Jagdeo has done.

Naturally, citizens have a right to be curious and concerned.


As a Finance expert maybe the man is good at making money. I hope you don't hate Donald Trump, Warren Buffet and others the same way.

yuh either dumb...or just pretending

How exactly is Jagdeo making money? He got these property from someone who got Govt contract...he paid next to nothing...most likely he will turn around and sell it for 10 times over

What is wrong with this picture??


Since when is the purchasing of private property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

Originally Posted by Nehru:


As a Finance expert maybe the man is good at making money. I hope you don't hate Donald Trump, Warren Buffet and others the same way.

Donald Trump and Warren Buffet are not ex-Presidents. They are professional investors with long experience.

Many US Presidents were already millionaires before they assumed office.

Not so with Bharrat Jagdeo. He owned only a backpack with some personal belongings when he became Junior Finance Minister in 1992. Look at him now, 21 years later.

Originally Posted by albert:

Since when is the purchasing of public property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

"purchasing 2 properties" from someone who just won a Govt contract is newsworthy

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by albert:

Since when is the purchasing of public property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

"purchasing 2 properties" from someone who just won a Govt contract is newsworthy

Who two properties did Bharrat purchase from the ONE person who 'just won' a government contract and what contract did that person win?

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Just the latest example of greed by PPP/C leaders who made themselves fat cats while in government.

Fat Cat Jagdeo is now getting two fine kittens in Queenstown.

Gross. Sickening.

Gilbaka, Just asking, are Ex Leaders exempt from Investing in their Country??  This has nothing to do with Jagdeo. As I said before Jagdeo should never invoke Jagan name.

Nehru, theoretically ex-leaders are not barred from investing in Guyana.

It is debatable whether Mr Jagdeo's accumulation of wealth is "investing."

Another thing. Presidents Forbes Burnham and  Cheddi Jagan died in office and didn't become ex-leaders.

Presidents Desmond Hoyte and Janet Jagan became ex-leaders but neither was reported to have amassed properties as Mr Jagdeo has done.

Naturally, citizens have a right to be curious and concerned.


As a Finance expert maybe the man is good at making money. I hope you don't hate Donald Trump, Warren Buffet and others the same way.

yuh either dumb...or just pretending

How exactly is Jagdeo making money? He got these property from someone who got Govt contract...he paid next to nothing...most likely he will turn around and sell it for 10 times over

What is wrong with this picture??

Bannas you really DUMB. You have the Contract for the transaction??? Tell us then how much he paid and what id  the Market Value.

Originally Posted by albert:

Since when is the purchasing of private property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

Is that what the PPP call it now....seeding friends and family business enterprises with state contracts/assets and receiving a return of two  high end houses in the bargain?


Plain and simple the man has exceeded all measures of corruption in the state. He will go down as a simple greedy thief. 

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by albert:

Since when is the purchasing of public property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

"purchasing 2 properties" from someone who just won a Govt contract is newsworthy

Who two properties did Bharrat purchase from the ONE person who 'just won' a government contract and what contract did that person win?

yuh right...he didn't purchase them...they were free

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by albert:

Since when is the purchasing of public property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

"purchasing 2 properties" from someone who just won a Govt contract is newsworthy

Who two properties did Bharrat purchase from the ONE person who 'just won' a government contract and what contract did that person win?

yuh right...he didn't purchase them...they were free

SMH i pity you. Its obvious you're a fool and a hateful fool at that. But to address your insinuation Brain James, the individual who sold the Church St property was not awarded a contract by the GOG to supply laptop computers it was Haier.

Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by albert:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by albert:

Since when is the purchasing of public property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

"purchasing 2 properties" from someone who just won a Govt contract is newsworthy

Who two properties did Bharrat purchase from the ONE person who 'just won' a government contract and what contract did that person win?

yuh right...he didn't purchase them...they were free

SMH i pity you. Its obvious you're a fool and a hateful fool at that. But to address your insinuation Brain James, the individual who sold the Church St property was not awarded a contract by the GOG to supply laptop computers it was Haier.

Again you cuss out the wrong person. That one has to hate to confront the corrupt is fallacious reasoning. That jagdeo is amassing this much wealth when he lived in a coop before he came into office should inform you of his corruption. I guess we would all want friends who sends us 29 tons of swag. We would also want the authority to reward such friends with state assets as though it is our grandfathers patrimony. Of course that is if we were corrupt at heart as this crook.  There is little you can do to allay the reservations in the minds of citizens that there is not naked corruption being expressed here

Originally Posted by albert:

Since when is the purchasing of private property by an ex-president news-worthy material? I guess if you're a disgruntled businessman turned opposition lackey with a sketchy back-tracking past then such news will feature on the front page of your muck-racking tabloid 

Albert, it's muckraking, not muck-racking.

Nothing is wrong with Kaieteur News being a muckraking tabloid. The term muckraking refers to the practice of investigative journalism by reform-minded journalists.

Besides Kaieteur News, the Stabroek News could be considered a muckraking tabloid.

What these two newspapers are printing today is similar in intent and content to that the PPP Mirror and the Catholic Standard newspapers were printing during the erstwhile PNC regime.

The current PPP leadership habitually blames the KN and SN, but these are only messengers passing on news and information to people.

In a democratic society a free and independent press is a given, recognized and respected by whatever political party is in power.

The PPP/C needs to change its mistrusting and bellicose attitude towards KN and SN. These two media houses are not "hostile" as the PPP/C describes them; they are merely doing what newspapers are by nature supposed to do.



* Barath Jagdeo received millions in "gifts" when he was President of Guyana.


* Thanks to the generosity of the givers, Jagdeo has become one of the wealthiest men in Guyana.


* Today Jagdeo is splurging his millions on houses and other material niceties.



Originally Posted by seignet:

That is a different story. Then he accquired those money gifts by denying his citizens good and transparent government. What good is ill-gotten gains-it is cursed. 



* If you kill a man but your conscience is clear---have you sinned ?




* In Jagdeo's case---he collected millions in "gifts"----and he will tell you that his CONSCIENCE is crystal clear----he doesn't feel he has stolen.


* The majority of Guyanese may believe he has stolen---but Jagdeo's conscience is clear.


* And Jagdeo doesn't give a F*** what other think---it's what he thinks that matters to him.


* And Jagdeo thinks he is honest.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* If you kill a man but your conscience is clear---have you sinned ?






What is your authority for making the above statement?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by seignet:

That is a different story. Then he accquired those money gifts by denying his citizens good and transparent government. What good is ill-gotten gains-it is cursed. 



* If you kill a man but your conscience is clear---have you sinned ?




* In Jagdeo's case---he collected millions in "gifts"----and he will tell you that his CONSCIENCE is crystal clear----he doesn't feel he has stolen.


* The majority of Guyanese may believe he has stolen---but Jagdeo's conscience is clear.


* And Jagdeo doesn't give a F*** what other think---it's what he thinks that matters to him.


* And Jagdeo thinks he is honest.



So, the Rev is as honest as the Jagabat?

Originally Posted by Rev:



* We all know you love to fake perfection.


* The Rev has no qualms about admitting his fallibilities.



Who is we? that was not an imperfection. It was misinformation ie noise as opposed to signal.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

As a Finance expert maybe the man is good at making money. I hope you don't hate Donald Trump, Warren Buffet and others the same way.

Let's see:


Business owners - Donald Trump; Warren Buffet


Non-business owner - Bharat Jagdeo (two + terms as President of a country with a GDP of around US $2 billion and 3/4 million people.


Good at making money - Trump; Buffet

Supposedly good at custodian of a country's economy - Jagdeo


Custodian of country = good at making money ????


Lall's obsession and vindictiveness against the former President continues, the Kaieteur News is losing its creditability daily, that papers is no longer regarded as a source of creditable information.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

As a Finance expert maybe the man is good at making money. I hope you don't hate Donald Trump, Warren Buffet and others the same way.

Let's see:


Business owners - Donald Trump; Warren Buffet


Non-business owner - Bharat Jagdeo (two + terms as President of a country with a GDP of around US $2 billion and 3/4 million people.


Good at making money - Trump; Buffet

Supposedly good at custodian of a country's economy - Jagdeo


Custodian of country = good at making money ????

Bhai, The man is a Private Citizen now and seems like a very good Investor. Kari, Do you know how much he paid for the Properties and what are the Market Value?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by seignet:

That is a different story. Then he accquired those money gifts by denying his citizens good and transparent government. What good is ill-gotten gains-it is cursed. 



* If you kill a man but your conscience is clear---have you sinned ?




* In Jagdeo's case---he collected millions in "gifts"----and he will tell you that his CONSCIENCE is crystal clear----he doesn't feel he has stolen.


* The majority of Guyanese may believe he has stolen---but Jagdeo's conscience is clear.


* And Jagdeo doesn't give a F*** what other think---it's what he thinks that matters to him.


* And Jagdeo thinks he is honest.



Guh read Mitwah post on DEATH. Jagdeo goan have to buy millions of cows to bribe the Yama not to swim that river. But with all his bad deeds, even that won't get him a boat ride.

Wah yuh think he will born back az?



Barath Jagdeo has confided to close friends that his Pradoville mansion is haunted.



* He hears footsteps at nights.


* He has security 24 hours a day.


* But security is not inside the house.


* He is scared---he is having sleepless nights.


* And so Barath has bought a new home.




What do you folks think ?





Originally Posted by Rev:

Barath Jagdeo has confided to close friends that his Pradoville mansion is haunted.



* He hears footsteps at nights.


* He has security 24 hours a day.


* But security is not inside the house.


* He is scared---he is having sleepless nights.


* And so Barath has bought a new home.




What do you folks think ?





Maybe CNS obeah him, he dogged the poor man like a brazen whoooore. Or maybe the curses that are heaped upon him. Curses run for seven generation. Again, guh read Mitwah post.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Lall's obsession and vindictiveness against the former President continues, the Kaieteur News is losing its creditability daily, that papers is no longer regarded as a source of creditable information.

Sir, the paper experiences the largest circulation of news print in Guyana and in the diaspora. You as an advocate for credibility has been measured and determined to be wanting.


You cannot sell the same lies over and over that the messengers are unreliable. Let's be real, even on this heavily supported board even from among your loyal cadres they are hard press to deny the Party is corrupt.


This is just a microcosm of the Guyanese universe who are revolted by the PPP autocrats and their massive friends and family enrichment schemes

Originally Posted by seignet:

Maybe CNS obeah him, he dogged the poor man like a brazen whoooore. Or maybe the curses that are heaped upon him. Curses run for seven generation. Again, guh read Mitwah post.






Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the ‘Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.
Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recent as yesterday issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.
Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.
Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews





When the above story broke about the shady deals with high ranking officials of the AFC.......many goons purposely absent themselves from this forum.......Danyeal does it ring a bell?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Chairman of the Alliance for Change (AFC), Nigel Hughes, was appointed as the ‘Secretary’ of the Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the Special Purpose Vehicle/Company created for the development, construction and operation of the US$858M Hydro Power plant.
Executive Member of the AFC, Cathy Hughes, the wife of Nigel Hughes, as recent as yesterday issued a press statement in which she was identified as the Public Relations Officer for Sithe Global, locally.
Party Leader Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted said that he was aware that Hughes has an association with the company but said he did not know that he was Company Secretary.
Excerpts from the Kaieteurnews






When the above story broke about the shady deals with high ranking officials of the AFC.......many goons purposely absent themselves from this forum.......Danyeal does it ring a bell?

 First, Amalia falls was a PPP project. Was it a shady deal? Do you remember who sat squat with his fat self on OMAI's board? Now that is a predatory company if ever there was one. How come they ended up with Demba for a measly 5 million simply to resell it under another name for 45 million or so four years later? Do you smell the putrid stench of the corrupt with you president up to his tonsils in the mess?


Pitiful you! You are left with tales of misappropriation of funds for over pricing bigan...and selling the perception that because Nigil was a secretary of a PPP designed project he was crooked! You are surely doing a doggy paddle in a stream heading for a falls!


Nigel Hughes sat with sealed lips as the hydro company secretary  allegedly collecting millions, but as soon as the news break, he was filled with shame and temporarily resigned from that political gathering...what a shame and disgrace.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Nigel Hughes sat with sealed lips as the hydro company secretary  allegedly collecting millions, but as soon as the news break, he was filled with shame and temporarily resigned from that political gathering...what a shame and disgrace.

Lips open or close he did nothing wrong. I can give you a long list of politicians who served as agents for foreign companies while holding on to government office. Again, why not firm up legislation to create a financial firewall between office holders and companies doing business with the state. Better, legislate it such that no parliamentarian can be a part time parliamentarian by ensuring that he/she participates in no extra parliamentary work while in office....oh that is too simple for you cretins! You argue against what you do as process!


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