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Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Baseman posted:

Alyuh two got the GNI love bug 🐜!!

The man django now threatening to post personal information about me. I waiting for him to start so I can start the ball rolling. 

What ball can you roll ?

you are denying you swam the Demerara River.

Are you denying you had race meet with Nuff ?

Case closed.

He ball gonna roll when Mits start burn dem feathers that he warned druggie about. 

yuji22 posted:
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

That is why Guyanese who support Democrats should remember that they (Democrats) screwed Guyana TWICE

It is still better to support the Democratic Party in America. The Republican Party has become a racist, bigoted and intolerant bunch of SOBs.

I guess it boils down to the lesser of two evils. The Republicans have moved away from it's core values into becoming a racist beast. Very sad.

I am a conservative and look at the current Republican party as a bunch of  old white men who sees America as a white nation. So sad. I hope that they can retool.

I am conservative too and for a long time was an registered Independent. I switched to a Registered Democrat after I became disgusted by the bigoted and intolerant actions of the Republicans. These Republican hypocrites had no problems shutting down the government in 2013 just like they had no problems shutting it down in 1995 for some 3 months. I remember that it was either a few days before or after Christmas when they finally reopened the government in 1995. Now today, they are crying about how the Democrats are punishing the troops. Even McConnell just was crying crocodile tears about punishing the troops. Yet last night when 2 Democratic Senators introduced two separate bills to keep paying the troops while they work on getting the government reopened, McConnell opposed both petition. This same SOB swore that he would make Obama a one term president and after Obama was reelected, he sabotaged everything on Obama's agenda. What a sorry SOB.

yuji22 posted:

Mits and Django better walk carefully otherwise they might be taken to the cleaners in court.

Haul your ass. Druggie was all happy and boasting about  his race with Nuff and his dirty water swim then has the..ahem...balls to say it was not him. He is either a good athlete or a good liar. Which is it?


In reply to a post I read earlier in this thread where it was asked why did President Carter walk out of a meeting he had with the the President of Guyana..Donald Ramotar. He had a dam right to do so after Ramotar walked in with a member of the drug cartel who was also his puppeteer. Which takes us back to the thread heading.

Last edited by cain

Keep talking dem boys seh shyte. 

To date, NONE of your claims or the claims of PPP corruption and involvement in theses types of activities have been proven.

Keep talking shyte.

yuji22 posted:

Totally wrong again. You have no idea what the courts and a judge will do. 

You don't know the laws,do a research you will find out.

I have some legal info and are guided by such.

Last edited by Django

Why don't the writer of this article go to the authorities?  Folks love to write with no supporting evidence.    The most important issue right now is the plight of the Sugar Workers and the Gov't has no strategy to deal with that.  What a way to deflect from the real problem!

Last edited by alena06
Django posted:

Suh what information pulled from public domain will not be claimed by  "you an anonymous poster" will lost with what ever proceedings you have in mind.

You claim to know my identity and said you threatened me with "a few clicks".  Go ahead with your few clicks and let us start the ball rolling. You stoop to getting personal, do so, but be aware it is against forum rules. So suffer the consequences and any other legal penalties applicable from the actual person you set out to scandalize. 

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Totally wrong again. You have no idea what the courts and a judge will do. 

You don't know the laws,do a research you will find out.

I have some legal info and are guided by such.

Repair man turn Lawyer. You are a joker


Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Suh what information pulled from public domain will not be claimed by  "you an anonymous poster" will lost with what ever proceedings you have in mind.

You claim to know my identity and said you threatened me with "a few clicks".  Go ahead with your few clicks and let us start the ball rolling. You stoop to getting personal, do so, but be aware it is against forum rules. So suffer the consequences and any other legal penalties applicable from the actual person you set out to scandalize. 

kp posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

Totally wrong again. You have no idea what the courts and a judge will do. 

You don't know the laws,do a research you will find out.

I have some legal info and are guided by such.

Repair man turn Lawyer. You are a joker


Banna,rest your self.

We live in first world countries,knowledge are abound that can be used for guidelines.

Django posted:

Banna,rest your self.

We live in first world countries,knowledge are abound that can be used for guidelines.

Access to data does not necessarily translate into knowledge. The ability to process the data into useful information is what is important. You apparently lack this ability, that is why you continue to peddle pnc propaganda on this site. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Banna,rest your self.

We live in first world countries,knowledge are abound that can be used for guidelines.

Access to data does not necessarily translate into knowledge. The ability to process the data into useful information is what is important. You apparently lack this ability, that is why you continue to peddle pnc propaganda on this site. 

Poor evaluation try again.

yuji22 posted:

I honestly don't know why Django is still carrying PNC slop after this type of embarrassment at GNI.

Whose slop you are fetching ? and what type of embarrassment may i ask the toddler.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

Banna,rest your self.

We live in first world countries,knowledge are abound that can be used for guidelines.

Access to data does not necessarily translate into knowledge. The ability to process the data into useful information is what is important. You apparently lack this ability, that is why you continue to peddle pnc propaganda on this site. 

Poor evaluation try again.

Djangy bai, all I can advise you is to look to humble gilly and take a cue. The man admit his mistake and went back to his party. I am not saying that you should do the same as I don't believe that the PPP has the nation's best interest at heart, but at least stop fetching PNC slopcan. 


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