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Bharrat Jagdeo is an inveterate liar


If there is any Guyanese out there who thinks that if the PPP returns to power their leaders will remove corruptibility, stop political incestuousness and practice the politics of fair, democratic use of power then such a person is deeply naïve. Mr. Jagdeo’s recent unapologetic stance on his depraved use of power is simply mind-boggling.
First, he said he stands by his distribution of radio licences just before he demitted power. How can any human being be so arrogant and how could any modern society tolerate such a misfit? It is not what Jagdeo said about the radio licence award, it is about what he left out. Any person is a fool to award the accolade of greatest cricketer Guyana produced and leave out, Shiv Chanderpaul. Once his name is omitted then you know the awarder is an evil person.
What Jagdeo failed to tell us, and that is because he is dishonest and indecent, is that there were people who are the Chanderpauls of the communication industry that applied and did not get a licence. The name Enrico Woolford stands out. Mr. Woolford has taken the issue to court. Which one of Jagdeo’s recipients is more entitled to a licence than Woolford? The Stabroek News and the Kaieteur News were rejected and those are large media entities.
Why should any human believe what Jagdeo says? The man is an inveterate liar. He named some recipients of the radio licences and cynically asked if they were his friends, meaning they were not; he mentioned Alfro Alphonso. Why should we believe that Jagdeo and Alphonso are not friends? Jagdeo is the friend of, if not all, then most of Guyana’s multi-billionaires. This is the very man who told the nation that he did not know about the NIS investment in the Berbice Bridge. Which person could be so asinine to believe Jagdeo?
He went on to say that he is unapologetic about the radio licence to the PPP. The danger in such a foolish acknowledgement is that he has now boxed himself in. If you are saying that it is right to offer favours to your party when you are president of the country, then by what logic can you condemn another president for doing the same? But the evil in Jagdeo will not stop him. One can predict that as early as tomorrow, he will condemn the government for appointing someone who is favoured. But here is where Jagdeo’s evil takes on unimaginable dimensions.
Jagdeo is going to denounce the Coalition regime for giving one of their friends a job, and when asked how he squares that with a radio licence for the PPP and two house lots for the PPP at Bath Settlement, he is going to do what Donald Trump does – completely ignore reality. How can a government embark on a housing policy to offer house lots to families to build homes, and the ruling party applies for two house lots, not to build homes, but to set up party offices?
Under the Government’s housing policy those two lots were illegally assigned and should be rescinded. But this faint-hearted administration that is in power will not do so, further emboldening Jagdeo and his PPP acolytes.
The people of Guyana should read over and over the inflexibility of Jagdeo on his immoral radio licence distribution and his attitude to corruption when he was president. It reveals a disturbed mind. This man is not prepared to concede any wrongdoing. He defies the Coalition Government to come up with evidence of corruption. But Jagdeo is well aware that one of his closest Cabinet allies, Dr Jennifer Westford, is before the court charged with embezzlement of over $600 million dollars.
This is the man’s game. He is going to take it right into the middle of the 2020 campaign. The game is to completely deny any wrongdoing, no matter how graphic is the proof. If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.
If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it. If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it. If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself. Varshnie Singh was never invited.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

"If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.

If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it.

If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it.

If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself."

Varshnie Singh was never invited


What can one expect of a con man,that's their style.

Django posted:

"If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.

If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it.

If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it.

If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself."

Varshnie Singh was never invited


What can one expect of a con man,that's their style.

You hit the nail on the head for Freddie!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.

If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it.

If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it.

If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself."

Varshnie Singh was never invited


What can one expect of a con man,that's their style.

You hit the nail on the head for Freddie!

Check at Pradoville 2 ECD .

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.

If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it.

If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it.

If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself."

Varshnie Singh was never invited


What can one expect of a con man,that's their style.

You hit the nail on the head for Freddie!

Check at Pradoville 2 ECD .

Your PNC was installed over a year now. We admit the PPP stole some money and left a lot for 50% raises and sport up and claiming money lost(you know they stole before declaring nothing was left). They never underpaid their debts. Let's concentrate on the plight of the Guyanese population under this kleptomaniac government.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.

If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it.

If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it.

If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself."

Varshnie Singh was never invited


What can one expect of a con man,that's their style.

You hit the nail on the head for Freddie!

Check at Pradoville 2 ECD .

Your PNC was installed over a year now. We admit the PPP stole some money and left a lot for 50% raises and sport up and claiming money lost(you know they stole before declaring nothing was left). They never underpaid their debts. Let's concentrate on the plight of the Guyanese population under this kleptomaniac government.

This Government is by far lesser thieves than the PPP kleptocrats,i am watching them.

Some of the media is trying very hard to pin massive corruption on the gov't,thinking the people will forget the corruption under Jagdeo's PPP tenure.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.

If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it.

If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it.

If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself."

Varshnie Singh was never invited


What can one expect of a con man,that's their style.

You hit the nail on the head for Freddie!

Check at Pradoville 2 ECD .

Your PNC was installed over a year now. We admit the PPP stole some money and left a lot for 50% raises and sport up and claiming money lost(you know they stole before declaring nothing was left). They never underpaid their debts. Let's concentrate on the plight of the Guyanese population under this kleptomaniac government.

This Government is by far lesser thieves than the PPP kleptocrats,i am watching them.

Some of the media is trying very hard to pin massive corruption on the gov't,thinking the people will forget the corruption under Jagdeo's PPP tenure.

Sorry to hear that you condone massive corruption and thievery in an illegally installed government.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:

You hit the nail on the head for Freddie!

Check at Pradoville 2 ECD .

Your PNC was installed over a year now. We admit the PPP stole some money and left a lot for 50% raises and sport up and claiming money lost(you know they stole before declaring nothing was left). They never underpaid their debts. Let's concentrate on the plight of the Guyanese population under this kleptomaniac government.

This Government is by far lesser thieves than the PPP kleptocrats,i am watching them.

Some of the media is trying very hard to pin massive corruption on the gov't,thinking the people will forget the corruption under Jagdeo's PPP tenure.

Pure unadulterated hot air and bull sh1t.  You are shameless, run your sorrowful ass away from the PNC now you kissing their ass but would never set foot, at least not both feet, back under their rule.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:

"If asked about Leslie Ramsammy’s purchase of spy equipment on behalf of the government, in true Trump-like style, he will deny knowledge.

If asked about Henry Greene’s connection to drug traffickers and his defiance of the US Government not to confirm Greene as Commissioner of Police, he will deny it.

If asked whether he refused sound advice to build the Skeldon factory using companies from Brazil and Australia rather than China, he will deny it.

If asked if he ever met Roger Khan he will deny it, even though the post-midnight parties Roger Khan had at the Pegasus were attended by all the big wigs in the Jagdeo regime, including the biggest wig himself."

Varshnie Singh was never invited


What can one expect of a con man,that's their style.

You hit the nail on the head for Freddie!

Check at Pradoville 2 ECD .

Your PNC was installed over a year now. We admit the PPP stole some money and left a lot for 50% raises and sport up and claiming money lost(you know they stole before declaring nothing was left). They never underpaid their debts. Let's concentrate on the plight of the Guyanese population under this kleptomaniac government.

This Government is by far lesser thieves than the PPP kleptocrats,i am watching them.

Some of the media is trying very hard to pin massive corruption on the gov't,thinking the people will forget the corruption under Jagdeo's PPP tenure.

Sorry to hear that you condone massive corruption and thievery in an illegally installed government.

You missed i said I am watching them.

Illegal is PPP smoke screen for their loss,more crying in the future.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:

Sorry to hear that you condone massive corruption and thievery in an illegally installed government.

Guyanese voted for APNU/AFC.  The PPP plot to rig the election by installing fake ballots was exposed.  They whine and cry and refuse to admit that their racist braying caused high turn out in PNC strongholds.

And yet they refuse to learn.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Sorry to hear that you condone massive corruption and thievery in an illegally installed government.

Guyanese voted for APNU/AFC.  The PPP plot to rig the election by installing fake ballots was exposed.  They whine and cry and refuse to admit that their racist braying caused high turn out in PNC strongholds.

And yet they refuse to learn.

You folks are using Jagdeo as a distraction from the incompetency of your PNC crooks. When will you start criticizing them for the bang up job they are doing on the economy while they wait for their oil ship to come in? But that's right you current job description does not allow you to criticize them. 


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