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Bharrat Jagdeo is in no position to criticize the APNU+AFC Government


Dear Editor,
The dishonesty and racism of Former President Jagdeo is second to none.
The Pradoville2 empowerment scheme and abuse of Ministerial power hav given Guyana a small sampling of the plundering of the nation’s wealth. This in time to come will be just one example of the hundreds of crooked deals that occurred under Jagdeo’s reign. Most Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation will come to realise that Jagdeo’s rule will in future be described as the “greatest transfer of State wealth to an ethnic group” in Latin America and the Caribbean. The State Asset Recovery Unity and the Serious Organised Crime Unit will no doubt shed light on the massive criminality that has occurred under the Jagdeo rule. Jadgeo has given new meaning to the American TV ad “friends and family”.
Strangely enough, a large part of his constituency, sugar workers, will also be able to testify about the destruction of Guysuco which now has G$2 billion in death. Jagdeo was an all-powerful President. Everyone knows he was aware of everything that happened in the nation- drug smuggling, money laundering, pilfering of our gold and a proliferation of illegal goods in the marketplace. There are the following; the granting of Guyanese passports to all and sundry;   large acres of lands to friends and family; radio and TV licenses to friends and family; spending billions of tax payer monies that were not approved by Parliament;  massive payments to friends through corrupt procurement and  sole sourcing of  pharmaceutical deals, often prepaid; crooked hidden deals such as providing 200 vehicles duty free to a foreign entity that has broken every promise they made in their investment agreement.
Today, Jagdeo is still trying to steal the minds of Guyanese of Indian and Amerindian origins. His immoral racism during the election period exposed him for what he is. Dr. Kean Gibson has often described Jagdeo’s modus operandi, namely: “racism is itself a political system, a particular power structure of formal and informal rule, socioeconomic privilege, and norms for the differential distribution of material wealth and opportunities, benefits and burdens, rights and duties”. Now to Jagdeo’s current desperate political strategies:
1. Cry racism. Cry that his Indian dominated party was robbed at the last elections. Steal the minds of Indo-Guyanese so they would not want a Government of National Unity.
2. Cry “ethnic cleansing” so that the Government will not fire the cabals Jagdeo has planted in various Ministries who are partners in the crimes against Guyanese. These folks are still there in very high positions running a parallel government and daily sharing information to the crooked, organized networks still in operation. They warn their accomplices about law enforcement and security operations and hide information.
3. Cry Amaila is a great deal. Use this strategy to steal the minds of Amerindians. Tell them this new government is anti-Amerindian. The fact of the matter is that Amaila may be a good technical site for hydro and the new Government may still have it built with a different financial architecture because the current one promoted by Jagdeo is a corrupt one similar to the Marriott deal.
Amaila began as a farce with Flip Motilall being granted a license for millions of US dollars.  What began as a US$15 million dollar road is now over US$40 million. The worse was still to come. The initial Amaila Falls cost was approximately US$585million. Now it is close to US$1 billion. Surely a man of the brilliance of Jadgeo could not have made such a mistake unless it was purposeful. Lots of gravy in the pot.  Why wasn’t there an international call for bidders? Who chose Sithe Global? Who chose China Rail? Is this the Skeldon factory all over again? Is this the Marriott all over again? No. Why no ? Because Amaila was there before both of these financial calamities. It was the motherlode of crooked deals. Luckily, the international community questioned the environmental and financial sustainability of the deal. Luckily Parliament had to vote on it and stopped it dead in its tracks.
Jadgeo says it’s a great deal but doesn’t tell the nation that GPL, would have to pay approximately US$124 million per year for 20 years but GPL will only be to afford US$85 million from its operations . This leaves a gap of US$39 million a year for each of the 20 years. This is 20 times U$39 or US$ 780 million over the life of the payment period.  US$ 780M out of the Treasury. Add this to the G$82 billion for sugar which was under Jagdeo’s watch. Additionally, Amaila would be only replacement power as Guyana would need double the size of the 165 megawatts Amaila would provide. Finally, there is another hidden element in this corrupt deal structure where interest rate for the US$500 million loan is 9% and in which Sithe’s  return is an outragoes 19% for a risk free investment. The true sponsors of Amaila are not Sithe Global but their owner. This company is a venture capital group. Those of us whom have MBAs from credible business schools will know that the Amaila deal can be sold to another company the day after all documents have been signed.
US$124 million for 20 years is US$ 2480 million or US$2.48 billion. A venture capital group can sell this deal which was initially US$1 billion (the Amaila price today) for US$ 2.0 billion to a family company or another partner company. Overnight, this sale would give a windfall profit of US $480 million. The new buyer would then simply treat the annual US124 Million as a mortgage payment. If something like this is possible, no wonder the price of Amaila has escalated from US$ 500 plus to close to US$1 billion. The new Government is doing the right thing. Have a Third Party look at the technical, operational and financial aspects of the current Amaila deal. If it makes technical and environmental sense, the new government can engineer a different capital structure and have an international bidding process. Clean as a whistle. Former President Jagdeo should be the last person to pronounce on any deal.
Eric Phillips



Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mars:

Bharrat Jagdeo is in no position to criticize the APNU+AFC Government


Dear Editor,
The dishonesty and racism of Former President Jagdeo is second to none.
The Pradoville2 empowerment scheme and abuse of Ministerial power hav given Guyana a small sampling of the plundering of the nation’s wealth. This in time to come will be just one example of the hundreds of crooked deals that occurred under Jagdeo’s reign. Most Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation will come to realise that Jagdeo’s rule will in future be described as the “greatest transfer of State wealth to an ethnic group” in Latin America and the Caribbean. The State Asset Recovery Unity and the Serious Organised Crime Unit will no doubt shed light on the massive criminality that has occurred under the Jagdeo rule. Jadgeo has given new meaning to the American TV ad “friends and family”.
Strangely enough, a large part of his constituency, sugar workers, will also be able to testify about the destruction of Guysuco which now has G$2 billion in death. Jagdeo was an all-powerful President. Everyone knows he was aware of everything that happened in the nation- drug smuggling, money laundering, pilfering of our gold and a proliferation of illegal goods in the marketplace. There are the following; the granting of Guyanese passports to all and sundry;   large acres of lands to friends and family; radio and TV licenses to friends and family; spending billions of tax payer monies that were not approved by Parliament;  massive payments to friends through corrupt procurement and  sole sourcing of  pharmaceutical deals, often prepaid; crooked hidden deals such as providing 200 vehicles duty free to a foreign entity that has broken every promise they made in their investment agreement.
Today, Jagdeo is still trying to steal the minds of Guyanese of Indian and Amerindian origins. His immoral racism during the election period exposed him for what he is. Dr. Kean Gibson has often described Jagdeo’s modus operandi, namely: “racism is itself a political system, a particular power structure of formal and informal rule, socioeconomic privilege, and norms for the differential distribution of material wealth and opportunities, benefits and burdens, rights and duties”. Now to Jagdeo’s current desperate political strategies:
1. Cry racism. Cry that his Indian dominated party was robbed at the last elections. Steal the minds of Indo-Guyanese so they would not want a Government of National Unity.
2. Cry “ethnic cleansing” so that the Government will not fire the cabals Jagdeo has planted in various Ministries who are partners in the crimes against Guyanese. These folks are still there in very high positions running a parallel government and daily sharing information to the crooked, organized networks still in operation. They warn their accomplices about law enforcement and security operations and hide information.
3. Cry Amaila is a great deal. Use this strategy to steal the minds of Amerindians. Tell them this new government is anti-Amerindian. The fact of the matter is that Amaila may be a good technical site for hydro and the new Government may still have it built with a different financial architecture because the current one promoted by Jagdeo is a corrupt one similar to the Marriott deal.
Amaila began as a farce with Flip Motilall being granted a license for millions of US dollars.  What began as a US$15 million dollar road is now over US$40 million. The worse was still to come. The initial Amaila Falls cost was approximately US$585million. Now it is close to US$1 billion. Surely a man of the brilliance of Jadgeo could not have made such a mistake unless it was purposeful. Lots of gravy in the pot.  Why wasn’t there an international call for bidders? Who chose Sithe Global? Who chose China Rail? Is this the Skeldon factory all over again? Is this the Marriott all over again? No. Why no ? Because Amaila was there before both of these financial calamities. It was the motherlode of crooked deals. Luckily, the international community questioned the environmental and financial sustainability of the deal. Luckily Parliament had to vote on it and stopped it dead in its tracks.
Jadgeo says it’s a great deal but doesn’t tell the nation that GPL, would have to pay approximately US$124 million per year for 20 years but GPL will only be to afford US$85 million from its operations . This leaves a gap of US$39 million a year for each of the 20 years. This is 20 times U$39 or US$ 780 million over the life of the payment period.  US$ 780M out of the Treasury. Add this to the G$82 billion for sugar which was under Jagdeo’s watch. Additionally, Amaila would be only replacement power as Guyana would need double the size of the 165 megawatts Amaila would provide. Finally, there is another hidden element in this corrupt deal structure where interest rate for the US$500 million loan is 9% and in which Sithe’s  return is an outragoes 19% for a risk free investment. The true sponsors of Amaila are not Sithe Global but their owner. This company is a venture capital group. Those of us whom have MBAs from credible business schools will know that the Amaila deal can be sold to another company the day after all documents have been signed.
US$124 million for 20 years is US$ 2480 million or US$2.48 billion. A venture capital group can sell this deal which was initially US$1 billion (the Amaila price today) for US$ 2.0 billion to a family company or another partner company. Overnight, this sale would give a windfall profit of US $480 million. The new buyer would then simply treat the annual US124 Million as a mortgage payment. If something like this is possible, no wonder the price of Amaila has escalated from US$ 500 plus to close to US$1 billion. The new Government is doing the right thing. Have a Third Party look at the technical, operational and financial aspects of the current Amaila deal. If it makes technical and environmental sense, the new government can engineer a different capital structure and have an international bidding process. Clean as a whistle. Former President Jagdeo should be the last person to pronounce on any deal.
Eric Phillips



He is an opposition leader and a representative of 50%. This makes no sense.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Bharrat Jagdeo is in no position to criticize the APNU+AFC Government


Dear Editor,
The dishonesty and racism of Former President Jagdeo is second to none.
The Pradoville2 empowerment scheme and abuse of Ministerial power hav given Guyana a small sampling of the plundering of the nation’s wealth. This in time to come will be just one example of the hundreds of crooked deals that occurred under Jagdeo’s reign. Most Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation will come to realise that Jagdeo’s rule will in future be described as the “greatest transfer of State wealth to an ethnic group” in Latin America and the Caribbean. The State Asset Recovery Unity and the Serious Organised Crime Unit will no doubt shed light on the massive criminality that has occurred under the Jagdeo rule. Jadgeo has given new meaning to the American TV ad “friends and family”.
Strangely enough, a large part of his constituency, sugar workers, will also be able to testify about the destruction of Guysuco which now has G$2 billion in death. Jagdeo was an all-powerful President. Everyone knows he was aware of everything that happened in the nation- drug smuggling, money laundering, pilfering of our gold and a proliferation of illegal goods in the marketplace. There are the following; the granting of Guyanese passports to all and sundry;   large acres of lands to friends and family; radio and TV licenses to friends and family; spending billions of tax payer monies that were not approved by Parliament;  massive payments to friends through corrupt procurement and  sole sourcing of  pharmaceutical deals, often prepaid; crooked hidden deals such as providing 200 vehicles duty free to a foreign entity that has broken every promise they made in their investment agreement.
Today, Jagdeo is still trying to steal the minds of Guyanese of Indian and Amerindian origins. His immoral racism during the election period exposed him for what he is. Dr. Kean Gibson has often described Jagdeo’s modus operandi, namely: “racism is itself a political system, a particular power structure of formal and informal rule, socioeconomic privilege, and norms for the differential distribution of material wealth and opportunities, benefits and burdens, rights and duties”. Now to Jagdeo’s current desperate political strategies:
1. Cry racism. Cry that his Indian dominated party was robbed at the last elections. Steal the minds of Indo-Guyanese so they would not want a Government of National Unity.
2. Cry “ethnic cleansing” so that the Government will not fire the cabals Jagdeo has planted in various Ministries who are partners in the crimes against Guyanese. These folks are still there in very high positions running a parallel government and daily sharing information to the crooked, organized networks still in operation. They warn their accomplices about law enforcement and security operations and hide information.
3. Cry Amaila is a great deal. Use this strategy to steal the minds of Amerindians. Tell them this new government is anti-Amerindian. The fact of the matter is that Amaila may be a good technical site for hydro and the new Government may still have it built with a different financial architecture because the current one promoted by Jagdeo is a corrupt one similar to the Marriott deal.
Amaila began as a farce with Flip Motilall being granted a license for millions of US dollars.  What began as a US$15 million dollar road is now over US$40 million. The worse was still to come. The initial Amaila Falls cost was approximately US$585million. Now it is close to US$1 billion. Surely a man of the brilliance of Jadgeo could not have made such a mistake unless it was purposeful. Lots of gravy in the pot.  Why wasn’t there an international call for bidders? Who chose Sithe Global? Who chose China Rail? Is this the Skeldon factory all over again? Is this the Marriott all over again? No. Why no ? Because Amaila was there before both of these financial calamities. It was the motherlode of crooked deals. Luckily, the international community questioned the environmental and financial sustainability of the deal. Luckily Parliament had to vote on it and stopped it dead in its tracks.
Jadgeo says it’s a great deal but doesn’t tell the nation that GPL, would have to pay approximately US$124 million per year for 20 years but GPL will only be to afford US$85 million from its operations . This leaves a gap of US$39 million a year for each of the 20 years. This is 20 times U$39 or US$ 780 million over the life of the payment period.  US$ 780M out of the Treasury. Add this to the G$82 billion for sugar which was under Jagdeo’s watch. Additionally, Amaila would be only replacement power as Guyana would need double the size of the 165 megawatts Amaila would provide. Finally, there is another hidden element in this corrupt deal structure where interest rate for the US$500 million loan is 9% and in which Sithe’s  return is an outragoes 19% for a risk free investment. The true sponsors of Amaila are not Sithe Global but their owner. This company is a venture capital group. Those of us whom have MBAs from credible business schools will know that the Amaila deal can be sold to another company the day after all documents have been signed.
US$124 million for 20 years is US$ 2480 million or US$2.48 billion. A venture capital group can sell this deal which was initially US$1 billion (the Amaila price today) for US$ 2.0 billion to a family company or another partner company. Overnight, this sale would give a windfall profit of US $480 million. The new buyer would then simply treat the annual US124 Million as a mortgage payment. If something like this is possible, no wonder the price of Amaila has escalated from US$ 500 plus to close to US$1 billion. The new Government is doing the right thing. Have a Third Party look at the technical, operational and financial aspects of the current Amaila deal. If it makes technical and environmental sense, the new government can engineer a different capital structure and have an international bidding process. Clean as a whistle. Former President Jagdeo should be the last person to pronounce on any deal.
Eric Phillips



He is an opposition leader and a representative of 50%. This makes no sense.

Not only that, the CLUELESS FOOLS and 2 House Slaves has no plan, direction or knowledge of correcting things. WE all knew Jagdeo make some bad decisions.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Bharrat Jagdeo is in no position to criticize the APNU+AFC Government


Dear Editor,
The dishonesty and racism of Former President Jagdeo is second to none.
The Pradoville2 empowerment scheme and abuse of Ministerial power hav given Guyana a small sampling of the plundering of the nation’s wealth. This in time to come will be just one example of the hundreds of crooked deals that occurred under Jagdeo’s reign. Most Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation will come to realise that Jagdeo’s rule will in future be described as the “greatest transfer of State wealth to an ethnic group” in Latin America and the Caribbean. The State Asset Recovery Unity and the Serious Organised Crime Unit will no doubt shed light on the massive criminality that has occurred under the Jagdeo rule. Jadgeo has given new meaning to the American TV ad “friends and family”.
Strangely enough, a large part of his constituency, sugar workers, will also be able to testify about the destruction of Guysuco which now has G$2 billion in death. Jagdeo was an all-powerful President. Everyone knows he was aware of everything that happened in the nation- drug smuggling, money laundering, pilfering of our gold and a proliferation of illegal goods in the marketplace. There are the following; the granting of Guyanese passports to all and sundry;   large acres of lands to friends and family; radio and TV licenses to friends and family; spending billions of tax payer monies that were not approved by Parliament;  massive payments to friends through corrupt procurement and  sole sourcing of  pharmaceutical deals, often prepaid; crooked hidden deals such as providing 200 vehicles duty free to a foreign entity that has broken every promise they made in their investment agreement.
Today, Jagdeo is still trying to steal the minds of Guyanese of Indian and Amerindian origins. His immoral racism during the election period exposed him for what he is. Dr. Kean Gibson has often described Jagdeo’s modus operandi, namely: “racism is itself a political system, a particular power structure of formal and informal rule, socioeconomic privilege, and norms for the differential distribution of material wealth and opportunities, benefits and burdens, rights and duties”. Now to Jagdeo’s current desperate political strategies:
1. Cry racism. Cry that his Indian dominated party was robbed at the last elections. Steal the minds of Indo-Guyanese so they would not want a Government of National Unity.
2. Cry “ethnic cleansing” so that the Government will not fire the cabals Jagdeo has planted in various Ministries who are partners in the crimes against Guyanese. These folks are still there in very high positions running a parallel government and daily sharing information to the crooked, organized networks still in operation. They warn their accomplices about law enforcement and security operations and hide information.
3. Cry Amaila is a great deal. Use this strategy to steal the minds of Amerindians. Tell them this new government is anti-Amerindian. The fact of the matter is that Amaila may be a good technical site for hydro and the new Government may still have it built with a different financial architecture because the current one promoted by Jagdeo is a corrupt one similar to the Marriott deal.
Amaila began as a farce with Flip Motilall being granted a license for millions of US dollars.  What began as a US$15 million dollar road is now over US$40 million. The worse was still to come. The initial Amaila Falls cost was approximately US$585million. Now it is close to US$1 billion. Surely a man of the brilliance of Jadgeo could not have made such a mistake unless it was purposeful. Lots of gravy in the pot.  Why wasn’t there an international call for bidders? Who chose Sithe Global? Who chose China Rail? Is this the Skeldon factory all over again? Is this the Marriott all over again? No. Why no ? Because Amaila was there before both of these financial calamities. It was the motherlode of crooked deals. Luckily, the international community questioned the environmental and financial sustainability of the deal. Luckily Parliament had to vote on it and stopped it dead in its tracks.
Jadgeo says it’s a great deal but doesn’t tell the nation that GPL, would have to pay approximately US$124 million per year for 20 years but GPL will only be to afford US$85 million from its operations . This leaves a gap of US$39 million a year for each of the 20 years. This is 20 times U$39 or US$ 780 million over the life of the payment period.  US$ 780M out of the Treasury. Add this to the G$82 billion for sugar which was under Jagdeo’s watch. Additionally, Amaila would be only replacement power as Guyana would need double the size of the 165 megawatts Amaila would provide. Finally, there is another hidden element in this corrupt deal structure where interest rate for the US$500 million loan is 9% and in which Sithe’s  return is an outragoes 19% for a risk free investment. The true sponsors of Amaila are not Sithe Global but their owner. This company is a venture capital group. Those of us whom have MBAs from credible business schools will know that the Amaila deal can be sold to another company the day after all documents have been signed.
US$124 million for 20 years is US$ 2480 million or US$2.48 billion. A venture capital group can sell this deal which was initially US$1 billion (the Amaila price today) for US$ 2.0 billion to a family company or another partner company. Overnight, this sale would give a windfall profit of US $480 million. The new buyer would then simply treat the annual US124 Million as a mortgage payment. If something like this is possible, no wonder the price of Amaila has escalated from US$ 500 plus to close to US$1 billion. The new Government is doing the right thing. Have a Third Party look at the technical, operational and financial aspects of the current Amaila deal. If it makes technical and environmental sense, the new government can engineer a different capital structure and have an international bidding process. Clean as a whistle. Former President Jagdeo should be the last person to pronounce on any deal.
Eric Phillips



He is an opposition leader and a representative of 50%. This makes no sense.

Individuals who make their abode in vitreous edifices would be advised to refrain from catapulting petrous projectiles.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Bharrat Jagdeo is in no position to criticize the APNU+AFC Government


Dear Editor,
The dishonesty and racism of Former President Jagdeo is second to none.
The Pradoville2 empowerment scheme and abuse of Ministerial power hav given Guyana a small sampling of the plundering of the nation’s wealth. This in time to come will be just one example of the hundreds of crooked deals that occurred under Jagdeo’s reign. Most Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation will come to realise that Jagdeo’s rule will in future be described as the “greatest transfer of State wealth to an ethnic group” in Latin America and the Caribbean. The State Asset Recovery Unity and the Serious Organised Crime Unit will no doubt shed light on the massive criminality that has occurred under the Jagdeo rule. Jadgeo has given new meaning to the American TV ad “friends and family”.
Strangely enough, a large part of his constituency, sugar workers, will also be able to testify about the destruction of Guysuco which now has G$2 billion in death. Jagdeo was an all-powerful President. Everyone knows he was aware of everything that happened in the nation- drug smuggling, money laundering, pilfering of our gold and a proliferation of illegal goods in the marketplace. There are the following; the granting of Guyanese passports to all and sundry;   large acres of lands to friends and family; radio and TV licenses to friends and family; spending billions of tax payer monies that were not approved by Parliament;  massive payments to friends through corrupt procurement and  sole sourcing of  pharmaceutical deals, often prepaid; crooked hidden deals such as providing 200 vehicles duty free to a foreign entity that has broken every promise they made in their investment agreement.
Today, Jagdeo is still trying to steal the minds of Guyanese of Indian and Amerindian origins. His immoral racism during the election period exposed him for what he is. Dr. Kean Gibson has often described Jagdeo’s modus operandi, namely: “racism is itself a political system, a particular power structure of formal and informal rule, socioeconomic privilege, and norms for the differential distribution of material wealth and opportunities, benefits and burdens, rights and duties”. Now to Jagdeo’s current desperate political strategies:
1. Cry racism. Cry that his Indian dominated party was robbed at the last elections. Steal the minds of Indo-Guyanese so they would not want a Government of National Unity.
2. Cry “ethnic cleansing” so that the Government will not fire the cabals Jagdeo has planted in various Ministries who are partners in the crimes against Guyanese. These folks are still there in very high positions running a parallel government and daily sharing information to the crooked, organized networks still in operation. They warn their accomplices about law enforcement and security operations and hide information.
3. Cry Amaila is a great deal. Use this strategy to steal the minds of Amerindians. Tell them this new government is anti-Amerindian. The fact of the matter is that Amaila may be a good technical site for hydro and the new Government may still have it built with a different financial architecture because the current one promoted by Jagdeo is a corrupt one similar to the Marriott deal.
Amaila began as a farce with Flip Motilall being granted a license for millions of US dollars.  What began as a US$15 million dollar road is now over US$40 million. The worse was still to come. The initial Amaila Falls cost was approximately US$585million. Now it is close to US$1 billion. Surely a man of the brilliance of Jadgeo could not have made such a mistake unless it was purposeful. Lots of gravy in the pot.  Why wasn’t there an international call for bidders? Who chose Sithe Global? Who chose China Rail? Is this the Skeldon factory all over again? Is this the Marriott all over again? No. Why no ? Because Amaila was there before both of these financial calamities. It was the motherlode of crooked deals. Luckily, the international community questioned the environmental and financial sustainability of the deal. Luckily Parliament had to vote on it and stopped it dead in its tracks.
Jadgeo says it’s a great deal but doesn’t tell the nation that GPL, would have to pay approximately US$124 million per year for 20 years but GPL will only be to afford US$85 million from its operations . This leaves a gap of US$39 million a year for each of the 20 years. This is 20 times U$39 or US$ 780 million over the life of the payment period.  US$ 780M out of the Treasury. Add this to the G$82 billion for sugar which was under Jagdeo’s watch. Additionally, Amaila would be only replacement power as Guyana would need double the size of the 165 megawatts Amaila would provide. Finally, there is another hidden element in this corrupt deal structure where interest rate for the US$500 million loan is 9% and in which Sithe’s  return is an outragoes 19% for a risk free investment. The true sponsors of Amaila are not Sithe Global but their owner. This company is a venture capital group. Those of us whom have MBAs from credible business schools will know that the Amaila deal can be sold to another company the day after all documents have been signed.
US$124 million for 20 years is US$ 2480 million or US$2.48 billion. A venture capital group can sell this deal which was initially US$1 billion (the Amaila price today) for US$ 2.0 billion to a family company or another partner company. Overnight, this sale would give a windfall profit of US $480 million. The new buyer would then simply treat the annual US124 Million as a mortgage payment. If something like this is possible, no wonder the price of Amaila has escalated from US$ 500 plus to close to US$1 billion. The new Government is doing the right thing. Have a Third Party look at the technical, operational and financial aspects of the current Amaila deal. If it makes technical and environmental sense, the new government can engineer a different capital structure and have an international bidding process. Clean as a whistle. Former President Jagdeo should be the last person to pronounce on any deal.
Eric Phillips



He is an opposition leader and a representative of 50%. This makes no sense.

Individuals who make their abode in vitreous edifices would be advised to refrain from catapulting petrous projectiles.

too many large words here a professor or something??

Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

Basementman would like us to forget:  the record of his friends; Lamumba, Kwame, Hamilton, Kit Nascimento, Norman McClean, Edgehill, Witicka and Bynoe and keep supporting the PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

I wasn't aware of this.


Let us now watch the PPP soap opera where Gajraj and Teixeira sue each other, over corrupt events of the PPP era!

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

The boat is sinking and the rats are clawing each other, as they attempt to escape.


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

The boat is sinking and the rats are clawing each other, as they attempt to escape.


Dream on Caribj, but I know you are smarter than that.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

The boat is sinking and the rats are clawing each other, as they attempt to escape.


Dream on Caribj, but I know you are smarter than that.

We see how Ramo was unceremoniously kicked off and forced to swim /float ashore. The PPP is slowly imploding.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

The boat is sinking and the rats are clawing each other, as they attempt to escape.


Dream on Caribj, but I know you are smarter than that.

Robert Persaud disappeared, last seen begging Naga for a wuk.


Teixeira cuss out Gajraj, screaming that he was corrupt and played around with criminals and drug lords.  Gajraj slaps a law suit on her.


Poor Elisabeth spends her days begging Granger to forgive her for assuming that he would lose, apologizing for trying to drink PPP soup when APNU soup would have been better for her.


The rats are eating each other.  Let Jagdeo get a jail sentence and the whole baby party collapses, as it is only fear of him, which prevents a wholesale defection.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

The boat is sinking and the rats are clawing each other, as they attempt to escape.


Dream on Caribj, but I know you are smarter than that.

Robert Persaud disappeared, last seen begging Naga for a wuk.


Teixeira cuss out Gajraj, screaming that he was corrupt and played around with criminals and drug lords.  Gajraj slaps a law suit on her.


Poor Elisabeth spends her days begging Granger to forgive her for assuming that he would lose, apologizing for trying to drink PPP soup when APNU soup would have been better for her.


The rats are eating each other.  Let Jagdeo get a jail sentence and the whole baby party collapses, as it is only fear of him, which prevents a wholesale defection.

Odinga Lumumba too...

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Every time BJ open his mouth, the PNC and their sidekick scurry for cover.

Is dat why Jagdeo, Ramotar and Rohee are contradicting each other with conflicting statements.

Will the real leader of the PPP, please stand up.   

The boat is sinking and the rats are clawing each other, as they attempt to escape.


Dream on Caribj, but I know you are smarter than that.

Robert Persaud disappeared, last seen begging Naga for a wuk.

Aya answer my friend J now

Where is De Campaign Manager?


Teixeira cuss out Gajraj, screaming that he was corrupt and played around with criminals and drug lords.  Gajraj slaps a law suit on her.

Crab Louse... Aya answer my friend J now

Where is the Chief Judge who

Charge, Convict & Condemn

Ramjattan on Charges of Exposing Corruption

and carrying the news to US & British

Them.... Expel him from PPP



Poor Elisabeth spends her days begging Granger to forgive her for assuming that he would lose, apologizing for trying to drink PPP soup when APNU soup would have been better for her.

Funny Fellas...Aya answer my friend J now

Where is Elizabeth Harper...

Aya na ah hang mala pun de Queen...

Aya Na ah Pooja de Homan na mo...

Aya thief Money and bring she NY...

Aya go Bring she again to merika

fuh de Local Govt Elections in Guyana


The rats are eating each other.  Let Jagdeo get a jail sentence and the whole baby party collapses, as it is only fear of him, which prevents a wholesale defection.

Prostitutes, Pimps & Pantymen....

Aya answer my friend J now

wha aya gon do .....

when dem Jail Jagdeo soon....


Bharat Jagdeo is the Leader of the Opposition and has all the rights under the constitution to criticize and expose the Government for their inept attitude towards east Indians in Guyana. The Government so far has done nothing to improve the economic situation in the Country but instead they have doled themselves out millions of tax payers money.    The PPP will rise again.   Some day Ramjattan will realize what he has dome and what he is doing to Indians in Guyana.   The table will turn again.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Bharat Jagdeo is the Leader of the Opposition and has all the rights under the constitution to criticize and expose the Government for their inept attitude towards east Indians in Guyana. The Government so far has done nothing to improve the economic situation in the Country but instead they have doled themselves out millions of tax payers money.    The PPP will rise again.   Some day Ramjattan will realize what he has dome and what he is doing to Indians in Guyana.   The table will turn again.

When will the PPP stop being a Indian party and also include other races ?

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Bharat Jagdeo is the Leader of the Opposition and has all the rights under the constitution to criticize and expose the Government for their inept attitude towards east Indians in Guyana. The Government so far has done nothing to improve the economic situation in the Country but instead they have doled themselves out millions of tax payers money.    The PPP will rise again.   Some day Ramjattan will realize what he has dome and what he is doing to Indians in Guyana.   The table will turn again.

Look at how Bharat Jagdeo have Indians living in abject poverty.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Bharat Jagdeo is the Leader of the Opposition and has all the rights under the constitution to criticize and expose the Government for their inept attitude towards east Indians in Guyana. The Government so far has done nothing to improve the economic situation in the Country but instead they have doled themselves out millions of tax payers money.    The PPP will rise again.   Some day Ramjattan will realize what he has dome and what he is doing to Indians in Guyana.   The table will turn again.

Look at how Bharat Jagdeo have Indians living in abject poverty.

Jagdeo taught his followers to look out for their 'cut' first, so anything legit in Guyana was compromised with corruption. While the poor who cant afford the bribes, remain in poverty.  

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Bharat Jagdeo is the Leader of the Opposition and has all the rights under the constitution to criticize and expose the Government for their inept attitude towards east Indians in Guyana.

And how come when the PNC did the same in terms of how the PPP treated blacks you all called them terrorists.


Listen if you want your Little India there is a village in Bihar or UP waiting for you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Bharat Jagdeo is the Leader of the Opposition and has all the rights under the constitution to criticize and expose the Government for their inept attitude towards east Indians in Guyana.

And how come when the PNC did the same in terms of how the PPP treated blacks you all called them terrorists.


Listen if you want your Little India there is a village in Bihar or UP waiting for you.

They might even demand their return passage from the indenture program.  

Originally Posted by Mars:

Bharrat Jagdeo is in no position to criticize the APNU+AFC Government


Dear Editor,
The dishonesty and racism of Former President Jagdeo is second to none.
The Pradoville2 empowerment scheme and abuse of Ministerial power hav given Guyana a small sampling of the plundering of the nation’s wealth. This in time to come will be just one example of the hundreds of crooked deals that occurred under Jagdeo’s reign. Most Guyanese, regardless of political affiliation will come to realise that Jagdeo’s rule will in future be described as the “greatest transfer of State wealth to an ethnic group” in Latin America and the Caribbean. The State Asset Recovery Unity and the Serious Organised Crime Unit will no doubt shed light on the massive criminality that has occurred under the Jagdeo rule. Jadgeo has given new meaning to the American TV ad “friends and family”.
Strangely enough, a large part of his constituency, sugar workers, will also be able to testify about the destruction of Guysuco which now has G$2 billion in death. Jagdeo was an all-powerful President. Everyone knows he was aware of everything that happened in the nation- drug smuggling, money laundering, pilfering of our gold and a proliferation of illegal goods in the marketplace. There are the following; the granting of Guyanese passports to all and sundry;   large acres of lands to friends and family; radio and TV licenses to friends and family; spending billions of tax payer monies that were not approved by Parliament;  massive payments to friends through corrupt procurement and  sole sourcing of  pharmaceutical deals, often prepaid; crooked hidden deals such as providing 200 vehicles duty free to a foreign entity that has broken every promise they made in their investment agreement.
Today, Jagdeo is still trying to steal the minds of Guyanese of Indian and Amerindian origins. His immoral racism during the election period exposed him for what he is. Dr. Kean Gibson has often described Jagdeo’s modus operandi, namely: “racism is itself a political system, a particular power structure of formal and informal rule, socioeconomic privilege, and norms for the differential distribution of material wealth and opportunities, benefits and burdens, rights and duties”. Now to Jagdeo’s current desperate political strategies:
1. Cry racism. Cry that his Indian dominated party was robbed at the last elections. Steal the minds of Indo-Guyanese so they would not want a Government of National Unity.
2. Cry “ethnic cleansing” so that the Government will not fire the cabals Jagdeo has planted in various Ministries who are partners in the crimes against Guyanese. These folks are still there in very high positions running a parallel government and daily sharing information to the crooked, organized networks still in operation. They warn their accomplices about law enforcement and security operations and hide information.
3. Cry Amaila is a great deal. Use this strategy to steal the minds of Amerindians. Tell them this new government is anti-Amerindian. The fact of the matter is that Amaila may be a good technical site for hydro and the new Government may still have it built with a different financial architecture because the current one promoted by Jagdeo is a corrupt one similar to the Marriott deal.
Amaila began as a farce with Flip Motilall being granted a license for millions of US dollars.  What began as a US$15 million dollar road is now over US$40 million. The worse was still to come. The initial Amaila Falls cost was approximately US$585million. Now it is close to US$1 billion. Surely a man of the brilliance of Jadgeo could not have made such a mistake unless it was purposeful. Lots of gravy in the pot.  Why wasn’t there an international call for bidders? Who chose Sithe Global? Who chose China Rail? Is this the Skeldon factory all over again? Is this the Marriott all over again? No. Why no ? Because Amaila was there before both of these financial calamities. It was the motherlode of crooked deals. Luckily, the international community questioned the environmental and financial sustainability of the deal. Luckily Parliament had to vote on it and stopped it dead in its tracks.
Jadgeo says it’s a great deal but doesn’t tell the nation that GPL, would have to pay approximately US$124 million per year for 20 years but GPL will only be to afford US$85 million from its operations . This leaves a gap of US$39 million a year for each of the 20 years. This is 20 times U$39 or US$ 780 million over the life of the payment period.  US$ 780M out of the Treasury. Add this to the G$82 billion for sugar which was under Jagdeo’s watch. Additionally, Amaila would be only replacement power as Guyana would need double the size of the 165 megawatts Amaila would provide. Finally, there is another hidden element in this corrupt deal structure where interest rate for the US$500 million loan is 9% and in which Sithe’s  return is an outragoes 19% for a risk free investment. The true sponsors of Amaila are not Sithe Global but their owner. This company is a venture capital group. Those of us whom have MBAs from credible business schools will know that the Amaila deal can be sold to another company the day after all documents have been signed.
US$124 million for 20 years is US$ 2480 million or US$2.48 billion. A venture capital group can sell this deal which was initially US$1 billion (the Amaila price today) for US$ 2.0 billion to a family company or another partner company. Overnight, this sale would give a windfall profit of US $480 million. The new buyer would then simply treat the annual US124 Million as a mortgage payment. If something like this is possible, no wonder the price of Amaila has escalated from US$ 500 plus to close to US$1 billion. The new Government is doing the right thing. Have a Third Party look at the technical, operational and financial aspects of the current Amaila deal. If it makes technical and environmental sense, the new government can engineer a different capital structure and have an international bidding process. Clean as a whistle. Former President Jagdeo should be the last person to pronounce on any deal.
Eric Phillips



What horse shyte from ERIC.  Bharat is the elected LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION.  IS ERIC HEAD BORE?


The job of the opposition is to expose, oppose and depose.  I think Jagdeo is doing a great job at getting his message out.


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