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May 18, 2017 Source

Dear Editor,
As a Guyanese youth I am both sickened and amused at the shameless duplicity of Bharrat Jagdeo and his hypocritical posturing of support for the decriminalising of marijuana.
This is to date his cheapest shot at attempting to gain political mileage. It is Alliance for Change’s member, Michael Carrington, who, in the proposed Narcotics Drug and PsychotropicSubstances (Control) (Amendment) Bill 2015, introduced to the National Assembly, whose thunder Jagdeo is attempting to steal.
It is commendable that Jagdeo would see value in anything coming from the Government’s side of the House. But, it is instructive to note that from 1993 when he became a Member of Parliament and especially from 1999 to 2011 when he served as President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, Jagdeo not only was disinterested in the decriminalisation of marijuana, but gave every intention to make its use, sale and cultivation a criminal offence.
As recent as 2011, at the launch of Guyana’s activities to celebrate the United Nations-designated International Year of the People of African Descent, he told the gathering at the then International Conference Centre of mostly Rastafarians that the promise to legalise marijuana could not be assured. He clearly had no intention to decriminalisethe plant.
Now, faced with declining support and battling with the loss of trust of the PPP over wanton rape of the national coffers, Jagdeo is now reinventing himself as a supporter of a cause of the youth and also large portions of Guyanese of African descent, like for instance Rastafarians.
But it is Jagdeo who presided over the Ronald Gajraj/Roger Khan episode of extermination of more than 400 Guyanese young men, most of whom were of African descent.
Where was this sentiment for our youth when Yohance Douglas and Shaka Blake were murdered at the hands of the police? Jagdeo’s expression is nothing but empty, noisy klaxon fishing for sympathy and votes.
Again on July 9th, 2011, Jagdeo could be quoted saying that he thinks the “marijuana business” would “outlive his presidency” and that there will be “no change in the law whilst I am here”. Truth be told, Jagdeo was never concerned that “somebody has a tiny bit of cigarette, one marijuana cigarette and they get sentenced to three years”. The youths of Guyana are not easily fooled by Jagdeo’s attempt to steal the lime light from Carrington and the AFC.

Cynthia Rutherford
President, Youths for Change
Alliance for Change

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Politics, like Life, is not static or fossilized. Changing conditions call for changing attitudes and responses. In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got elected to office by campaigning for the conditional decriminalization of marijuana. Politicians in other countries are adopting Trudeau's stance. Jagdeo is a politician. Why shouldn't he come aboard today, regardless of what he said or did yesteryear? People, especially those with vested interests in marijuana consumption, should be happy that Jagdeo has joined their cause. Lip service? Aaahhhh, all politicians do that.

Gilbakka posted:

Politics, like Life, is not static or fossilized. Changing conditions call for changing attitudes and responses. In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got elected to office by campaigning for the conditional decriminalization of marijuana. Politicians in other countries are adopting Trudeau's stance. Jagdeo is a politician. Why shouldn't he come aboard today, regardless of what he said or did yesteryear? People, especially those with vested interests in marijuana consumption, should be happy that Jagdeo has joined their cause. Lip service? Aaahhhh, all politicians do that.

That's exactly what I said in another thread. Politicians always try to reinvent themselves. They need votes to win election...unless you are like Burnham (and now Granger) trying to rig yourself to the presidency. Do we crucify them when they change their positions or laud them for seeing the light?

Rutherford and others like her keep spreading this myth that the PPP killed 400 Africans when the PPP was in office. Does she care that some of them were criminals operating out of Buxton as freedom fighters like Freddie Kissoon said? Or that many Indian businessmen were killed during this period? Is she at all considerate of the fact that the Burnham regime started the violation of the rights of Africans and Indians? Is she considerate of the fact that many of the people being discriminated against today are Indians and Amerindians? Is she considerate of the fact that this government seems to ignore the fact that Indians and Amerindians also live in this country? Is she considerate of the fact that the military, police, civil service and key positions in government, all powerful positions, are all controlled by Africans?

We all know Jagdeo was and is still a flawed character, and I for one would hate to see him return to power (the PPP needs to cultivate new leadership) but I am beginning to think that some people hate this banna so much because they are afraid of him.

One thing for sure, Guyana has too many haters...all of whom are cockeyed and can only see half of reality...this is why this country will go to the dogs.


cain posted:

I heard BRB found some jobs for you porters in National Park.

I have put in my years of work to enjoy my retirement. Don't need a job. All I need now is to hold on to my lady and watch the sun set. You might want to supplement your income.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

I heard BRB found some jobs for you porters in National Park.

I have put in my years of work to enjoy my retirement. Don't need a job. All I need now is to hold on to my lady and watch the sun set. You might want to supplement your income.

you watching the sun set and you blind like a bat 

skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai, like you visiting the man's house when he is not at home. Is what you up to now Bhai ?

fool i live in guyana you wata wash collie too scare to step foot in GT 

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

All politicians are crooks, except for Jimmy Carter. Do you know of any other politician in the PNC who is not a crook?

Nehru posted:


Soon, you will have to take groceries, school books and school clothes  etc, when the man is not at home. Make sure you take lots of cooking oil.

warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai, like you visiting the man's house when he is not at home. Is what you up to now Bhai ?

fool i live in guyana you wata wash collie too scare to step foot in GT 

Why not? You family waiting to choke us and take our wallets, watches, necklaces, rings, shoes and clothes. In other words, we will be walking naked in GT after you family is done with us.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

All politicians are crooks, except for Jimmy Carter. Do you know of any other politician in the PNC who is not a crook?

no do you know any in the ppp that is not a crook

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

All politicians are crooks, except for Jimmy Carter. Do you know of any other politician in the PNC who is not a crook?

no do you know any in the ppp that is not a crook

Bai, nah mek me get pun you rass today. U handastan wah "ALL" mean?

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai, like you visiting the man's house when he is not at home. Is what you up to now Bhai ?

fool i live in guyana you wata wash collie too scare to step foot in GT 

Why not? You family waiting to choke us and take our wallets, watches, necklaces, rings, shoes and clothes. In other words, we will be walking naked in GT after you family is done with us.

start shopping in the dollar store and you will not get rob

warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai, like you visiting the man's house when he is not at home. Is what you up to now Bhai ?

fool i live in guyana you wata wash collie too scare to step foot in GT 

Yuji travels in Guyana with a paid private company entourage. You and your wata wash boys are not even fit to wash the entourage SUV.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

All politicians are crooks, except for Jimmy Carter. Do you know of any other politician in the PNC who is not a crook?

no do you know any in the ppp that is not a crook

Bai, nah mek me get pun you rass today. U handastan wah "ALL" mean?

i was hoping you say that now why the rass you supporting them spend your time hunting wild cabbage with your shot gun 

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai, like you visiting the man's house when he is not at home. Is what you up to now Bhai ?

fool i live in guyana you wata wash collie too scare to step foot in GT 

Why not? You family waiting to choke us and take our wallets, watches, necklaces, rings, shoes and clothes. In other words, we will be walking naked in GT after you family is done with us.

start shopping in the dollar store and you will not get rob

I do that already. As stupid as your family is they think all the shiny stuff is gold and diamond.

yuji22 posted:
warrior posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai, like you visiting the man's house when he is not at home. Is what you up to now Bhai ?

fool i live in guyana you wata wash collie too scare to step foot in GT 

Yuji travels in Guyana with a paid private company entourage. You and your wata wash boys are not even fit to wash the entourage SUV.

you mean a male  escort service 

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:

I heard BRB found some jobs for you porters in National Park.

I have put in my years of work to enjoy my retirement. Don't need a job. All I need now is to hold on to my lady and watch the sun set. You might want to supplement your income.

you watching the sun set and you blind like a bat 

Ask yourself if you will live to reach my age and if you do, will you need glasses. I function fully well without glasses.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

All politicians are crooks, except for Jimmy Carter. Do you know of any other politician in the PNC who is not a crook?

no do you know any in the ppp that is not a crook

Bai, nah mek me get pun you rass today. U handastan wah "ALL" mean?

i was hoping you say that now why the rass you supporting them spend your time hunting wild cabbage with your shot gun 

Better than putting your brand on other people calves and calling them yours. Heard a bounty is out for the calf thief.

skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

All politicians are crooks, except for Jimmy Carter. Do you know of any other politician in the PNC who is not a crook?

no do you know any in the ppp that is not a crook

Bai, nah mek me get pun you rass today. U handastan wah "ALL" mean?

i was hoping you say that now why the rass you supporting them spend your time hunting wild cabbage with your shot gun 

Better than putting your brand on other people calves and calling them yours. Heard a bounty is out for the calf thief.

well with you hunting wild cabbage with your shot gun and i stealing calves no wonder yugi have time to post shit on GNI nobody is there to stop him

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Better than putting your brand on other people calves and calling them yours. Heard a bounty is out for the calf thief.

well with you hunting wild cabbage with your shot gun and i stealing calves no wonder yugi have time to post shit on GNI nobody is there to stop him

Can you send me a picture of what wild cabbage looks like, so I don't shoot at them?

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Cynthia Rutherford is another niggro who writes kaka and have Django fetch her slop can.

Everybody was willing to give Jagdeo a chance. As I remember it here when he was appointed only Rabid insist he will turn out to be deceptive since he started out that way. I can go back and find a thread from the nineties to that effect.

Jagdeo is just who he is a crook

All politicians are crooks, except for Jimmy Carter. Do you know of any other politician in the PNC who is not a crook?

no do you know any in the ppp that is not a crook

Live or dead?....Jagan, probably the only one in all of Guyana


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