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Bharrat Lie-Nell Jagdeo is back


De only thing dem boys nah know is when dem gun dead, and if dem try hard dem gun know. When dem tell people that not every sentence, but every word that come out of Jagdeo mouth is a lie, plenty people believe, but some people cuss dem boys. Even de Chat-3 cuss dem. Donald too seh that dem boys get personal wid Jagdeo because dem don’t like him.
Well yesterday, de whole nation see, hear and even smell fuh demself. Two weeks ago, Jagdeo stand up and tell de nation that he ain’t deh pun no list, that he ain’t interested in public office.
When Donald hand in de list yesterday dem boys want to know if Donald does do voodoo. Dem see Bharrat Jagdeo pun de list, but did not know was this scamp, because his middle name –Lie-Nell— wasn’t there. It had to be that he, Lie-Nell, obeah Donald.
Now dem boys know that when Jagdeo seh that he didn’t want a third term, he was lying through he teeth. He playing Russian roulette wid de country.
Dem boys hear that he gun mek Harper step down as Prime Minister and he gun step in, just like when Janet did step aside and let de li’l boy pass. That is how he tun president.
He tell de nation that he gun go personally to fix that Jhan Jaat wha he give Guyana— de Skeldon factory— wid he own hands. He never go to see de factory.
He tell de nation that he spend US$200 million; dem boys know that is a lie, that he mek a hustle.  De NIS $69M flat building wha really cost $10 million, he promise to investigate. He never send nobody. He even cuss Luncheon fuh releasing de contract.
He lie bout de airport; he lie bout duty free concession; he lie bout Bai Shan Lin; he lie bout Vitarna; he lie bout de Specialty Hospital; he lie bout de Sun and Sand hotel wha disappear from de earth. He lie bout everything under de sun.
He lie bout de low carbon strategy which he seh was he baby. That thing did belong to Cheddi and Navin—all two of dem gone to de Great Beyond.
He lie bout fighting against corruption. He lie bout early Local Government Elections. He lie bout Public Procurement Commission.
He lie so much that he lie and seh that a close female family dead. Dem had a big wake. De funeral day dem was carrying out de coffin from de house when dem bounce a wall going through de door.
De lady was only in a coma and he did know; suh when dem bounce de wall she wake up and start fuh kick up in de coffin. She live fuh another ten years.
When she dead de other day and dem carrying she through de same door, he holler, “You-all be careful by that doorway. De last time she wake up.”
Talk half and look out fuh Bharrat Lie-Nell Jagdeo.

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Media Monitoring Unit: Jagdeo’s remarks were racially divisive

Posted By Staff Writer On April 8, 2015 @ 5:22 am In Local News | No Comments

The Media Monitoring Unit (MMU) of the Guyana Elections Commission says controversial remarks by President Bharrat Jagdeo at Port Mourant on March 8 were racially divisive.

In its first report on the media’s coverage of the election campaign, the MMU yesterday addressed the public outcry over the remarks by Jagdeo at a commemoration ceremony for late President, Dr Cheddi Jagan.

Noting that the entire speech by Jagdeo had been broadcast by state television, NCN, the MMU said that this opened the way for it to address the matter.

It noted that the controversial section of the speech went as follows:

“…but they consistently, they shout about racism of the PPP, but they practise racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro- Guyanese villages and beat some drums at 6 O’clock in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up, go out and vote, throw out the coolie people. That’s the kind of language they use. Anybody from our party who uses that sort of language, we will kick them out. This is our approach.” [Source: NCN TV, March 9, 2015].

After reviewing the remarks made, the MMU said it took the position that it was obvious that. Jagdeo “was using a racial mobilization incident that allegedly occurred during the 2011 elections [which, for the record, was the first time such details were ever publicly disclosed by anyone from the ruling PPP/C, the opposition political parties, local civil society, international elections observers, or the media] to make the point that racism will not be tolerated by his political party, the PPP/C. On the face of it, this is salutary. However, what was palpably disconcerting about the remarks made, is where they were uttered, the occasion on which they were stated, and the immediate receptors of the message.”

It said that Jagdeo’s comments could not be viewed in isolation from the environment in which they were uttered, noting that he was speaking in a known PPP/C stronghold, before a predominantly East Indian audience, and in a highly-charged political and ethnic environment.

“Taking into consideration the historically and politically influenced divisions that persists up to now between Africans and East Indians in this country, and which are usually more pronounced during elections periods, the Unit came to the conclusion that the anecdotal illustration used by Dr. Jagdeo to make his point about racism, boomeranged disastrously, since it came over as a calculated exploitation, for political purposes, of the known fears and insecurities of one section of the population – East Indians.

“It is within the foregoing context that the Unit verily concluded that the remarks made by Dr. Jagdeo were racially divisive (probably, not intentionally), and should have been edited by all sections of the media that broadcast or printed the remarks verbatim. The airing/publication of the comments as is, was a breach of Section B (1) of the MCC, which states inter alia, that the media should `…refrain from publishing or broadcasting any matter with the potential for, or likelihood of promoting or inciting hatred of any kind (including ethnic and political hatred)…’”

The unit noted that two television stations aired Jagdeo’s speech in- extenso, whilst one newspaper and some on-line news sites carried only the excerpted part as quoted above. At the same time, the MMU observed that many media houses from both the state and private media shied away from reproducing the full speech or the contentious part thereof. It said that the actions of these media houses should not go unmentioned and it commended them for this.

Despite the widespread criticism of his remarks, at a press conference on March 10, Jagdeo defended his presentation, saying that he was “proud” of raising the issue of race.

He said that by using a derogatory term for Indo-Guyanese, he was bringing light to “whisper campaigns” utilised by the opposition. He said that media entities were misguided in inferring that he was implying that the People’s Progressive Party is a race-oriented party.

When asked by Stabroek News for proof of racial incitements by the opposition in the 2011 general election, Jagdeo could provide none. He said that the evidence was there and his claim that opposition leaders ventured into villages beating drums and making racial remarks could be substantiated. The former president blamed the opposition for initially engaging in race-baiting citing his unsubstantiated claims of drum beating in villages prior to the 2011 general elections.

He said “They did it in South (Ruimveldt). I hope this doesn’t happen these elections because they did the last elections. We know racism exists we know they use that language to campaign but if we use it we are exacerbating it?

“You should really go after the people who used it in a derogatory way not me who is trying to fight this… Now when I want to fight that you are saying it’s some evidence of some divisiveness …

“I believe that the mere fact we are talking about it here today gives hope that everybody will be vigilant on the campaign, that we don’t use that language. And you as well as me will keep your ears open also for the whisper campaign.

“From the last election to now I can bring maybe five persons who can say we have heard this in our homes or heard that, the drum beating people walking to their homes and saying and shouting this. Would that be enough for you? Or does the Stabroek News want me to sign it and have it notarized and stuff like that?”

Originally Posted by Chief:

As far as I am concerned President Jagdeo is very smart. He reminds me of the late President  LFS Burnham.

He can out wit his opponents just like Forbes.

Mr. Jagdeo as a private citizen owes nothing to anyone, he can say what he wants and do what he wants. The only people have concerns are the ones feels threatened by his return to politics and they are the opposition.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Chief:

As far as I am concerned President Jagdeo is very smart. He reminds me of the late President  LFS Burnham.

He can out wit his opponents just like Forbes.

Mr. Jagdeo as a private citizen owes nothing to anyone, he can say what he wants and do what he wants. The only people have concerns are the ones feels threatened by his return to politics and they are the opposition.

Why do you think the opposition feels threatened because Jagdeo is like Burnham.


Nobody is afraid of Jagdeo. You guys call him Fagdeo on GNI.  So he is a big joke for smart people.


Jagdeo vulgarizes the Jaganite brand, and remind people of why we now hate the PPP/K.


Jagdeo is working for us in the Coalition.  Every time he opens his mouth, he helps our cause. May 12, he will get a thank you letter from us, for helping us sweep the Presidency and Parliament.


The Jagdeoite brand is bad for business.


Jagdeo controls the PPP because he bought everybody out and took over the Central Committee.


His brand helps the Coalition very much.  Thank you Champion of the Earth!

Like a good neighbor, Jagdeo is on our side!


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