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Kari posted:

Not yet. She wins Pennsylvania and by midnight we'll know if she hangs on in Michigan. That's all she needs to scrape by. She can lose Florida(still close) and  Ohio (which she's lost).

Come the morning I wonder if you will understand how foolish you looked. No she didn't win PA because she under performed in Democratic strongholds, and got stomped in places where the GOP wins. We now have the Trump Democrat.

But then I told you of the Midwest surprise. I figured she might lose either PA or MI. I didn't think that she would lose PA, MI, WI.

ba$eman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He gets to name the Supreme Court judges.  He will pick the best.  No politics.  Republican President.  Republican Senate. Republican House.  Is a lil dangerous though.  You need lil checks and balances.

He is not the arrogant Obama, he is a deal maker.  I'm sure he will respect the office and understand the limits of his mandate.  He has defied the odds, he will be a president for the people.

You all just bought a box with a pretty package. When you open it and a serpents jumps out and bites you don't blame me.

I am going to prepare for a recession even worse than what Bush left.

Because one thing we can be sure of with a GOP president. Recessions and senseless wars.

VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have never received one penny for kickbacks from the PPP or any government or party in or out of Guyana.  I personally financed my university education through scholarships and my own earnings.  And I work for a private company that has no government affiliation.

Well good for you.  So PM me your real name nah?  I think you are a smart person and I am puzzled by you support for the corrupt PPP.

You are puzzled because you are a nit-wit retard!!  It takes very little to puzzle you.  Go take your meds!!

ba$eman posted:
VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I have never received one penny for kickbacks from the PPP or any government or party in or out of Guyana.  I personally financed my university education through scholarships and my own earnings.  And I work for a private company that has no government affiliation.

Well good for you.  So PM me your real name nah?  I think you are a smart person and I am puzzled by you support for the corrupt PPP.

You are puzzled because you are a nit-wit retard!!  It takes very little to puzzle you.  Go take your meds!!

Dude, he is an engineer with and advance degree what are you? bean counting is addition and subtraction so that barely counts for anything. You idiots like to pretend you are smart when in reality you are nits.


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