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Jalil posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Noel Holder should be ashamed to face those rice farmers in that community.  Two of them are dead and then he shows up.

Ashamed for what?

Don't politize their death please.

Django de Brother Munir and Sister Jamila 

were decent people.

Dead couple: Mohamed and Bibi Jamila Munir


Mohamed and Bibi Jamila Munir

 were proudly Marry.


They were life Partners

Ready for a long day in the backdam. 

Brother Munir Protected his wife...


he never claim they were not legally marry

or lock her out of the bedroom.




Now... Noel Holder has nothing to be ashamed of....

He Never Claim Bamboo Wedding is not Legal


Noel Holder never practice

none of them Nastiness to accommodate Kwame ....


Bibi need to stop using these tragedy on GNI

to Promote and Defend Jagdeo

and Stop attacking the Govt.





Part of the crowd that attended the funeral.


Part of the crowd that attended the funeral.

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

Dead couple: Mohamed and Bibi Jamila Munir

Oh Lord.....medication time now!!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Noel Holder should be ashamed to face those rice farmers in that community.  Two of them are dead and then he shows up.

Since when you determine who should attend a funeral in Guyana....

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Jalil posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Noel Holder should be ashamed to face those rice farmers in that community.  Two of them are dead and then he shows up.

Ashamed for what?

Don't politize their death please.



Part of the crowd that attended the funeral.

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

Dead couple: Mohamed and Bibi Jamila Munir

Oh Lord.....medication time now!!!!!


Haniffa got no Shame...

She love, defend and practice Kwameism...


Haniffa think.....Noel Holder Must be ashamed

because Jagdeo lie about his marriage to a woman.


Noel Holder did not stop Pundit Reep

from Registering the Wedding.


Noel Holder did not give Kwame everything

and Neglected his wife.

RiffRaff posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Noel Holder should be ashamed to face those rice farmers in that community.  Two of them are dead and then he shows up.

Since when you determine who should attend a funeral in Guyana....

But some would like to make this decision for others, stupidly even to their own funeral.

Animosity has its consequences.   


Ok, let me set the record straight once and for all.  I never said who should attend and who should not attend.  What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers.  I would never disrespect the dead, especially these two people who were icons in their community.  I have shown the utmost respect to these two people and I made that very clear several times in this thread.  Those of you who want to twist what I said and take it out of context should read it again.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok, let me set the record straight once and for all.  I never said who should attend and who should not attend. 

But you said Noel Holder who attended should be ashamed..... tell us why?

What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers. 

You did not hope the death of these good people teach Jagdeo a lesson on how to live a decent and honest life.

I would never disrespect the dead, especially these two people who were icons in their community. 

But you just forgot to mention  "Bibi Hanifa" is not "Bibi Jamila Munir"

I have shown the utmost respect to these two people and I made that very clear several times in this thread. 

You should have said you will try to stop lieing and being Dishonest.... and "Like all of us just..... have respect for our sister  Bibi Jamila Munir and pray for her.... instead of using this tragedy to praise Jagdeo and attacking Minister Noel Holder and the Govt

Those of you who want to twist what I said and take it out of context should read it again.

No one but you... been twisting anything... you started with the Heading at the very top.

Tell us why you refused to use the Headline for the Kaiteur News article you copy and paste at the top of this thread.

Here is the Headline of the Kaiteur article

Rice-farming woman blazes trail in ‘a man’s world’

March 21, 2010 | By | Filed Under News .


Bibi Jamila Munir is a ‘Special  Person'


A better and Honest Heading for this topic should be....


Guyana mourns loss of popular

Husband & Wife Essequibo Rice Farmer.....


But what we have here... is ...... "Bibi"

who claims to be Bar-rat Sweetwoman....

telling us........."Bibi" is a Special Person....


with a little Honesty, Decency & Respect "Bibi"

could have used the heading as published in Kaiteur News

'Bibi Jamila Munir is a Special  Person'

Dead couple: Mohamed and Bibi Jamila Munir


Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok, let me set the record straight once and for all.  I never said who should attend and who should not attend.  What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers.  I would never disrespect the dead, especially these two people who were icons in their community.  I have shown the utmost respect to these two people and I made that very clear several times in this thread.  Those of you who want to twist what I said and take it out of context should read it again.

"What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers."

Read your statement does it not sound political,you want it to be broken up,sometimes you are like a loose cannon.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok, let me set the record straight once and for all.  I never said who should attend and who should not attend.  What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers.  I would never disrespect the dead, especially these two people who were icons in their community.  I have shown the utmost respect to these two people and I made that very clear several times in this thread.  Those of you who want to twist what I said and take it out of context should read it again.

So, is that a problem to you? seems like he is there for the funeral and not an official visit to the community


Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok, let me set the record straight once and for all.  I never said who should attend and who should not attend.  What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers.  I would never disrespect the dead, especially these two people who were icons in their community.  I have shown the utmost respect to these two people and I made that very clear several times in this thread.  Those of you who want to twist what I said and take it out of context should read it again.

"What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers."

Read your statement does it not sound political,you want it to be broken up,sometimes you are like a loose cannon.

Bibi have no shame and lack moral values.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ok, let me set the record straight once and for all.  I never said who should attend and who should not attend.  What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers.  I would never disrespect the dead, especially these two people who were icons in their community.  I have shown the utmost respect to these two people and I made that very clear several times in this thread.  Those of you who want to twist what I said and take it out of context should read it again.

"What I said was it took the death of two good people for Noel Holder to be in that community which consists primarily of rice farmers."

Read your statement does it not sound political,you want it to be broken up,sometimes you are like a loose cannon.

Bibi have no shame and lack moral values.

Mr. Advisor - you better be quiet before I give you and your friends an IQ test!!!!

Bibi Haniffa

Criminal rampage in Guyana

April 22, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
The brutal burning to death of a rice farming family (Munir and Jamila) on Sunday night, April 17, 2016 at Good Hope East Bank Essequibo is a grim reminder of the degenerated culture of brutality and people on people violence which has evolved to become epidemic in Guyana.


Munir and Jamila though unassuming to many at the upper echelons of Guyanese society, were among the small group of large rice farmers that emerged in the rice industry since 2000.


Jamila was a prominent member of the Rice Producers Association, and is well-known in rice farming circles across the country.

The inhumanity and depravity demonstrated by this heinous act by persons so far not named, and unknown will undoubtedly send shock waves across the country, especially in the Indo-Guyanese farming communities.


The Working Peoples Alliance Overseas Associates urges the authorities in Guyana, and its policing agencies to act with urgent haste to investigate, get to the bottom of this crime, and bring the perpetrators to justice.

The scale and terror of the criminal rampage in Guyana demand that every community, social political religious, cultural labour organization subscribe to a national effort to curtail crime and that the issue be depoliticised.


Further, we call upon the government to engage in the broadest possible consultation in creating a viable policy and expedite reform in the security forces to enhance their professionalism and capacity to make our country safe and secure.

Keith Boyce
WPA Overseas Associates


Inna Lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un.

Dead couple: Mohamed and Bibi Jamila Munir

Last edited by Former Member
Chameli posted:
Chief posted:


When we die we have no control as to who will show up.

true...but those we leave should follow what we request...NO?

I wish ...ah never mind


Chief, i did not read that last post until now

Yesterday mom told me that one of the grandsons of this couple (Uncle Munir and Aunty Jamila) died in CT recently.... I taught his mom in sch (my first yr as a pupil tchr)

Didn't know they have family here,do they live the area of Hartford and Suburbs or Waterbury,we are so spread out here you don't see a Guyanese for months.There is one Guyanese grocery store in Hartford where you get some info,I hardly stop by there kind a out from my work and home.

Last edited by Django
Chameli posted:
Django posted:
{}Didn't know they have family here,do they live the area of Hartford and Suburbs or Waterbury,we are so spread out here you don't see a Guyanese for months.There is one Guyanese grocery store in Hartford where you get some info,I hardly stop by there kind a out from my work and home.

Django,I don't know much about the area where he lived.  I heard he was a male nurse.   PM Ksaz to see if he heard, maybe he will have some info.

40 or more yrs ago i had  penpal who moved to Hartford.  They were from MMZ, she had a brother who was a mechanic.  I  remember their  maYBE  his name was Krishna

Pen pal got to up there in age,as i mentioned we spread out here,only time you see Guyanese is at some one funeral,mostly Berbicians here,being here so long know some of the them,so i does blend in.

Django posted:
Chameli posted:
Django posted:
{}Didn't know they have family here,do they live the area of Hartford and Suburbs or Waterbury,we are so spread out here you don't see a Guyanese for months.There is one Guyanese grocery store in Hartford where you get some info,I hardly stop by there kind a out from my work and home.

Django,I don't know much about the area where he lived.  I heard he was a male nurse.   PM Ksaz to see if he heard, maybe he will have some info.

40 or more yrs ago i had  penpal who moved to Hartford.  They were from MMZ, she had a brother who was a mechanic.  I  remember their  maYBE  his name was Krishna

Pen pal got to up there in age,as i mentioned we spread out here,only time you see Guyanese is at some one funeral,mostly Berbicians here,being here so long know some of the them,so i does blend in.


Please permit me to comment if I may:

Our Berbicians have one bad habit. At funerals, they are in and around the funeral homes chatting so loud that they actually disturb the prayers and mourning.

I noticed them in New York drinking in the funeral home's parking lot with the liquor in the trunk of their cars. A bad habit that has now spread to Canada.

I officiated at a funeral and appealed to them to cease this unacceptable behaviour. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


Please permit me to comment if I may:

Our Berbicians have one bad habit. At funerals, they are in and around the funeral homes chatting so loud that they actually disturb the prayers and mourning.

I noticed them in New York drinking in the funeral home's parking lot with the liquor in the trunk of their cars. A bad habit that has now spread to Canada.

I officiated at a funeral and appealed to them to cease this unacceptable behaviour. 


Demerarians are no different.


Get outta here..peeps drinking in a funeral home's parking lot? That is indeed a shame. Dam, I've been to funerals and never saw any of this. I once saw strippers but they were paying respects to one of their own..and nooo they were not on tables.

The bikers have more respect dam. Just over a year ago I was at a biker"s funeral (Outlaws) they each had one drink after they went back to the clubhouse with the dude that checked out. After the toast they took his body back to the funeral home, went back to the clubhouse they then tied one on. That's how it is done.



Please visit a Indo Hindu funeral and spend some time in the parking lot and carefully take notice. Just observe. 

I admire my muslim brothers, they do not display this bad habit.

I did not notice this bad habit at Christian funerals either.


Oi cham you know about this ongoing slackness? 

One thing I do notice on my way home on occasion. There is a funeral home in the Overlea Blvd and every so often there is a radar trap cop sitting in the driveway..pulling drivers over and giving tickets in the lot. That is eyepass.

yuji22 posted:


Please visit a Indo Hindu funeral and spend some time in the parking lot and carefully take notice. Just observe. 

I admire my muslim brothers, they do not display this bad habit.

I did not notice this bad habit at Christian funerals either.

Back home wake nights daru flowing,here not at Funeral Homes,maybe if wake is kept at their home.

 I am speaking of my Guyanese brothers.

Muslims that's Harram.

Last edited by Django

Oi cham you know about this ongoing slackness? 

One thing I do notice on my way home on occasion. There is a funeral home on Overlea Blvd and every so often there is a radar trap cop sitting in the driveway..pulling drivers over and giving tickets in the lot. That is eyepass.

cain posted:

Oi cham you know about this ongoing slackness? 

One thing I do notice on my way home on occasion. There is a funeral home on Overlea Blvd and every so often there is a radar trap cop sitting in the driveway..pulling drivers over and giving tickets in the lot. That is eyepass.

This goes to show how little you have been around Indians hence your racist disdain for our indo guyanese culture. It is a tradition to send the dead off with a car trunk drink. In fact it is not relegated to Hindus or even Indians. I have seen Muslims and Blacks from the country areas doing the same. It is more of a portable bar. 


True story. Was at the funeral of a family friend few years ago and a few guys sitting behind me were busy carrying on a conversation loudly. Finally I couldn't stand it anymore and turned around with a nasty look on my face and came face to face with one of my father's oldest friends. Chap looked at me and said, "he cyan't hear me, referring to the deceased, he dead", then added, "you know who tell me that? You ole man". I had no option but to smile and turn around.

Chameli posted:
cain posted:

Honestly Cham, I have seen drinks and food at wakes but never at any funeral I was ...ahem...invited to.

It's a clique thing...u doan drink so no one will offer...sometimes the guys ask each other..."u have a fine thing?" or such insider little communications

This goes to show how much Cain and  other Indo haters such as CaribJ and D2 understand about our culture. I remember how I was made to feel ashamed of the IdoGuyanese culture at Saints, Portuguese, Blacks and even some uppity Indians would make disparaging remarks about how we eat with our hands, smell of curry and worship idols.  Now after all my years of experience and knowledge I can put these idiots in their place when they come with their racist rants.

Drugb posted:
Chameli posted:
cain posted:

Honestly Cham, I have seen drinks and food at wakes but never at any funeral I was ...ahem...invited to.

It's a clique thing...u doan drink so no one will offer...sometimes the guys ask each other..."u have a fine thing?" or such insider little communications

This goes to show how much Cain and  other Indo haters such as CaribJ and D2 understand about our culture. I remember how I was made to feel ashamed of the IdoGuyanese culture at Saints, Portuguese, Blacks and even some uppity Indians would make disparaging remarks about how we eat with our hands, smell of curry and worship idols.  Now after all my years of experience and knowledge I can put these idiots in their place when they come with their racist rants.

I will have to ask my Niece,Nephew [who is probably your age] Son and few other villagers who attended Saints if they had the same experience,all were from the Country areas,never heard any complaints that they were treated with disrespect.

Django posted:

I will have to ask my Niece,Nephew [who is probably your age] Son and few other villagers who attended Saints if they had the same experience,all were from the Country areas,never heard any complaints that they were treated with disrespect.

I am not asking for your validation. Each of us have our own reality, you can not censor my own experiences on this forum. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

I will have to ask my Niece,Nephew [who is probably your age] Son and few other villagers who attended Saints if they had the same experience,all were from the Country areas,never heard any complaints that they were treated with disrespect.

I am not asking for your validation. Each of us have our own reality, you can not censor my own experiences on this forum. 

Just seeking the truth,i think i have that right to verify if that Great Institution where family members and villagers attended,allowed racism to prevail.

Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:
Chameli posted:
cain posted:

Honestly Cham, I have seen drinks and food at wakes but never at any funeral I was ...ahem...invited to.

It's a clique thing...u doan drink so no one will offer...sometimes the guys ask each other..."u have a fine thing?" or such insider little communications

This goes to show how much Cain and  other Indo haters such as CaribJ and D2 understand about our culture. I remember how I was made to feel ashamed of the IdoGuyanese culture at Saints, Portuguese, Blacks and even some uppity Indians would make disparaging remarks about how we eat with our hands, smell of curry and worship idols.  Now after all my years of experience and knowledge I can put these idiots in their place when they come with their racist rants.

Lookie did not even know that Hinduism was monotheistic. I had to inform you of that here. I am also of an indian centred home with practising Hindus and the reason I am a vegetarian...the compromise my Christian mother made with my father not to indoctrinate me into any tradition but let me choose. Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the

Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the artie money at the food of the hanuman murti now and then to buy cigarettes and smoke behind the horse shed or using it to buy my "sudden" books when I was a kid.  I even went to Hindi night school except they only thought us the script by the time I left. I know for sure I know as much Hindi as you do since my grandmother and my father spoke quite a bit of it when we were growing up. You and your presumption to know more than the available evidence has always been the reason you are an idiot.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

I will have to ask my Niece,Nephew [who is probably your age] Son and few other villagers who attended Saints if they had the same experience,all were from the Country areas,never heard any complaints that they were treated with disrespect.

I am not asking for your validation. Each of us have our own reality, you can not censor my own experiences on this forum. 

Just seeking the truth,i think i have that right to verify if that Great Institution where family members and villagers attended,allowed racism to prevail.

That is not verification but rather a survey of other opinions. My own testimony is from my specific experiences.  

D2 posted:.

Lookie did not even know that Hinduism was monotheistic. I had to inform you of that here. I am also of an indian centred home with practising Hindus and the reason I am a vegetarian...the compromise my Christian mother made with my father not to indoctrinate me into any tradition but let me choose. Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the

Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the artie money at the food of the hanuman murti now and then to buy cigarettes and smoke behind the horse shed or using it to buy my "sudden" books when I was a kid.  I even went to Hindi night school except they only thought us the script by the time I left. I know for sure I know as much Hindi as you do since my grandmother and my father spoke quite a bit of it when we were growing up. You and your presumption to know more than the available evidence has always been the reason you are an idiot.

You never schooled me on anything about Hinduism, you yourself are a self confessed athiest who still believe in fairy tales and greek mythology. 

The fact that someone told you about hindu practices and you can regurgitate it is no evidence of you not being racist. Your actions of the years demeaning Indians are testimony to your hatred of Indians. You join the likes of other bottom feeders like cain, django, caribj and mars in make derogatory remarks about Indians. 

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:.

Lookie did not even know that Hinduism was monotheistic. I had to inform you of that here. I am also of an indian centred home with practising Hindus and the reason I am a vegetarian...the compromise my Christian mother made with my father not to indoctrinate me into any tradition but let me choose. Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the

Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the artie money at the food of the hanuman murti now and then to buy cigarettes and smoke behind the horse shed or using it to buy my "sudden" books when I was a kid.  I even went to Hindi night school except they only thought us the script by the time I left. I know for sure I know as much Hindi as you do since my grandmother and my father spoke quite a bit of it when we were growing up. You and your presumption to know more than the available evidence has always been the reason you are an idiot.

You never schooled me on anything about Hinduism, you yourself are a self confessed athiest who still believe in fairy tales and greek mythology. 

The fact that someone told you about hindu practices and you can regurgitate it is no evidence of you not being racist. Your actions of the years demeaning Indians are testimony to your hatred of Indians. You join the likes of other bottom feeders like cain, django, caribj and mars in make derogatory remarks about Indians. 

Dude Hinduism spans the spectrum of beliefs. From Samkhyaism ( pre Hindu and progenitor of the faith) to the Buddhists and the Jains, the degree of belief system spanned a triune god, monotheism and atheism.

And yes, I did tell you in a long discussion here that Sanathan dharma the brand of Hinduism that Guyanese subscribe to was monotheist. Shame and innate dishonesty would of course cause you to deny that.

I have little regard for Indians who cling to their legacy in dalitdom.


Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:

I will have to ask my Niece,Nephew [who is probably your age] Son and few other villagers who attended Saints if they had the same experience,all were from the Country areas,never heard any complaints that they were treated with disrespect.

I am not asking for your validation. Each of us have our own reality, you can not censor my own experiences on this forum. 

Just seeking the truth,i think i have that right to verify if that Great Institution where family members and villagers attended,allowed racism to prevail.

That is not verification but rather a survey of other opinions. My own testimony is from my specific experiences.  

Suh a survey will prove if Racism was allowed to prevail,or we have to take one person experience to taint that Great Institution,

and may i ask if you made any complaint so head of the Institution can take some actions,[you don't need to answer if you do not wish to].

When my Sister-in-Law goes to the city for Business,she will always stop by to say hello to Head of that Institution,she also attended Parent Teacher Meetings,although living far away in the country side,she looked after the interest of her two children and my son,we are living next to each other she had more interest in her nephew than his parents.


Last edited by Django
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:.

Lookie did not even know that Hinduism was monotheistic. I had to inform you of that here. I am also of an indian centred home with practising Hindus and the reason I am a vegetarian...the compromise my Christian mother made with my father not to indoctrinate me into any tradition but let me choose. Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the

Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the artie money at the food of the hanuman murti now and then to buy cigarettes and smoke behind the horse shed or using it to buy my "sudden" books when I was a kid.  I even went to Hindi night school except they only thought us the script by the time I left. I know for sure I know as much Hindi as you do since my grandmother and my father spoke quite a bit of it when we were growing up. You and your presumption to know more than the available evidence has always been the reason you are an idiot.

You never schooled me on anything about Hinduism, you yourself are a self confessed athiest who still believe in fairy tales and greek mythology. 

The fact that someone told you about hindu practices and you can regurgitate it is no evidence of you not being racist. Your actions of the years demeaning Indians are testimony to your hatred of Indians. You join the likes of other bottom feeders like cain, django, caribj and mars in make derogatory remarks about Indians. 

I don't make derogatory remarks about anyone based on their race so stop lying. If I ever told you that you're an idiot, it was because of your idiotic behavior. Nothing to do with your race. 


It is obviousy druggie was a fool and carrued on with the same shit as he does here since school days and probably was picked on for that. Serves him right.

Last edited by cain
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:.

Lookie did not even know that Hinduism was monotheistic. I had to inform you of that here. I am also of an indian centred home with practising Hindus and the reason I am a vegetarian...the compromise my Christian mother made with my father not to indoctrinate me into any tradition but let me choose. Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the

Every thing you saw in your house, I saw in mine...granted I had no prohibition swiping the artie money at the food of the hanuman murti now and then to buy cigarettes and smoke behind the horse shed or using it to buy my "sudden" books when I was a kid.  I even went to Hindi night school except they only thought us the script by the time I left. I know for sure I know as much Hindi as you do since my grandmother and my father spoke quite a bit of it when we were growing up. You and your presumption to know more than the available evidence has always been the reason you are an idiot.

You never schooled me on anything about Hinduism, you yourself are a self confessed athiest who still believe in fairy tales and greek mythology. 

The fact that someone told you about hindu practices and you can regurgitate it is no evidence of you not being racist. Your actions of the years demeaning Indians are testimony to your hatred of Indians. You join the likes of other bottom feeders like cain,django, caribj and mars in make derogatory remarks about Indians. 

Banna,take my name of the list,you are blowing hot air.

Link copied to your clipboard.