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  • Emails purported to be obtained by hacker group Anonymous dispute White House version of terror leader's final resting place
  • Believed to be part of 2.7million emails obtained from intelligence analysis group Stratfor and shared with WikiLeaks
  • Stratfor calls hackers 'thieves' and says some emails may have been forged or altered
  • Revelations come as FBI arrests key members of hacking group LulzSec, an offshoot of Anonymous


The fate of Osama bin Laden's remains have been called into question after emails leaked from an intelligence analysis firm say the body of the terror leader was actually sent to the U.S. for cremation.


Terrorist: Osama bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011 in the now-famous raid by Navy SEAL Team Six at his secret Pakistan compound

Terrorist: Osama bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011 in the now-famous raid by Navy SEAL Team Six at his secret Pakistan compound


Last week, Anonymous announced that it had gotten access to 2.7million of the firm’s confidential correspondences, and said they could provide 'the smoking gun for a number of crimes'.


The hackers said Stratfor, based in Austin, Texas, were 'clueless' when it came to database security.


After bin Laden was killed in the famous raid in Pakistan on May 2 2011, the Obama administration said his body was buried at sea off the USS Carl Vinson - in accordance with Islamic tradition.


But in a particular set of emails given to WikiLeaks, the firm’s vice president for intelligence, Fred Burton, says he doubts the official White House version of what happened to bin Laden's body.


Stratfor’s vice-president for intelligence, Fred Burton, says the body was 'bound for Dover, [Delaware] on [a] CIA plane' and 'onward to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Bethesda [Maryland]'.


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One Pakistani editorial, the morning after Bin Laden was killed, pointed out that the time-frame of events cast suspicion on a sea-burial. Within minutes after Bin Laden was killed, President Obama announced the killing and stated that Bin Laden was buried at sea. How fast was the body moved to a point in the sea hundreds of miles from the killing spot? (Check the map). And how quickly did the US special forces get an imam to conduct a "Muslim burial?"

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

It might be revealed that Osama bin Laden was NOT killed, but is still alive.

Osama may have been killed  according to American traditional way of killing enemies, which includes sodomisation of the enemy, urinating the enemy, urinating on his believes including his holy books, burning his holy books, forcing the enemy to listen to heavy metal music, torturing him and laughing at this pain at the same time, raping his wife and daughters in his presence and so on.


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