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Former Member

Prime Minister & First Vice-President Moses Nagamootoo

 Category: Cabinet Members Published on 03 June 2015
 Hits: 2928

Mr Moses Nagamootoo was born on November 30, 1947 in Whim Village, Corentyne, Berbice, Guyana of parents Gangama and Nagamootoo Ramaswamy. He is married to Sita Nagamootoo and has four children; Angela Vashmini, Sita Maria, Adela Gangama and Moses Ernesto.

He was educated at Auchlyne Scots School, Rose Hall & Comprehensive High School and the University of Guyana.  He later pursued law at the Hugh Wooding Law School.

He also pursued courses at the Accabre College of Social Sciences and the Venezuelan Spanish Language Institute and is a Fellowship of Allen White School of Journalism, University of Kansas 


Political Life

Mr. Nagamootoo, in 1961, entered politics at age 14, during the struggle for Guyana’s independence. In October 1964, he became a Member of the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) and People’s Progressive Party (PPP). 

In 1966, he founded the National Union of Students.


Political Posts

From 1976-2011, he was a Member of the PPP Central Committee, and from 1978-2005, a Member of PPP Executive Committee.

In 2011, Mr Nagamootoo became the Vice-Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC).


Cabinet/Parliamentary portfolio

From 1992 to 2011, he served as a Member of Parliament. Mr Nagamootoo was a Member of Cabinet under four Presidents (Cheddi and Janet Jagan, Samuel Hinds   and Bharrat Jagdeo) during the period 1992-2001.

Other portfolios include Senior Minister of Information and Senior Minister of Local Government & Regional Development with responsibility for Information & Amerindian Affairs.


Committees & Boards:

Member of Select Committee on Constitutional Reform, Chairman of Oversight Committee of the Select Committee on Constitutional Reform, Member, Foreign Relations and Standing Orders Committees, Council Member, University of Guyana, Director, Guyana Airways Corporation (1994-1998), Executive Member, Guyana Bar Association (2005-2006),Teacher (1964-70), Journalist (1971-92).


Journalist Organisations

He was General Secretary of the Union of Guyanese Journalists-UGJ (1970-1992),  Founder Member and Executive Member of Caribbean Association of Media Workers- CAMWORK (1986-1992,  Executive Member of Federation of Latin American Journalists-FELAP, and 

Vice-President of International Organisation of Journalists-IOJ (1990-1996).



Hendree’s Cure, (2001 Nominee Guyana Literature Prize for First Novel) 

Fragments from Memory (2015)



Editor Anthology of Revolutionary Poems: “For the Fighting Front”



PPP’s Certificate for Meritorious Service-1990, Guyana

IOJ Scroll of Honour as Outstanding Journalist-1996, Vietnam

GOPIO Community Service Award- 2008, India

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PM Nagamootoo to cruise in new $22M Luxury SUV

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister
Moses Nagamootoo

Living the Cadillac lifestyle on the public purse…


– millions to be spent to upgrade office, residence

Originally Posted by yuji22:

PM Nagamootoo to cruise in new $22M Luxury SUV

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo

Prime Minister
Moses Nagamootoo

Living the Cadillac lifestyle on the public purse…


– millions to be spent to upgrade office, residence

yuji, Nagamootoo says he is still living in his own home in Sophia. The official PM residence is State property protected by the National Trust of Guyana which has to be renovated whether Nagamootoo lives there or not.

Further, Nagamootoo says Ashni Singh misappropriated $22 million that parliament approved last year for a new SUV for Sam Hinds. Right now Nagamootoo is using the old car Sam Hinds handed over to the coalition.

The PPP had used Sam Hinds and mistreated him and people know about it.


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Prime Minister's concerns about Guyana Chronicle headline raises spectre of political interference

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo speaking with Guyana Chronicle reporter, Derwayne Wills. [Kurt Campbell photo)

MOSES NAGAMOOTOO SAYS: "The Jagdeo propaganda machine has been churning out lies that as Prime Minister, I had ordered that headlines of the state newspaper should be vetted. Saying that I have not done so a million times does not deter the congenital liars from carrying on. Even some otherwise well meaning operatives have fallen for this political ploy.
I wish to say this: I have not spoken with the Chronicle editor or the newspaper manager even though I felt that the headline in Tuesday's edition was misleading and professionally flawed.
I admit that I was approached in the lobby by a reporter who identified himself as a Chronicle correspondent. At the time I had only seen the impugned headline which former attorney general NANDLALL, a PPP opposition front benchers, was exhibiting in the the National Assembly. I did not read the story, which I was to do AFTER meeting the reporter.

So, when the reporter accosted me, I smiled and quibbed, "from the newspaper with the terrible headline" or words to that effect.
I chatted with the reporter for several minutes but I did not scold, threaten or intimidate him. He has said that much. And our conversation was about journalism and ethics of good journalism, which he also verified.
I maintain that the headline did not do justice to what transpired. I am entitled to my opinion and being responsible for public information, I was entitled to my view that the headline was intended to embarrass my government though I did not tell this to the reporter. I had approached him a few days earlier and congratulated him on his objective writings though I do not know him well.
I believe that the government is justified in demanding that the Chronicle newspaper deliver fair and balanced information even though all the main operatives have served the PPP government over many years. This is not asking much, but I deplore the slide to partisan, pre-opposition propaganda.

The editor Mark Ramotar has offered me his resignation and I had persuaded him to stay providing that he gives our new government fair coverage. He has not done so. It is now up to him to decide whether he wants to walk.
I determined that the public media must move away from the old Jagdeo item role of maligning the APNU+AFC coalition and harbouring columnists who shelter under free expression to.prosecute old hurts and prejudices.
But I have NOT ordered even state editors to submit their headlines to me for vetting.
To peddle the contrary is a vicious lie.

Thursday, August 27, 2015"


"The editor Mark Ramotar has offered me his resignation and I had persuaded him to stay providing that he gives our new government fair coverage. He has not done so. It is now up to him to decide whether he wants to walk.
I determined that the public media must move away from the old Jagdeo item role of maligning the APNU+AFC coalition and harbouring columnists who shelter under free expression to.prosecute old hurts and prejudices.
But I have NOT ordered even state editors to submit their headlines to me for vetting.
To peddle the contrary is a vicious lie.





After this creep Ramotar is sent packing, there will be cries of "ETHNIC CLEANSING" from the buttheads.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:

Dem guys know all that but prefer to talk shit because they got nothing else, absolutely nothing.

Discredit and conquer, Jagdeo lame-brain style.

Actually, Tola it is: Discredit and be defeated, Jagdeo's losing style.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:

Dem guys know all that but prefer to talk shit because they got nothing else, absolutely nothing.

Discredit and conquer, Jagdeo lame-brain style.

Actually, Tola it is: Discredit and be defeated, Jagdeo's losing style.

His brain might need an oil change.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by cain:

Dem guys know all that but prefer to talk shit because they got nothing else, absolutely nothing.

Discredit and conquer, Jagdeo lame-brain style.

Actually, Tola it is: Discredit and be defeated, Jagdeo's losing style.

His brain might need an oil change.

Then I guess the oil has to be added through his butthole.


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