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Former Member
“AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is using innocent Guyanese citizens by misleading them in order that he might hijack leadership of the AFC, to carry out his own obsession for power and to act out his hate for the PPP/C. In the process, he does not care who is hurt or what damage is caused. Now he is joined by other people who also act out of hate, such as Moses Nagamootoo…The people who we saw hurling bricks and bottles, who were carrying cutlasses and other weapons, who were blocking the highways; and the people who were robbing and beating people were organized by these bitter, power-hungry people.”
- Minister Ramsammy

Good article.

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Originally Posted by Henry:
“AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is using innocent Guyanese citizens by misleading them in order that he might hijack leadership of the AFC, to carry out his own obsession for power and to act out his hate for the PPP/C. In the process, he does not care who is hurt or what damage is caused. Now he is joined by other people who also act out of hate, such as Moses Nagamootoo…The people who we saw hurling bricks and bottles, who were carrying cutlasses and other weapons, who were blocking the highways; and the people who were robbing and beating people were organized by these bitter, power-hungry people.”
- Minister Ramsammy

Good article.

ah yes, the right Hon. Min Ramsammy, RK's key 'sign off' computer man . . . we may just have a jail cell waiting for him soon

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:

Henry, a professor? Oh my!


Why am I not surprise at your conclusion SHIT HEAd?

You and Henry both went to the same Professa school and took de professa course in August right?


The people who we saw hurling bricks and bottles, who were carrying cutlasses and other weapons, who were blocking the highways; and the people who were robbing and beating people were organized by these bitter, power-hungry people.”

If this is true, then the AFC has sunk to the lowest level of the level of Burnham's PNC.  Imagine if these people were in power, it would be like fatboy reign of terror all over again.


It is important that we speak out against the AFC. People must understand that the AFC is now a terror group. They are attacking innocent citizens of Guyana including school children, women and the elderly.


We are now reading of alleged acts of intimidation by executive members of the AFC. 


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