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Berbice Expo has lost its pizzazz

Dear Editor,


So about this Berbice Expo: poor Berbicians ain’t get nowhere to go ‒ no parks, no garden, no mall, no theatre, no downtown, no nowhere, so you can’t blame people for showing up to Berbice Expo at Albion. It starts with a (parking) traffic nightmare on the road from as far as Fyrish. No forethought in that it seems. Then the exhibits ‒ the same same same same; same GuySuCo, same Beharry, same Ministry of Agriculture, same insurance, furniture, craft, appliances, household items, games, attractions, same everything like the past 10 expos.


Nuff literature to share out. Suddenly everyone likes to read; everyone hand full of pamphlets, brochures, flyers, all to be thrown on the road and rubbish bin at home. If you leave the ground you are expected to pay again to re-enter.

Not only did the opening ceremony start over 1½ hours late, most of the items and booths that were there didn’t even showcase anything from Berbice. So what does the four-day event water down to? Persons attending with their families, friends and kids viewing what they have seen every year for the past 10 years, doing what has been done for the past 10 years, walking where they have walked before for the past 10 years and reliving the past ten years of Berbice Expo. Is a good thing teachers didn’t get paid yet or I wouldda go waste money there too.


And there were no helicopter rides as was being flown in the air to people, pardon the pun.

Berbice Expo has lost its pizzazz. Maybe they should take a break and come back in five years with some brains.


Yours faithfully, Leon Suseran

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Danyael:

I hope there is a blooming in a need to read. It takes a lot to commit to reading his bilge.

Since Leon 'came-out' and was dumped by KN, he seems very bitter.

He also seem to be having difficulty with the Catholic church, who previously accepted him fully as a non-gay person.

He also tend to act like some, who is  not sure where they are  going and change sides frequently.     

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I hope there is a blooming in a need to read. It takes a lot to commit to reading his bilge.

You need reading and understanding Lessons.

From whom you? I do not think words like lamata, cuncumunu, nimikaram etc are in my workable vocabulary. I suggest you enhance yours to be meaningful

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I hope there is a blooming in a need to read. It takes a lot to commit to reading his bilge.

YUh is a Lamata AND a Cunumunu.

ou need reading and understanding Lessons.

From whom you? I do not think words like lamata, cuncumunu, nimikaram etc are in my workable vocabulary. I suggest you enhance yours to be meaningful


Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

I hope there is a blooming in a need to read. It takes a lot to commit to reading his bilge.

Since Leon 'came-out' and was dumped by KN, he seems very bitter.

He also seem to be having difficulty with the Catholic church, who previously accepted him fully as a non-gay person.

He also tend to act like some, who is  not sure where they are  going and change sides frequently.     

From previous commentaries by Leon, he wants better for Berbicians. He complained bitterly about the blackouts, bad roads and neglect.


Perhaps, he noticed something we have missed in our analysis, because he changed his comments after the last elections.


Now, in particular. Those fairs have not changed in its presentation for the last 10 years. That is his observations. I maintain, always, whenever there is public event, people go out for the outing, just outing.


Maybe, you would remember the Albion Fairs back in 60's. Was a big event. Every time.


Deh man wrote on what he saw. Was he wrong. He din call anybody a racist. Or because he is an Indian he gat no business to mek comments on the government's fair.   


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