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Iguana posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gossai was a known womanizer. He also had a sweet woman at the temple. 

The slanderer of Varshnie Jagdeo is back at it again. This time slandering a man dead since 2009 (per a poster here). How the hell can you EVER consider yourself to be some "holy" person. Goddamn!!!! And you're allowed to continue doing this shit to PUBLIC figures with impunity!!!!!

He is a sicko. Jagdeo made Gossai a Spiritual Advisor and gave him a desk in his office.

Mitwah posted:
Iguana posted:
yuji22 posted:

Gossai was a known womanizer. He also had a sweet woman at the temple. 

The slanderer of Varshnie Jagdeo is back at it again. This time slandering a man dead since 2009 (per a poster here). How the hell can you EVER consider yourself to be some "holy" person. Goddamn!!!! And you're allowed to continue doing this shit to PUBLIC figures with impunity!!!!!

He is a sicko. Jagdeo made Gossai a Spiritual Advisor and gave him a desk in his office.

Sicko Yugi and his friends are jealous, so they're slandering a dead man. We have some really sick people here. Maybe the Pandit refused a GNIer.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ask any member of the NY temple congregation. I was in NYC last summer and a member brought up the topic of Gossai and his sweet woman at the temple. His womanizing is no secret. The truth MUST be told !!!

Then man was like Lord Krishna. 

I was just thinking of that!  Krishna was a womanizer!  It's part of Karma Sutra!

yuji22 posted:

Ask any member of the NY temple congregation. I was in NYC last summer and a member brought up the topic of Gossai and his sweet woman at the temple. His womanizing is no secret. The truth MUST be told !!!

I do believe that when someone's actions are a threat to others, it is imperative for someone to firstly pull that person aside and counsel them in private to correct their actions. If they refuse or cannot, it becomes imperative for the public to be warned of that person. Given that Pt. Gossai reportedly passed away since 2009, he is no longer a threat to society if he was then. Bringing this up now or as you say, the truth must be told is unnecessary and may prejudice people connected with him and completely innocent of his alleged actions. For that reason, I think you erred in judgement here yuji.  

Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
yuji22 posted:

Ask any member of the NY temple congregation. I was in NYC last summer and a member brought up the topic of Gossai and his sweet woman at the temple. His womanizing is no secret. The truth MUST be told !!!

Then man was like Lord Krishna. 

I was just thinking of that!  Krishna was a womanizer!  It's part of Karma Sutra!

Then I can relate with him. 


I swear upon my soul that Gossai had a sweet woman at the temple. I have nothing to hide nor do I have an agenda. I would not dare speak about a son that he allegedly fathered outside of marriage.

There are now many women who have since come forward and spoken about him flirting with them. Let the truth be told !!!!

I was in NYC last summer and we went to a Store to purchase some items for a Poolja for a relative and he reminded me about the Hypocricy of Gossai. 

I was once associated with the GHDS of which Pandit Reep was the leader. The nastiest things were said about right here at GNI when he passed away. I could not confirm or deny anything what was said here because I never saw any of it when I associated wiht the GHDS.

Gossai was also an associate of Reep and by that time I was no longer associating the the GHDS. We cannot allow so called spiritual leaders to get away with this nonsense even though they are not around. It must send a strong message to the ones that are alive that they must adhere to the strict standards that they are supposed to adhere to.

I stand 1000 percent by what I said.


Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

I swear upon my soul that Gossai had a sweet woman at the temple. I have nothing to hide nor do I have an agenda. I would not dare speak about a son that he allegedly fathered outside of marriage.

There are now many women who have since come forward and spoken about him flirting with them. Let the truth be told !!!!

I was in NYC last summer and we went to a Store to purchase some items for a Poolja for a relative and he reminded me about the Hypocricy of Gossai. 

I was once associated with the GHDS of which Pandit Reep was the leader. The nastiest things were said about right here at GNI when he passed away. I could not confirm or deny anything what was said here because I never saw any of it when I associated wiht the GHDS.

Gossai was also an associate of Reep and by that time I was no longer associating the the GHDS. We cannot allow so called spiritual leaders to get away with this nonsense even though they are not around. It must send a strong message to the ones that are alive that they must adhere to the strict standards that they are supposed to adhere to.

I stand 1000 percent by what I said.


Was any of them woman underage or filed rape?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

That’s all that I will say now that I am letting the young generation know to keep their guards up and do not tolerate BS from anyone who claims to be a spiritual leader and displays double standards. 


This I can agree with. Religious leaders should always be watched closely and hardly trusted.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

Yuji, I am guessing you didn't read my comment or you just say that I didn't make ant f'ing sense. 

In that case, just listen to the bhajan that I posted.

That's a very appropriate bhajan.

Banna, I don't know what it means. I just like it. Very soothing. 

OK. I will post the meaning some other time.

ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

That’s all that I will say now that I am letting the young generation know to keep their guards up and do not tolerate BS from anyone who claims to be a spiritual leader and displays double standards. 


This I can agree with. Religious leaders should always be watched closely and hardly trusted.

Brother Kaz.

I am at liberty to say so much as to what I know and can confirm. Spiritual leaders need to be closely watched and hardly trusted. I will draw the line and not name names. 

He did a lot for NY and to an extent Guyana Hindus but what example was he setting by having a sweet woman ? The flirting with women was another story. 

I was closely associated with GHDS and still have many friends there and it was a dirty secret that needs to be told. 


Last edited by Former Member

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