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November 4 ,2020


BK International plans to ask the government to review its decision to terminate the $826.7 million contract with the firm for the construction of the Yarrowkabra Secondary School, failing which it will file a court challenge.

BK International spokesman Adam Harris yesterday told Stabroek News that the firm was preparing to write to Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall for the review of the decision to terminate the contract, which was ended with immediate effect on Sunday.

Nandlall, in a letter to the company dated November 1st, had cited inordinate delays in the completion of the works to be the reason for the termination of the contract. “Thus far, your company only completed 5% of the scheduled works. As a consequence, your company has committed [a] fundamental breach of the terms of the contract and as a result the Government of Guyana hereby exercises its right to terminate the contract with immediate effect,” the letter, which was sent to the Company Secretary, stated.

But Harris explained that the company has completed 15% of works as opposed to 5% claimed by the Nandlall in his missive.

“We are initially seeking a review from the AG on his decision to withdraw the contract. He has cited that we would have completed 5% of works and we are saying this is not the case. We have completed 15% of works,” he said, while adding that it appeared that the AG used the findings of an official visit to the site at the end of June, when only 5% of the work was completed, to inform the decision rather than the progress made to date.

BK Engineer Ganesh Shaw told Stabroek News that the works completed thus far include the construction of the foundation and columns to block “G&H,” and the foundation of “Block E&F.” According to Shaw, the firm was hoping to start column works this week and begin the foundation works of the other buildings by this weekend.

Harris also said that the delays that have occurred so far are not the company’s fault. He explained that despite the contract being signed in December, 2019, no supervising consultant was identified by the Ministry of Education, thereby preventing work from being carried out. He detailed that the Ministry appointed VIKAB Engineering Consultants Ltd as the consultant in March. However, before work could begin, he added, measures to stem the spread of COVID-19, which included the suspension of public works, were enforced.

Harris went on to state that it was only on June 1st that works began and at the end of June a site visit was done.

It is on these grounds the company spokesman said that they are requesting a review of the termination of the contract. Harris added that should that request be denied, the company is prepared to challenge the termination in court.

A source familiar with the project and the procurement process had previously told Stabroek News that due to the fact that the contract was awarded at the end of 2019, in the absence of budgetary allocations for 2020, the contractor was unable to access financing. This, he explained, severely hindered the progress of the project as the contractor never received any mobilisation fee.

The contract, which is due to expire in March 2021, was awarded under the David Granger-led APNU+AFC administration, although at  the time of the signing the coalition was regarded as a caretaker government and critics have said that a contract of the magnitude of the one for the school construction should not have been awarded.

The Ministry of Education had previously announced the award of the contract for the construction of the school to BK International Inc at a cost of $826,757,737.

The ministry had said that the Yarrowkabra Secondary School on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway would boast modern amenities, including Information Technology Laboratories, an Allied Arts Department, a library, science laboratories and an auditorium.

The school is expected to have the capacity to accommodate 600 students from Yarrowkabra community and other neighbouring communities along the Linden Highway.

BK Chief Executive Officer Brian Tiwarie had assured that all works would be done in accordance with the required standard and best practices.

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Chung’s Global Enterprises has been misrepresented and unfairly treated

Dear Editor,

Chung’s Global Enterprises (CGE) prides itself in the highest quality work and strict adherence to contractual obligations. We are solidly committed to transparency and accountability particularly for the taxpayers-funded projects we undertake. It is our firm belief that we have been misrepresented and unfairly treated during the lifespan of this project (Construction of the Ministry of Health Head Office Phase 1).

We therefore find it necessary to break our silence and respond to the claims made in an article titled, “Govt’s terminates contract for new Health Ministry head office – cites delay, bloated cost, plans lawsuit against contractor,” published in the Stabroek News on the 1st November, 2020.

CGE hopes that the following factual statement brings much needed clarity to the issues raised in the public domain.

Facts of the matter are:

September 2, 2019 Variation Items include in Revised Bill of Quantities:

1.          Curtain Walls design

2.          Window layout and design and specifications

3.          Elevator Design and specifications

4.          HVAC System design and specifications

5.          Electrical Systems and arrangements

6.          CCTV

7.          Plumbing Systems and arrangements January 2020,
          Additional Variation Items

1.          Building Footprint Extension

2.          Connection of Block Works to Steel frame

3.          Revision to Electrical Systems and arrangements

The Revised Bills of Quantities represent a completely different project scope. The revised bill of quantities was not prepared by CGE, it was prepared by the MOH’s representative VIKAB; it should be noted that our First Revised Pricing was submitted in October, 2019 but due to continued negotiations with VIKAB we were able to submit our final price on August 3rd, 2020 supported by quotations from our suppliers. Furthermore, our final price on the revised BOQ was within the estimated price that VIKAB came up with when they priced same.

Our first discussion regarding revised scope of work was in April 2018. The said revised drawings were never received until Septem-ber 2nd, 2019. This was one year and 5 months after our initial agreement on the way forward and almost 2 years after the contract was awarded.

CGE is committed to ensuring the highest quality of work. We reject any insinuation that we have erred and or failed to honour our contractual obligations. Further, we have worked tirelessly and diligently to ensure that this project was executed in a timely and professional manner. Though, however, the aforementioned issues thwarted our best intentions.

At Chung’s Global Enterprise we are eternally committed to the growth and development of our country. As such, we welcome any scrutiny that allows all the facts and details to be available in an open and transparent manner. We have no interest in wasting taxpayers’ dollars on a matter that could have been amicably resolved.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Keisha Chung

@Mitwah posted:

You are the most notorious congenital liar. For an old man, you gat no shame.

You are stupid. I asked you not to lie and you are trying to turn it back on me. That's your MO. If you have nothing to say, then don't say anything.  This is a discussion forum and you are not discussing anything. You never do.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are stupid. I asked you not to lie and you are trying to turn it back on me. That's your MO. If you have nothing to say, then don't say anything.  This is a discussion forum and you are not discussing anything. You never do.

You are so chupid plus you are a congential liar. Your chupidness has no cure.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You lie!

You are now in your most senior years and getting closer to the end. It's not too late to change your deceitful utterances even though it might be congenital.

Perhaps the P in your moniker is for "Paapi".

@Mitwah posted:

You are now in your most senior years and getting closer to the end. It's not too late to change your deceitful utterances even though it might be congenital.

Perhaps the P in your moniker is for "Paapi".

Shut yu rass! You pig!

@Mitwah posted:

Don't bring your mom and dad into the conversation. Please.

Look how far you have gone into my mom and dad. wow!  you are sick!

What conversation are you talking about?  You chased me around the forum in order to throw insults, and you called that a conversation?

I do not wish to have anything thing to do with you.   You are scum.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Ramakant-P posted:

Ask Shitwah and Kakatola.

@Mitwah posted:

Don't bring your mom and dad into the conversation. Please.

Hopefully, members will focus on the topic and refrain from making  uncomplimentary statements/references to one's mother and father.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Look how far you have gone into my mom and dad. wow!  you are sick!

What conversation are you talking about?  You chased me around the forum in order to throw insults, and you called that a conversation?

I do not wish to have anything thing to do with you.   You are scum.

Shitwah,s sole purpose is derail all thread and to CHASE posters off GNI. Maybe that's OK with the Administrator because he has been at it over and over.

@kp posted:

Shitwah,s sole purpose is derail all thread and to CHASE posters off GNI. Maybe that's OK with the Administrator because he has been at it over and over.

heheheheheheheh! Ex PNC goon who used to terrorize his fellow Indians for Fried Rice. Faizal said that his parents used to put feces in it for him to take home to his family.

@Mitwah posted:

heheheheheheheh! Ex PNC goon who used to terrorize his fellow Indians for Fried Rice. Faizal said that his parents used to put feces in it for him to take home to his family.

Says the man who used to milk Burnham pigs. Your family sold their souls to the PNC did you pick up soap to get your job at ministry of agriculture,  maybe you sold your BT.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Ask Shitwah and Kakatola.

Kakapunchin rama, me see you come up for air from the pit toilet, where you live with the Barrat.

How is your Vaseline rub down coming along at the Pradoville swimming pool ? 


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