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Black Bush farmers complain about flooding

-Mustapha hints at reversal of some fees, rentals

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha [right) at the Johanna meeting
Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha (right) at the Johanna meeting

Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha was yesterday told about serious flooding in Black Bush Polder, Corentyne and he told farmers that the new government is working to ensure that there is more money in their pockets.

Mustapha stated that in order to accomplish this goal the government is looking at reversing the increases in drainage and irrigation fees, land rentals and removal of VAT from agricultural inputs such as machinery, pesticides and fertilizers.

“We will be having a budget on Wednesday and all those measures hopefully can come out from the budget, some of the promises we have made in our manifesto we will have some of those measures coming out from that budget”, he said.

Mustapha is saying exactly what he said as Region 6 regional officer, before he was replaced. He solves a problem, by creating another problem. 

Since the last PPP government the BB farmers were asking him for relief from improper drainage systems and now he is telling them about fees and budgets. 

Unfortunately, the farmers are between a rock and hard place.  The PNC don't care about them and the PPP keep fooling them to vote PPP for a better life, that don't happen. While the PPP elite lives off the trough.

Dam it Mustapha, the farmers want better drainage now , so their crops don't get destroyed.     


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