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Former Member

The American tradition of Black Friday shopping is taking off across the world. It is now bigger than Boxing Day shopping in Canada. 

I saw videos of people trampling and fighting each other over sale items.

Some retailers use this day to dump old and slow moving items to pave the way for newer stocks. 

I might go out and grab a few electronic items but never go to a store if I see a long line up outside.  I usually shop onilne and find myself buying online at places like Amazon etc especially when it is delivered next day to my doorstep. 

How many of you Canadians and Americans shop on Balck Friday and what do you usually buy ? 

Are you one of those shoppers who join the lineups for that β€œcrazy” deal ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Black Friday started because businesses books change from the Red, and now start showing a profit, also when retailers choose to dump old stocks. Buying electronics, be careful , check the warranty or even purchase extended warranty. Know your product and prices, don't follow the crowd, buy what you need, many stores will offer Black Friday prices even after Friday if they have stock. Enjoy the day, enjoy your Thanksgiving Meal, then go for a quiet walk.


Have any of you now reach that stage in your life where acquiring new material things are meaningless now.

I have gotten to the point where I no longer feel the need to go out and buy any of the fancy stuff that I once used to do.

I am just content with what I have now, and will wear my clothes and shoes and stick with my old stuff until they are ready to fall apart.

Last edited by Amral

Perfect example I have a microwave oven (Candle brand) that is 36 years old, I have only changed the light bulb twice and the fuse once. It works fine and we use it everyday. The kids have bugged me to throw it out and get a new one, preferably stainless steel.

I have refused since it works fine and for the other reason it was a wedding gift to us from my father.

Amral posted:

Have any of you now reach that stage in your life where acquiring new material things are meaningless now.

I have gotten to the point where I no longer feel the need to go out and buy any of the fancy stuff that I once used to do.

I am just content with what I have now, and will wear my clothes and shoes and stick with my old stuff until they are ready to fall apart.

True.  Most of my shopping is for Christmas gift for kids!  Talking about that, need to get my daughter's stuff and mail to Swiss.  Also have to go figure out that long customs declaration form before I look stupid filling it out in public!

Baseman posted:

True.  Most of my shopping is for Christmas gift for kids!  Talking about that, need to get my daughter's stuff and mail to Swiss.  Also have to go figure out that long customs declaration form before I look stupid filling it out in public!

Heard you had problems one time. Now don't ask how i got the info.

I am like Amral, don't buy too much stuff not needed.There are lots of clothing gotten as gift from the kids that is never worn.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Amral posted:

I have long stopped giving gifts to the kids, they are working and really don't need anything. I now just give money to them and to the grandson.

You wait let that Iranian woman come and get the lay of the land!  Yuh rass guh be panting in the malls!!

I ran into Farah Pahlavi (the Shah's wife) in the malls the other day. We had a great conversation about Iran. 

skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

Me and hubby ventured out to Starbucks last nite,the only one opened happened to be in the mall. Folks had little babies wrapped in blankets lining up at stores. πŸ˜€ 

alena06 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

Me and hubby ventured out to Starbucks last nite,the only one opened happened to be in the mall. Folks had little babies wrapped in blankets lining up at stores. πŸ˜€ 

I bet it's worse today.

skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

My son and his friends went midnight shopping and got great deals on refrigerators, TVs, stereo systems, microwaves, etc. They came home around 2am. I think I see my Christmas gifts hidden in the basement. 

alena06 posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

Me and hubby ventured out to Starbucks last nite,the only one opened happened to be in the mall. Folks had little babies wrapped in blankets lining up at stores. πŸ˜€ 

Did the rat ever find out who took out a false FB account pretending to be a Black girl in love with him? He should have commissioned Yugli with his spy software to track down the imposter. 

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

My son and his friends went midnight shopping and got great deals on refrigerators, TVs, stereo systems, microwaves, etc. They came home around 2am. I think I see my Christmas gifts hidden in the basement. 

My wife has an issue with me, when it comes to 'my' or 'our'  children. Her famous words are 'Like you mek am alone, plus me do most ah de wuk' and she not even Guyanese. 

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

My son and his friends went midnight shopping and got great deals on refrigerators, TVs, stereo systems, microwaves, etc. They came home around 2am. I think I see my Christmas gifts hidden in the basement. 

Great deals on beef, pork and BBQ chicken. It's like 30 to 40% off, today only.

Mitwah posted:
Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

My son and his friends went midnight shopping and got great deals on refrigerators, TVs, stereo systems, microwaves, etc. They came home around 2am. I think I see my Christmas gifts hidden in the basement. 

Great deals on beef, pork and BBQ chicken. It's like 30 to 40% off, today only.

You can stock up for next year.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I took my family last night to one of the stores and it was packed. This was about 9:00 PM. Had to stand in line to the checkout for about an hour. Some of the registers were freezing up. Was madhouse there.

Was madhouse there? Then you should have felt at home.

My wife was going to drop me off there. I convinced her that I might be ugly, but I am not mad or stupid. She agreed and we went home.

Last edited by Former Member

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