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Originally posted by Wally:
That baseball achevement in 1998 by Sosa "pales" in comparison to this latest achievement by Sosa in 2012. Big Grin
Dont pick on Sosa. The largest selling beauty" products in India and Africa from companies like Ponds are bleaching creams. I remember in Guyana they had a product called Ambi that was advertized simply as making you look whiter and it was a staple in Indian homes including my own where all the women who would use it were half white and light skinned. In our society beauty is attached to "fair" skinned. I have even seen people on this site using "fair skinned" as a euphemism for pretty as in "he or she is fair skinned and nice".
Originally posted by Mr.T:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Sosa is mixed race of black and latino, so his skin adapts to the amount of sun rays he is exposed to.

Dumbest and most irrelevant post so far on this thread . . .

But based on medical facts Wink. So who is the dummy now hey?

Dumb because "latino" is not a "race."

Irrelevant because the business of melanin and darkening w/exposure to the sun is NOT the topic of this thread.

your turn . . .
Originally posted by Wally:
Lucas, Sosa is planning next year to endorse the cream that bleach his skin white. The cream is called "European" and it is made by a company in Europe.

Many African Americans are angry and some have expressed openly that Sosa is the dumbest ( followed by the "N" word)ever. I don't blame them.
So they use someone who is not 100% black to promote a skin whitener....
Originally posted by Wally:
Lucas, Sosa is planning next year to endorse the cream that bleach his skin white. The cream is called "European" and it is made by a company in Europe.

Many African Americans are angry and some have expressed openly that Sosa is the dumbest ( followed by the "N" word)ever. I don't blame them.
That's politics..
What the man cares about is how many girls are in the queue wanting and waiting to go to bed with him..
Originally posted by Wally:
You have a point there D2. I have never walked in Sosa's shoes. The Dominican Republic is a very racist society in how darker skin people are treated because of their dark skin.

It would be good if Michael Jackson and Sosa had said that they bleached their skins white as a form of protest against white racism.

Oh no Lucas will tell you that Latin America is great for blacks, but then cant tell us why so few get to the middle class.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Sosa is mixed race of black and latino, so his skin adapts to the amount of sun rays he is exposed to.

Nice one. The man is using some serious skin cream. Straightened his hair tooo...or does that also change with the sun.

I hope he is using a Guyanese as his personal physician and not a Bajan or Trini
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
Sosa is mixed race of black and latino, so his skin adapts to the amount of sun rays he is exposed to.

Nice one. The man is using some serious skin cream. Straightened his hair tooo...or does that also change with the sun.

LOL. very funny.

On a serious note, he should remain the way he looked before. Young blacks need more role models and these guys are not doing them justice by using skin whitening cream.

Indo Guyanese do the same from time to time.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Wally:
You have a point there D2. I have never walked in Sosa's shoes. The Dominican Republic is a very racist society in how darker skin people are treated because of their dark skin.

It would be good if Michael Jackson and Sosa had said that they bleached their skins white as a form of protest against white racism.

Oh no Lucas will tell you that Latin America is great for blacks, but then cant tell us why so few get to the middle class.

What country are you talking about? I believe you are not talking about Dominican republic where even whites have African ancestry and African features.
Apart from that, there are only two Latin countries where the number of blacks is significant. These are Brazil and Colombia, and I am absolutely sure those two countries even have upper class negros.
Originally posted by Lucas:
What country are you talking about? I believe you are not talking about Dominican republic where even whites have African ancestry and African features.
Apart from that, there are only two Latin countries where the number of blacks is significant. These are Brazil and Colombia, and I am absolutely sure those two countries even have upper class negros.

Yet you cant find evidence that a significant black middle class exists in Brazil. Poor thing.

Colombia is an even bigger disgrace. What can a black woman in Colombia aspire to be....a maid for a rich family.

Cuba has a large black population as does Panama.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Lucas:
What country are you talking about? I believe you are not talking about Dominican republic where even whites have African ancestry and African features.
Apart from that, there are only two Latin countries where the number of blacks is significant. These are Brazil and Colombia, and I am absolutely sure those two countries even have upper class negros.

Yet you cant find evidence that a significant black middle class exists in Brazil. Poor thing.

Colombia is an even bigger disgrace. What can a black woman in Colombia aspire to be....a maid for a rich family.

Cuba has a large black population as does Panama.
It is also how you defined black. Where in Colombia have you been to say things like that? In Colombia as well as in Brazil there are black governors and ministers, wealthy black writers and musicians. There isn't the type of black movements and churches that you find in the US because their history is different. Blacks in Latin America never suffered the apartheid they suffered in the US until 1955. In Latam blacks have been miscegenating with the other races in a quiet but constant way. That's why LatAm is so different from the Anglosaxon countries. In LatAm the norm is to be mixed race. Mixed is the king, not the white not the black. And mixed mean really mixed to the point that most people no longer know what race they are and no longer care.

So, stop your bull, because I have also seen white beggars and servants in the streets of Rio or Bogota and that shows me that race plays a secondary and even less important role in the social relationships of those countries.

and please note that I am talking about real Latinos and not the direct descendants of white immigrants from Europe who still despise locals and treat them as an underclass.

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