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@Mitwah posted:

Utterly or extremely asinine statement. For the first time, thousands have gathered in my City to march and chant " Black Lives Matter". The majority are not non whites. Just hope one day you don't have to squeak " Meh kyant breathe".

Why wasn’t there a protest in Toronto when Eric Garner was murdered by a police officer and said, β€œI can’t breathe” when Obama was President in 2014.

Trudeau is playing a dangerous game. He is siding with China to bring down America. 

Bibi Haniffa

Why wasn’t there a protest in Toronto when Eric Garner was murdered by a police officer and said, β€œI can’t breathe” when Obama was President in 2014.

Trudeau is playing a dangerous game. He is siding with China to bring down America. 

Maybe you were locked up in Uncle Harry's Basement and you missed it. Ask Glda Smth. 

@Mitwah posted:

Utterly or extremely asinine statement. For the first time, thousands have gathered in my City to march and chant " Black Lives Matter". The majority are not non whites. Just hope one day you don't have to squeak " Meh kyant breathe".

It happens primarily to criminals.  When I cannot breathe is an act of god or me girl sitting on my face.  So be it. 

Tell Liberal Cuomo it’s a state issue. Why are chokehold legal in his state.  Eric Garner died in his state. Stop and Frisk occurred in his state. This is not a white issue, it’s a policing issue.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

It’s not mine. It’s public info issued by the US embassy in Guyana. Yes, you will not seek it out because it destroys your fake narrative.

Since when Guyanese who left backtrack during the PPP government, due to officials nastiness, arrogance and vindictiveness, are documented in the US. Unless they are caught and deported.  


Why wasn’t there a protest in Toronto when Eric Garner was murdered by a police officer and said, β€œI can’t breathe” when Obama was President in 2014.

Trudeau is playing a dangerous game. He is siding with China to bring down America. 

Trump is leading America to a Third World standard, High unemployment, recession, the only thing going up is the Covid 19 numbers, cases and deaths. Not to forget, a military state, noticed he built walls/Fences around the White House. Trudeau walked and knelt with the protesters, even without body guards. Trudeau has more international respect than Trump, for a young leader ,he has made Canadians proud.

China owns America, soon Americans.

@Tola posted:

Since when Guyanese who left backtrack during the PPP government, due to officials nastiness, arrogance and vindictiveness, are documented in the US. Unless they are caught and deported.  

I asked you a question. Did the US embassy not relax restricted on holiday visas for Guyanese during the PPP tenure?

That’s the proof of the plight of the citizens. No need to meander down the route of Chinese whispers.

We know, you vex with PPP, but answer that question.

@Former Member posted:

It happens primarily to criminals.  When I cannot breathe is an act of god or me girl sitting on my face.  So be it. 

Tell Liberal Cuomo it’s a state issue. Why are chokehold legal in his state.  Eric Garner died in his state. Stop and Frisk occurred in his state. This is not a white issue, it’s a policing issue.

Miss Smth, did this really happen?

@Former Member posted:

I asked you a question. Did the US embassy not relax restricted on holiday visas for Guyanese during the PPP tenure?

That’s the proof of the plight of the citizens. No need to meander down the route of Chinese whispers.

We know, you vex with PPP, but answer that question.

We differ in reasons why people left Guyana. People left Guyana in anyway possible due to the way they were treated by PPP government officials and you say its due to a US government policy. How come the same exodus did not happen during the PNC government. 

You go tell the ordinary Guyanese to read government policy, when they are being screwed by their own government. Also, they  have to spend lots of money to bribe every Tom, Dick and Harry to legally leave their own country.

Rass bhai, you live there.  Do you know what is happening to hundreds of illegal Guyanese without jobs, who are also  losing their houses from the virus. They can't apply for government assistance, because many did not pay taxes. Why is a two hour food line end in an hour, with no more food ?    

@kp posted:

Trump is leading America to a Third World standard, High unemployment, recession, the only thing going up is the Covid 19 numbers, cases and deaths. Not to forget, a military state, noticed he built walls/Fences around the White House. Trudeau walked and knelt with the protesters, even without body guards. Trudeau has more international respect than Trump, for a young leader ,he has made Canadians proud.

China owns America, soon Americans.

Trudeau is a hypocrite.  Crawled out of his cottage after many weeks for a photo op.  He is silently turning Canada to an Islamic State. America has always been a military state. The best army ever built on this planet so Trudeau better remember that.

Bill ClintoN gave China Most Favored Nation status and Obama sold out all the real estate and trade rights to China leaving America in the big pile of shit that Trump is trying to dig out now.

The Wuhan virus and the race riots cannot bring down America. The whites are watching silently, and they will respond at the polls in November.

Bibi Haniffa
@Tola posted:

We differ in reasons why people left Guyana. People left Guyana in anyway possible due to the way they were treated by PPP government officials and you say its due to a US government policy. How come the same exodus did not happen during the PNC government. 

You go tell the ordinary Guyanese to read government policy, when they are being screwed by their own government. Also, they  have to spend lots of money to bribe every Tom, Dick and Harry to legally leave their own country.

Rass bhai, you live there.  Do you know what is happening to hundreds of illegal Guyanese without jobs, who are also  losing their houses from the virus. They can't apply for government assistance, because many did not pay taxes. Why is a two hour food line end in an hour, with no more food ?    

I’m not getting into Chinese whispers.  I asked a simple question:  Was it not true the US embassy relaxed holiday visa rules for Guyanese?  The reason stated was due to low violation of the conditions. In other words, Guyanese were no longer opting to stay illegal.

That’s a 3rd party vindication of the conditions in Guyana. We don’t need to get into long-winded dead-end subjective analysis.

Who ever was leaving for whatever reason is of little consequence, fact is they waited their turn. 


Trudeau is a hypocrite.  Crawled out of his cottage after many weeks for a photo op.  He is silently turning Canada to an Islamic State. America has always been a military state. The best army ever built on this planet so Trudeau better remember that.

Bill ClintoN gave China Most Favored Nation status and Obama sold out all the real estate and trade rights to China leaving America in the big pile of shit that Trump is trying to dig out now.

The Wuhan virus and the race riots cannot bring down America. The whites are watching silently, and they will respond at the polls in November.

The Whites are watching. Where do you find yourself--- Black.

@Former Member posted:

Now to November is a very long time in Politics and the left's wheels and Feel man Biden will fall apart by then. Remember Biden telling the one banna that he ain't black ?

Justice for Blacks.

Blacks for Trump.

Some how the trench water got you confused. You forget that Trump does grab the women by their P-ss--y, even his daughter.

@Former Member posted:

I’m not getting into Chinese whispers.  I asked a simple question:  Was it not true the US embassy relaxed holiday visa rules for Guyanese?  The reason stated was due to low violation of the conditions. In other words, Guyanese were no longer opting to stay illegal.

That’s a 3rd party vindication of the conditions in Guyana. We don’t need to get into long-winded dead-end subjective analysis.

Who ever was leaving for whatever reason is of little consequence, fact is they waited their turn. 

You believe what you want.  But during the PPP government, more Guyanese were leaving illegally for other countries.  It is now seen that many are suffering for assistance due to the virus. Go tek a drink, I am done.  But knowing you, you gun  blow a hari in Bangalore.  

@Tola posted:

You believe what you want.  But during the PPP government, more Guyanese were leaving illegally for other countries.  It is now seen that many are suffering for assistance due to the virus. Go tek a drink, I am done.  But knowing you, you gun  blow a hari in Bangalore.  

Here you go running away like a lil antiman.

I asked you, did the US embassy not relax the rules for issuing visas to Guyanese?  It's not what I want to believe, it's a fact.  Why did they decide and what did it convey!  Come, tell us nuh!

And why you getting into "blow?"  Something on you mind?


Vishnu M, I don't care what coverage or publicity you get from joining the Sikhs to protest Floyd's death but all lives matter. I am sure by now you understand that more harm has been done than good from Floyd's death. Community leaders strike while the iron is hot. They all looking for a piece of action to earn credit in the public domain. If you can accept the killing, looting, burning, and destruction of private and public property is what black life means, then you have the right to stand in solidarity of lawlessness and hooliganism.


Indians left Guyana during the 28 years of rule of PNC terror.  I lived through that time  and couldn't bear it anymore to see what they were doing to Indian women. So I left.  Burnham was nationalising every thing left right and centre.    He blackmailed the rich Indian s for millions. Blacks were roaming the streets telling Indians"gimme yu money" or else.

I saw Indians in the PNC cried because of what happened to their wives and daughters.   Blacks weren't force to leave, they left because they were disgusted with events of their days in power.  The people who left during the PPP's era, left because they want to be with their loved ones.

@Former Member posted:

Mtwah is obsessed with race. Only a racist person like Mitwah sees colour everywhere. Someone here posted a while back that none of his relatives are married to blacks. Go figure. 

A non racist person like myself see good people everywhere. Even PNC people are good, just misguided.

You are the most diabolical racist on this forum. When I dropped lash pon you raas yuh ran away vowing never to come back. Caribji draw a parallel between you and head of the KKK clan.

Get lost Balahu Brahmin. 


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