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Former Member

Black Lives Matter protests: Gandhi statue targeted in London

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement provided spark in the south-west England town of Bristol, where there has long been public unease with its historical links with slave trade

WORLD Updated: Jun 08, 2020 19:46 IST

Prasun Sonwalkar
Prasun Sonwalkar
Hindustan Times, London
The statue, installed in 2015, is one among 12 in the square of prominent British, Commonwealth and foreign political figures, such as Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela.
The statue, installed in 2015, is one among 12 in the square of prominent British, Commonwealth and foreign political figures, such as Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela. (AFP Photo)

Protestors taped placards with anti-racism messages across Mahatma Gandhi’s statue in Parliament Square and wrote ‘racist’ near its plinth, as UK became one of the major sites of George Floyd demonstrations outside the United States on Sunday.

The statue, installed in 2015, is one among 12 in the square of prominent British, Commonwealth and foreign political figures, such as Abraham Lincoln and Nelson Mandela. Winston Churchill’s statue was also targeted, with the words sprayed on it: ‘was a racist’.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement provided spark in the south-west England town of Bristol, where there has long been public unease with its historical links with slave trade. Edward Colston, a 17th century local slave trader who profited considerably from the trade, has a visible presence through his philanthropic activities in the town, including a statue.

ALSO WATCH | Mahatma Gandhi statue vandalised in Washington DC, US apologises



Also read| Black Lives Matter protests: Winston Churchill statue vandalised in London

The statue, installed in 1895, was pulled down with ropes by throngs of anti-racism protestors, dragged along the town’s streets, and thrown into river Avon.


Pulling down Colston’s statue was hailed by Labour MPs and others, while several policemen were injured in demonstrations in London. The action in Bristol came in for criticism from home secretary Priti Patel, who called it “utterly disgraceful”.

Sajid Javid, former chancellor, said: “I grew up in Bristol. I detest how Edward Colston profited from the slave trade. But, THIS IS NOT OK. If Bristolians wants to remove a monument it should be done democratically - not by criminal damage”.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted: “People have a right to protest peacefully & while observing social distancing but they have no right to attack the police. These demonstrations have been subverted by thuggery – and they are a betrayal of the cause they purport to serve”.


“Those responsible will be held to account”, he added.

The police in Bristol defended not preventing the Colston statue being pulled down and thrown into the river, but added that it was an “act of criminal damage” for which an investigation will be carried out to identify those involved.

A large number of people demonstrated through Sunday outside the US embassy in London.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

Why de rass BLM is attacking Gandhi ? This is BS now.

Kulies in RH take note.

Dem becoming like PNC ? Brown lives don't matter ?

What a friggn racist remark. So you want dem coolie in RH to sharpen dem cutlass, while you hide in you laterine pit. Be careful before BLM comes for a brownie like you.   

@Former Member posted:

Why de rass BLM is attacking Gandhi ? This is BS now.

Kulies in RH take note.

Dem becoming like PNC ? Brown lives don't matter ?

They just want an excuse to riot and loot.   Bloody Fools.

@Mr.T posted:

Gandhi was a racist. He discriminated against both blacks and white people.

When Gandhi was risking his life saving injured black Zulu warriors and white British soldiers as an ambulance medic in the British Zulu war Mr T was hiding in the latrine.


BLM is nothing more than a front for street gangsters. If BLM was truly concerned with Black Lives, they wouldn’t focus on Black on Black violence. Yes, that police was wrong and well get what he deserves.  But defund them and see what happens in black communities.

And yes, there is a case to be made for training and skills. But they have to take responsibility for themselves. The govt has a role to play. But riots and gangsterism will not win the day, not in America, not even in Guyana.

Trump has put forward a set of actions to help remedy the situation, but the Liberal Left and Antifa have hijacked BLM for their own agenda.  They were already on a good path regarding employment.

Obama came and went, has anything changed for the Blackman?  This is no different than Guyana. What did Burnham change for Blacks in Guyana?  What has Granger changed in five years?

@Mr.T posted:

Gandhi was a racist. He discriminated against both blacks and white people.

You are mixed up. Did you not say once on this site that your elternen were burnt out of Wismar by the very people they would help in difficult times?  You were sharply critical of their behavior and Redux and Cribby cuss you for being racist!

@Former Member posted:

BLM is nothing more than a front for street gangsters. If BLM was truly concerned with Black Lives, they wouldn’t focus on Black on Black violence. Yes, that police was wrong and well get what he deserves.  But defund them and see what happens in black communities.

And yes, there is a case to be made for training and skills. But they have to take responsibility for themselves. The govt has a role to play. But riots and gangsterism will not win the day, not in America, not even in Guyana.

Trump has put forward a set of actions to help remedy the situation, but the Liberal Left and Antifa have hijacked BLM for their own agenda.  They were already on a good path regarding employment.

Obama came and went, has anything changed for the Blackman?  This is no different than Guyana. What did Burnham change for Blacks in Guyana?  What has Granger changed in five years?

Obama is not an Afro-American, he is not qualified to get reparation money. Black Americans gave him the good life and the CHANGE DIN COME.

@Prashad posted:

When Gandhi was risking his life saving injured black Zulu warriors and white British soldiers as an ambulance medic in the British Zulu war Mr T was hiding in the latrine.

THey pulled down his statue that was placed at a university in ghana.

People need to be in their own spaces.

@Mr.T posted:

Gandhi was a racist. He discriminated against both blacks and white people.

Oh! Really!   So was Burnham, Hoyte and Granger.    

Only Mr.T is not a racist.    You should take off your rose coloured  glasses and view the world.  See what is happening in Africa.  See what is happening in the US, Canada and ENGLAND.

There three hundred thousand blacks living in India.  See how they progressed and eating three meals a day, living in beautiful houses and wear expensive clothes.


Mahatma Gandhi lived for peace and nonviolence. Sad that some BLM demonstrations have descended to violence and attack a symbol of nonviolence. 

The great Afro-American civil rights leader Martin Luther King is on record as stating that he was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi.

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Oh! Really!   So was Burnham, Hoyte and Granger.    

Only Mr.T is not a racist.    You should take off your rose coloured  glasses and view the world.  See what is happening in Africa.  See what is happening in the US, Canada and ENGLAND.

There three hundred thousand blacks living in India.  See how they progressed and eating three meals a day, living in beautiful houses and wear expensive clothes.

Rama take a peek at the articles.

Last edited by Django
@seignet posted:

THey pulled down his statue that was placed at a university in ghana.

People need to be in their own spaces.

A statue of Gandhi at the Source of the Nile in Southern Uganda was recently destroyed. Black don't seem to be the same as brown.  

Last edited by Tola

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