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Ellmers: Black North Carolina voters not excited about Clinton

By Eugene Scott, CNN
Updated 8:51 AM ET, Fri November 4, 2016
Story highlights
Rep. Renee Ellmers said the President's efforts have not helped black voters overcome poverty
The North Carolina Republican said 'It's worse off than when Barack Obama took office'
Washington (CNN)Rep. Renee Ellmers said Friday that North Carolina's black voters are not excited about Hillary Clinton, despite polls showing the Democratic presidential nominee overwhelmingly has their support.

"I am not seeing any of the excitement for Hillary Clinton in our African-American population here in North Carolina," the Republican congresswoman told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day."
Early voting among black voters in North Carolina is down by about 5% compared to 2012, according to Catalist, a data company that works with progressive candidates and groups on early voting data.
African-Americans have dropped as a share of the early voter electorate from 28% in 2012 to about 23% this cycle. As more polling stations open this week, their turnout might improve. A majority of African-Americans who voted already in North Carolina were also registered
Excited or not, 94% of North Carolina's black voters are backing Clinton, according to the most recent NBC/WSJ/Marist poll.
RELATED: Why North Carolina is so important in 2016
Ellmers also challenged President Barack Obama's efforts to help black voters overcome poverty, she said.
"No matter how many times President Obama comes and speaks to the African-American population or millennials, he cannot overcome the fact that there are millions more in poverty today," she said of the President, who spoke Wednesday in Chapel Hill at the University of North Carolina.
"The greatest number of those are the African-American population," Ellmers added. "That's what those good people know and understand."
Ellmers, a supporter of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, said poverty in the black community is worse in 2016 than when Obama took office.
"It's worse off than when Barack Obama took office. Millions more are in poverty today than when Barack Obama took office eight years ago," Ellmers added.
While the poverty rate among blacks is higher than the national average, it has declined from its high in recent years.
The poverty rate for African-Americans hit 27.6% in 2011, almost 2 percentage points higher than when Obama took office. But the current rate is 26.2%, based on US census data.
Are blacks worse off under Obama, like Trump says?
CNN's Marshall Cohen contributed to this report.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

African Americans must break the shackles off from the Democrats and look elsewhere for their well being. Democrats use them as pawns and then dump them and show up every four years for their votes.

They need to become independent voters.

Even Black Supremacist Caribji is saying that African Americans are worse off today compared to 2004.

Interesting events.

Last edited by Former Member

Facts to ponder:

The poverty rate for all persons masks considerable variation between racial/ethnic subgroups.

Poverty rates for blacks and Hispanics greatly exceed the national average. In 2014, 26.2 percent of blacks and 23.6 percent of Hispanics were poor, compared to 10.1 percent of non-Hispanic whites and 12 percent of Asians.

yuji22 posted:

African Americans must break the shackles off from the Democrats and look elsewhere for their well being. Democrats use them as pawns and then dump them and show up every four years for their votes.

They need to become independent voters.

Even Black Supremacist Caribji is saying that African Americans are worse off today compared to 2004.

Interesting events.

Shut the hell about things you know nothing of. There are thousands of African intellectuals and people of conscience who are apprised of their position in the political spectrum and know where they fit. That they do not gravitate en mass to republicans is not a casual thing. It is a culturally reinforced thing given the republican congress and the republicans candidates.

Only 60 percent of Americans on the high side will vote. It means some 40 percent of people will stay home for various reasons.  Only about ten percent of black people will stay home.

An independent party in the US is a voiceless party. It is no place for a people with a 10 percent of the vote to be placing their voice in the no man's land of an independent party. It makes no sense.


Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer,

Get off the piwari and let us face the fact that African Americans are at 26.2 percent poverty rate under a Democrat Black President.

This is quite disgraceful. It is an International Disgrace and America's dark secret.

Keep your hogwash trash to yourself, Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

African Americans must break the shackles off from the Democrats and look elsewhere for their well being.

Please furnish evidence that blacks did well under George Bush, or under the GOP dominated NC state government. In fact some will blame the NC GOP for the plight of blacks as well as many whites in that state. NC has extreme income inequality and the situation for native North Carolinians isn't good. The economy of that state certainly did NOT improve under George Bush!

yuji22 posted:

Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer,

Get off the piwari and let us face the fact that African Americans are at 26.2 percent poverty rate under a Democrat Black President.


True. But the best times for blacks was under Bill Clinton.  So they still have no reason to support Donald Trump.

Sorry screaming that "what do you have to lose" isn't interesting. If Trump wants my vote then he needs to tell me why. 

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

.  Only about ten percent of black people will stay home.


Where did you get those numbers from. Even the high point of the black vote in 2008 and 2012 showed that 1/3 of the blacks stayed home.

Given that there isn't a black man running, so the hope and dream of "change" has gone it isn't likely that these numbers will be reached. Try 40% staying home, in line with the overall electorate.

In fact I suspect a dreary turn out, given that many Americans are disgusted with the whole process and see both candidates as foul.

yuji22 posted:

Are democrats really helping Hispanics and African Americans ?

Time for these people to break the shackles off from the democrats.

Can you outline what the GOP is doing to get black and Hispanic votes? Calling Mexicans rapists and criminals. Claiming that an American with Mexican heritage cannot be professional because of his Mexican parents. Ranting that blacks have a "lazy gene" as an explanation why Trump hires few in professional capacities. 

Is this the way for the GOP to really deserve black and Hispanic votes.

Remember that while 26% of blacks might be poor, that means that 74% are NOT, so most blacks don't suffer as much as Trump will like to think. But then he doesn't know blacks, so I can see why his image of us is that we are lazy drug addicted welfare recipients. That in fact is the typical GOP image of blacks.

And it is YOUR image too, which is the ONLY reason why you support Trump.

yuji22 posted:

Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer,

Get off the piwari and let us face the fact that African Americans are at 26.2 percent poverty rate under a Democrat Black President.

This is quite disgraceful. It is an International Disgrace and America's dark secret.

Keep your hogwash trash to yourself, Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer.

Dude, plack poverty is a not a consequence of obama. They lost 30 percent of their net worth in the past administration when their home ownership collapsed. America also has a hundred different safety net other nations do not have. You know that well given you were into trench water only a few decades ago. America is and will continue to be the bast place to live for a long long time. I bet you would not want to be a dalit in India.

And you still are an ignorant mal-educated bigot.

yuji22 posted:

Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer,

Get off the piwari and let us face the fact that African Americans are at 26.2 percent poverty rate under a Democrat Black President.

This is quite disgraceful. It is an International Disgrace and America's dark secret.

Keep your hogwash trash to yourself, Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer.

Yes dummy...they got there because of him! ignorant dalit!

Danyael posted:
yuji22 posted:

Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer,

Get off the piwari and let us face the fact that African Americans are at 26.2 percent poverty rate under a Democrat Black President.

This is quite disgraceful. It is an International Disgrace and America's dark secret.

Keep your hogwash trash to yourself, Miss Danyela/D2/Storm Sewer.

Yes dummy...they got there because of him! ignorant dalit!

I challenge Ugli to tell us what the black poverty rates were in January 2008 after Bush drove the USA into a ditch and caused the worse recession since 1929.


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