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Dear Editor,

Saraswati Vidya Niketan wishes to congratulate Dr Kumar Mahabir of Trinidad for his pioneering efforts to expose the ethnic and ideological biases in CSEC and CAPE syllabuses in Literature and History.  Dr Mahabir has excoriated the two syllabuses in a devastating critique presented in a paper entitled, ‘The Marginalisation and Exclusion of Indians by the Caribbean Education Council (CXC) in the CSEC and CAPE History and Literature Syllabi,’ in the UWI sponsored, ‘Conference on Inclusive Educa-tion: Achieving Education for All.’

Examining the CSEC and CAPE syllabuses for Literature for the period 2015 to 2017, Dr Mahabir discovered a startling and disturbing trend of total exclusion of Indian writers from the list of dramas, poems, novels and short stories.  The CXC list contains names of writers from Barbados, Ireland and Scotland (1 each), Guyana (3), St Lucia and Africa, (4 each), Jamaica (5), England (6) and the USA (9).  There is none from India nor any person of Indian origin, and none from anywhere in the Caribbean.

Dr Kumar also looked at the ethnic breakdown of the writers in the CXC list of 32 and found that 15 are Africans or persons of African origin and 10 Whites.  He concluded, “No Indian playwright, poet, novelist or short-story writer was chosen, although Indians and PIO form the majority ethnic group in Trinidad and Guyana, as well as the largest minority in Jamaica, Grenada, St. Vincent and St. Lucia.  Not even Trinidad-born V.S. Naipaul, Nobel Laureate for Literature and arguably one of the greatest writers in the English Language, seemed worthy enough to be on the CXC list.”

Many decent and well-meaning persons will be outraged by this kind of analysis, because it does hint at a deep level of racial marginalization by the dominant ethnic group in the Caribbean.  I know of several Caribbean persons from the School of Education in Madison who were all nurtured in the concept of racial domination in the curriculum.  I remember the many hours we spent discussing the works of Edward Said who was noted for his analysis of literature as a tool of domination.

My residence from across the education building was a meeting place for students from Senegal, South Africa, Barbados, St Lucia and India.  Prominent among these were Cameron McCarthy of Barbados until recently a professor at the University of Illinois-Urbana, Dr Didicus Jules of St Lucia who later became the Registrar of CXC, Dr Shashi Pandey, a leader in developmental studies, and Professor Mukund Shantaram, an expert in rural education.

We all joined in reading Said, Gayatri Spivak, and Homi Bhabha as a daily staple.  Everyone was schooled in detecting all forms of oppression in education and the curriculum.  We ‘interrogated’ the dominant paradigm to see education as an ideology of oppression.  In the white man’s country, we could see and feel the in-built institutionalized racism of a colour-blind society.

But sadly, all the lessons from revolutionary studies in education were left on American shores.  Because once we landed in the Caribbean we quickly became absorbed in our unique form of institutionalised ethnic domination and oppression. We too became colour-blind. I have always wondered how is it that people who were so adept in seeing the white man’s racism had become so oblivious to their own brand of it back home in which they became active agents in perpetuating.

Studies such as Dr Mahabir has embarked on are rare among us.  Few of us have had the courage to speak out against ethnic domination and those who have dared to do so have been demonized and marginalized, with the result that the entire discourse on ethnic domination has become completely monopolized by one ethnic group.

The attack I refer to has not only come from the “other side.”  Our politics has been so dominated by leftist ideologies of class that Indians on the whole have become thoroughly conditioned to perpetually run from the race question.  Even today we hear an occasional voice resurrected from the past of our racial turmoil proclaiming that it is class and ideology not race that have been dominant factors in our politics, and we are now seeing again the knocking of the first Indian organisations like the Guyana Hindu Maha Sabha and the British Guiana East Indian Association as elitist and self-serving.

Mercifully, Trinidad was saved from this Marxist curse, and so we can have scholars like Dr Mahabir who can call a spade a spade. If we want to deal with the problem of ethnic strife, suspicion and domination we have to begin with the curriculum, and if we want to perpetuate it there is no better place to do it than in the curriculum. Now that we have a revolutionary scholar and intellectual at the helm of our education system we may aspire to freeing ourselves from ethnic domination.

Yours faithfully,

Swami Aksharananda

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Of course Indians play this little game of excluding themselves from discussion of Caribbean identity and culture and then wonder why those from majority black islands like Jamaica and Barbados then dominate the discussion.  Of the 16 plus nations that use CXC only 2 have significant Indian populations.  Yes even St Maarten and the USVI use aspects of the CXC syllabus.

Suggestions that Indians are creatures of the Caribbean and that they have developed an Indo creolized culture (and are no longer of India) and one will hear screams and wails that they have nothing to do with that "degenerate" creole culture in any of its forms. 

Here we have Prashad daily screaming that Indians must not have anything to do with the majority creole culture of the Caribbean as it amounts to nothing more than decadent pirate culture.

If folks don't plant seed them they cannot scream when no fruit is borne.

And if one disrespects others why wail when they are ignored.

How often is there serious discussion about an Indo Caribbean cultural identity, how it has been transformed by life in the Caribbean, and how it engages other aspects of the Caribbean? How often are Indians merely presented as a people of  India merely passing through the Caribbean enroute to some where else?  And why are the few Indians who engage in this discussion dismissed as race hating traitors.

Last edited by Former Member

Hear the continuation of the racist rant of a known racist on this site. No intellectual discussion. Black folks find a racist side to any situation that they feel is against them. When others do the same they are demonized and marginalized. So if Indians developed their own unique Caribbean/creole culture then according to you that in not acceptable. Look  bwoy go rant yuh racist diatribe against your own creole because they are practicing it in the Caribbean.

randolph posted:

Hear the continuation of the racist rant of a known racist on this site. No intellectual discussion. Black folks find a racist side to any situation

Hmmm. Now other than screaming that blacks are lazy, making no contribution to Guyana, cannot even run a mauby shop, those in Linden deserving to starve, and of course the only people who Guyana who suffer crime are Indians and that only blacks are the perpetrators.

What "intellectual" discussion do you have on blacks.  When D2 gave you an opportunity to opine on this topic TWICE last year did you do anything other than calling him an "Indian hater" maybe even adding some bigoted anti Amerindian remarks (or remaining silent while the rest of your buddies did).

You in fact typify why most Caribbean people just cannot see what relevance you have in any discourse about the Caribbean identity.  You contribute NOTHING to this discourse aside from a steady oozing of the same nastiness about blacks that one can read on a KKK site.



caribny posted:

Of course Indians play this little game of excluding themselves from discussion of Caribbean identity and culture and then wonder why those from majority black islands like Jamaica and Barbados then dominate the discussion.  Of the 16 plus nations that use CXC only 2 have significant Indian populations.  Yes even St Maarten and the USVI use aspects of the CXC syllabus.

Suggestions that Indians are creatures of the Caribbean and that they have developed an Indo creolized culture (and are no longer of India) and one will hear screams and wails that they have nothing to do with that "degenerate" creole culture in any of its forms. 

Here we have Prashad daily screaming that Indians must not have anything to do with the majority creole culture of the Caribbean as it amounts to nothing more than decadent pirate culture.

If folks don't plant seed them they cannot scream when no fruit is borne.

And if one disrespects others why wail when they are ignored.

How often is there serious discussion about an Indo Caribbean cultural identity, how it has been transformed by life in the Caribbean, and how it engages other aspects of the Caribbean? How often are Indians merely presented as a people of  India merely passing through the Caribbean enroute to some where else?  And why are the few Indians who engage in this discussion dismissed as race hating traitors.

Fully agree!


There is no difference between an anti-koolie Caribbean racist and a bore South African Apartide Racist when it comes to us East Indians peoples. You cannot change the minds of people who were indoctrinated for 200 years to see the East Indian people as being subhuman inferior. You East Indian fools who are parrots repeating nonsense about Guyana unity and Caribbean unity. There is alot more racism to come in the future as the East Indian population in Guyana begins to decrease in the future. You are only getting a taste of racism to come. Your future days as koolie in Caribbean society will be much worse than the koolie position in Jamaican society. The only viable solution to protect our rights as a people is an independent sovereign country for Guyanese East Indians, douglas who embrace their Indian heritage and allies of the East Indian people of Guyana.

Last edited by Prashad

Cain you cannot simply change the minds of people who were indoctrinated for 200 years to view the East Indian as an inferior subhuman. Caricom etc should be the last thing on the minds of East Indian people.Protecting our human rights and dignity as a people must be of utmost importance. That can only be accomplished by having an independent sovereign country.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wouldn't worry too much about the CXC syllabus.  Those same people whose history is in the CXC books can't even pass the exam.

Suh you saying approx 7 million are dunce and approx 1 million are smart.


It is the responsibility of every Guyanese East Indian parent and every Guyanese Dougla parent who loves their East Indian heritage to educate their children that they are a nation and they belong to their own nation. Every East Indian and dougla child of Guyana should know who people like Samuel Selvon, Ralph Maraj, Dwarka Nath are.  You cannot put your future and your identity in the hands of people who were brainwashed into seeing you as subhuman beings to shape.


I wonder about the CXC and whether it is a legitimate exam. Is it accredited internationally? I can't imagine kids writing 20 subjects and passing, this questions the dept of the curriculum.  Does the Western universities take the CXC credentials seriously in admissions to universities?


CXC is a legitimate exam.  I don't know if it's used for college admissions as I went on to write A Levels which I used to apply to college.  You are correct as to the depth of the curriculum.  Plus a portion of the grade includes classroom work and that grade is determined by the teacher.

Bibi Haniffa
randolph posted:

Hear the continuation of the racist rant of a known racist on this site. No intellectual discussion. Black folks find a racist side to any situation that they feel is against them. When others do the same they are demonized and marginalized. So if Indians developed their own unique Caribbean/creole culture then according to you that in not acceptable. Look  bwoy go rant yuh racist diatribe against your own creole because they are practicing it in the Caribbean.

He was born a RACIST, trained from birth to enhance his RACIST ways and will die a RACISt!!!!!!!


Blacks are the only people who cry out about racism.  I have never seen Chinese or other races scream discrimination based on race.  They work hard and compete fair and square with everyone else.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Blacks are the only people who cry out about racism.  I have never seen Chinese or other races scream discrimination based on race.  They work hard and compete fair and square with everyone else.  

Girl, if I know where you are, I would come and give you a big kiss for speaking the truth. I love a stand up person like you. Dig it up in them coorhee good and prappa. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Blacks are the only people who cry out about racism.  I have never seen Chinese or other races scream discrimination based on race.  They work hard and compete fair and square with everyone else.  

This is correct, look how the pnc screamed racism and marginalization when they were in opposition, now they are in power they still trying to blame the PPP years when Indos were in charge. 

Prashad posted: Every East Indian and dougla child of Guyana should know who people like Samuel Selvon, Ralph Maraj, Dwarka Nath are.  

You left out Habeeb Khan, best Guyanese comedian. He mek all de races laff. Laughter is the best medicine, according to Reader's Digest.


Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

  Those same people whose history is in the CXC books can't even pass the exam.

Guyana ranks last in CXC performance and given that Indians are a high % of those who fail its interesting that you chatter.

Now go back into your Indo KKK cave and welcome the new arrival, GT.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wouldn't worry too much about the CXC syllabus.  Those same people whose history is in the CXC books can't even pass the exam.

Suh you saying approx 7 million are dunce and approx 1 million are smart.

The racist that she is will imply that. Of course she will omit the fact that the best CXC performers are majority black places like Barbados, St Lucia, Dominica, Antigua and St Kitts, while Guyana ranks LAST.  Implying that Indo Guyanese aren't doing that well.

Prashad posted:

It is the responsibility of every Guyanese East Indian parent and every Guyanese Dougla parent who loves their East Indian heritage to educate their children that they are a nation and they belong to their own nation. Every East Indian and dougla child of Guyana should know who people like Samuel Selvon, Ralph Maraj, Dwarka Nath are.  You cannot put your future and your identity in the hands of people who were brainwashed into seeing you as subhuman beings to shape.

So based on what you scream Indians aren't a Caribbean people. So why your wails that they aren't included in Caribbean history and literature?

If these are people of India then you should rant that kids in India learn about literature written by Indians born in (but not of) the Caribbean.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Blacks are the only people who cry out about racism.  I have never seen Chinese or other races scream discrimination based on race.  They work hard and compete fair and square with everyone else.  

Really. So why is Prashad with his half black wife and his quarter black kids screaming day in and day out about how he suffers at the hands of blacks.

And what of the Swami?  Isn't he wailing about discrimination?


Few of you all consider yourselves to be Caribbean people. You look down on Caribbean culture and identity as being decadent. So really why do any of you bother with this thread.

Now run off and beg the folks of India to love you as much as you all love them.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Blacks are the only people who cry out about racism.  I have never seen Chinese or other races scream discrimination based on race.  They work hard and compete fair and square with everyone else.  

Really. So why is Prashad with his half black wife and his quarter black kids screaming day in and day out about how he suffers at the hands of blacks.

And what of the Swami?  Isn't he wailing about discrimination?


Few of you all consider yourselves to be Caribbean people. You look down on Caribbean culture and identity as being decadent. So really why do any of you bother with this thread.

Now run off and beg the folks of India to love you as much as you all love them.

Caribny these issues are much bigger than one person even Prashad.  As I said many times on this board. East Indians of Guyana are their own nation. Not India Indians nor Trinidad Indians.  We East Indians of Guyana are now at dangerous crossroads. If we do not take a stand now and start the process for an independent sovereign country by peaceful means where our human rights, unique culture and dignity as a people is protected then we East Indians will be heading for a long slow and painful decline in Guyana as our numbers continue to decrease.   

Last edited by Prashad
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

  Those same people whose history is in the CXC books can't even pass the exam.

Guyana ranks last in CXC performance and given that Indians are a high % of those who fail its interesting that you chatter.

Now go back into your Indo KKK cave and welcome the new arrival, GT.

Where do you pull out these inaccurate facts from?  Next time you go into exile from GNI, you should learn a few more words other than Indo KKK.  It makes you look shallow, racist, and uneducated!

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I wouldn't worry too much about the CXC syllabus.  Those same people whose history is in the CXC books can't even pass the exam.

Suh you saying approx 7 million are dunce and approx 1 million are smart.

The racist that she is will imply that. Of course she will omit the fact that the best CXC performers are majority black places like Barbados, St Lucia, Dominica, Antigua and St Kitts, while Guyana ranks LAST.  Implying that Indo Guyanese aren't doing that well.

Unlike you, I have some authority to speak on this.  I was a CXC History teacher.  As such I hereby declare the information above as - FAKE NEWS.  Alternative Facts.

Bibi Haniffa

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