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Chief posted:

Not so long ago Afro Guyanese was saying on Social Media that Burnham was the father of the Nation, with which i AGREE.

Now they are saying it is Granger.

so, don't Indo-Guyanese who, to a man, hail Dr. Jagan as Father of the Nation "Love A Children Father" too?

shame on you!

i suppose we'll have a lot more posts like this in the coming weeks

the new (premature?) race triumphalism writ not-so-subtle

Last edited by Former Member

Granger missed a golden opportunity to lead Guyana and take it out of a race based mindset.

He governed as if he was clueless and allowed his commie jackass Moses to bring down his government.

The initial goodwill shown towards his administration was unbelievable and he blew that opportunity. He allowed the same band of racist PNC blacks to destroy the goodwill within the first year of his administration. The economy went into a tailspin as he selected the most incompetent bunch of ministers in Guyana’s history.

Jadgeo bussed their balls at LGE and then brought forward his masterpiece no confidence motion to bring down one of the most clueless and corrupt administration in Guyana’s history.

Speaker after speaker ripped apart the PNC and for the first time, Guyanese at home and abroad witnessed the unravelling of a hapless and corrupt administration as Charandass slammed the final nail in the AFC PNC coffin.

Guana and Carib might need mental health intervention as they became unhinged and are crying and complaining to admin after the PPP boys bussed their backs and rubbed salt and hot ðŸĨĩ pepper on their backside. 

ronan posted:
Chief posted:

Not so long ago Afro Guyanese was saying on Social Media that Burnham was the father of the Nation, with which i AGREE.

Now they are saying it is Granger.

so, don't Indo-Guyanese who, to a man, hail Dr. Jagan as Father of the Nation "Love A Children Father" too?

shame on you!

i suppose we'll have a lot more posts like this in the coming weeks

the new (premature?) race triumphalism writ not-so-subtle

The real father of the nation is the Hon. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham.

Rest your sorry ass about race.

Chief posted:
ronan posted:
Chief posted:

Not so long ago Afro Guyanese was saying on Social Media that Burnham was the father of the Nation, with which i AGREE.

Now they are saying it is Granger.

so, don't Indo-Guyanese who, to a man, hail Dr. Jagan as Father of the Nation "Love A Children Father" too?

shame on you!

i suppose we'll have a lot more posts like this in the coming weeks

the new (premature?) race triumphalism writ not-so-subtle

The real father of the nation is the Hon. Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham.

Rest your sorry ass about race.

Chief, stop playing the jackass

your post mocks Black black people with racist stereotyping . . . and you know it!

you intended it!

and it's not the 1st time

it's amazing what people like you feel you can get away with

i don't think anyone here is foolish enough to place you in the same category as the bigot lout cohort posting here, but you have your blind spots and it's way past time you were called on it

Last edited by Former Member

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

ksazma posted:

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

your comment reflects the 'thinking' of the ignorant

airing out your casual bigotry like a trophy won at bingo

re-read my post

i note the hair trigger throw down by you and Chief where all things critical of/stereotyping Muslims/Islam is concerned

y'all comfort level re pissing on Black people as sport is frightening

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

your comment reflects the 'thinking' of the ignorant

airing out your casual bigotry like a trophy won at bingo

re-read my post

i note the hair trigger throw down by you and Chief where all things critical of/stereotyping Muslims/Islam is concerned

y'all comfort level re pissing on Black people as sport is frightening

Claims of stereotyping is a strategy used by people to excuse their circumstances. Unfortunately, excusing ones circumstances only keep them stuck there. Why do you think I stopped making excuses for Muslims behavior? I refuse to sweep things under the rug.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

your comment reflects the 'thinking' of the ignorant

airing out your casual bigotry like a trophy won at bingo

re-read my post

i note the hair trigger throw down by you and Chief where all things critical of/stereotyping Muslims/Islam is concerned

y'all comfort level re pissing on Black people as sport is frightening

Claims of stereotyping is a strategy used by people to excuse their circumstances.

fool, you apparently don't know what a stereotype is

look it up

in context, do you even have any idea what "Black people" encompasses?

the only thing worse than a calcified bigot is a DUNCE one

this all must make you feel so 'white'


Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Anyone criticizing black people behavior is labeled a bigot. A white person kills a black person, we are expected to label the white person a bigot. A black person kills another black person, we are labeled bigots if we criticize the black killer. Keep making excuses and the same sub-standards will continue.

distilled ignorance and whining . . . you 'reason' like an adult retard

worse than sophomoric

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone criticizing black people behavior is labeled a bigot. A white person kills a black person, we are expected to label the white person a bigot. A black person kills another black person, we are labeled bigots if we criticize the black killer. Keep making excuses and the same sub-standards will continue.

distilled ignorance and whining . . . you 'reason' like an adult retard

worse than sophomoric

Keep making excuses. De rest ah abee ah move on and up.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone criticizing black people behavior is labeled a bigot. A white person kills a black person, we are expected to label the white person a bigot. A black person kills another black person, we are labeled bigots if we criticize the black killer. Keep making excuses and the same sub-standards will continue.

distilled ignorance and whining . . . you 'reason' like an adult retard

worse than sophomoric

Keep making excuses. De rest ah abee ah move on and up.

pitiful non sequitur . . . look it up

empty shakeabatty stuff


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone criticizing black people behavior is labeled a bigot. A white person kills a black person, we are expected to label the white person a bigot. A black person kills another black person, we are labeled bigots if we criticize the black killer. Keep making excuses and the same sub-standards will continue.

distilled ignorance and whining . . . you 'reason' like an adult retard

worse than sophomoric

Keep making excuses. De rest ah abee ah move on and up.

pitiful non sequitur . . . look it up

empty shakeabatty stuff


You are like Trump. You use a term and believe that no one else knows it.

Boring. Yet you can't help yourself. This is oxygen for you. 

If you are able to do it, try helping to solve the black on black crimes in America.

ksazma posted:

All the marches but none when blacks kill other blacks. Some folks attending a funeral in Chicago for a victim of gun violence were also gunned down at the funeral. Keep making excuses and hiding behind claims of stereotyping. de rest ah ahbe ah move on and move up.

more non sequitur fluff of the vacuous

mumbling random, disconnected talking points from anti black race media

post after post of the same  . . .  pretending at responding to something

weird psycho shyte

ksazma posted:

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

For most of the Indian experience it was wife sharing. Not until in the late 19 century were they close to being on par between the sexes.  Today, Indian women out number men. They do not marry black men because of cultural taboos. But many still have black children. We have close to 20 percent of our people being of blended siblings and predominantly Indian/black unions.  I do not know the present statistics but there was a recent report that Guyana is rapidly on pace with American young people into cohabitation and not marrying. The idea that black men alone are having children in unwed unions is a gross false hood. Present day Guyana is populated with unmared young of both races and that is increasingly becoming the norm. 

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

All the marches but none when blacks kill other blacks. Some folks attending a funeral in Chicago for a victim of gun violence were also gunned down at the funeral. Keep making excuses and hiding behind claims of stereotyping. de rest ah ahbe ah move on and move up.

more non sequitur fluff of the vacuous

mumbling random, disconnected talking points from anti black race media

post after post of the same  . . .  pretending at responding to something

weird psycho shyte

Anti black race media isn't responsible for all the black on black crimes in America. But it seems that you need to take comfort in that.

You should be ashamed to make any criticism about "post after post of the same" given that you are like a broken record.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

All the marches but none when blacks kill other blacks. Some folks attending a funeral in Chicago for a victim of gun violence were also gunned down at the funeral. Keep making excuses and hiding behind claims of stereotyping. de rest ah ahbe ah move on and move up.

more non sequitur fluff of the vacuous

mumbling random, disconnected talking points from anti black race media

post after post of the same  . . .  pretending at responding to something

weird psycho shyte

Anti black race media isn't responsible for all the black on black crimes in America. But it seems that you need to take comfort in that.

i never said or implied that

you're creating ludicrous phantoms to tilt 'viciously' at


Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

For most of the Indian experience it was wife sharing. Not until in the late 19 century were they close to being on par between the sexes.  Today, Indian women out number men. They do not marry black men because of cultural taboos. But many still have black children. We have close to 20 percent of our people being of blended siblings and predominantly Indian/black unions.  I do not know the present statistics but there was a recent report that Guyana is rapidly on pace with American young people into cohabitation and not marrying. The idea that black men alone are having children in unwed unions is a gross false hood. Present day Guyana is populated with unmared young of both races and that is increasingly becoming the norm. 

D2, I never said that black men alone are having children in unwed unions. The first sentence above stated that Indian women also had children out of wedlock. Ronan is having a hissy fit because he cannot accept that black women also do and to a larger degree than Indian women. He prefers to comfort himself by hiding behind the race card.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyone criticizing black people behavior is labeled a bigot. A white person kills a black person, we are expected to label the white person a bigot. A black person kills another black person, we are labeled bigots if we criticize the black killer. Keep making excuses and the same sub-standards will continue.

distilled ignorance and whining . . . you 'reason' like an adult retard

worse than sophomoric

Keep making excuses. De rest ah abee ah move on and up.

pitiful non sequitur . . . look it up

empty shakeabatty stuff


You are like Trump. You use a term and believe that no one else knows it.

Boring. Yet you can't help yourself. This is oxygen for you. 

If you are able to do it, try helping to solve the black on black crimes in America.

You are becoming as racist as t he rest of these bigots that inhabit this place. Black on black crime is high and need solving but America has comparatively speaking no less white on white crime. One has to also re define violence.

The theft of hedge fund magnates that sent millions into the poverty line have practiced violence no less extreme than the seven eleven stick up boy. None of the former went to jail but every seven eleven stick up boy catches at least 20.


Last year 70 thousand kids, mainly white ODed on opioid, most dispensed legitimately by mainly white doctors  issued the drugs by white pharmaceutical reps representing the biggest companies on the planet. If they send 100 times the pills to an area than is necessary they are drug

Very few see the inside of prisons. We have 2 million black men in prison for selling weed and crack. I wonder why! Do you think it is time you tell the white boys to help themselves?

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

All the marches but none when blacks kill other blacks. Some folks attending a funeral in Chicago for a victim of gun violence were also gunned down at the funeral. Keep making excuses and hiding behind claims of stereotyping. de rest ah ahbe ah move on and move up.

more non sequitur fluff of the vacuous

mumbling random, disconnected talking points from anti black race media

post after post of the same  . . .  pretending at responding to something

weird psycho shyte

Anti black race media isn't responsible for all the black on black crimes in America. But it seems that you need to take comfort in that.

i never said or implied that

you're creating ludicrous phantoms to tilt 'viciously' at


Then deal with the violence and don't get distracted by the media. It appears that you needed to inject the media to excuse or comfort you from focusing on the black on black crimes in America. Your focus is on the pennies when the dollars are blowing away from you.

ksazma posted:

Ronan is having a hissy fit because he cannot accept that black women also do and to a larger degree than Indian women. He prefers to comfort himself by hiding behind the race card.

you are a poor liar . . . an ignorant coward even

the record of your stumbling all over this thread belching acid bile at black people is here (permanently?) for all to see

ain't the internet grand

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Ronan is having a hissy fit because he cannot accept that black women also do and to a larger degree than Indian women. He prefers to comfort himself by hiding behind the race card.

you are a poor liar . . . an ignorant coward even

the record of your stumbling all over this thread belching acid bile at black people is here (permanently?) for all to see

ain't the internet grand

You are so desperately in need of things to comfort yourself. 

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

All the marches but none when blacks kill other blacks. Some folks attending a funeral in Chicago for a victim of gun violence were also gunned down at the funeral. Keep making excuses and hiding behind claims of stereotyping. de rest ah ahbe ah move on and move up.

more non sequitur fluff of the vacuous

mumbling random, disconnected talking points from anti black race media

post after post of the same  . . .  pretending at responding to something

weird psycho shyte

Anti black race media isn't responsible for all the black on black crimes in America. But it seems that you need to take comfort in that.

i never said or implied that

you're creating ludicrous phantoms to tilt 'viciously' at


Then deal with the violence and don't get distracted by the media. It appears that you needed to inject the media to excuse or comfort you from focusing on the black on black crimes in America. Your focus is on the pennies when the dollars are blowing away from you.


banna get a grip on yourself and focus . . . you are all over the place and confused

bilious race stuff consumed whole does that to the ignorant

your argumentation is that of a lost, insecure 14-year old girl


ronan posted:

banna get a grip on yourself and focus . . . you are all over the place and confused

bilious race stuff consumed whole does that to the ignorant

your argumentation is that of a lost, insecure 14-year old girl


It is your fault that you can't multitask. While blacks continue to make excuses for their situations, others are doing things that are helping them move on and move up. Bit if ya'll want it that way, so be it but don't expect others to also pretend that it is any other way.

ksazma posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

For most of the Indian experience it was wife sharing. Not until in the late 19 century were they close to being on par between the sexes.  Today, Indian women out number men. They do not marry black men because of cultural taboos. But many still have black children. We have close to 20 percent of our people being of blended siblings and predominantly Indian/black unions.  I do not know the present statistics but there was a recent report that Guyana is rapidly on pace with American young people into cohabitation and not marrying. The idea that black men alone are having children in unwed unions is a gross false hood. Present day Guyana is populated with unmared young of both races and that is increasingly becoming the norm. 

D2, I never said that black men alone are having children in unwed unions. The first sentence above stated that Indian women also had children out of wedlock. Ronan is having a hissy fit because he cannot accept that black women also do and to a larger degree than Indian women. He prefers to comfort himself by hiding behind the race card.

Lets be clear. It is a dog whistle. I am tired of watching Indians pretend that blacks or other races are gods back sides and they are blessed with Apollonian virtues. Indian women are in cultural shackles. Most of them would be disowned if they go outside family dictum and if they consort with other races ( white excluded) it is eternal banishment. And you compare that to African women who act on their own volition!

 Day in day out you see this board comment on black as the backward others and it is absolutely disgusting  The PPP had been one of the most corrupt regime in our society but I see the ask is "prove" it.  But in the same breath  we hear Granger is a crook. I will say without reservation that Granger's regime  is that of  choir boys compared to jagdeo and the PPP. 

And guess what...look at the number of threads and the cheering in the ranks here relentlessly about the virtue of Charandass offering the possibility of a return of the PPP. Well what do you know.....

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:
D2 posted:
ksazma posted:

While there were single Indian women in Guyana who had child fathers, it was more common for single black women to have child fathers. That was an acknowledged reality. Why is Ronan so incensed by that. Obviously the single women didn't have any issues with it.

Dude, accept your reality. If you don't like it, do something to fix it. It is a dirty habit to sweep things under your rug.

For most of the Indian experience it was wife sharing. Not until in the late 19 century were they close to being on par between the sexes.  Today, Indian women out number men. They do not marry black men because of cultural taboos. But many still have black children. We have close to 20 percent of our people being of blended siblings and predominantly Indian/black unions.  I do not know the present statistics but there was a recent report that Guyana is rapidly on pace with American young people into cohabitation and not marrying. The idea that black men alone are having children in unwed unions is a gross false hood. Present day Guyana is populated with unmared young of both races and that is increasingly becoming the norm. 

D2, I never said that black men alone are having children in unwed unions. The first sentence above stated that Indian women also had children out of wedlock. Ronan is having a hissy fit because he cannot accept that black women also do and to a larger degree than Indian women. He prefers to comfort himself by hiding behind the race card.

Lets be clear. It is a dog whistle. I am tired of watching Indians pretend that blacks or other races are gods back sides and they are blessed with Apollonian virtues. Indian women are in cultural shackles. Most of them would be disowned if they go outside family dictum and if the consort with other races it is eternal banishment. And you compare that to African women who act on their own volition!

 Day in day out you see this board comment on black as the backward others and it is absolutely disgusting  The PPP had been one of the most corrupt regime in our society but I see the ask is "prove" But in the same breath  we hear Granger is a crook. I will say without reservation that Granger's regime  is that of  choir boys compared to jagdeo and the PPP. 

And guess what...look at the number of threads and the cheering in the ranks here relentlessly about the virtue of Charandass offering the possibility of a return of the PPP. Well what do you know.....

Everything is a dog whistle now. Is it or is it not a fact that many black women in Guyana have child fathers. This board is riddled with the maligning of Indians also. I don't see you worried about that. Why is everyone so sensitive about black people feelings. Black people don't seem to care about other black people feelings when they gun them down everyday. No other religion has been more attacked on GNI than Islam (even you have had your heart's full with bashing Muslims and Islam) and just like how Muslims must take responsibilities for their bad behavior, so does everyone else, including blacks. Not so long ago, Yuji was being chastised for his comment about a former first lady. The funny thing is that Carib actually made that claim a few years ago where he said that he actually know the black men involved. No one chastised him then or I am sure no one will chastise him now although many of you know how to check the archives. But Yuji is still being mentioned about his comments. 

Chief started this thread with a comment about blacks like child fathers. That should have been very easy for Ronan to agree with but because he is black and blacks feelings get hurt very easy, he called it racist and here we are with him still trying to use race to ignore a reality.

ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

banna get a grip on yourself and focus . . . you are all over the place and confused

bilious race stuff consumed whole does that to the ignorant

your argumentation is that of a lost, insecure 14-year old girl


It is your fault that you can't multitask. While blacks continue to make excuses for their situations, others are doing things that are helping them move on and move up. Bit if ya'll want it that way, so be it but don't expect others to also pretend that it is any other way.

it goes without saying that i don't represent undifferentiated "Blacks" on this planet, and it is beyond weird that you are presumptuous enough with your mangy, mediocre self to task me with "deal[ing] with the violence . . ." and other strange stuff the knuckle dragging hood n sheet crowd likes to chant

i am simply a poster here exposing and tagging ignorance and anti-Black racism which you seem to have stockpiled in ample quantities while refugeeing as a brown person in America

fatally DUNCE . . . that's your issue

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:
ronan posted:

banna get a grip on yourself and focus . . . you are all over the place and confused

bilious race stuff consumed whole does that to the ignorant

your argumentation is that of a lost, insecure 14-year old girl


It is your fault that you can't multitask. While blacks continue to make excuses for their situations, others are doing things that are helping them move on and move up. Bit if ya'll want it that way, so be it but don't expect others to also pretend that it is any other way.

it goes without saying that i don't represent undifferentiated "Blacks" on this planet, and it is beyond weird that you are presumptuous enough with your mangy, mediocre self to task me with "deal[ing] with the violence . . ." and other strange stuff the knuckle dragging hood n sheet crowd likes to chant

i am simply a poster here exposing and tagging ignorance and anti-Black racism which you seem to have stockpiled in ample quantities while refugeeing as a brown person in America

fatally DUNCE . . . that's your issue

I don't know who you represent. It is clear that you find comfort making excuses for blacks and rather in acknowledging where there are shortcomings in the black communities, you chose to hide behind the race card.

You actually think that you are doing something meaningful on GNI? Dude, this is a two cents messaging board. Why would something so basic be needed by you for comfort.

But blacks can continue to make excuses for their conditions and watch other do thing that help them move on and move up.

ksazma posted:

Everything is a dog whistle now. Is it or is it not a fact that many black women in Guyana have child fathers. This board is riddled with the maligning of Indians also. I don't see you worried about that. Why is everyone so sensitive about black people feelings. Black people don't seem to care about other black people feelings when they gun them down everyday. No other religion has been more attacked on GNI than Islam (even you have had your heart's full with bashing Muslims and Islam) and just like how Muslims must take responsibilities for their bad behavior, so does everyone else, including blacks. Not so long ago, Yuji was being chastised for his comment about a former first lady. The funny thing is that Carib actually made that claim a few years ago where he said that he actually know the black men involved. No one chastised him then or I am sure no one will chastise him now although many of you know how to check the archives. But Yuji is still being mentioned about his comments. 

Chief started this thread with a comment about blacks like child fathers. That should have been very easy for Ronan to agree with but because he is black and blacks feelings get hurt very easy, he called it racist and here we are with him still trying to use race to ignore a reality.

Let me give you a taste of your own medicine because I know the answer...prove to me there are more black women our of wedlock than Indians in Guyana

I would be within the realm of reasonable to say no one is  making hateful statements about Indians on this site. That would surprise most of you.  Indians take the fact of stating  that the PPP were crooks and that they marginalize black people as attacking them. Blacks dare not take up a position for Granger similarly without incurring the wrath and attendant biliousness about them being lovers of violence. This back and forth has had us in a low level warfare for almost a century. 

Ugli is a nasty low life racist ******* so I do not care to have you place him up as an example of the maligned. He lowers the value of the site as relevant for information on our country. He cannot say what he say here on the street. I would bust him in the head and am a pacifist. 

I have argued with caribj more than any of you on any of a hundred subjects and I know his arguments completely. I do not agree with 99 percent of it that is why we argue. I commented on two of his positions only recently as yesterday. 

His onerous habits is using offensive terms as indic or indo KKK and unnecessary phrases as black bigan.  However, I have never heard him say that Indians are lesser than he or that they are not as smart as black people. There is a difference.

In every instance where he is called a racist it is for taking up a defensive position about something concerning his belief about black experience. Check it out and show me one instance where he said he is better than and Indian. He says the reverse and it is a truism here; he says Indians think blacks are nothings but he is here to prove otherwise. 

Now I have heard that from practically every Indian person inhabiting this site about how blessed with gifts of virtue the Indian is.  On a level of cultural boundaries the sentiment of being better than others keep the culture intact. But it becomes corrosive if  that is used as an instrument  of political power through the stereotyping of others. That has been the basis of every argument on this board.  One has a right to confront it because the reality is Indians are as cursed as the rest of the children of Adam  We have to speak our truths as if we really mean for them to be our truths. 

Chiefs comment is odious. It took a stereotype and leveraged it to make a point casually as he did not care whom it offended. You took it further and the reason I commented. 

Last edited by Former Member
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