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Gilbakka posted:

@Former Member

Gilly is an optimist. I firmly believe that both PPP & PNC have the potential to reach out across the racial divide provided there is the will and decency not to deceive with false promises. .

The suspicion between Indians and blacks will continue until its resolved.  And it doesn't matter whether its the PNC, PPP, ABC or XYZ parties involved.

Guyanese need to stop being cowards on this issue.  Burnham and Cheddi are long dead and yet Guyanese remain as divided as ever, so clearly it isn't just about Burnham and Cheddi.

Black people see Indians as a clannish lot only inclined to help out their own.  They note the employment practices which happen in the private sector when those responsible for hiring are Indians.  The PPP is a symptom of this perception of Indian clannishness.

I will leave someone else to speak about the Indian insecurity about blacks.  Even within the AFC there was an Indo vs. non Indo aspect.

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
  The PPP did a lot for blacks yet they rejected them.  

And now you are the expert on what it is to be black. Here is what blacks said of the PPP. That even when the PPP built facilities in their regions the contractors were from the PPP and these people hired mainly Indians.  This was said in Buxton and in Linden.

So should blacks celebrate what the PPP did for them when they remained unemployed?

caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
  The PPP did a lot for blacks yet they rejected them.  

And now you are the expert on what it is to be black. Here is what blacks said of the PPP. That even when the PPP built facilities in their regions the contractors were from the PPP and these people hired mainly Indians.  This was said in Buxton and in Linden.

So should blacks celebrate what the PPP did for them when they remained unemployed?

What Baseman is sehing, is dat we shud be happy we get de lil patronizing from dem when deh throw wan wan tidbit we must bow down and seh "yes massa, tenk yuh". No regard for the larger issues or to confront the racism.

"Do a lot for blacks...." with no acknowledgment that the same "doers' stood up and boldly proclaimed their party a "coolie" party and they gon "tek back" the country fuh "coolie people". but hey, they "do a lot" fuh black people. SMFH.

Tek a look at "Dave" earlier posts on dis thread. Dis is one of de "businessmen" in Guyana. Imagine wukking fuh dis racist scumbag.


Iguana posted:
caribny posted:
Baseman posted:
  The PPP did a lot for blacks yet they rejected them.  

And now you are the expert on what it is to be black. Here is what blacks said of the PPP. That even when the PPP built facilities in their regions the contractors were from the PPP and these people hired mainly Indians.  This was said in Buxton and in Linden.

So should blacks celebrate what the PPP did for them when they remained unemployed?

What Baseman is sehing, is dat we shud be happy we get de lil patronizing from dem when deh throw wan wan tidbit we must bow down and seh "yes massa, tenk yuh". No regard for the larger issues or to confront the racism.

"Do a lot for blacks...." with no acknowledgment that the same "doers' stood up and boldly proclaimed their party a "coolie" party and they gon "tek back" the country fuh "coolie people". but hey, they "do a lot" fuh black people. SMFH.

Tek a look at "Dave" earlier posts on dis thread. Dis is one of de "businessmen" in Guyana. Imagine wukking fuh dis racist scumbag.


Hey dribble mouth, the blacks working for me are loyal, some has been around for 14 years, something must be good . Not all blacks are the grudgeful dag. 

Look at all your comments on this forum, nothing with substance and with a healthy discussion .

You comes out swinging with envy at everyone. Too bad you were born that way, go seek help, you miserable fool. 

And stop reference my name in your comments

Dave posted:

And stop reference my name in your comments

Idiot, it's a "discussion forum". If yuh illiterate ass cud read yuh would know it. It's a public forum, and I can call you out on all de shit and racist bile yuh vomiting out hay. But guh complain. And tek yuh crybaby fren wid yuh. Haul ass in alyuh diaper quick  befo yuh shit yuhself.


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