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Drugb posted:

Prior to 2015 the elections were not close. This type of rigging only works in close elections.  Rohee never used these words and it is not ok for you to keep using this derogatory word to describe indians.  You don't like it when the n word is used to describe your people. 


Jagdeo and Rohee BOTH used the word "coolie".   Rohee agreed that the PPP is a "coolie people party".

Not only that but they ran around Indian and Amerindian areas screaming that if the APNU/AFC wins all straight haired people will be killed. That the army and the police will beat up Indians. The PPP engaged in a campaign of racial panic.  They perpetually raise the specter of the violent black man to terrify Indians and Amerindians. 

APNU/AFC on the other hand preached ethnic unity. Whether they practice this is another matter, but at least they didn't campaign on the basis of racial division, as did the PPP.

The PPP has yet to furnish proof that they won, and in fact many have jumped off that sinking ship and are begging Nagamootoo for work. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Stormy is pretending to be a real buckman. I would more believe he is radicalized Dalit or Dalit Panther.

Are there fake native peoples? I will never be mistaken for a dalit. I make a point of telling people that is a significant portion of my genetic heritage.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Only a fool who do not understand the Indian culture will make such a ridiculous statement. Based on your position, Blacks cannot be racists, only Indians are out of your friggin nuggies...unless you trying to mess with people minds starting to sound like Warria


The reverence which Indians have, and have always had for light skin color, pre dating colonialism, is well documented.  Don't be a jackass and pretend otherwise.

As to the rest of your dishonest asinine behavior.  As often as I have mentioned African racism towards Indians, YOU wish to pretend that I haven't said this.  I have said this. Redux, has said it, as did Itaname and Stormborn.  Our point is that people like you deny the existence of an equally obnoxious Indian racism towards blacks.

YOU do not wish to hear it, as you wish to deny the existence of Indian racism towards blacks. So you try to justify your denials by inventing nonsense that blacks in Guyana deny the existence of black racism.  Rodney spoke on it, as did David Hinds, as did Andaiye, as did Nigel Hughes.  FACT.  NONE have been condemned as self hating blacks by Afro Guyanese.

Jagdeo has proven himself a racist and yet you scream that he isn't.

West Indian Blacks are some of the most racist people on this planet.  Guyanese Blacks are in a class by themselves.  Black people on the whole are racist, why you think Obama, even as a failure, still pulled 98% blacks in 2012!

Hillary will get 95% of the black vote next November. Is she a black woman?

95% of the Indians voted for Jagdeo and the 5% voted for Nagamootoo.

Digest this for a minute and then tell me whether this behavior is any different from what you accuse blacks of portraying.

About West Indian blacks. Well if they are so racist why then did blacks in St Vincent vote to put a Portuguese man back in power, this being his FOURTH term as prime minister?

Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Stormy is pretending to be a real buckman. I would more believe he is radicalized Dalit or Dalit Panther.

Are there fake native peoples? I will never be mistaken for a dalit. I make a point of telling people that is a significant portion of my genetic heritage.

All Dalits don't share the same physical features and religion. They exist from Pakistan to India to Bangladesh. You are bullshitter when it comes to your true identity.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If they are a coolie party how come they won nearly 50% of the votes?



By terrifying Amerindians about "blackman", plus Amerindians tend to vote for the party in power in attempt to guarantee access to resources.

Given that blacks haven't gone rampaging among Amerindians, and Granger is   wooing the Amerindian vote, we cannot predict what will happen in 2020.

The fastest growing part of the voting population is the mixed segment. 80% of them REJECT the PPP, even though large numbers of them are part Indian.

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If black people want to be light skinned, they can use dye(tumeric). It might help a little bit unless they took a charcoal tan.

Is that what you do? Note the dye is indian and not African. You cannot help yourself given that dalitdom is almost entirely dark and designated so even by the caste color structure. That is some 600 million people. Tamil Nadu is not populated by light skinned folks nor is Behar or Madras. That is the source pool of tribals that came to Guyana.....their names tell you that....lohars, pillars, dossas, chamars, doms, etc...some 20 versions of dalitdom.

My father was blue eyed and fair skinned. So I inherited some of his traits. On the other hand, you inherited the buckman trait..piwari and cassava bread. I am glad my forefathers left India when they did.

I do not know what is a buckman's trait but you very brilliant folks are the only one who can grasp that. Here you are arguing the preference of color and then emphasizing your so called blue eyed gene. What nonsense! The majority of people who came were dark and that is mainly because there is a cultural backwardness that deem dark people lesser than. I know you are glad your forefathers left India and came to the bounty of my ancestral home. It is only here that you can see your humanity rise from the arbitrary status of dalit imposed by brahamins. I guess you will tell me you are a brahamin now!

Rather than worrying about brahamins and dalits, why don't you put your sakawinki parrot on your shoulder and go look for the indian woman who dumped you because you were lazy. It's your ignorance.

warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If black people want to be light skinned, they can use dye(tumeric). It might help a little bit unless they took a charcoal tan.

Is that what you do? Note the dye is indian and not African. You cannot help yourself given that dalitdom is almost entirely dark and designated so even by the caste color structure. That is some 600 million people. Tamil Nadu is not populated by light skinned folks nor is Behar or Madras. That is the source pool of tribals that came to Guyana.....their names tell you that....lohars, pillars, dossas, chamars, doms, etc...some 20 versions of dalitdom.

My father was blue eyed and fair skinned. So I inherited some of his traits. On the other hand, you inherited the buckman trait..piwari and cassava bread. I am glad my forefathers left India when they did.

your mother was playing around,no collie have blue eyes 

I will make you eat shit one of these days. We gave you kaka eatah to eat, next time I will give you shit. My father is dead and gone so I can post his photo on the site. You don't believe blackmen have blue eyes either heh?

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Prior to 2015 the elections were not close. This type of rigging only works in close elections.  Rohee never used these words and it is not ok for you to keep using this derogatory word to describe indians.  You don't like it when the n word is used to describe your people. 


Jagdeo and Rohee BOTH used the word "coolie".   Rohee agreed that the PPP is a "coolie people party".

Not only that but they ran around Indian and Amerindian areas screaming that if the APNU/AFC wins all straight haired people will be killed. That the army and the police will beat up Indians. The PPP engaged in a campaign of racial panic.  They perpetually raise the specter of the violent black man to terrify Indians and Amerindians. 

APNU/AFC on the other hand preached ethnic unity. Whether they practice this is another matter, but at least they didn't campaign on the basis of racial division, as did the PPP.

The PPP has yet to furnish proof that they won, and in fact many have jumped off that sinking ship and are begging Nagamootoo for work. 

You have to be joking, quoting Kaieteur news as a source, a known enemy of Rhoee. Noting this dirt rag prints is to be believed. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Stormborn posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Stormy is pretending to be a real buckman. I would more believe he is radicalized Dalit or Dalit Panther.

Are there fake native peoples? I will never be mistaken for a dalit. I make a point of telling people that is a significant portion of my genetic heritage.

All Dalits don't share the same physical features and religion. They exist from Pakistan to India to Bangladesh. You are bullshitter when it comes to your true identity.

Where did I say different you moron? Indeed I am a bullshitter when it comes to my identity and make a whole lot of crap up but that is besides the point on the question as to who are dalits.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If black people want to be light skinned, they can use dye(tumeric). It might help a little bit unless they took a charcoal tan.

Is that what you do? Note the dye is indian and not African. You cannot help yourself given that dalitdom is almost entirely dark and designated so even by the caste color structure. That is some 600 million people. Tamil Nadu is not populated by light skinned folks nor is Behar or Madras. That is the source pool of tribals that came to Guyana.....their names tell you that....lohars, pillars, dossas, chamars, doms, etc...some 20 versions of dalitdom.

My father was blue eyed and fair skinned. So I inherited some of his traits. On the other hand, you inherited the buckman trait..piwari and cassava bread. I am glad my forefathers left India when they did.

I do not know what is a buckman's trait but you very brilliant folks are the only one who can grasp that. Here you are arguing the preference of color and then emphasizing your so called blue eyed gene. What nonsense! The majority of people who came were dark and that is mainly because there is a cultural backwardness that deem dark people lesser than. I know you are glad your forefathers left India and came to the bounty of my ancestral home. It is only here that you can see your humanity rise from the arbitrary status of dalit imposed by brahamins. I guess you will tell me you are a brahamin now!

Rather than worrying about brahamins and dalits, why don't you put your sakawinki parrot on your shoulder and go look for the indian woman who dumped you because you were lazy. It's your ignorance.

My daughters did not dump me. She was forced into an arranged marriage. When she got the strength to refuse follow her heart she came back so we can raise our kids together. We did. She was never my wife or  my significant other as the word may imply. She is significant as the mother of my children and as one of my best friends.  I do not know what business of yours how our lives unfolded.

I do not doubt many of the women I knew think the "left" me for what ever reason but I cannot say I missed many of them. We  just happened to share  a moment in time.  I still see a dozen or so of them on social media and most are my friends. I actually do not know any that thinks bad of me because I am not a narrow minded, shallow swine like you.

I wonder what makes me lazy...because I do not dig ditches for a living but use my brains instead? Sorry, I compensate by going to the gym and participating in other things. Just signed up for another half tri for next august so there is lots to do between then and now to get in shape. You go into your little cubby hole and stew.


warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If black people want to be light skinned, they can use dye(tumeric). It might help a little bit unless they took a charcoal tan.

Is that what you do? Note the dye is indian and not African. You cannot help yourself given that dalitdom is almost entirely dark and designated so even by the caste color structure. That is some 600 million people. Tamil Nadu is not populated by light skinned folks nor is Behar or Madras. That is the source pool of tribals that came to Guyana.....their names tell you that....lohars, pillars, dossas, chamars, doms, etc...some 20 versions of dalitdom.

My father was blue eyed and fair skinned. So I inherited some of his traits. On the other hand, you inherited the buckman trait..piwari and cassava bread. I am glad my forefathers left India when they did.

your mother was playing around,no collie have blue eyes 

Not at all true, I net several grey and blue eyes when I was in India, and they were real "coolie", not mixed!

baseman posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If black people want to be light skinned, they can use dye(tumeric). It might help a little bit unless they took a charcoal tan.

Is that what you do? Note the dye is indian and not African. You cannot help yourself given that dalitdom is almost entirely dark and designated so even by the caste color structure. That is some 600 million people. Tamil Nadu is not populated by light skinned folks nor is Behar or Madras. That is the source pool of tribals that came to Guyana.....their names tell you that....lohars, pillars, dossas, chamars, doms, etc...some 20 versions of dalitdom.

My father was blue eyed and fair skinned. So I inherited some of his traits. On the other hand, you inherited the buckman trait..piwari and cassava bread. I am glad my forefathers left India when they did.

your mother was playing around,no collie have blue eyes 

Not at all true, I net several grey and blue eyes when I was in India, and they were real "coolie", not mixed!

Eye color is recessive so there has to be the genes in both sides of the family. It would not be rare in Indians if that gene was native to the gene-pool. Since 99 percent of indians have dark eyes it has to be an introduction from outside.

Stormborn posted:
baseman posted:
warrior posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If black people want to be light skinned, they can use dye(tumeric). It might help a little bit unless they took a charcoal tan.

Is that what you do? Note the dye is indian and not African. You cannot help yourself given that dalitdom is almost entirely dark and designated so even by the caste color structure. That is some 600 million people. Tamil Nadu is not populated by light skinned folks nor is Behar or Madras. That is the source pool of tribals that came to Guyana.....their names tell you that....lohars, pillars, dossas, chamars, doms, etc...some 20 versions of dalitdom.

My father was blue eyed and fair skinned. So I inherited some of his traits. On the other hand, you inherited the buckman trait..piwari and cassava bread. I am glad my forefathers left India when they did.

your mother was playing around,no collie have blue eyes 

Not at all true, I net several grey and blue eyes when I was in India, and they were real "coolie", not mixed!

Eye color is recessive so there has to be the genes in both sides of the family. It would not be rare in Indians if that gene was native to the gene-pool. Since 99 percent of indians have dark eyes it has to be an introduction from outside.

How you define Indian.  Kashmir is Indian and fair, blond, blue eyed.  They are all over India, so sure the milkshake must have been mixed up.

cain posted:

Is like when you running low on fire wood, you go down to the basement workshop and grab some white wood for the fire....same thing with some a dem horny Indian women.

OMG....i can't believe u let out my secret like this 

Drugb posted:

You have to be joking, quoting Kaieteur news as a source, a known enemy of Rhoee. Noting this dirt rag prints is to be believed. 

So should I quote the Chronicle, when under Rohee's control, wrote about blacks being violent and savage?  


Given this clearly Rohee did say that the PPP is "coolie people party and that Afro Guyanese should have no problem with this".  

No evidence that the PPP condemned that editorial.


Jagdeo said that the PNC said that, 'the PPP is a coolie party'.

Corbin also said that the PNC is for blacks only. 

caribj, not only you should how to read, but you must learn to understand what you read. 

Ramakant-P posted:

Jagdeo said that the PNC said that, 'the PPP is a coolie party'.

Corbin also said that the PNC is for blacks only. 

caribj, not only you should how to read, but you must learn to understand what you read. 

Rohee said that Jagdeo was right to call the PPP a "coolie people party" because it is from Indians that it gets most of its support. He also stated that he didn't see why Afro Guyanese should have a problem with that.

In fact blacks don't have a problem with Rohee describing the PPP as such, because we ALREADY know that it is such.  If we didn't know this, their refusal to apologize for that infamous Chronicle editorial, which could have been lifted from any white supremacist site, indicated their hatred and disdain for blacks.


What Corbin said is irrelevant, given that he was not a leading figure in the last elections.   The fact that the PPP so easily dumped Elisabeth Harper after the last elections, shows that she was a mere show piece.

So who are the blacks playing LEADING roles in the PPP now. Even Luncheon is upset that the PPP screams only for Indians who have been dismissed, but says nothing about the PPP blacks, who have been similarly treated.

Last edited by Former Member

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