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June 1, 2014

Blacklisting of Guyana by WICB

  In early 2012, the Alliance For Change (AFC) condemned the state-sponsored   harassment of members of the Guyana Cricket Board through forced searches of   person and property, upon instructions of the Attorney General. This   terrorising of GCB members led to certain resignations of GCB members.

  The AFC also had rejected the forcible imposition of the Clive Lloyd’s IMC as   that certainly would not have solved the myriad problems. Moreover, the AFC   since then was aware that the Attorney General, Mr. Anil Nandlall, who was   directing this assault on GCB was, until his appointment to high office, the   lawyer for one of the warring factions in this dispute. It would appear that   the learned Attorney General continued to prosecute his clients’ case when   GCB members were being harassed. As Minister of Justice, he ought to have   been more even-handed.

  This cricketing debacle of that year 2012 led to massive loss of revenues as   a result of the Guyana leg of the Australia tour being called off. Our   hospitality industry was delivered an uppercut, with a major contract for   Pegasus Hotel being cancelled. Other hotels, restaurants, taxi services and   hospitality services were dented financially. Our cricketing public was   crushed, too. It did not see live Test Cricket in Guyana in 2012.

  The mis-handling of the Cricket Bill in 2014 by the combination of the   Minister of Sports and that most garrulous Attorney General will realize   probably even worse repercussions than in 2012. Already the New Zealand Test   has been taken away and transferred out. The AFC in voting against the Bill   last month, had warned of exactly this probability. It has come to pass.

  The Government’s insistence on interfering in the running of the game has   forced the WICB to cancel the game that was scheduled to be played here. This   is a dark time for cricket in Guyana.

  The WICB had made it clear that it will not tolerate interference by any   Government in the running of cricket in the Region but the controlling nature   of the PPPC and their belief in autocracy has forced this dark day upon us.   By its cavalier attitude, the Government has shown a total lack of   understanding of the significance and authority of regional and international   organisations and bodies like WIBC and the ICC.

  Cricket in Guyana is not just a game but is a part of who we are as a people,   it is part of our culture, and thousands of fans at home and abroad will   suffer as a result of what the Guyana Government has caused.

  Worse yet is the demoralising effect this will have on our youths many of whom   dream of representing this country or the West Indies on the cricket field.   The PPP government has dashed the dreams of many young people. This will have   a long lasting effect not only on cricket in Guyana but also in the Region.
  The AFC’s position has now been wholly vindicated. The blacklisting of Guyana   by the WICB is totally a result of the Guyana Government.


Source: AFC

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by raymond:

AFC should stay out of this...they just using it for politics

It is their Job. The PPP has begun to consolidation of every cash earning potential under the agency of their friends and family. This AG is definitely knee deep in this coup. He is orchestrating a removal of a private club leadership so they can take it over for Bobby et all who wants to set up professional teams.


WICB will simply not have matches in Guyana, as the PPP can't force them to do so.  Guyana isn't even one of the more profitable venues except for India and Pakistan.  New Zealanders will do what the foreign tourists did fror the CWC.  Hang out in the tourist islands and watch the matches in Guyana in a sports bar. 


Guyana doesnt promote itself to foreigners so they are afraid to go there, even as 2 million of them visit Jamaica, and 4 million visit the DR, bot more dangerous than Guyana.


What an ASS.   Test Cricket has been playing in Guyana for decades  and people were always there to support the WI Cricketers.  Some people RACISM will NEVER be erased!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by caribny:

WICB will simply not have matches in Guyana, as the PPP can't force them to do so.  Guyana isn't even one of the more profitable venues except for India and Pakistan.  New Zealanders will do what the foreign tourists did fror the CWC.  Hang out in the tourist islands and watch the matches in Guyana in a sports bar. 


Guyana doesnt promote itself to foreigners so they are afraid to go there, even as 2 million of them visit Jamaica, and 4 million visit the DR, bot more dangerous than Guyana.

this got nothing to do with anything...


The PPP axed the previous Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) and installed their own cronies as part of an Interim Management Committee (IMC). This is the result of incompetent PPP buffoons running the GCB and will be the same result if Local Government Elections are not held and a PPP IMC is appointed to run Georgetown.

Originally Posted by Mars:

The PPP axed the previous Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) and installed their own cronies as part of an Interim Management Committee (IMC). This is the result of incompetent PPP buffoons running the GCB and will be the same result if Local Government Elections are not held and a PPP IMC is appointed to run Georgetown.

you fools are blinded by don't see the forest from the trees. GCB is a corrupt organization run by corrupt people like Sanasi. Dave Cameron of the WICB has no right to tell any sitting President in the Caribbean that he must have a look at bills as well as their constitution to see what it is about. It is the Caribbean countries and their Govts who built the Stadiums for World Cup, not WICB!

The Govt of Pakistan and Sri Lanka intervened in their cricket boards with they saw corruption.

You fools need to read up on the issues instead of commenting blindly because of your political leanings...when people like you, no wonder Guyana can't get anywhere

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

AFC should stay out of this...they just using it for politics

It is their Job. The PPP has begun to consolidation of every cash earning potential under the agency of their friends and family. This AG is definitely knee deep in this coup. He is orchestrating a removal of a private club leadership so they can take it over for Bobby et all who wants to set up professional teams.

I don't have time to explain all the issues, but you need to do some research before coming to crazy conclusions

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by raymond:

AFC should stay out of this...they just using it for politics

It is their Job. The PPP has begun to consolidation of every cash earning potential under the agency of their friends and family. This AG is definitely knee deep in this coup. He is orchestrating a removal of a private club leadership so they can take it over for Bobby et all who wants to set up professional teams.

I don't have time to explain all the issues, but you need to do some research before coming to crazy conclusions

Nothing I said is outside the ambit of the proposals for Guyana Cricket in the hands of agents of the PPP. Lloyd has been on their payroll for awhile. It is also in the public domain that there is a movement to professional teams. The TV rights and advertizing money plus products controlled by a few coneys is all that is to be considered here. I is the reason  the west Indian Cricket board is at odds more than the political cronyism implications. They wish to actively become a part of managing that money stream. Guyana needs a commission and not a government installed body, to manage and formalize the structure for teams etc.

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Mars:

The PPP axed the previous Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) and installed their own cronies as part of an Interim Management Committee (IMC). This is the result of incompetent PPP buffoons running the GCB and will be the same result if Local Government Elections are not held and a PPP IMC is appointed to run Georgetown.

you fools are blinded by don't see the forest from the trees. GCB is a corrupt organization run by corrupt people like Sanasi. Dave Cameron of the WICB has no right to tell any sitting President in the Caribbean that he must have a look at bills as well as their constitution to see what it is about. It is the Caribbean countries and their Govts who built the Stadiums for World Cup, not WICB!

The Govt of Pakistan and Sri Lanka intervened in their cricket boards with they saw corruption.

You fools need to read up on the issues instead of commenting blindly because of your political leanings...when people like you, no wonder Guyana can't get anywhere

Why you calling me names Moderator? 


Didn't the PPP axe the Cricket Board and install their own cronies? Yes, this is a fact.


Aren't they incompetent and corrupt? Yes, by the nature of them being a PPP IMC, they are incompetent and corrupt. 


You think that you're the only one who follows cricket because you post on a cricket forum?? 


The WICB runs cricket in the WI, not the governments. In the same manner that the NBA and the NFL have their own management teams. The cities build stadiums but they can't tell the NBA or the NFL how to run their business. The WICB showed the PPP corrupt clan who's boss and stick it to them good. It's a pity that the people of Guyana have to suffer but that's the way it is because the PPP wants to control everything so that their cronies can profit from it.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by raymond:

dude, right now the corrupt GCB runs cricket in Guyana, not the need to know what you are talking about instead of shooting shite

The PPP are intimidating the Cricket Board and trying to have the Clive LLoyd IMC run the show. Am I dreaming this up? They were even condemned by the International Cricket Council who stated that governments should not interfere in running cricket. I'm surprised that you are not aware of these facts.

ICC condemns Guyana government intervention

ESPNcricinfo staff

February 1, 2012


he ICC board has condemned the Guyanese government's interference in the functioning of cricket in Guyana. In a statement released after its meeting in Dubai, the board reiterated its stand that governments should have no involvement in the running of cricket in any country.

"The ICC Board was concerned to learn of the developments in Guyana where the government has dissolved the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) and replaced it with an Interim Management Committee (IMC)," the release said. "In condemning this government intervention in the strongest possible terms, the ICC Board reaffirmed the principle of non-interference and that the only legitimate cricketing authority is that recognised by the West Indies Cricket Board."


The Guyanese government had dissolved the GCB due to a dispute over its July 2011 elections. The elections, in which Ramsay Ali became president, were boycotted by some of the board's constituent members, one of which, the Berbice Cricket Board, took the GCB to court, claiming the new administration was not properly established. The Chief Justice recommended that "there may be immediate need for the minister responsible for sports to impose his executive will in the national interest."

Following that ruling, Guyanese sports minister Dr Frank Anthony appointed the IMC, headed by ex-West Indies captain Clive Lloyd, who is also a former WICB director and chairman of the ICC Cricket Committee, to run cricket in Guyana. The WICB, however, refused to acknowledge the IMC and said the only authority they would recognise was the GCB. The impasse led to several problems, including Guyana nearly missing the Caribbean T20, the shifting of Guyana's first four first-class matches of the season out of the country, and the possible shifting of West Indies' Test against Australia in Providence scheduled for April.

In its annual conference in June, the ICC had taken a firm stance on government interference in cricket and had given its member boards two years to become democratised and free from government and political interference in a bid to improve governance within the game. In keeping with that stance, the ICC board strongly opposed the Guyanese government's actions.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Are we in the year 2014???

Do you think that the PPP has given up in their interference? See exhibit A - recent cricket bill in 2014. Jagdeo and his cronies want to control everything because there's money to be made in cricket.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I want to know if the ICC has ever taken such tough action against another country. Why Guyana has been treated so bad? 

The ICC is working with the opposition playing politics.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I want to know if the ICC has ever taken such tough action against another country. Why Guyana has been treated so bad? 

I think it is the AHOLES in the WI Board. Plybus or Shitbus whatever his name is.


I don't know a great deal about the ICC and its past relationships with cricketing nations. However, only South Africa under apartheid came to mind when I heard they've decided to stop a cricket test match from playing in Guyana. Such a decision is alarming for it sends a message of a serious problem with the government of Guyana. I am hoping that others will comment on this issue so we can get a better understanding of why such a decision was made.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I want to know if the ICC has ever taken such tough action against another country. Why Guyana has been treated so bad? 

Because the corrupt Guyana Government paid off their Chief Justice to dissolve the duly elected Cricket Board and instead tried to install their own cronies to run the show. If this happens in any country, the ICC has a right to condemn them for interference. The Cricket Boards should be running cricket, not the governments.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I want to know if the ICC has ever taken such tough action against another country. Why Guyana has been treated so bad? 

Because the corrupt Guyana Government paid off their Chief Justice to dissolve the duly elected Cricket Board and instead tried to install their own cronies to run the show. If this happens in any country, the ICC has a right to condemn them for interference. The Cricket Boards should be running cricket, not the governments.

Is your statement of corruption documented anywhere? Please show us.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:



Has the ICC released an official statement why such decision was made?

Read the article I posted above.


I haven't seen anything from the ICC concerning the recent decision by the WICB to move the New Zealand test.

Last edited by Mars

ICC did not say anything about corruption. They merely wanted to work only with the Guyana Cricket Board. The Cricket Board is headed by Clive Lloyd. I don't think Lloyd is a PPP supporter.  The ICC's action is too harsh and sends a terrible message to the world. The issue here involves a dispute within the Guyana Cricket Board and the courts of Guyana has the power to take action. The Guyana Cricket Board is not immune from the law or complaints of its members.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

ICC did not say anything about corruption. They merely wanted to work only with the Guyana Cricket Board. The Cricket Board is headed by Clive Lloyd. I don't think Lloyd is a PPP supporter.  The ICC's action is too harsh and sends a terrible message to the world. The issue here involves a dispute within the Guyana Cricket Board and the courts of Guyana has the power to take action. The Guyana Cricket Board is not immune from the law or complaints of its members.

The Cricket Board wasn't headed by Lloyd, he was appointed by the PPP to run the show via their IMC after they dissolved the GCB through their lackey Chief Justice on the PPP payroll. The ICC was being diplomatic in calling it interference but it reeks of corruption knowing the stench that emanates from the PPP. Yes, the courts have a right to settle disputes with the GCB but the government cannot arbitrarily appoint an IMC to replace the GCB. The ICC is constituted to deal with the local cricket board not some government body full of PPP cronies. It's the same thing they are trying to do with IMC's to replace local governments instead of holding Local Government Elections. These old Commie clowns have to realize that the world has moved on from communism. This is 2014.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by raymond:

Mars is talkin sheer poop...

right now, GCB running cricket...not IMC...

He only see things thru politics

IMC was a good idea, but WICB and ICC want the corruption to continue

As I said before, the ICC is constituted to deal with the local cricket boards not some government body with PPP cronies. How would an IMC be a good idea if it's illegal according to the ICC's constitution? They have to honor their constitution like any other sports organization. It is a fact that the Guyana Government has been interfering with the running of cricket in Guyana and that's the reason why we are blacklisted today.

Last edited by Mars

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