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Ratings Rout: Last Place CNN Had Terrible 2017


The ratings results are in for the full year of 2017 and show that CNN not only came in last place, but that the left-wing network’s primetime viewership eroded by double digits — even as second place MSNBC soared, and ratings champ Fox News held tight.

Fox had an extraordinary year, its second in a row where its total viewers beat not just its left-wing competition in the form of MSNBC and CNN, but all of basic cable. Fox News was not only the number one basic cable channel; its average primetime viewership of 2.4 million was not far behind the Fox broadcast network’s average of 3.5 million.

By comparison, ABC, NBC, and CBS primetime earned 4.6 million, 6 million, and 6.3 million viewers, respectively.

But it is up against MSNBC and CNN, where Fox’s ongoing dominance is most striking. The reasons for this are obvious and will be explained below.

Total Average Viewers Throughout Day

  • FNC: 1,501,000 (up eight percent)
  • CNN: 783,000 (up four percent)
  • MSNBC: 885,000 (up 47 percent)

Throughout the entire year, Fox attracted almost as many viewers throughout the day as MSNBC and CNN combined. Fox News also doubled CNN’s growth (eight percent, compared to just four percent).

An astonishing growth of 47 percent proves that MSNBC is gobbling up all President Trump-haters CNN tries so hard to attract and satisfy.

Average Demo (25-54 Years Old) Viewers Throughout Day

  • FNC: 321,000 (up 15 percent)
  • CNN: 257,000 (up 11 percent)
  • MSNBC: 203,000 ages 25-54 (up 33 percent)

This is CNN’s only second place showing. The demo is really only important when it comes to advertising rates.

Average Primetime Viewers

  • FNC: 2,422,000 (flat)
  • CNN: 1,060,000 (down 15 percent)
  • MSNBC: 1,624,000 (up 50 percent)

Again, but this time during the all-important primetime hours, Fox is able to attract nearly as many viewers as CNN and MSNBC combined. And in this case, CNN is in last place by a mile and losing viewers by double digits, a whopping 15 percent.

Average Demo (25-54 Years Old) Primetime Viewers

  • FNC 488,000 A25-54 (up 1 percent)
  • CNN: 370,000 A25-54 (down 13 percent)
  • MSNBC 370,000 A25-54 (up 37 percent)

While Fox held steady (a remarkable feat considering the loss of Bill O’Reilly) and MSNBC capitalized on the anti-Trump resistance, CNN again lost viewers by double digits.

The reasoning behind CNN’s ongoing ratings humiliation is fairly obvious.

To begin with, MSNBC is not built on the foundation of a massive lie. To its credit, MSNBC advertises itself as a left-wing network. CNN, on the other hand, is built on a lie. CNN is even further to the left than MSNBC but still claims to be an objective news outlet. No one likes to be lied to, to be played for a fool.

Secondly, CNN is a firehose of fake news and, therefore, wholly unreliable. Imagine how disheartening it must be for Trump-haters to be told over and over again by CNN that this terrible thing is true about Trump and that terrible thing will be Trump’s undoing, only to discover later that it was yet another CNN hoax, another deliberate and calculated lie told by deliberate and calculating liars.

NBC News has its share of problems — including a climate of sexual harassment, abuse, and enabling — but no one believes anything CNN reports anymore — nor should they.

CNN chief Jeff Zucker has been a catastrophic failure. Under his partisan and unethical management, CNN has dropped from second place to last place and suffered permanent reputational damage that continues to this day.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

"Stop listening and watching Bleeding Red Liberal CNN. Open up your minds and watch other News Channels for a broader perspective of your world" - Conservative Yuji.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I too find CNN searching for a place to land. In their effort to appear neutral, they present very confusing television. I don't understand why they felt the need to employ and give airtime to all those Trump apologizers who did nothing but lie and mislead the CNN viewership with their nonsense. At least FixNews and MSNBC were more focus in their presentation. Of the three, MSNBC is more honest and reliable. FixNews is sh!thole TV. Or sh!thouse if you prefer that term.  

yuji22 posted:

Thanks for your honesty. I always respect your balanced opinion.

I like you, Base and Bibi. However, I do respectfully disagree about Chump. Thankfully I am able to agree with Lena even if I can't with Bibi. 

yuji22 posted:

Thanks for your honesty. I always respect your balanced opinion.

You keep looking over the border for news while living in Canada.

I find all the American television stations are so fixated on Donald Trump, the TV gave him popularity and made him rose to fame in politics, they will be the one to expose his fraudulent life style. He is the modern day Gangster Al Capone.


KP Bhai.

I hardly ever follow Canadian Politics. Boring. I am a strong Conservative. 

I closely follow American Politics. As for Trump, everyone has an opinion about him. I had a very nice conversation with some American relatives last summer and they are deeply divided like the rest of America on politics. That is actually very healthy for any democracy. Being like sheep is very boring.

Hate him or like him or call him whatever you can, Trump has a very loyal following and seems to be headed for a second term.

I no longer support him but I always have an open mind and enjoy interacting politically. 

Thank god that most of us are not Slop can carriers like Django.


That is true kp. Over here, it is all Chump, all the time. And yes, it has so far been the media that has exposed all the wutlissness of Chump. Like when Trump Jr. lied about the Trump Tower meeting and swore on FixNews that what he said in his lie was everything only to be exposed the same day by the media of lying. And instead of zipping his trap and consult his many lawyers, he released the email which he foolishly thought was going to exonerate him instead gave the media even more information about their crookedness. What did Chump said again? He was going to have the best people. What a joke. Never saw so many foolish people assembled in one place. 

yuji22 posted:

KP Bhai.

I hardly ever follow Canadian Politics. Boring. I am a strong Conservative. 

I closely follow American Politics. As for Trump, everyone has an opinion about him. I had a very nice conversation with some American relatives last summer and they are deeply divided like the rest of America on politics. That is actually very healthy for any democracy. Being like sheep is very boring.

Hate him or like him or call him whatever you can, Trump has a very loyal following and seems to be headed for a second term.

I no longer support him but I always have an open mind and enjoy interacting politically. 

Thank god that most of us are not Slop can carriers like Django.

So does ISIS and Al Qaida but that does not make them legitimate. 

Chump can't win another election with less than 40% support.

yuji22 posted:

KP Bhai.

I hardly ever follow Canadian Politics. Boring. I am a strong Conservative. 

I closely follow American Politics. As for Trump, everyone has an opinion about him. I had a very nice conversation with some American relatives last summer and they are deeply divided like the rest of America on politics. That is actually very healthy for any democracy. Being like sheep is very boring.

Hate him or like him or call him whatever you can, Trump has a very loyal following and seems to be headed for a second term.

I no longer support him but I always have an open mind and enjoy interacting politically. 

Thank god that most of us are not Slop can carriers like Django.

There you go with your nonsense minding your neighbor's business.

Why you keep on mentioning Django,did some one complained they miss him ?

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP Bhai.

I hardly ever follow Canadian Politics. Boring. I am a strong Conservative. 

I closely follow American Politics. As for Trump, everyone has an opinion about him. I had a very nice conversation with some American relatives last summer and they are deeply divided like the rest of America on politics. That is actually very healthy for any democracy. Being like sheep is very boring.

Hate him or like him or call him whatever you can, Trump has a very loyal following and seems to be headed for a second term.

I no longer support him but I always have an open mind and enjoy interacting politically. 

Thank god that most of us are not Slop can carriers like Django.

So does ISIS and Al Qaida but that does not make them legitimate. 

Chump can't win another election with less than 40% support.

Chump,is a one termer.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP Bhai.

I hardly ever follow Canadian Politics. Boring. I am a strong Conservative. 

I closely follow American Politics. As for Trump, everyone has an opinion about him. I had a very nice conversation with some American relatives last summer and they are deeply divided like the rest of America on politics. That is actually very healthy for any democracy. Being like sheep is very boring.

Hate him or like him or call him whatever you can, Trump has a very loyal following and seems to be headed for a second term.

I no longer support him but I always have an open mind and enjoy interacting politically. 

Thank god that most of us are not Slop can carriers like Django.

So does ISIS and Al Qaida but that does not make them legitimate. 

Chump can't win another election with less than 40% support.

Chump,is a one termer.

Chump aint mekking it through the first term. 

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

KP Bhai.

I hardly ever follow Canadian Politics. Boring. I am a strong Conservative. 

I closely follow American Politics. As for Trump, everyone has an opinion about him. I had a very nice conversation with some American relatives last summer and they are deeply divided like the rest of America on politics. That is actually very healthy for any democracy. Being like sheep is very boring.

Hate him or like him or call him whatever you can, Trump has a very loyal following and seems to be headed for a second term.

I no longer support him but I always have an open mind and enjoy interacting politically. 

Thank god that most of us are not Slop can carriers like Django.

So does ISIS and Al Qaida but that does not make them legitimate. 

Chump can't win another election with less than 40% support.

Chump,is a one termer.

Chump aint mekking it through the first term. 

After leaving office he might get indicted for money laundering. I hope the NY AG is sharpening his cutlass for him and his business.

alena06 posted:

I rarely watch TV especially since he won the Elections. Since he won the only thing I watched is the State of the Union.Too much chaos and Drama.  And he loves the limelight. 😀

I scorn watching some of the shows. I channel surf and quickly skip Fox Noise Channel. I think I watch too much TV to see if they found anything on Trump. I like watching commentaries by Philip Mudd and Richard Painter.

alena06 posted:

I rarely watch TV especially since he won the Elections. Since he won the only thing I watched is the State of the Union.Too much chaos and Drama.  And he loves the limelight. 😀

He does love the attention, that true. 

ksazma posted:

Chump can afford to lose the White House. He can't afford to lose his and his family's ill gotten wealth so my guess is that he will eventually run mad. Karma is a b!tch. 

Isn’t that a bit extreme and hateful?  He is 71 and not fazed by anything or anyone. I don’t see him going crazy over anything!

You sound like a joker I met in Mumbai.  He gave an anti-American speech even claiming Bill Gates has ill gotten wealth by charging too much for MS office suite.  

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Chump can afford to lose the White House. He can't afford to lose his and his family's ill gotten wealth so my guess is that he will eventually run mad. Karma is a b!tch. 

Isn’t that a bit extreme and hateful?  He is 71 and not fazed by anything or anyone. I don’t see him going crazy over anything!

You sound like a joker I met in Mumbai.  He gave an anti-American speech even claiming Bill Gates has ill gotten wealth by charging too much for MS office suite.  

Dude, Chump is harsh and hateful so don't lose sleep over him. The reason he is not fazed is because he has people like Rush and Hannity telling him that he has nothing to fear and he is clueless enough to believe them. I expect you to be smarter and to know that while the US government will not create a constitutional crises by criminally charging a sitting president, there are rules in place to removing him and then he could be criminally charged as a once again private citizen. Or do you also buy into Rush and Hannity madness?


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