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Former Member

Mike Bloomberg, the billionaire former New York City mayor who jumped into the 2020 presidential race late and spent over $500 million on an unorthodox campaign, has ended his bid for the Democratic nomination but vowed to stay in the fight in an attempt to defeat President Donald Trump in November.

“After yesterday’s results, the delegate math has become virtually impossible — and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists," Bloomberg said in a statement. "But I remain clear-eyed about my overriding objective: victory in November. Not for me, but for our country. And so while I will not be the nominee, I will not walk away from the most important political fight of my life."

Bloomberg said defeating the president means uniting behind the most viable Democratic candidate, which he deemed to be former Vice President Joe Biden.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., is assessing her path forward in the Democratic presidential race, an aide to the contender told NBC News on Wednesday morning.

The aide said that Warren is discussing the next steps with her team. 

Warren campaign manager Roger Lau sent an email to staff Wednesday morning, saying they are “disappointed“ and that they’re assessing the path forward. He noted that Warren’s “going to take time right now to think through the right way to continue this fight.” 

Warren did not win any of the Super Tuesday contests, including her own state of Massachusetts, which former Vice President Joe Biden won. 

According to the NBC News delegate count so far in the primary season, Warren has been allotted 39 delegates in total, compared to 453 for Biden and 373 for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.



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Hey hey hey. All you bai The Racist Mini Mike done.

hey hey hey

Nobody can stop Patriot Trump in November unless all you put GECOM in charge of the US election. 

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member: Watch Trump with the help of the Republicans start with Burisma again. Burisma was all gone when Sanders was ahead. I see them starting with Hillary's emails again. Bai Sean, like you always say, "Ghotay dhall". Let's tag your Republican idols as Dhall Gutney boys.


It’s political strategy.
All you Dems wicked, they tried hoaxes like Mueller, impeachment, Corona, etc etc.

All failed.

Tek all you dhall. I told all you to run wid Bernie but all you like flies headed to campfire. 

Sleepy Joe Biden is all you biggest mistake. 


Now you went till at Orealla. We are talking about the campaign here. The Dhall Gutney Boys with the help of Gay Boy Lindsey and Ugly Moscow Mitch protected the criminal in the WH. Stormy's John does not want to face Uncle Joe. Uncle Joe will beat that overweight Genius Idiot like a drum behind the barn.


Trump is as dumb as a rock. I can't believe this man went to college and he got a degree. Maybe an honorary degree? Maybe they gave him a degree just to get rid of him.

Last edited by Former Member

@Sean: So why do you worry about GNI Democrat Bottom House Mob? I can tell you why. This gives you the shittings and you are scared that come November you will put your tail between your legs and go hide under your bed only to show up later under another alias.


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