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Former Member

Granger is uncommitted to any political philosophy


Posted By Staff Writer On July 20, 2014 @ 5:02 am In Letters | 

Dear Editor,

At a recent press conference to mark the third anniversary of the APNU, the major opposition force in the National Assembly, coalition leader Mr David Granger addressed the unrivalled successes of the APNU in its relatively brief existence despite what he lamented as the serious lack of facilities and resources it faces. Mr Granger, who is also the leader of the PNCR and of the opposition in the National Assembly, came to politics after a career in the military subsequent to which he also became a historian, and had a stint as an entrepreneur and publisher of the Guyana Review.

In his press conference Mr Granger disagreed with his unidentified or unnamed critics that adequate work has not been done and also disagrees with anyone that the work of the APNU had not been adequate over the last 30 months. In what appears to be a poorly expressed thought Mr Granger claimed that the APNU had “achieved a lot more than has been achieved in the last 20 years.”

There seems something wrong with the framing of Mr Granger’s statement. It is incongruous for the 20-year period that includes the thirty months of the APNU since elections 2011 to be less successful than those of the three years, unless Mr Granger is saying that the previous seventeen years produced negative achievements, an indictment of his predecessors President Desmond Hoyte and Robert Corbin who shared that period.

Unfortunately, none of the journalists at the press conference is reported to have asked Mr Granger to identify either his yardstick for measuring success or to name a couple of those successes. Even if the commentator is able to make his own assessment of the successes it would be futile to second guess Mr Granger’s yardstick.

Since Mr Granger was speaking in the context of the APNU it might be useful to look at the APNU and what Mr Granger has said and then to extend the analysis by looking at any success he can claim as leader of the opposition. But before doing so a word about Mr Granger himself, a person I have known and interacted with over a number of years.

Mr Granger’s personal integrity has always been above reproach and it is to his credit that he has not allowed politics to tarnish that reputation. He’s also a very disciplined individual – some may say too stern to succeed as a politician – not given to extravagant language. Whenever Mr Granger leaves the political arena he is likely to do so with his integrity intact.

The problem with Mr Granger is that for better or worse he seems uncommitted to any political philosophy, let alone ideology, leaving him without any apparent political conviction. He has never expressed an opinion on – whether for or against – the statist economic policies of President Burnham or the market based Economic Recovery Programme by President Hoyte. And has scarcely expressed an opinion on the constitution and whether and in what respects he thinks it needs to be altered.

Granger’s parliamentary interests have been unimpressive and narrow indeed; not a single Bill has he introduced while his twelve motions were calls for commissions of inquiry into various issues (6); for the resignation and silencing of Mr Rohee (2); the establishment of a National Commissions for Veterans and Heritage (2); and a National Day of Villages. Not a single one of these has yet seen daylight.

At the individual level Mr Granger has fallen far short of what many would expect of the Leader of the Opposition.


APNU was launched with much fanfare as a coalition of ten political parties, four individual associate members and four affiliate members. For all practical purposes almost all of the political parties are paper parties – the possible exceptions being the Working People’s Alliance and the Justice For All Party (JFAP). Part of the decision-making process for the APNU was a leadership council of twenty persons, but it seems from all reports that the council never operated as it was intended to.

There is little Mr Granger can do to shore up the paper parties, but the coalition suffered a blow when leading member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) Dr David Hinds gave the APNU an F grade and a further setback when the JFAP’s MP resigned from the National Assembly and took the party out of the coalition. Then in March of this year co-leader of the WPA Dr Clive Thomas had cause to draw attention to the “great worry, alarm, disquiet and even disgust” by members over APNU’s “seeming lack of direction,” and suggested that proposals by the WPA were being ignored. Ironically, Thomas’ plaintive cry appears to have also been ignored.

Organisational defects may be the least of the APNU’s problems. I recall an interview I had with the APNU’s leadership some months after the 2011 elections that gave the APNU and the AFC a majority in the National Assembly. In response to my question about the legislative agenda of the APNU for the Tenth Parliament, its Vice Chairman said that the agenda had been drawn up but that it was first being cleared by the coalition. Two years later I can only conclude that the APNU never had a legislative agenda.

A glance at the contribution by Mr Granger’s close cabinet, excluding Carl Greenidge, shows that like he, they have added little of substance to the proceedings of the National Assembly. Their contributions by way of motions have been:

20140720letter table

The most productive opposition MP in respect of the legislative agenda by far has been shadow Finance Minister Carl Greenidge who has introduced five Bills and more than a dozen motions, some of considerable significance.

With twenty-seven members in the National Assembly, the APNU would have been expected to do more – much, much more, particularly when compared with the performance of the AFC which has just over a quarter of the seats held by the APNU.

Political, policy agenda

It has also been very difficult to discern APNU’s policy and political agenda other than increasing its number of seats in the National Assembly. A political agenda must certainly be wider than that. It must include how to deal with the excesses of the government, how to confront corruption, how to protect and advance the interests of its supporters, and how to halt the misuse of state resources for partisan political purposes.

Granger it seems has taken a position against public protest which pleases the business community but shuts the door on a major tool of democracy. And on any protests against the abuses by the state-owned Guyana Chronicle and NCN.

So far as the policy agenda of the APNU is concerned this seems to be driven mainly by the weekly reaction to some issue of the government concerning governance, corruption or misconduct by a government agency. So far as I know the APNU has not produced a single policy paper, barring its manifesto, on any critical or national issues. It has failed to address a policy on reforming the constitution, on dealing with Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese investment and migration into Guyana, on hinterland development, on infrastructural development, on youth unemployment, on education, on health and on the less able sections of society.

The courts

In the face of all the allegations made by the APNU of violations of the constitution and of the laws by the government, including failure to hold local government elections and the spending of billions of dollars on questionable authority, the APNU has not initiated a single court action against the government. Indeed, the alleged violator has done more than the APNU in this regard.

Last month the Minister of Finance brought to the National Assembly financial papers and a Bill in which he made it clear that up to June 16, 2014 he had spent billions of dollars on programmes and projects which were expressly disapproved by the National Assembly. Implicit in the Bill was the intention by the Minister that he would continue to spend under these same programmes and projects.

You would think that this is the stuff of which injunctions are made. Sadly the APNU seems to think otherwise.

Yours faithfully,


Christopher Ram

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr Sase Singh: 

Once again, dead on target Mr. Ram. The APNU has a policy paralysis in its leadership save and except for people like Greenidge and Harmon. The majority of the APNU MPs are floaters who continuer to under-represent its constitutents and the people of Guyana. Name one concrete action that James Bond has done for the people, yet he collected 36 months of wages? This is tantamount to an allegation of fraud. How can a James Bond face up to a Jagdeo when they are in the same game - drawing from the poor people with zero service in return.

It is not about who sits longest and keeps the chair warmest; it is about changing lives and that is what the majority of the APNU MPS have failed to do. I recognise Mr. Greenidge and Mr. Harmon, Mr. Trotman and Mr. Bulkan as hard working APNU MPs but they are ONLY four (4). Christopher Jones also should get special mention for trying, but what about the others?

They have not lived up to the expectations of the people. Mr. David Granger cannot tell the nation that the APNU"“achieved a lot more than has been achieved in the last 20 years.; it is not an accurate and factually correct.


Georgie: Ram and company are the same individuals who vehemently encouraged Mr. Corbin to be a ' statesman ' and take your concerns to Parliament. You will get a fair shake as we now have a ' democracy '
All the while they were silent as the PPP and the racist bigots delved into the marginalization of the African Guyanese . It cannot be controlled now and, he and company see the future and it does not look bright for everyone. So, they suddenly get this epiphany as to the voice of reason.
But , let me say, the mere formation of the APNU and a coalition, in Parliament, are the most significant developments in the country over the last 20 years.
Granger is correct !! 
Imagine if the PNC was still the main opposition party in Parliament.
A pop quiz question was asked ... What was Peter Drucker's contribution to the field of Marketing ?
Every student delved into various aspect of the dispcipline with copious writing. My answer was .. ' he wrote the textbook '. Bingo !


Mr Chris Ram: Emile, Thanks for the intervention but that was not necessary. Let whoever "Georgie" is point to a single occasion where I "vehemently encouraged Mr. Corbin to be a ' statesman ' and take [his] concerns to Parliament". In any case, is Mr. Granger bound by any alleged encouragement given to Mr. Corbin and was Mr. Corbin in the habit of taking instructed encouragement from non-party members?

In fact for years I have advocated pickets and vigils outside places like NCN and Guyana Chronicle from which non-party persons are excluded. I have not only advocated legal action but have been party to many. I have presented draft bills to the opposition and advised on a strategy to deal with the Berbice Bridge Company Limited, all to no avail.

I have always been in favour of peaceful protests and against their being used as an excuse for violence by the state against protesters or by "protesters" against ordinary Guyanese going about or carrying on their lawful business.
Christopher Ram


Mr TK: Man we have had too many leaders very committed to ideology. Time for someone like Brig Granger who takes a nuanced, eclectic and pragmatic view on various ideologies.


Well said Mr. Ram, well said.   


Granger’s parliamentary interests have been unimpressive and narrow indeed; not a single Bill has he introduced while his twelve motions were calls for commissions of inquiry into various issues (6); for the resignation and silencing of Mr Rohee (2); the establishment of a National Commissions for Veterans and Heritage (2); and a National Day of Villages. Not a single one of these has yet seen daylight.

At the individual level Mr Granger has fallen far short of what many would expect of the Leader of the Opposition.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Well said Mr. Ram, well said.   


Granger’s parliamentary interests have been unimpressive and narrow indeed; not a single Bill has he introduced while his twelve motions were calls for commissions of inquiry into various issues (6); for the resignation and silencing of Mr Rohee (2); the establishment of a National Commissions for Veterans and Heritage (2); and a National Day of Villages. Not a single one of these has yet seen daylight.

At the individual level Mr Granger has fallen far short of what many would expect of the Leader of the Opposition.

But Mr Horse. How you know Mr Ramotar will accept the bill? Just like the local government bill. He don't need to accept. Same with the Berbice bridge motion. 


Ms Jackaszz BT (JB) you have been in academia too long to know you have to quote your source, or else I can accuse you of hallucinating.


In which papers Ram wrote his letter.


Thank You.



Originally Posted by JB:

Mr TK: Man we have had too many leaders very committed to ideology. Time for someone like Brig Granger who takes a nuanced, eclectic and pragmatic view on various ideologies.

your MR GRANGER is a weak leader,he is accustomed to take orders,mostly from the slave mentality.if APNU want to make a difference and change for guyana they have to be aggressive like the AFC.time for APNU to get a  NEW LEADER  

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Ms Jackaszz BT (JB) you have been in academia too long to know you have to quote your source, or else I can accuse you of hallucinating.


In which papers Ram wrote his letter.


Thank You.



It was in SN yesterday. You comment on it. Me sure you can find it

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Ms Jackaszz BT (JB) you have been in academia too long to know you have to quote your source, or else I can accuse you of hallucinating.


In which papers Ram wrote his letter.


Thank You.



It was in SN yesterday. You comment on it. Me sure you can find it

Thank you Mrs. Jackazz BT for providing the source, I shall now go and read the letter and all the comments.  I hope you comment on it TK / acting today as Mrs Jackazz BT (JB).

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Ms Jackaszz BT (JB) you have been in academia too long to know you have to quote your source, or else I can accuse you of hallucinating.


In which papers Ram wrote his letter.


Thank You.



It was in SN yesterday. You comment on it. Me sure you can find it

Thank you Mrs. Jackazz BT for providing the source, I shall now go and read the letter and all the comments.  I hope you comment on it TK / acting today as Mrs Jackazz BT (JB).

You abuse wife at home Mr Singh? 

Last edited by Former Member

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