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CNN Reporter Confronts Jindal for ‘Exaggerating’ Muslim ‘No-Go Zones’



Following a speech he gave in London Monday that referenced the discredited claims of “no-go zones” for non-Muslims in Britain, Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) continued to defend his point to a CNN reporter who pressed him for evidence. 

In his remarks, Jindal said, “It is startling to think that any country would allow, even unofficially, for a so called ‘no-go zone.’ The idea that a free country would allow for specific areas of its country to operate in an autonomous way that is not free and is in direct opposition to its laws is hard to fathom.”


But later, he was confronted by CNN’s Max Foster to back up these claims. “Look, I’ve heard from folks here that there are neighborhoods where women don’t feel comfortable going in without veils,” Jindal said. “That’s wrong. We all know that there are neighborhoods where police are less likely to go into.”


“But you need to have proper, sort of, facts to back that up,” Foster replied, saying he, as British man, has never heard of “no-go zones” for non-Muslims.

Jindal said that’s why he added the word “so-called” before “no-go zones” in his speech before turning the accusations around on liberals. “I think that the radical Left absolutely wants to pretend like this problem is not here. Pretending it’s not here won’t make it go away,” he said. 


As Foster continued to press him for evidence and accused him of “exaggerating” the situation, Jindal replied, “I think your viewers know absolutely there are places where the police are less likely to go. They absolutely know there are neighborhoods where they wouldn’t feel comfortable.”


“I know the left wants to make this into an attack on religion and that’s not what this is,” he said again. “What we are saying it’s absolutely an issue for the UK, absolutely is an issue for America and other European and Western nations.”

Jindal’s comments come after Fox News was forced to air a series of on-air apologies after “so-called” terrorism “experts” made similar statements without evidence following the terror attacks against Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

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Originally Posted by TI:

CNN Reporter Confronts Jindal for ‘Exaggerating’ Muslim ‘No-Go Zones’



Following a speech he gave in London Monday that referenced the discredited claims of “no-go zones” for non-Muslims in Britain, Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) continued to defend his point to a CNN reporter who pressed him for evidence. 

In his remarks, Jindal said, “It is startling to think that any country would allow, even unofficially, for a so called ‘no-go zone.’ The idea that a free country would allow for specific areas of its country to operate in an autonomous way that is not free and is in direct opposition to its laws is hard to fathom.”


But later, he was confronted by CNN’s Max Foster to back up these claims. “Look, I’ve heard from folks here that there are neighborhoods where women don’t feel comfortable going in without veils,” Jindal said. “That’s wrong. We all know that there are neighborhoods where police are less likely to go into.”


“But you need to have proper, sort of, facts to back that up,” Foster replied, saying he, as British man, has never heard of “no-go zones” for non-Muslims.

Jindal said that’s why he added the word “so-called” before “no-go zones” in his speech before turning the accusations around on liberals. “I think that the radical Left absolutely wants to pretend like this problem is not here. Pretending it’s not here won’t make it go away,” he said. 


As Foster continued to press him for evidence and accused him of “exaggerating” the situation, Jindal replied, “I think your viewers know absolutely there are places where the police are less likely to go. They absolutely know there are neighborhoods where they wouldn’t feel comfortable.”


“I know the left wants to make this into an attack on religion and that’s not what this is,” he said again. “What we are saying it’s absolutely an issue for the UK, absolutely is an issue for America and other European and Western nations.”

Jindal’s comments come after Fox News was forced to air a series of on-air apologies after “so-called” terrorism “experts” made similar statements without evidence following the terror attacks against Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

Do you think denying what has been a complaint by resident of these cities is going to make it a lie? I do not like Jindal but he touched on what European have been complaining about for awhile. Check the internet and you will see this complaint being decades old and not invented by Jindal




What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

if they had "chinaman" patrols etc testing chines credentials then one would say so. It is not about the neighborhood ethnicity but the enforcement of rules not applicable in the society in general.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

if they had "chinaman" patrols etc testing chines credentials then one would say so. It is not about the neighborhood ethnicity but the enforcement of rules not applicable in the society in general.

There is no proof about such "Islamic rules" being enforced in Europe in these neighborhoods...why do you think Fox issued issued an apology to France and England about propagating such nonsense

thOriginally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

if they had "chinaman" patrols etc testing chines credentials then one would say so. It is not about the neighborhood ethnicity but the enforcement of rules not applicable in the society in general.

There is no proof about such "Islamic rules" being enforced in Europe in these neighborhoods...why do you think Fox issued issued an apology to France and England about propagating such nonsense

these are ad hoc rules by local islamicists. It is tolerated and that is the problem. What fox news issued an apology for I do not know. I know these thugs were allowed a free run for awhile now. Holland is not contemplating  instituting anti sharia laws for nothing.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

But what does this have to do that it is a fact these people do as stated? 

The question is it really true...or just made up stuff to feed the anti islam crazies on FOX. I don't doubt that some of this stuff takes place, but it is not widespread like they had claimed. That is why they apologized.

Jindal is just being an ass....but I guess he is appealing to the Repub base

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

FOX News do engage in providing incorrect information disguised and cobbled with other issues.


Hey hey hey...aheh just likka GINA, Chranicle and Guyana Times. 

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

How many of these nationalities/groups you mentioned would you say have attacked the country they chose to live in because of their own country's way of treating them?

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

FOX News do engage in providing incorrect information disguised and cobbled with other issues.


Hey hey hey...aheh just likka GINA, Chranicle and Guyana Times. 

... plus Stabroek News and Kaieteur News.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

How many of these nationalities/groups you mentioned would you say have attacked the country they chose to live in because of their own country's way of treating them?

If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries. These leaders have stated that most of these communities have assimilated well, and they are hardworking productive members of society. I am sure you have seen many Muslim doctors, engineers, accountants etc...are you also blaming them for these acts?

I am not disagreeing that there are elements in these communities who want to see a conflict, they would prefer reactions like you see on FOX etc....but if you want to fall into the terrorist trap, then so be it

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

But what does this have to do that it is a fact these people do as stated? 

The question is it really true...or just made up stuff to feed the anti islam crazies on FOX. I don't doubt that some of this stuff takes place, but it is not widespread like they had claimed. That is why they apologized.

Jindal is just being an ass....but I guess he is appealing to the Repub base

I do not know what fox news said. I do know that British TV French TV Belgian TV have all complained that extremists are interfering with citizens free movement in certain areas. That is not made up.


Jindal, saw red meat and took it.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

How many of these nationalities/groups you mentioned would you say have attacked the country they chose to live in because of their own country's way of treating them?

If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries. These leaders have stated that most of these communities have assimilated well, and they are hardworking productive members of society. I am sure you have seen many Muslim doctors, engineers, accountants etc...are you also blaming them for these acts?

I am not disagreeing that there are elements in these communities who want to see a conflict, they would prefer reactions like you see on FOX etc....but if you want to fall into the terrorist trap, then so be it

"If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries."


Never said that, I said the opposite.


I asked how many of the other nationalities/groups attack/blow up the country in which they reside.. Your answer should be, None.

It is the backward Muslims who do this..that's all I meant.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

How many of these nationalities/groups you mentioned would you say have attacked the country they chose to live in because of their own country's way of treating them?

If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries. These leaders have stated that most of these communities have assimilated well, and they are hardworking productive members of society. I am sure you have seen many Muslim doctors, engineers, accountants etc...are you also blaming them for these acts?

I am not disagreeing that there are elements in these communities who want to see a conflict, they would prefer reactions like you see on FOX etc....but if you want to fall into the terrorist trap, then so be it

"If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries."


Never said that, I said the opposite.


I asked how many of the other nationalities/groups attack/blow up the country in which they reside.. Your answer should be, None.

It is the backward Muslims who do this..that's all I meant.

Cain, It is not that difficult. IT IS NOT the Community that blow things up, IT IS a FEW SICK BASTARDS.  What is so difficult to understand??  If you still need help, I am here.!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

How many of these nationalities/groups you mentioned would you say have attacked the country they chose to live in because of their own country's way of treating them?

If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries. These leaders have stated that most of these communities have assimilated well, and they are hardworking productive members of society. I am sure you have seen many Muslim doctors, engineers, accountants etc...are you also blaming them for these acts?

I am not disagreeing that there are elements in these communities who want to see a conflict, they would prefer reactions like you see on FOX etc....but if you want to fall into the terrorist trap, then so be it

"If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries."


Never said that, I said the opposite.


I asked how many of the other nationalities/groups attack/blow up the country in which they reside.. Your answer should be, None.

It is the backward Muslims who do this..that's all I meant.

Cain, It is not that difficult. IT IS NOT the Community that blow things up, IT IS a FEW SICK BASTARDS.  What is so difficult to understand??  If you still need help, I am here.!!!

So if the violence comes from a certain segment of people, should everyone be made to pay for their actions or you think it's up to those who's religion is being hijacked to do something about it? For instance, come out of their homes and protest this, again, I do not see this happening.

Sure the Muslims go on face book and BB's such as this and vent their frustration but the world has to see them taking action as they put these so called Muslims in their place, but yet again,it ain't happening.


We will never come to any agreement about Islam/Muslim conflicts until the Muslim world come out of their goddam cocoons and do something about the atrocities committed.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

How many of these nationalities/groups you mentioned would you say have attacked the country they chose to live in because of their own country's way of treating them?

If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries. These leaders have stated that most of these communities have assimilated well, and they are hardworking productive members of society. I am sure you have seen many Muslim doctors, engineers, accountants etc...are you also blaming them for these acts?

I am not disagreeing that there are elements in these communities who want to see a conflict, they would prefer reactions like you see on FOX etc....but if you want to fall into the terrorist trap, then so be it

"If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries."


Never said that, I said the opposite.


I asked how many of the other nationalities/groups attack/blow up the country in which they reside.. Your answer should be, None.

It is the backward Muslims who do this..that's all I meant.

arrite, I'll play many of these peoples' countries has US attacked?

Do you think that some of this stuff has happened because of US intervention in the ME?

Mind you, I am not saying it's right...just making sure you have a proper perspective that things don't happen willy nilly

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:



What are Chinatown, Little Italy and other ethnic neighborhoods? WHat about little Havana?

Most countries that permit immigration have neighborhoods that emigrants settle and transform the neighborhood...I don't see anything wrong with that...

How many of these nationalities/groups you mentioned would you say have attacked the country they chose to live in because of their own country's way of treating them?

If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries. These leaders have stated that most of these communities have assimilated well, and they are hardworking productive members of society. I am sure you have seen many Muslim doctors, engineers, accountants etc...are you also blaming them for these acts?

I am not disagreeing that there are elements in these communities who want to see a conflict, they would prefer reactions like you see on FOX etc....but if you want to fall into the terrorist trap, then so be it

"If you are saying all these communities are attacking the countries they choose to live in, then you obviously differ from what was said by the leaders of these countries."


Never said that, I said the opposite.


I asked how many of the other nationalities/groups attack/blow up the country in which they reside.. Your answer should be, None.

It is the backward Muslims who do this..that's all I meant.

arrite, I'll play many of these peoples' countries has US attacked?

Do you think that some of this stuff has happened because of US intervention in the ME?

Mind you, I am not saying it's right...just making sure you have a proper perspective that things don't happen willy nilly

AHA. So it's.."you attack our country ( the country we ran from because of their backward beliefs) and we'll attack you"

That has to be their mentality, then it's all well and good whatever comes to them (Muslims)


Lemme see...Bush attacked Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands because of 9/11...when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11...don't you think them folks gon harbor hard feeling towards the US?

After all...many of 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, why didn't he attack them?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Lemme see...Bush attacked Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands because of 9/11...when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11...don't you think them folks gon harbor hard feeling towards the US?

After all...many of 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, why didn't he attack them?

I understand your suggestive questions and believe there is room for discussions.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Lemme see...Bush attacked Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands because of 9/11...when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11...don't you think them folks gon harbor hard feeling towards the US?

After all...many of 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, why didn't he attack them?

Banna look, it's possible there are more people against Bush's actions but will we pay for this every dam day?

If this is going to be a continuing problem, then maybe it's time the US and the rest of their allies kick out everyone of these people who parade in the streets and carry on their violent behaviour. They should also halt immigration from these countries, start looking at these people as the enemy...regardless if we made them so because it's obvious they will not forget and being the violent people they are because it's ingrained in them  they will always cause trouble.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Lemme see...Bush attacked Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands because of 9/11...when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11...don't you think them folks gon harbor hard feeling towards the US?

After all...many of 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, why didn't he attack them?

When on review the role of the military forces in foreign countries, it is a simple matter of "wrong and strong" by the US_of_A.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Lemme see...Bush attacked Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands because of 9/11...when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11...don't you think them folks gon harbor hard feeling towards the US?

After all...many of 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, why didn't he attack them?

Banna look, it's possible there are more people against Bush's actions but will we pay for this every dam day?

If this is going to be a continuing problem, then maybe it's time the US and the rest of their allies kick out everyone of these people who parade in the streets and carry on their violent behaviour. They should also halt immigration from these countries, start looking at these people as the enemy...regardless if we made them so because it's obvious they will not forget and being the violent people they are because it's ingrained in them  they will always cause trouble.

WHy should US halt immigration from these countries? Which Muslim community in the US has attacked the US?

yuh talkin sheer you missed the part where I say most of the people have assimilated well in the US

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Lemme see...Bush attacked Iraq and killed hundreds of thousands because of 9/11...when Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11...don't you think them folks gon harbor hard feeling towards the US?

After all...many of 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia, why didn't he attack them?

Banna look, it's possible there are more people against Bush's actions but will we pay for this every dam day?

If this is going to be a continuing problem, then maybe it's time the US and the rest of their allies kick out everyone of these people who parade in the streets and carry on their violent behaviour. They should also halt immigration from these countries, start looking at these people as the enemy...regardless if we made them so because it's obvious they will not forget and being the violent people they are because it's ingrained in them  they will always cause trouble.

WHy should US halt immigration from these countries? Which Muslim community in the US has attacked the US?

yuh talkin sheer fart...

I done with you rass, yo head hard and you probably blind an deaf.


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