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Boko Haram fighters 'surrender' as alleged chief killed

, Source - BBC


Boko Haram video with alleged leader whose death is disputed 24 August 2014

The military claims Mohammed Bashir was an imposter posing as Boko Haram's leader Abubakar Shekau, thought to have died in 2009


The Nigerian military has said that more than 260 Boko Haram militants have surrendered in north-eastern Nigeria.


A spokesman also said that the military had killed the man posing as the group's leader, Abubakar Shekau.


Mohammed Bashir is said to have appeared in the group's videos but is thought to be an imposter.


Boko Haram has suffered heavy losses in recent weeks as the Nigerian military battled the group close to its hometown of Maiduguri in the north east.


The military said that 135 Boko Haram members surrendered with their weapons in Biu, Borno State, on Tuesday - and that 133 others surrendered elsewhere in north-eastern Nigeria and were currently being interrogated.


The BBC's Will Ross in Lagos says that this has never happened before in the war against Boko Haram.


Although it is impossible to independently verify, the military is seeing it as a turning point, our correspondent adds.


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It was also the first time that the Nigerian military has publicly mentioned the death of the group's leader Abubakar Shekau, who security forces claimed had died in clashes with the army in 2009.


General Chris Olukolade of the Nigerian military said that Mohammed Bashir, who was killed in the latest offensive against Boko Haram, was a lookalike.


Bashir "had been acting or posing in videos as the deceased Abubakar Shekau, the eccentric character known as leader of the group", he added.


The military however did not give any dates or locations for when they believe leader Shekau actually died.


Speaking at the United Nations Security Council meeting, Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan urged the council to find more ways to combat the militant threat.


"Evidence has shown that Boko Haram is sourced largely from outside our country," he said.


"Only by united action and firm resolve can we check this urgent threat to humanity and also build the enduring structures that will resist their re-emergence."


"Boko Haram" means "Western education is forbidden" in Arabic, and the group frequently attacks schools and colleges, which it sees as a symbol of Western culture.


Boko Haram was behind the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls from Chibok in Borno state in April.


The New York-based Human Rights Watch says more than 2,000 civilians have been killed in the region this year.


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Boko Haram: Nigerian Army insists Shekau is dead [PHOTOS]

, Source - Daily Post




The Defence Headquarters has insisted that it has killed Abubakar Shekau in a recent raid, in Konduga and that as a result, many of the Boko Haram foot soldiers have surrendered and laid down their weapons.


In a statements issued by the Defence Information Spokesperson, Maj. Gen . Chris Olukolade, the Army commended its men for their gallantry even in the face of extreme confrontation by the insurgents.


It further confirmed that on the 2 and 17 September 2014, the insurgents attempted to violate the security in the region and tried to enter Konduga to perpetrate their atrocities. It said that with Air and land forces deployed to handle the situation, the convoy of combat vehicles typical of terrorists’ mission that involves their top commanders, were fiercely engaged, where ”several of the terrorists including some of their commanders lost their lives in encounters which lasted an average of about 5 hours each. ”


The statement said the troops captured some of the terrorists and their equipment and as well killed Shekau. It said; ”In the course of those encounters, one Mohammed Bashir who has been acting or posing on videos as the deceased Abubakar Shekau, the eccentric character known as leader of the group died. Since the name Shekau has become a brand name for the terrorists’ leader, the Nigerian military remains resolute to serve justice to anyone who assumes that designation or title as well as all terrorists that seek to violate the freedom and territory of Nigeria,”the military warned.


Read statement below:


Nigerian troops have been conducting coordinated air and land operations in furtherance of efforts at containing the terrorists in the North East part of the country. Somehow, it became apparent that the terrorists in continuation of their campaign of terror were determined to take over communities around Maiduguri which is their prime target. There was therefore the need to ensure that communities such as Konduga were protected. It is noteworthy that the terrorists made not less than four attempts between 12 and 17 September 2014 to violate the security and enter Konduga to perpetrate their atrocities. Air and land forces were subsequently deployed to handle the situation.


The convoy of combat vehicles typical of terrorists’ mission that involves their top commanders, were fiercely engaged by the land and air forces. Several of the terrorists including some of their commanders lost their lives in the encounters which lasted an average of about 5 hours each. The troops captured some of the terrorists and their equipment. In the course of those encounters, one Mohammed Bashir who has been acting or posing on videos as the deceased Abubakar Shekau, the eccentric character known as leader of the group died. Since the name Shekau has become a brand name for the terrorists’ leader, the Nigerian military remains resolute to serve justice to anyone who assumes that designation or title as well as all terrorists that seek to violate the freedom and territory of Nigeria.


On restoring normalcy after the encounter, inhabitants of the community who were victims of terrorists activities corroborated information on the identity of Bashir Mohammed alias Abubakar Shekau, alias Abacha Abdullahi Geidam alias Damasack etc. Indeed, the recent devastation on the leadership of the insurgents is attributable to the renewed commitment to the mission of eradicating terrorism in our country.


Meanwhile, a total of 135 terrorists have yesterday evening surrendered along with equipment to troops around Biu Local Government Area. A group of 88 submitted themselves at Mairiga/Bun – Yadi while another group of 45 terrorists were taken in around Mubi – Michika. They are all being interrogated and processed in conformity with the dictates of standard best practices.


The Defence Headquarters applauds the gallantry of the Nigerian troops who have remained undaunted and professional in prosecuting this campaign against terror. The keen interest exhibited by our neighbours and allies is commendable and we appreciate them. All allies in the war against terrorism are hereby assured of the Nigerian military’s resolve to maintain momentum in the efforts to decimate and defeat terrorists. The invaluable efforts toward achieving sustainable peace and victory against the terrorists are highly appreciated.


It is nevertheless necessary to alert all citizens that there is still the need for even more vigilance and cooperation with the security forces. Everybody is required to remain alert to ensure that we are not taken unawares by terrorist elements who might want to carry-out isolated attacks in any part of our country.


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