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Bollywood's stereotypes play leading role in India's problems

January 4, 2013
Neelima Choahan

The horrific gang rape of a young woman can be the catalyst for change.


I WAS a 10-year-old when I first experienced sexual harassment on the streets of Delhi. As sexual harassment goes it wasn't much - just a wink from an older man.

I have experienced much worse in Delhi since then but I still remember being shocked by that first incident and thinking, ''but I am only 10''.

For a woman, growing up in Delhi, or visiting the capital for that matter, is like living in a war zone. You are constantly on alert. What you wear, how you look, where you go and how you go is all determined by the fear of being noticed, remarked upon and molested.

Any girl growing up in Delhi quickly learns to be wary: wary of the roving eyes and hands as well as the lewd remarks. 

I learnt to sit with my arms crossed over my chest or keep a bag in front after a man reached into an auto-rickshaw at a traffic light in broad daylight and pinched my breasts. If a guy sat next to me while travelling on a Delhi bus, I would quickly wedge a bag between us so he couldn't sit too close and try to touch my thighs or sink his elbow into my breast.

As a teenager I soon understood that my safety lay in grabbing a window seat in the women's section. That way no man would be able to use the crowd to rub himself against me.

And I remember that most of the time no one came to my help - until a few years ago when I went back to Delhi for a holiday.

On my last day in India, I was just thinking how Delhi had changed when a guy in a busy west Delhi market tried to grope me. I hit back, aiming for his crotch. I missed, but I was surprised that a couple stopped and asked me if I needed any help. Delhi it seemed had changed.

Where earlier such incidents would be passed off as ''eve-teasing'', today it has roused so much anger that the whole country seems to have become galvanised.

People are looking for answers and wondering why a nation that boasts of worshipping female energy in the form of myriad goddesses can mistreat its women. The all-pervading Bollywood has a role to play. In the 1980s film Shriman Shrimati (Mr and Mrs), an elderly couple solves marital problems. The couple saves a modern woman, who has ambitions to be a model, from being raped.

The woman realises just in time that unless she ''toes the line'', she will fall prey to dirty men who only want her body.

Repentant, she returns to her dorky (and clearly mismatched) husband and breastfeeds her child (a sign of her redemption and acceptance of her role as a mother/traditional woman).

The moral of the story: women who cross the line are susceptible to rape.

Then there is the ''family film'' from the 1990s Hum Aapke Hai Koun? (What Do I Mean to You?). Actress Bindu plays a modern woman who is also (surprise, surprise) a shrew.

But she sees the error of her ways when her long-suffering husband is finally, yes, finally, forced to slap her. The next shot shows the woman as having switched to wearing traditional Indian clothes and having fallen pregnant.

That one slap helps the husband claim his manhood, tames the shrew and helps her regain her femininity and true purpose in life.

Then there is Dabangg 2, released just a few weeks ago, with the famous song Fevicol Se (With Superglue) where the heroine sings a song while gyrating in front of a police officer.

She tells him she is like a tandoori chicken and he should wash her down with alcohol. Not exactly romantic.

In an interview, the actress, who in real life is cosmopolitan and from a very established Hindi film family, said the song would be played in auto-rickshaws, taxis, bars and clubs.

Clearly, the song is aimed at the average man on the street.

According to Indian media, four of the six men accused of the recent gang rape lived in a slum in posh South Delhi and most were in menial jobs.

Bollywood, with its starkly black and white characters and its emphasis on women as Madonnas or *****s, perpetuates stereotypes which, when combined with patriarchy's notion of ownership of women, becomes a frightening mix.

Bear in mind there are thousands of men from small towns and rural India who migrate to the country's capital looking for work, often forced to live in appalling conditions.

After India's independence in 1947, governments (mostly ruled by the Congress Party at the centre) have failed to establish law and order, build character and create equal opportunities. Bad governance is at the heart of the problem. So, too, is the apathy of a people who fail to hold their representatives to account.

Somehow, the horrific rape and subsequent death of the 23-year-old student has touched a chord and roused citizens from their indifference. The anger is not just about the rape but the dismal state of the country.

Hanging the culprits for the heinous rape and now murder of the young girl, who had her whole life ahead of her, cannot be a solution.

For any lasting effect, Indians need to keep pressuring their government to deliver on far-reaching reforms or maintain the rage all the way to the ballot box.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

India's bitter culture of rape and violence

The country doesn't need well-meaning white people to defend it – it needs to listen to the voices of Indian women, Thursday 3 January 2013 12.38 GMT

Honey Singh
The concert in which Honey Singh was due to perform was cancelled after an online campaign against him. Photograph: Narinder Nanu/AFP/Getty Images

A few days before we ushered in 2013, an Indian-Punjabi rapper called Honey Singh became embroiled in controversy when a concert in Delhi, where he was due to perform, was cancelled after an online campaignagainst him. There's no doubt about the offensiveness of the lyrics he is accused of spewing, some of which feature vile rape fantasies (Singhnow claims they weren't his songs), but the furore teased out bigger questions: how did a man associated with such material become so popular, and why did Bollywood accept him as its highest-paidsongwriter?


Most Indians bristle at the accusation that Indian culture doesn't value women. In fact, they say, it extols the virtues of womanhood and their role in society. It puts women on a pedestal, and even goes as far as describing nature and the world we live in as "mother Earth", and "mother India". Indians elected a woman prime minister, Indira Gandhi, as early as 1966, and the country boasts several prominent female chief ministers, philosophers, scholars, sports icons and writers. During one very popular Indian festival, Rakhi, brothers pledge to protect their sisters for life. Hindu mythology, which is dominant in Indian culture, is full of tales of kings moving heaven and earth to rescue damsels in distress.


But these symbols provide a convenient facade behind which there is endemic violence ingrained in Indian culture. They are part of the lie that Indian women cannot have it so bad, because they are revered. In fact, the opposite is true. In traditional Indian culture, girls are groomed to be good wives, not independent women with their own careers. Traditional values say women are only important not in their own right, but because they produce children and preserve culture.


This mentality leads families to treat them as objects who should remain pure and be controlled: women are their fathers' property, and later their husbands'. Parents worry so much about "losing face" in the community that while boys have all the freedom they want, girls are constantly advised not to do anything that would "bring shame". This mentality explains why so many are forced into marriages, or even murdered by their own parents. It leads to mothers excusing away the heinous crimes of their sons by saying: "If these girls roam around openly like this, then the boys will make mistakes."


In Bollywood films, men routinely chase and harass women. As SA Aiyarpoints out in the Times of India, old-time villain Ranjeet did close to 100 rape scenes, "with the audience almost cheering him on". The message from Bollywood is almost always that if you harass a woman enough, "no matter how often she says no, she'll ultimately say yes".


The gang rape and murder of the Delhi student wasn't an isolated incident. Reading the descriptions by Indian women of how they live in fear should make anyone worry deeply about the twisted beast that Indian culture has become. Most of all it should make my kind – men of Indian origin – sit up and ask: how did we get here? The epidemic of violence is obviously not good for women, but doesn't it also say something about the state of mind of Indian men that such crimes are on the increase?


Violence against women is a cultural problem. It is culture that leads to a country's laws, and culture that discourages or encourages this violence. So why isn't there a national debate about the social impact of 100 million missing women? There is a tendency to sweep this under the carpet, not just by Indians but even some westerners fearful of sounding racist. Emer O'Toole's article on Tuesday was a classic example of this genre, going as far as praising Indian politicians for their response, even though most protesters were criticising them for their inaction andinsensitivity. That was compounded by an attempt to blame colonialism for the lack of rights and social provision for women, but the problem isn't lack of money (India spends billions on nukes and a space programme), but different priorities by a male-dominated parliament where many have charges of assault against women pending.


India doesn't need well-meaning white people to defend it, it needs to listen to the voices of Indian women. We can accept that women are groped, molested, assaulted and raped across nearly every part of the world, without pretending there aren't local differences in attitudes and social provisions. The founder of Jagori, a Delhi-based women's NGO,told the Times of India that though there was growing awareness and reporting of sexual violence, men "are not able to accept" women's increasing assertiveness and "use heinous ways to punish them". India is full of brave, independent female icons, but they have succeededdespite cultural norms – not because it encourages them to be independent. This epidemic won't end until this mentality is challenged to its core.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I have felt for a long time, many of the ills of Indian society are rooted in Indian movies.

Would you say that Indian Movies is responsible for the way Jagdeo treated Varshni? And what do you the think about the pundit in the PPP who sexually assaulted the young lady that was granted asylum in Canada?


I do not think that Indian Movies are responsible for the many Rapes and women's suppression in India, or rather I don't see any specific rape-promoting agenda or attitude in Bollywood. Can you name me one movie, of the many that they churn out on a yearly basis that promotes rape? Can you name me one Bollywood movie that actually promotes Women bashing?


Quote "Bollywood's stereotypes play leading role in India's problems" is clearly misleading.



Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have felt for a long time, many of the ills of Indian society are rooted in Indian movies.

With all due respect, that is BULL. I dont see Americans running around as Hannibal, Freddy Kruger or the character fom Halloween. Hollywood Movies have 1000 times Violence, Rape and Sex.

There is a problem in India where the Indian Lawmakers needs to listen to women,

also to look at the plight of juveniles. India is a poor country, but that poverty does not gives it the right to allow violence of rapes to rule the land.


In India crime against women needs to be addressed both in short-term and in long-term basis. Taking a leaf from the politicians’ pages, the law related to rape and other bodily offenses against women need to be revisited, and this needs to be done asap.


Quote "The definition of rape needs to be amended first. As per the present definition of rape, as it exists in the Indian Penal Code of 1860, a man commits rape of a woman if he “has sexual intercourse with a woman” (section 375) against her will or consent. The peno-vaginal penetration is taken to constitute the offence of rape. However, in the recent Delhi rape case, newspapers reported that iron rod was used to penetrate the victim’s vagina. Moreover, it is also reported that one of the perpetrators of the offence stick his hand through the victim’s vagina and pulled her uterus out and damaged her intestine irreparably. Thus, the perpetrator did not commit the offence of rape under the Indian Penal Code." unquote


People are looking for answers and wondering why a nation that boasts of worshipping female energy in the form of myriad goddesses can mistreat its women.

. .


If this writer had stop to ponder that it is the worshipping of everything is the real problem then she would have had the answer.


These Indians worship anything in sight, from The Sun to a Monkey.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have felt for a long time, many of the ills of Indian society are rooted in Indian movies.

With all due respect, that is BULL. I dont see Americans running around as Hannibal, Freddy Kruger or the character fom Halloween. Hollywood Movies have 1000 times Violence, Rape and Sex.

It is not bull. Americans are deeply influenced by the violence from Hollywood. What is the differenc is that in America there is law and order whilst in India there is none to the degree that exists in America.

Originally Posted by asj:

I do not think that Indian Movies are responsible for the many Rapes and women's suppression in India, or rather I don't see any specific rape-promoting agenda or attitude in Bollywood. Can you name me one movie, of the many that they churn out on a yearly basis that promotes rape? Can you name me one Bollywood movie that actually promotes Women bashing?


Quote "Bollywood's stereotypes play leading role in India's problems" is clearly misleading.



Good points.  However, I think it is time they put ratings on their movies so people know ahead of time what audience it is suitable for.

Originally Posted by Chief:

People are looking for answers and wondering why a nation that boasts of worshipping female energy in the form of myriad goddesses can mistreat its women.

. .


If this writer had stop to ponder that it is the worshipping of everything is the real problem then she would have had the answer.


These Indians worship anything in sight, from The Sun to a Monkey.

The god/s one chooses to worship does not make someone a bad person. 


There are people who worship the god of the Bible or Koran and they are murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc.


Then there are some who worship no god or many gods and they are upstanding citizens, so enough about your stupid theory that worshipping one god is the best thing since sliced bread.  

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:


The god/s one chooses to worship does not make someone a bad person. 


There are people who worship the god of the Bible or Koran and they are murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc.


Then there are some who worship no god or many gods and they are upstanding citizens, so enough about your stupid theory that worshipping one god is the best thing since sliced bread.  

It is better than slice bread!!!! To worship one God , the unseen God, a God that has no partner is the best thing that can happen to a human being. 



If they worshipping women and women are Goddes and then they can turn around and rape the Goddess then I pray, am I losing something?


However I respect your choice if you feel it is ok to worship a Rat or a Monkey.  

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:


The god/s one chooses to worship does not make someone a bad person. 


There are people who worship the god of the Bible or Koran and they are murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc.


Then there are some who worship no god or many gods and they are upstanding citizens, so enough about your stupid theory that worshipping one god is the best thing since sliced bread.  

It is better than slice bread!!!! To worship one God , the unseen God, a God that has no partner is the best thing that can happen to a human being. 



If they worshipping women and women are Goddes and then they can turn around and rape the Goddess then I pray, am I losing something?


However I respect your choice if you feel it is ok to worship a Rat or a Monkey.  


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:


The god/s one chooses to worship does not make someone a bad person. 


There are people who worship the god of the Bible or Koran and they are murderers, child molesters, rapists, etc.


Then there are some who worship no god or many gods and they are upstanding citizens, so enough about your stupid theory that worshipping one god is the best thing since sliced bread.  

It is better than slice bread!!!! To worship one God , the unseen God, a God that has no partner is the best thing that can happen to a human being. 



If they worshipping women and women are Goddes and then they can turn around and rape the Goddess then I pray, am I losing something?


However I respect your choice if you feel it is ok to worship a Rat or a Monkey.  

To each his own. One way of worshipping is no better than the other. Only you religious nutjobs would think that your god is better than any other.



I agree with you Buddy Nehru. They really stupid , ignorant and illeterate to belive it is ok to bathe in the polluted Ganges River. They are even mnore stupid to worship a stone and then turn around and shit on the same stone. Now they raping the Godess that they worshipped.


Just read the article by the female Indian writer. She is wondering aloud how can people who were brought up to worship women can turn around and rape them.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:

To each his own. One way of worshipping is no better than the other. Only you religious nutjobs would think that your god is better than any other.

My brother the  God that I belief in  cannot be killed or be eaten and  that's the difference. 

Big deal. Still people leave the mosque and blow up one another while yelling Allah Hu Akbar. Very inspiring!

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:

To each his own. One way of worshipping is no better than the other. Only you religious nutjobs would think that your god is better than any other.

My brother the  God that I belief in  cannot be killed or be eaten and  that's the difference. 

Big deal. Still people leave the mosque and blow up one another while yelling Allah Hu Akbar. Very inspiring!

Not inspiring at all!! However the same one God states, that if you do one atom of good you will recieve the reward and if you do one atom of bad you will pay the consequences. 

This one God is a just God!!


Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:

To each his own. One way of worshipping is no better than the other. Only you religious nutjobs would think that your god is better than any other.

My brother the  God that I belief in  cannot be killed or be eaten and  that's the difference. 

Big deal. Still people leave the mosque and blow up one another while yelling Allah Hu Akbar. Very inspiring!

Not inspiring at all!! However the same one God states, that if you do one atom of good you will recieve the reward and if you do one atom of bad you will pay the consequences. 

This one God is a just God!!


Chief, do you really think that women are treated any better in Muslim countries? Many times the rapists are set free while the women are sentenced to lashes because they convict them of adultery. Read about Muslim women who are subjected to honor killings or genital mutilation in Muslim countries and then let's talk. 

Originally Posted by God:


Chief, do you really think that women are treated any better in Muslim countries? Many times the rapists are set free while the women are sentenced to lashes because they convict them of adultery. Read about Muslim women who are subjected to honor killings or genital mutilation in Muslim countries and then let's talk. 

Women all over the world suffer from abuse and I am well aware of that. Genitail mutilation is tribal and has nothing to do with any religion.


Let's get back to what the one God said about our women. 'A WOMAN IS A GARMENT UNTO YOU AND YOU ARE A GARMENT UNTO THEM".


Can you please advise me what the monkey or the rat stated about how to treat a  woman? 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:

To each his own. One way of worshipping is no better than the other. Only you religious nutjobs would think that your god is better than any other.

My brother the  God that I belief in  cannot be killed or be eaten and  that's the difference. 

Big deal. Still people leave the mosque and blow up one another while yelling Allah Hu Akbar. Very inspiring!

Not inspiring at all!! However the same one God states, that if you do one atom of good you will recieve the reward and if you do one atom of bad you will pay the consequences. 

This one God is a just God!!


Hinduism ( Sanatan Dharma) is much larger than snake, mouse, stone god...etc   The History of Hinduism propagation, tells us that Sanatan Dharma existed long before Islam came into practice and that God is one (Ek Onkar) and  it is very much inclusive; Unlike Islam where Pagans were made to believe in islam and Allah, else they get killed. Hinduism includes all the wroshipping of gods/deities (various aspects of God) into one unseen Supreme being, there is unity in the diversity. Bhagwan/ Ishwar is Allah. Is the black stone at Mecca not Shivas Lingam that moslems all over the world congregate to worship? What difference does it make whether you go to Mecca or Ganges or other "holy" places as pilgrimage?



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:


Chief, do you really think that women are treated any better in Muslim countries? Many times the rapists are set free while the women are sentenced to lashes because they convict them of adultery. Read about Muslim women who are subjected to honor killings or genital mutilation in Muslim countries and then let's talk. 

Women all over the world suffer from abuse and I am well aware of that. Genitail mutilation is tribal and has nothing to do with any religion.


Let's get back to what the one God said about our women. 'a WOMAN IS AGRMENT UNTO YOU AND YOU ARE A GARMENT UNTO THEM"


Can you please advise me what the monkey or the rat stated about how to treat a  woman? 

Genital mutilation is practiced by many Muslims. Surely if Allah was so Akbar, he would inspire his male believers not to mutilate the genitals of their Muslim womenfolk or kill them because they brought dishonor onto their families. 


So now you're trying to say that violence perpetrated by Muslims on their women is not inspired by religion but in the case of Hindus, it's their religion that make them treat their women in a violent manner.


You're a piece of work! 

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:

To each his own. One way of worshipping is no better than the other. Only you religious nutjobs would think that your god is better than any other.

My brother the  God that I belief in  cannot be killed or be eaten and  that's the difference. 

Big deal. Still people leave the mosque and blow up one another while yelling Allah Hu Akbar. Very inspiring!

Not inspiring at all!! However the same one God states, that if you do one atom of good you will recieve the reward and if you do one atom of bad you will pay the consequences. 

This one God is a just God!!


Hinduism ( Sanatan Dharma) is much larger than snake, mouse, stone god...etc   The History of Hinduism propagation, tells us that Sanatan Dharma existed long before Islam came into practice and that God is one (Ek Onkar) and  it is very much inclusive; Unlike Islam where Pagans were made to believe in islam and Allah, else they get killed. Hinduism includes all the wroshipping of gods/deities (various aspects of God) into one unseen Supreme being, there is unity in the diversity. Bhagwan/ Ishwar is Allah. Is the black stone at Mecca not Shivas Lingam that moslems all over the world congregate to worship? What difference does it make whether you go to Mecca or Ganges or other "holy" places as pilgrimage?



hEY Mits how you doing buddy. I like your input and as usual you are always very objective.


My posts here this morning was not meant to criticize any one's believe I was just responding to the Indian writer comments.


Muslims do not worship the Holy Kabbaa , they worship God.  

Originally Posted by God:

Genital mutilation is practiced by many Muslims. Surely if Allah was so Akbar, he would inspire his male believers not to mutilate the genitals of their Muslim womenfolk or kill them because they brought dishonor onto their families. 


So now you're trying to say that violence perpetrated by Muslims on their women is not inspired by religion but in the case of Hindus, it's their religion that make them treat their women in a violent manner.


You're a piece of work! 

Ok I think we had a good exchange and I will move on for Ihave tons of work.

In closing Iwill like to say that none of the religious books which include the Bhagvat Gita, preaches to mankind to abuse his fellow man.



Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:

Genital mutilation is practiced by many Muslims. Surely if Allah was so Akbar, he would inspire his male believers not to mutilate the genitals of their Muslim womenfolk or kill them because they brought dishonor onto their families. 


So now you're trying to say that violence perpetrated by Muslims on their women is not inspired by religion but in the case of Hindus, it's their religion that make them treat their women in a violent manner.


You're a piece of work! 

Ok I think we had a good exchange and I will move on for Ihave tons of work.

In closing Iwill like to say that none of the religious books which include the Bhagvat Gita, preaches to mankind to abuse his fellow man.




Originally Posted by Chief:


I agree with you Buddy Nehru. They really stupid , ignorant and illeterate to belive it is ok to bathe in the polluted Ganges River. They are even mnore stupid to worship a stone and then turn around and shit on the same stone. Now they raping the Godess that they worshipped.


Just read the article by the female Indian writer. She is wondering aloud how can people who were brought up to worship women can turn around and rape them.

Is it Stupid and Illiterate to be BUGGERING Young Boys????

Maybe india should take example from Saudi Arabia on how women should be treated..... 

Saudi Arabia eases ban on women riding bikes         


Local newspaper says kingdom's religious police now allow women to ride bicycles in recreational areas.

          Last Modified: 02 Apr 2013 09:54
King Abdullah has come under pressure from women activists demanding the right to drive in the kingdom [Getty]

Saudi Arabia will now allow women to ride motorbikes and bicycles but only in restricted areas, a local newspaper has reported.

The al-Yawm daily on Monday cited an unnamed official from the religious police as saying women can ride bikes in parks and recreational areas but they have to be accompanied by a male relative and dressed in the full Islamic head-to-toe abaya.

Saudi Arabia follows an ultraconservative interpretation of Islam and bans women from driving.

Women are also banned from riding motorcycles or bicycles in public places. The newspaper didn't say what triggered the lifting of the ban.

The official says women may not use the bikes for transportation but “only for entertainment'' and that they should shun places where young men gather “to avoid harassment.''



Last edited by sachin_05
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by God:

To each his own. One way of worshipping is no better than the other. Only you religious nutjobs would think that your god is better than any other.

My brother the  God that I belief in  cannot be killed or be eaten and  that's the difference. 

Does Islam teach you to knock other people for their matter how crazy it sounds

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:


I agree with you Buddy Nehru. They really stupid , ignorant and illeterate to belive it is ok to bathe in the polluted Ganges River. They are even mnore stupid to worship a stone and then turn around and shit on the same stone. Now they raping the Godess that they worshipped.


Just read the article by the female Indian writer. She is wondering aloud how can people who were brought up to worship women can turn around and rape them.

Is it Stupid and Illiterate to be BUGGERING Young Boys????

What are you accusing Chief of??? That man love himself young girls, ask bk at the eid dinner. 

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I have felt for a long time, many of the ills of Indian society are rooted in Indian movies.

With all due respect, that is BULL. I dont see Americans running around as Hannibal, Freddy Kruger or the character fom Halloween. Hollywood Movies have 1000 times Violence, Rape and Sex.

The mindset of the average man in India is different from that of the USA.  The movies don't overtly encourage however, there are lots of subliminal messages, in particular violence, drunkenness and suicide.  These are ills prevalent among Indian society, including the diaspora.


The issue of rape is a part of a wider problem where one person does not care much about the other.  I find the people their lacking in emotional intelligence for their fellow citizens.


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