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By Editor On Aug 18, 2020

Five months after suffering electoral defeat, the leadership of the People’s National Congress (PNC) – the largest party in the APNU+AFC coalition – has come under attack from one of its most prominent members, James Bond, who believes that some at the helm of the party must be removed.

In an explosive live video streamed on his Facebook page on Monday evening, Bond – a former Parliamentarian for the APNU – blamed the electoral loss at the feet of its leader and former President of Guyana David Granger citing his weak leadership.

“Your leadership has failed us. Your leadership cost us an election…and I am going to write that history. The reason we’re in opposition is because of your leadership.

“So I would ensure when history records who is the strongest leaders in the PNC, and who are the weakest leaders in the PNC, who are the most incompetent leaders in the PNC, I am going to ensure that history is written.

“Lack of leadership. There’s a deficit,” Bond said.

He described the current leadership of the PNC as “fascist.”

As such, Bond has committed himself to a “battle” over the next few years, to ensure that the party benefits from strong leadership.

“For the next couple of years, God spare my life, I have a battle to fight. A fight to ensure we have a leader who respects the membership, who respects central exec, who govern and rule, and who will lead us in a manner in which we deserve to be lead; who will respect decisions and will look for the decision of the community,” he said.

The PNC member criticized Granger, and executive member Amna Ally, putting on record that when they look at him, they must not see him as a “friend.”

“When you see me, you are not looking at a comrade. I have one leader, Volda Lawrence,” Bond said, noting that he only respects the authority of Lawrence and no one else in the PNC.

Bond’s comments were made subsequent to an unofficial announcement that senior party leaders were excluded from the list of persons who will be representing the APNU in the National Assembly.

Among those not included on the list were: Granger, Ally, Lawrence, Basil Williams, and Aubrey Norton.

Lawrence currently serves as the Chairman of the PNC, the second-highest ranked leadership position in the party, after that of party leader.

Bond took umbrage to Lawrence’s exclusion, describing her as an asset which the PNC continues to benefit from.

“The thing that triggered me is the snub on comrade Volda Lawrence. She was not consulted; she was not asked if she wanted to go to Parliament,” he said, adding that the party’s Chair was summoned to a meeting where she was informed that she would not be representing the opposition in the legislature.

Bond reflected on Lawrence’s contribution, noting that she has served the PNC for decades, and remains the most popular female in the PNC.

“This is someone who won the Chairmanship of the party and this is an immensely popular person in the party; this is no fly by night [person], and then you’re gonna leave her out of Parliament? She represented Georgetown which brought about 50,000+ votes. The entire country respects her,” he noted.

The former MP also registered his disappointment with being excluded from the list, after having submitted a letter to the leadership of the party, indicating his interest in serving as a Parliamentarian.

Bond said that there has been no acknowledgement of his letter, but that he read in the press that he was not being considered as one of the prospective MPs.

“The APNU+AFC need me more than I need them,” he said.

But despite this, the young politician reaffirmed his commitment to the party, noting that he will not be leaving, but instead working towards replacing its leadership.

“They can’t put me out the PNC, I’m not going anywhere. We must ensure we go to [the 2021] congress strong to change the leadership of the PNC, from central exec right down. If you are fed up of the inept leadership that is going on, give me a call,” he urged members and supporters.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

CaribG's prediction about PNC knife and fork is becoming a reality. PNC just picked a Kaka Rass crew to lead them in parliament. 

Jagdeo will chew them up and spit them out. 


Last edited by Former Member

Interesting how only a few weeks ago he was fighting for that same fascist (his description) 'leadership' to rule Guyana. He even was allegedly involved in filing a lawsuit against the GECOM Chairperson in someone's name who didn't even know her name was used to file that lawsuit.


Bond don’t get it. The White lady calling the shots. The US don’t want to see a total dominance by the PPP but want none of the riggers involved. So their careers are over in the PNC. They have to leave and for a fringe BLM party.  I sent an email to a high up PNC contact I know and said the same a week ago. Seems they listen to me.

@Former Member posted:

Bond don’t get it. The White lady calling the shots. The US don’t want to see a total dominance by the PPP but want none of the riggers involved. So their careers are over in the PNC. They have to leave and for a fringe BLM party.  I sent an email to a high up PNC contact I know and said the same a week ago. Seems they listen to me.

Get off your high horse. You still serving saltfish and bake in the Basement ?


Bai Prash, Base hit the nail on the head. Ambassador Sarah is the most powerful person in Guyana today. She calls the shots.

Granger realized that he was led down the garden path by the Cabal and wanted to show a gesture of goodwill to the Americans since he is under extreme pressure.

That Cabal had to go. The only reason why Harmon was kept on is because he still has Kulie friends on both sides of the aisle. Harmon can crawl on his belly and beg the PPP.

It's good to see that PNC is cleaning up their slate. Guyana needs a strong opposition for the next ten years. While they are not up to standards yet, five years in opposition will make them hungry for power and motivate them.

If only Granger wasn't that greedy to hang on to power and delay the election results , he could have been in power again if he played his cards correctly.

O well, the PNC always learns the hard way.


@Former Member posted:

Suicide escalated under Granger and PNC and dem rass still trying to harass the PPP. 

Dem rass can't even run a suicide therapy business. 

And Dr Kevorkian high tail it out as soon as PNC won. Wonder what he/she was afraid of.

@Former Member posted:

And Dr Kevorkian high tail it out as soon as PNC won. Wonder what he/she was afraid of.

Are you still ashamed for being booted out of India and can never go back to Bangalore ?


Hey Tola, how is the suicide mission coming along ? 

You are on record saying that Ali will never become president. They should put you on suicide watch. 


Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Bai Prash, Base hit the nail on the head. Ambassador Sarah is the most powerful person in Guyana today. She calls the shots.

Granger realized that he was led down the garden path by the Cabal and wanted to show a gesture of goodwill to the Americans since he is under extreme pressure.

That Cabal had to go. The only reason why Harmon was kept on is because he still has Kulie friends on both sides of the aisle. Harmon can crawl on his belly and beg the PPP.

It's good to see that PNC is cleaning up their slate. Guyana needs a strong opposition for the next ten years. While they are not up to standards yet, five years in opposition will make them hungry for power and motivate them.

If only Granger wasn't that greedy to hang on to power and delay the election results , he could have been in power again if he played his cards correctly.

O well, the PNC always learns the hard way.


You right. Harmon got long time friendships going back  decades with some senior PPP leaders.


Both the PPP & APNU/AFC promised to introduce a new and younger breed of politicians. If some of the older faces are excluded from the list it's for a reason. Even Granger excludes himself. 

I would like to add that during the course of the election, some of these politicians didn't act with integrity. All of whom are excluded are crossed off as having said something or involved in some activity in the election process that didn't seem satisfactory to Granger. This is my thought and I could be wrong. 

@Tola posted:

Are you still ashamed for being booted out of India and can never go back to Bangalore ?

I think you hallucinating, Mr stink mouth.

Why you run from Guyana?  Tell we about the lil girls you show to use phone.  Former poster Ksazma got your number.

I have wide contacts in Guyana in the area of Suicide prevention.  And they never ever heard of you.  One person told me to be careful with people claiming this and that, they into “stuff.”

Fake doctor!

@Former Member posted:

I think you hallucinating, Mr stink mouth.

Why you run from Guyana?  Tell we about the lil girls you show to use phone.  Former poster Ksazma got your number.

I have wide contacts in Guyana in the area of Suicide prevention.  And they never ever heard of you.  One person told me to be careful with people claiming this and that, they into “stuff.”

Fake doctor!

You should be suspended for the personal attacks on Tola.

@Former Member posted:

I think you hallucinating, Mr stink mouth.

Why you run from Guyana?  Tell we about the lil girls you show to use phone.  Former poster Ksazma got your number.

I have wide contacts in Guyana in the area of Suicide prevention.  And they never ever heard of you.  One person told me to be careful with people claiming this and that, they into “stuff.”

Fake doctor!

Don't change the subject. Why cant you go back to Bangalore. Mr. Bigman in a suit ? We also have friends where you work in Swiss and they have lots of stories to tell. Find a woman you can keep, you ever think something might be wrong with you.    

@Former Member posted:

 Former poster Ksazma got your number.

So Ksazma been giving out personal information ? Its shameful to see him come here with tears of apology and left, only to return.

You are a dummy Baseman, to mention this fact. It shows your selfishness and disregard for others. I hope others will not trust you with their personal information, because you are a loose cannon.       

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

Stink mouth, butt out. 

Baseman and Tola, kindly ease up on getting under each other skin. Both of you are getting into each other territory and spouting words that is considered personal attack. Thank you. Please note: Another member have reported the abuse. 

@Tola posted:

Get off your high horse. You still serving saltfish and bake in the Basement ?

Tola, please act responsibly and avoid getting entangled with Baseman. Both your and his remarks are personal attacks. Thank you.

@Mitwah posted:

You should be suspended for the personal attacks on Tola.

Tola is a POS stink mouth con. Take a Look at who started the attack when I wrote about Bond. Go back a few post and read.

You clowns like to start fire and run to admin to protect ayuh. Go and read who attacked 

@Former Member posted:

Tola is a POS stink mouth con. Take a Look at who started the attack when I wrote about Bond. Go back a few post and read.

You clowns like to start fire and run to admin to protect ayuh. Go and read who attacked 

Why is it that you are in confrontation with Admin and others, more than any other poster here ? Don't you think it must be what you write ?    

Last edited by Tola
@VishMahabir posted:

Dis banna got what he deserved!!

@Django posted:

Volda and him was checking the SOPS for Region 4 on the night of March 2. Videos was posted on his FB page.

And neither of them objected to Mingo's announced numbers not agreeing with those SOPs?


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