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Bond signals mission to ‘break up’ Granger cabal
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Attorney-at-Law, James Bond
Attorney-at-Law, James Bond

AMIDST backlash from its members on its recent parliamentary selection, the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) has defended the coalition’s List of Candidates for Parliament as being the “face of the future” which will revitalise the PNC/R.

Just recently, major criticism was met out to the head of the party, former President David Granger and other Executives of the PNC/R for dropping the likes of PNC/R Chair, Volda Lawrence, and Executive Member, Aubrey Norton from the list.

The list was required to be submitted to the Chief Elections Officer (CEO), Keith Lowenfield, for the allocation of parliamentary seats. Excluded were also David Granger; former Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams; and PNC/R General Secretary, Amna Ally.

However, many well-knowns within the party took offense primarily with the exclusion of Lawrence, who was also the former public health minister and Norton.

Attorney-at-Law, James Bond, took to his social media page in a live video where he stated, plainly, that efforts were not made to engage in consultations to select individuals who would bring the best value to the party, but based on favoritism and ulterior motives.

“The omission of Cde. Volda Ann Lawrence from the APNU+AFC list of parliamentarians was a cold, crude and callous decision. That decision has left a bad taste in the mouths of the people of Georgetown, the women of the PNC/R, the youth of the PNC/R, more importantly the hard-working members of the PNC/R. I must make mention of the omissions of Aubrey Norton, Jevaughn Stephen, Thandi Mc Allister, Ryan Belgrave who suffered at the hand of fascist leadership. These aren’t fly-by-night comrades, these are comrades like you and I who have worked tirelessly in the trenches and weren’t afforded the decency of consultations or private communication of their endings. It is time for a leadership that values hard working comrades a leadership that listens to ordinary comrades enough of fascism! Time to rewrite their failed legacy with a new one!” he said.


The List of Candidates for Parliament as presented to the media by the People’s National Congress Reform

Bond added that while he holds no malice against anyone individually, he has noticed that hard work is not respected or rewarded in the party. He posted a photograph of Lawrence on his timeline captioned: “They know if you go to Parliament you would have had to be made opposition leader. The first woman opposition leader in our Parliament’s history.”

The attorney was also on the coalition’s List of Candidates submitted in January on Nomination Day but was not selected to serve in Parliament.

In a release on Tuesday, the PNC/R published the full list of candidates for Parliament from the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) which make up the coalition. Collectively, there were 40 names listed, nine from the AFC and 31 from the APNU.

In the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections, the coalition won 31 seats. Under the revised Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC will only get 30 per cent of the seats secured by the coalition in the National Assembly based on a new 70:30 ratio agreed upon with APNU. The formula will also guide the allocation of seats at the level of the Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs).

“The PNC/R has taken a bold step forward. The composition of the list of candidates extracted to be representatives in the next Parliament is the face of the future and will empower a new generation of leaders. The PNC/R has always advocated that young people are essential to Guyana’s development,” said the party whose coalition government was dominated by persons who passed retirement age.

However, many supporters are still disgruntled. Famed Guyanese singer, Lisa Punch-Benn commented on Facebook: “I stand with Cde. Hon. Volda Lawrence. The fact that she was snubbed upsets me! Why isn’t James on the list too? I don’t understand this. The only thing that makes sense is that someone is afraid of Volda being competent enough to run this country and afraid of the youths that fiercely support her.”

Political activist, Norman Browne added: “There is no letting up. There is no party without the people. You stand strong and firm my brother and friend, James Anthony-Bond. We are not waiting for the sitting of another Congress next year. We must go back to Congress now! The party is not Joseph Harmon and Comrade David Granger; it is the people. And the people have spoken.”

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@Former Member posted:

Guyanese should support bond financially to form his own party and split up PNC votes. 

He can be the next Leader of the PNC. All the token Indians will follow and support him once Jagdeo is still around.


Bond has five percent Black support. Enough to destroy the PNC for good. Powerful and disgruntled PNC handlers might be cooking up this right now. 

Jagdeo will lead Guyana for another 20 years 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Bond has five percent Black support. Enough to destroy the PNC for good. Powerful and disgruntled PNC handlers might be cooking up this right now. 

Jagdeo will lead Guyana for another 20 years 

Like you thinking miss a gear today, where is the evidence of this ? 

@Former Member posted:

I am not missing anything. Better put on your dentures, you missing teeth are on full display. 

Now you reaching bottom.    Unlike you, I did not had a cavity or missing tooth since my full teeth.  

@Former Member posted:

Bond has five percent Black support. Enough to destroy the PNC for good. Powerful and disgruntled PNC handlers might be cooking up this right now. 

Jagdeo will lead Guyana for another 20 years 

I predict a break up with the BLM extremists forming a break away Niche group.  I also predict ANUG will draw support from the PNC and the PPP.


I have to agree. The political landscape of Guyana is changing at a very fast pace. It's best if the PNC votes split and a new black political force arises with better ideas. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Guyanese should support bond financially to form his own party and split up PNC votes. 

Prior to Guyana's independence and even now, how many African parties existed, compared to Indian parties. Africans traditionally tend to stay together.   

@Former Member posted:

Guyanese should support bond financially to form his own party and split up PNC votes. 

How much US$$$$ you throwing in to the pot? 

Is Granja a US citizen?

Last edited by Mitwah

Bond could attract a good portion of the PNC crowd who wishes to break away from being part of a disrepute PNC party. Bond is educated, young and could be affable, a distant separate from the old geriatric PNC landscape.  

@Tola posted:

Prior to Guyana's independence and even now, how many African parties existed, compared to Indian parties. Africans traditionally tend to stay together.   

Also they are openly vocal against their leaders ,try that with Indian Parties ,your entire family are threatened .

@Former Member posted:

Bond could attract a good portion of the PNC crowd who wishes to break away from being part of a disrepute PNC party. Bond is educated, young and could be affable, a distant separate from the old geriatric PNC landscape.  

There will be a long wait ,they young are in the forefront ,the old will be in the background.

@Django posted:

Also they are openly vocal against their leaders ,try that with Indian Parties ,your entire family are threatened .

How many Indians were openly vocal against the PPP between 2011 and 2016? How many of their families were threatened?

Wasn't it Lawrence who before the NCM vote threatened any member who vote for it? Wasn't she who turned around and stared threateningly at Charrandas?

@Django posted:

There will be a long wait ,they young are in the forefront ,the old will be in the background.

I don't have any problem with any wait. Usually when people get to a destination too quickly they don't seem to appreciate it as much as those who take longer and was able to assess the journey better. 

@Former Member posted:

How many Indians were openly vocal against the PPP between 2011 and 2016? How many of their families were threatened?

Wasn't it Lawrence who before the NCM vote threatened any member who vote for it? Wasn't she who turned around and stared threateningly at Charrandas?

What's the confusion about ? take your time ,don't rush to make statements.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

I don't have any problem with any wait. Usually when people get to a destination too quickly they don't seem to appreciate it as much as those who take longer and was able to assess the journey better. 

As mentioned long wait ,no breakup.


Why don't we discussed the great things that the PPP will be doing for Guyana, instead of losing sleep over the PNC? The losers, the cry babies, and the people who bankrupted Guyana.  Django himself said that the treasury is empty. What more proof do you want?

@Django posted:

What's the confusion about ? take your time ,don't rush to make statements.

There is no confusion bai. Comprehension is not an area where I am lacking. Your comment seemed to be seeking to assail Indians or the 'Indian party' whatever that is although quite feebly. Are you suggesting that by your classification of some party as an 'Indian party' you are making a distinction that the PNC is an Afro Guyanese party? Also, please try responding without being inclined to first put down the poster you are responding to. Thanks.

@Django posted:

As mentioned long wait ,no breakup.

That's their problem to solve. I watched Bond's 'angry' video the other day and he seemed very intelligent as he outlined his issues. He also seemed very composed hence my earlier observations of him.

@Former Member posted:

There is no confusion bai. Comprehension is not an area where I am lacking. Your comment seemed to be seeking to assail Indians or the 'Indian party' whatever that is although quite feebly. Are you suggesting that by your classification of some party as an 'Indian party' you are making a distinction that the PNC is an Afro Guyanese party? Also, please try responding without being inclined to first put down the poster you are responding to. Thanks.

What said Indians can't be vocal against their leaders ,they are threatened ,so they have to be quiet like mouse.

Afro are more vocal against their leaders , the threats are minimum.


Indians are vocal against the PPP Leaders.  There are over ten Political Parties headed by Indians.  Each party pulled over 1000 votes thus robbing the PPP of two seats. They were very vocal.  Only now the blacks are voicing their opinions against the PNC because they lost the Free and fair elections.

@Django posted:

What said Indians can't be vocal against their leaders ,they are threatened ,so they have to be quiet like mouse.

Afro are more vocal against their leaders , the threats are minimum.

I felt your comment was incendiary.


I felt the same. DJ is out of line here with this comment. Look at what Moses and Ramjattan said about the PPP and its leadership. They are Indos. 

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

I felt the same. DJ is out of line here with this comment.

Look at what Moses and Ramjattan said about the PPP and its leadership. They are Indos.

Vocal  Indians against their leaders are always targeted for abuse and threats. Moses and Ramjattan were not treated lightly .

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Vocal  Indians against their leaders are always targeted for abuse and threats. Moses and Ramjattan were not treated lightly .

PPP is forgiving.  Look they took back Sase. 

Last edited by Former Member

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