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Border security, electoral and constitutional reform among key areas discussed at presidents’ meeting

President Dr. Irfaan Ali said that today’s meeting with the former Presidents of Guyana was fruitful as key issues of national, regional, and international importance were addressed.

Due to the headway following the initial discussions, it was decided that the group will now reach quarterly.

The Head of State made this announcement following the three-hour-long engagement which was held at State House between himself, former Presidents Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, Mr. Samuel Hinds, and Mr. Donald Ramotar.

Notably absent from the high-level meeting was Mr. David Granger.

“Today’s meeting was intended to bring all the former Presidents together in a free-flowing discussion, one in which they could have all placed issues they have a passion about, national issue, on the agenda for a free-flowing discussion. After which we would have characterized all the discussions into various categories in an effort to move forward.”

According to President Ali, key areas discussed included border security, Guyana’s sovereignty, and Electoral and Constitutional Reform, which he noted were of high importance. In addition, the former Presidents also discussed environmental concerns and spoke at length about the current Low Carbon Development Strategy (LDCS) framework.

“We have the Low Carbon Development Strategy as our framework and the former Government had a green strategy paper…  So engagement on the environment, covering issues of climate change, climate adaptation, mitigation, these are all issues that would have been encompassed on the discussions on the environment.”

In the absence of former President Granger, the Head of State expressed the hope that Mr. Granger would understand the necessity of attending the meeting and being part of the discussions.

He noted that the former President would again be invited when the group meets in the first quarter of next year.

“It is a national effort in ensuring that we harness the ideas of our former Presidents who are still available to us.”


According to President Ali, job creation invariably came up in all the discussions.

He explained that the former Presidents also shared ideas and strategized on ways that would ensure strong local content and strong local participation, which would in turn guarantee our human resource base opportunities in oil and gas.

He said too that the participants also deliberated on national security concerns and examined strategies to enhance Guyana’s security sector.


Electoral and Constitutional Reform and National Unity were topics for much discourse during the engagement.

“Those are all the things that came up in the discussions; the whole issue of governance and how do we strengthen governance and ensure that governance is more accountable and responsive, easier to access.”

President Ali emphasized that today’s engagement would not be a “one-off” occurrence, but rather the first of many high-level discussions among the former Presidents, which will allow for the sharing of information and more importantly dialogue to help chart the country’s development agenda.

“This is not a one-off engagement, this is an engagement that will occur once every quarter and will involve all the former Presidents.” It is focused at a very strategic level. It is not at an implementation level.”

Alluding to the impact of the meeting, Former President Samuel Hinds said, “I think this was a good first step. And, yes, there needs to be [an] agenda … For me, I think this is more an opportunity to meet and talk freely and easily.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Granger wants his own country, his own people, and the biggest flag to fly over it. He wants 50 years old rum and black cake to offer his guests at the airport. He wants his people to jump and mash over Guyana, but NO JOB for them. Granger wants a handpicked, old man to be GECOM Chair, but he failed. Granger just wants to be president for the sake of power. He spends his term in office kicking out the Indians and replacing them with his own loyalists. He closes down their livelihood so they cant earn a wage and feed their family. He has endless Commission of Inquiries (CoI's) to get back the people's money, but all the money went into his pocket. Granger wanted to take two Billion Dollars in advance payments from ExxonMobil for his pocket but that never materialize. Granger thought he would sit on the oil revenue and rape Guyana as Burnham did. He had big dreams for himself and NOT for the Country or its people. He bankrupt Guyana from wasteful spending and a lavish lifestyle on the taxpayer's back. So, he was sour he has to give in and get out of government.

Dr. Ali, please don't waste precious time on a thief and a liar who doesn't know one piss about running a country.

@Viper posted:

Granger wants his own country, his own people, and the biggest flag to fly over it. He wants 50 years old rum and black cake to offer his guests at the airport. He wants his people to jump and mash over Guyana, but NO JOB for them. Granger wants a handpicked, old man to be GECOM Chair, but he failed. Granger just wants to be president for the sake of power. He spends his term in office kicking out the Indians and replacing them with his own loyalists. He closes down their livelihood so they cant earn a wage and feed their family. He has endless Commission of Inquiries (CoI's) to get back the people's money, but all the money went into his pocket. Granger wanted to take two Billion Dollars in advance payments from ExxonMobil for his pocket but that never materialize. Granger thought he would sit on the oil revenue and rape Guyana as Burnham did. He had big dreams for himself and NOT for the Country or its people. He bankrupt Guyana from wasteful spending and a lavish lifestyle on the taxpayer's back. So, he was sour he has to give in and get out of government.

Dr. Ali, please don't waste precious time on a thief and a liar who doesn't know one piss about running a country.

Image may contain: 2 people, text that says 'This was racialism under the Granger led PNC/ APNU+AFC along with 17000 sugar workers preceive to be PPP/C supporters 2 years after APNU/AFC witch-hunting SOCU withdraws politically-motivated charges against Ashni Singh, Winston Brassington on page See story fired by GRANGER PNC/ PNC/APNU for being INDIANS, 17.000 one walk'

Carl Greenidge said Indians and sugar workers are coolie and PPP problem under Granger administration. 

@cain posted:

Iman waiting to see when you start arguing with yourself, thus far you've agreed with everything being said.

He talking nuff these days.....for a guy who don't go to guyana or know nothing of the country.😄😃

@Viper posted:

Granger missed out on an important meeting. Why did he act as an important statesman?

He knows that he will be reinstated soon plus it's his right to practice social distancing. They could have had this meeting via Skype or Zoom.

@Mitwah posted:

He knows that he will be reinstated soon plus it's his right to practice social distancing. They could have had this meeting via Skype or Zoom.

Also, what became of the official meeting between the president and opposition leader ?  This all president meeting was a con job by the Ratman.

@Sheik101 posted:

He talking nuff these days.....for a guy who don't go to guyana or know nothing of the country.😄😃

Since you continue to get personal with me, I will get personal with you. Why did you disobey your father's wishes and married into a Hindu family? You also playing the political double role in support of the PPP and appeasing a bunch of PNC, whore-like losers. You should explain who is Athens and Shiek101. If you can't, I will.

You had asked me if I am going to stop at the airport hotel. NO, I usually stop at Gomattie's private house in Guyana.

If I ever see you in my area, I will kick all your ***-king teeth in your black ass. Get a life Mother-****er.

@Viper posted:

Since you continue to get personal with me, I will get personal with you. Why did you disobey your father's wishes and married into a Hindu family? You also playing the political double role in support of the PPP and appeasing a bunch of PNC, whore-like losers. You should explain who is Athens and Shiek101. If you can't, I will.

You had asked me if I am going to stop at the airport hotel. NO, I usually stop at Gomattie's private house in Guyana.

If I ever see you in my area, I will kick all your ***-king teeth in your black ass. Get a life Mother-****er.

Where de rass was Sheik's post personal ? All the man said that you are full of shit talking about Guyana and you know nothing about the country.

@Mitwah posted:

He knows that he will be reinstated soon plus it's his right to practice social distancing. They could have had this meeting via Skype or Zoom.

They should have had the meeting at Freedom House.  It was a PPP get together. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

The topic is about the President's meeting and all you guys do is insulting each other.

What is the goal of the meeting without an agenda ?  Four coolie dingbats who think alike and one black man ?

@Viper posted:

Repeat that once more to him. He is a frigging pot salt.

The Viper is hissing.  Comrade, if you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen. You are valiantly trying to defend a crooked, incompetent PPP.  That is a losing proposition.

@Viper posted:

Since you continue to get personal with me, I will get personal with you. Why did you disobey your father's wishes and married into a Hindu family? You also playing the political double role in support of the PPP and appeasing a bunch of PNC, whore-like losers. You should explain who is Athens and Shiek101. If you can't, I will.

You had asked me if I am going to stop at the airport hotel. NO, I usually stop at Gomattie's private house in Guyana.

If I ever see you in my area, I will kick all your ***-king teeth in your black ass. Get a life Mother-****er.

Lol. Lol. AHAHAHAHAHA.  Meh bai pon de warpath. Btw,  Who is Athens? I only have one handle bai. Sheik. Which u created.

And oh boy, I waiting for this kick u talking bout.

Lol. U too funny. 😆 And dat hindu gurl and me marrid long after meh fada dead so how I could disobey a dead man. 😆 ow. Poor cobby confuse like rass dis marning. Don't know he elbow from his ass. From  A to bullfoot.   Sweet. 😄😃😀😄😃.

@Tola posted:

Where de rass was Sheik's post personal ? All the man said that you are full of shit talking about Guyana and you know nothing about the country.

Correct! And I stand by my post. He doesn't know anything about the country. He is very interested in the going ons there, but he doesnt go. I'm the frequent flyer. Not him. He signed me up on GNI. But when he's writing shit, I just can't sit back and agree.

@Tola posted:

We already know you are more stupid than Jagdeo and Ramotar put together.

It is a great honour to be compared to Jagdeo and Ramoutar. 

Who are you?  What do you do for a living?  Cat bite your tongue?

@Ramakant-P posted:

It is a great honour to be compared to Jagdeo and Ramoutar.

Who are you?  What do you do for a living?  Cat bite your tongue?

Does this mean you are stupider  than Jagdeo  and Ramotar ?

@Ramakant-P posted:

Anyone who calls Jagdeo and Ramoutar, two former presidents stupid, is an ass. Mitwah, Tota, and Tola are a bunch of water washed coolies.

Tell us what Ramotar accomplished during his stint.


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