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Did both the PPP and PNC rig the election?



Dear Editor,
The two ugly step-sisters of Guyana politics, the PPP and PNC, have accused each other of rigging the November 28, 2011 election. Neither has produced tangible evidence to date. President Ramotar has been publicly alleging the PPP won 50 per cent or more of the vote but was robbed by APNU.
He is either correct or trying desperately to offset APNU’s claims that the PPP rigged the vote by throwing a red herring into the barrel. The PPP’s basis for its allegation is that PPP observers were not allowed at polling stations in PNC/APNU strongholds and APNU infiltrated GECOM
There is no evidence to date from the PPP to show its representatives were completely barred from polling stations in PNC strongholds such as South Georgetown. I surmise the PPP’s argument amounts to this; if PPP agents were barred from observing at polling stations in APNU strongholds, APNU observers stuffed the ballot boxes like they did during the days of PNC 28-year dictatorship.
I will never put electoral rigging beyond the PNC/APNU. They will rig an election if given the chance. If they get back into power by democratic means, I strongly believe they will rig the election to remain in power. The fact that major players from the past days of rigging such as Corbin, Granger and Greenidge are still in charge leaves me with that impression.
However, until the PPP could produce evidence of such rigging, it is making a bloody fool of itself. Even if the PPP’s representatives were barred from polling stations in APNU stronghold areas, what about the presence of AFC observers? As far as I know, AFC observers were in all major polling stations and most definitely present in the ones in South Georgetown and others areas of Region Four the PPP claim as the location of APNU’s rigging. EAB and other observers were present at most of those polling stations.
Donald Ramotar is playing a dangerous game at the behest of the charlatans advising him. He is making himself look the fool to satisfy these corrupt rogues surrounding him. They are egging him in some very shady directions. He is making foolish pronouncements on this matter. This talk of the PPP wanting to open up the ballot boxes is fine except no one knows whether the ballot boxes were tampered with.
The problem with opening the ballot boxes and discovering discrepancies between the SOPs, GECOM’s tally and the ballot boxes is that it will further taint the election. How about APNU’s allegations against the PPP of establishing seemingly phantom polling stations in private residences which were never properly declared and accounted for?
Or issues respecting the tally by GECOM and the actual numbers on the SOPs? Or the allegations of lack of objectivity of GECOM officials? These two pariah parties must stop this nonsense and provide proof or shut the hell up and move on with the results. APNU had its supporters masquerading in the streets for weeks without any evidence.
Now, it is seeking to reopen the can of worms. The PPP is now asserting that somehow APNU was able to hijack an electoral process which was controlled and dominated by the PPP. If these two parties could prove their positions, we are faced with a dangerous situation in this country where the two biggest parties have made a mockery of democracy.
Just like I do not trust the PNC/APNU, I do not trust the PPP. If given an opportunity they will, like PNC/APNU, rig the election to gain or maintain power. What this back and forth blame game has reminded us as a nation is that these two parties have absolutely no intention of playing by the rules. They are going to destroy this nation with their rotten misconduct and accusatory behaviour.

 M. Maxwell

From dozens or  so  regular scribes of  Letters  to  the  Editors, I  believe    M Maxwell  has set him/ her(self) apart as  someone who  truly has  the pulse of  the  nation at  his / her  finger tips, and  the  welfare of  its  inhabitants close  to his/ her  bosom.  His  missive has  always been   a breath of  fresh  air,  refreshingly balanced, cogent and on  the  mark!

Note  to Gerhard & the   AFC: The  political arena  is currently  dominated  by mangy dogs & rabid hyenas baring  fangs and  snarling over  rotten  carrion.  Resist the   expediency factor and  walk  the straight  and  narrow path. You  lie  with  dogs , you  wake  up  with  fleas and  you  romp with hyenas, you  smell  like  offal /  shyt. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Let us not get all giddy with the small success of the AFC. These creeps are rejects from the PPP soup bowl so to present themselves as incorruptibly is facetious. When soup was flowing they all were singing the praises of PPP, then the soup came to an abrupt end and the AFC became a reality.  Look at their leadership, Ramjuttan, a known money man that squeeze torture victims for lawyer fees when pro bono was more appropriate. They claim to have Guyana's interest at heart but in fact they are looking to make a buck like everyone else. ahahhahhaha

The election is long gone and over.why can't the stupid govt,the oppostion put it behind them and work together for the good of the country. I tell you,there are some real jackasses in politics now in Guyana. And the people living in Guyana are being taken for a ride by these donkeys.
Originally Posted by Amral:
The election is long gone and over.why can't the stupid govt,the oppostion put it behind them and work together for the good of the country. I tell you,there are some real jackasses in politics now in Guyana. And the people living in Guyana are being taken for a ride by these donkeys.

Well said.


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