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GECOM was allowed to do their gob. They had more than enough time to properly complete that process but on several occasions used delay tactics to hamper the verification process. Then they released numbers that even CARICOM criticized as illegal. Every observer group is demanding that GECOM return to the proper methods of verifying the polls. While you have been preoccupied with an unofficial list published by the PPP, the Coalition has stolen democracy from the people of Guyana. Your preoccupation is misguided my brother. Even Ray has had enough with the evil behavior of his party yesterday.

Please keep in mind that the results announced by Region 4 late yesterday is unverified and cannot be supported by the SOPs that everyone has. Keep in mind also that that declaration appears to have Vulga Vulva's vulva below the signature of Mingo. Can you explain to us why her signature is on that release? Can you also explain why the RO or CO did not announce that result but it was published by DPI. Why was the publication of that region different from the other 9 regions?

They all add up to you being on the wrong side of history my brother. But you are your own man and I do not intend to tell you how to make judgements.



They all add up to you being on the wrong side of history my brother.

But you are your own man and I do not intend to tell you how to make judgements.


When people sticks to truth and facts ,they are never on the wrong side  or poor in their judgements. I have said both parties are disingenuous .

Last edited by Django

@Django. While you have indeed stated that both parties are disingenuous, you continued that GECOM should have been allowed to do their job without interference and while you are correct on that it is also necessary to note that GECOM has been stalling because the numbers do not favor the Coalition and in the end a release was issued from DPI with Vulga Vulva's vulva on it stating that the Coalition won the elections even though the process was incomplete as noted by everyone except the Coalition hacks. While you may not be there yet to acknowledge that fact, everyone else has moved to the right side of history of declaring that the PNC run Coalition have committed blatant electoral fraud on Guyana. Even the guy from Barbados is pissed at the behavior of Cummings and threatened to report her to his boss. Silence is consent and without a clear condemnation from you about the blatant theft of democracy by the PNC yesterday, you are in fact agreeing with them.


I hope I am very clear of how I stick to the truth in my statements. I never bother about they are perceived. I don't lose sleep even when I am labeled as uneducated or a racist because that is inconsequential to me. I try to make clear and unambiguous statement hoping that no one is unclear of what I was thinking as I make those statements.


@Django. Bai silence is fool's gold when an injustice is being imposed on people. While I an not a supporter of any party in Guyana, I am an ardent critic of the PNC. I will never support that demonic party and even time has not been able to dilute my impression of it. What occurred yesterday is another nail in their coffin as it pertains to my impression of it. That said, I retract my accusation of you as I only know what I understand from your posting and not who is the person behind the comments.


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