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There's a thing called realpolitik. Guyana cannot afford to fight with Maduro and Bouterse simultaneously. Currently, Maduro is on hostile terms with Guyana while Bouterse is on friendly terms. Whatever criticisms are justly or unjustly made against Bouterse, he is Suriname's Head of State. It's in Guyana's national interest to cooperate with him. Former Presidents Bharrat Jagdeo and Donald Ramotar did just that.



skeldon_man posted:

Gilly Bhai, I see a cordial handshake and smile from BJ. I did not see a brotherly love hug from BJ to the drug dealer/murderer.

Shut yuh tailpipe. When two blackman meet up dem does hug up. When blackman and coolie man meet dem does shake hand. Lastly, when blackman and coolie woman meet dem does ........


Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Gilly Bhai, I see a cordial handshake and smile from BJ. I did not see a brotherly love hug from BJ to the drug dealer/murderer.

Shut yuh tailpipe. When two blackman meet up dem does hug up. When blackman and coolie man meet dem does shake hand. Lastly, when blackman and coolie woman meet dem does ........


Arite Bhaiya. Me get you driff. When two blackman meet up dem does have serious gun fite fuh drug territory.

Django posted:

The two Heads of State shared an embrace at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

President of Suriname,  DesirΓ© Delano Bouterse inspecting the Guard of Honour upon his arrival at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport this morning. (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

December 16, 2016


Brothers embrace. That photo must have brought tears to the eyes of the carib.


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