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Boutersere and Roger Khan was ONE

Santokhi said the GOS has hard evidence that (NDP Parliamentarian) Mohamed Doekhie is recruiting criminal elements in Guyana to destabilize and overthrow the government, and that Bouterse claims he will take over "before the end of the year".


Boutersere and Roger Khan was ONE.




From Ambassador Lisa Bobbie Schreiber Hughes.

¶2. (C) In response to my telephone request, Justice and Police Minister Chandrikapersad Santokhi invited me and my RSO, Doug Marvin, to attend his November 29 meeting with Dutch Ambassador Tanya van Gool and her political officer to discuss possible threats to public order occasioned by the November 30 start of the December Murders "process" (the trial of Desi Bouterse and 24 co-defendants for the December 8, 1982 murder of fifteen political opponents). Both we and the Dutch had requested meetings out of concern for the safety and security of our citizens given recent events in Paramaribo.

¶3. (C) The week began with Desi Bouterse,s flamboyant and incendiary public rally on November 26 at his NDP party headquarters. Among other accusations, Bouterse said Minister Santhoki was trying to kill him. The next day, the bus drivers went on strike, followed by strike threats by the teachers, union. Minister Santokhi struck back on November 28, telling journalists that Bouterse and the NDP have plans for "grand scale destabilization," including attacks on prominent law enforcement officials (especially Santokhi himself). Although all this rhetoric appears on the surface to be occasioned by Bouterse,s desire to disrupt the November 30 start of the trial, Minister Santokhi and Attorney General Subhas Punwasi (both present at the meeting) emphasized that Bouterse and his NDP have a larger goal: to overthrow the government.

¶4. (C) In our November 29 meeting, Santokhi told us that the GOS has a robust plan in place to protect public order from NDP attempts to destabilize the country. Executing the plan jointly are Chief of Police Delano Braam, Chief of the Armed Forces Col. Ernst Mercuur, and the Central Intelligence and Security Agency (CIVD; Col. Johan Ceder). Santokhi confirmed that he is a primary target, and his security is tight. The police have already arrested criminal elements, backed by Bouterse, with plans to kill Santokhi. These criminals were arrested on drug charges only (there is no law against conspiracy to assassinate a Minister; only the President or Acting President). Santokhi said that part of Bouterse,s strategy is to accuse Santokhi of trying to kill him so that if "something" were to happen to Santokhi, the action would be seen as "justified". This, he said, was a similar strategy to that employed by Bouterse and his regime in the 1980,s. He said that many "older politicians" see the situation now (strident rhetoric, strikes, threats) as reminiscent of the 1980s. Some newspapers have echoed this sentiment.

¶5. (C) Americans are not targets, and in response to my direct question, the Minister did not see the need for us to change our daily routines, turn away TDY visitors, or avoid travel in the interior. Both the Minister and AG Punwasi noted that Bouterse blames Holland for his troubles, but never the Americans, French, or other Europeans (note: others listening to Bouterse,s rhetoric would refute this, as he referred to interference in Suriname from those in "foreign capitals"). Ominously, Santokhi noted that if/when there is a catalyzing event (e.g., if Bouterse were to be convicted), then intelligence indicates that the Dutch ("white people") would be targeted. I responded that many AmCits could be mistaken for Dutch citizens. Bottom line: in the absence of a catalyzing event, I inferred no direct threat to foreigners: Dutch, Americans, or others.

¶6. (C) Of greater concern now is whether Bouterse supporters, attempts at public disruption through strikes and other means are sufficient to stir up enough public discontent to create violence. Currently, this is far from the case. Except for the absence of (mini) buses, Paramaribo is functioning normally. However, Santokhi confirmed that all unions under the NDP-aligned "Moederbond" are expected to eventually strike. For example, he knows that three of the seven unions in his Justice and Police Ministry are planning to strike. They are the penitentiary workers, the fire brigade, and the BBS (security at government buildings). The GOS is taking the current strikes, and the threat of additional strikes, very seriously by taking preemptive steps PARAMARIBO 00000617 002 OF 002 to eliminate reasons for strikers, discontent. For example, the GOS has given money and chits for medical care directly to members of the armed forces, enough to last through February, 2008. In the case of striking bus drivers and teachers, the Ministers of Transportation and Education are negotiating, aided by teams of fellow Ministers. Santokhi said that no Minister negotiates alone; and all negotiation decisions must be taken to the Council of Ministers.

¶7. (C) Minister Santokhi expressed satisfaction that, to date, the public has not supported the protesters. Both he and the AG emphasized that, when the public understands the political objectives behind the strikes (i.e., to create unrest), there is no support. That said, and despite the robust security measures that Santokhi touted at the beginning of our meeting, both the Minister and AG Punwasi still expressed concern about the eventuality of unrest and violence, possibly including assassinations. Santokhi said the GOS has hard evidence that (NDP Parliamentarian) Mohamed Doekhie is recruiting criminal elements in Guyana to destabilize and overthrow the government, and that Bouterse claims he will take over "before the end of the year". They asked for "advice and assistance" from the Dutch and ourselves, presumably in the event the government is in jeopardy.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Is this why good men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ralphie Ramkarran had to leave that narco-political party since they wanted no part of the narco trade?


Did some of these narco funds build a $400 million Mansion on Ocean Front property at Pradoville 2?


Where is Angel?


We want answers Angel ak bharat.

Originally Posted by Devindra:

Is this why good men like Moses Nagamootoo and Ralphie Ramkarran had to leave that narco-political party since they wanted no part of the narco trade?


Did some of these narco funds build a $400 million Mansion on Ocean Front property at Pradoville 2?


Where is Angel?


We want answers Angel ak bharat.'ve got to know the young MOF, who was ill-trained in the Soviet Union and when to a university where there were no exams or theses, said that the drug pushers brought in FX and hurt America. You've got to expect this if your leaders have very low IQs. 

Originally Posted by Devindra:


Boutersere and Roger Khan was ONE


Santokhi said the GOS has hard evidence that (NDP Parliamentarian) Mohamed Doekhie is recruiting criminal elements in Guyana to destabilize and overthrow the government, and that Bouterse claims he will take over "before the end of the year".


Boutersere and Roger Khan was ONE.




From Ambassador Lisa Bobbie Schreiber Hughes.

¶2. (C) In response to my telephone request, Justice and Police Minister Chandrikapersad Santokhi invited me and my RSO, Doug Marvin, to attend his November 29 meeting with Dutch Ambassador Tanya van Gool and her political officer to discuss possible threats to public order occasioned by the November 30 start of the December Murders "process" (the trial of Desi Bouterse and 24 co-defendants for the December 8, 1982 murder of fifteen political opponents). Both we and the Dutch had requested meetings out of concern for the safety and security of our citizens given recent events in Paramaribo.

¶3. (C) The week began with Desi Bouterse,s flamboyant and incendiary public rally on November 26 at his NDP party headquarters. Among other accusations, Bouterse said Minister Santhoki was trying to kill him. The next day, the bus drivers went on strike, followed by strike threats by the teachers, union. Minister Santokhi struck back on November 28, telling journalists that Bouterse and the NDP have plans for "grand scale destabilization," including attacks on prominent law enforcement officials (especially Santokhi himself). Although all this rhetoric appears on the surface to be occasioned by Bouterse,s desire to disrupt the November 30 start of the trial, Minister Santokhi and Attorney General Subhas Punwasi (both present at the meeting) emphasized that Bouterse and his NDP have a larger goal: to overthrow the government.

¶4. (C) In our November 29 meeting, Santokhi told us that the GOS has a robust plan in place to protect public order from NDP attempts to destabilize the country. Executing the plan jointly are Chief of Police Delano Braam, Chief of the Armed Forces Col. Ernst Mercuur, and the Central Intelligence and Security Agency (CIVD; Col. Johan Ceder). Santokhi confirmed that he is a primary target, and his security is tight. The police have already arrested criminal elements, backed by Bouterse, with plans to kill Santokhi. These criminals were arrested on drug charges only (there is no law against conspiracy to assassinate a Minister; only the President or Acting President). Santokhi said that part of Bouterse,s strategy is to accuse Santokhi of trying to kill him so that if "something" were to happen to Santokhi, the action would be seen as "justified". This, he said, was a similar strategy to that employed by Bouterse and his regime in the 1980,s. He said that many "older politicians" see the situation now (strident rhetoric, strikes, threats) as reminiscent of the 1980s. Some newspapers have echoed this sentiment.

¶5. (C) Americans are not targets, and in response to my direct question, the Minister did not see the need for us to change our daily routines, turn away TDY visitors, or avoid travel in the interior. Both the Minister and AG Punwasi noted that Bouterse blames Holland for his troubles, but never the Americans, French, or other Europeans (note: others listening to Bouterse,s rhetoric would refute this, as he referred to interference in Suriname from those in "foreign capitals"). Ominously, Santokhi noted that if/when there is a catalyzing event (e.g., if Bouterse were to be convicted), then intelligence indicates that the Dutch ("white people") would be targeted. I responded that many AmCits could be mistaken for Dutch citizens. Bottom line: in the absence of a catalyzing event, I inferred no direct threat to foreigners: Dutch, Americans, or others.

¶6. (C) Of greater concern now is whether Bouterse supporters, attempts at public disruption through strikes and other means are sufficient to stir up enough public discontent to create violence. Currently, this is far from the case. Except for the absence of (mini) buses, Paramaribo is functioning normally. However, Santokhi confirmed that all unions under the NDP-aligned "Moederbond" are expected to eventually strike. For example, he knows that three of the seven unions in his Justice and Police Ministry are planning to strike. They are the penitentiary workers, the fire brigade, and the BBS (security at government buildings). The GOS is taking the current strikes, and the threat of additional strikes, very seriously by taking preemptive steps PARAMARIBO 00000617 002 OF 002 to eliminate reasons for strikers, discontent. For example, the GOS has given money and chits for medical care directly to members of the armed forces, enough to last through February, 2008. In the case of striking bus drivers and teachers, the Ministers of Transportation and Education are negotiating, aided by teams of fellow Ministers. Santokhi said that no Minister negotiates alone; and all negotiation decisions must be taken to the Council of Ministers.

¶7. (C) Minister Santokhi expressed satisfaction that, to date, the public has not supported the protesters. Both he and the AG emphasized that, when the public understands the political objectives behind the strikes (i.e., to create unrest), there is no support. That said, and despite the robust security measures that Santokhi touted at the beginning of our meeting, both the Minister and AG Punwasi still expressed concern about the eventuality of unrest and violence, possibly including assassinations. Santokhi said the GOS has hard evidence that (NDP Parliamentarian) Mohamed Doekhie is recruiting criminal elements in Guyana to destabilize and overthrow the government, and that Bouterse claims he will take over "before the end of the year". They asked for "advice and assistance" from the Dutch and ourselves, presumably in the event the government is in jeopardy.


good research.  I did not know this.


wow, roger was the chosen assassin for the surinamese drug dealers.


 what about Guyana pablo escobar, jerry Goviya?


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