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YouTube must remove anti-Islam film: Brazil

Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:37PM GMT
A Brazilian court has banned a recent film that disrespected Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), giving YouTube 10 days to remove the film's trailer.

On Tuesday, a Brazilian court in Sao Paulo banned the anti-Islam trailer which is currently being broadcast on YouTube, giving the company 10 days to remove the film's trailer from its website.

The National Islamic Union, a Brazilian Muslim group, brought the lawsuit against YouTube owner Google Inc for posting the controversial film, saying it was offensive and a violation of the constitutional right to freedom of religion.

The courtโ€™s decision came just hours after Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff criticized "Islamophobia" in Western countries during her speech at the United Nations in New York City.

Earlier the same day, another Brazilian court ruled against Google, demanding the arrest of Google's most senior executive in Brazil after the company refused to take down YouTube videos attacking a local mayoral candidate which runs counter to the countryโ€™s strict pre-vote electoral laws.

On Friday, about 500 people including Muslims, Catholic Christians and Jews congregated near Sao Paulo's Shia mosque and marched peacefully towards a nearby church holding placards and chanting anti-US slogans.

The American-made anti-Islam movie is said to have been made with the help of Zionist donations totaling USD 5 million.

The sacrilegious movie was followed by publication of several cartoons mocking Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in the satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo on September 19.

Muslims in Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Iraq, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, Nigeria, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Australia, Britain, the United States, France, Belgium, and several other countries have held many demonstrations to condemn the blasphemous movie over the past week. Protests were also held in Kashmir and the Gaza Strip.

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Poor people lost as goats in a sheep pen.


Dey say all kinds of things about Christ- the fools doan even realize dey all goan bow before Him. And not Mohammad.


I am certain if Mohammad believed in the Jewish God, then he must be shaking his head in disbelief of how the devil tek over his converted. Like dey batty sitting upon a red ants nest. Agitated.


Mohammad copied the Talmud and parts of the Book of Enoch in Arabic to enlighten the nomadic ppl. But it din duh them any good.


Something wrang wid these ppl.


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