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Brazil mob may have executed Guyanese couple over stolen cache

May 12, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 


- two of Mootoo’s ‘business associates’ also slain this year  

Executed cambio dealer Totaram Mootoo and his wife appear to be the most recent targets of a bloody, long-running vendetta involving members of an incensed Brazilian mob and a group of Guyanese accused of fleecing them.

Executed: Totaram Mootoo, called ‘Beer’, and Bagmattie Mootoo, called ‘Dolly’

This is the view of police sources who believe that the feud has already claimed the lives of at least two of Mootoo’s close associates; Intaz Roopnarine and JasonWills, who were gunned down this year within the space of one week. Roopnarine was shot dead on January 24 in the compound of the Cool Square Hotel, while 33-year-old Wills was riddled with bullets a few days later in a Meadowbrook residence. Wills was reportedly watching television in the living room when gunmen armed with high-powered weapons entered via the open front door and shot him dead. Roopnarine, Wills and Mootoo are said to have been business partners as well as close friends. According to reports reaching Kaieteur News, the vendetta stems from a dispute over a soured transaction, allegedly involving some Brazilians, who were fleeced of a cache believed to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. This newspaper was told that the three Guyanese and their associates are being blamed for the loss incurred by the foreigners. Police have received reports that Mootoo had been attempting to make amends for his part in the soured deal. He reportedly recently sold a plot of land for some $40M, allegedly with the intention of paying his debt. However, the individual to whom he sold the property failed to pay him immediately. The businessman was still waiting for payment when he was executed. Close associates of the couple had confirmed that he had complained of being owed large sums of money but they also said that he had not appeared to be worried or expressed fear for his safety. Police sources suggested that the Brazilians became impatient and opted to kill Mootoo rather than collect their debt. One source likened Mootoo’s demise to the still unsolved murder of the late Herman Sanichar, who was gunned down some 19 years ago at his Herstelling, East Bank Demerara residence. Sanichar’s killers allegedly threw foreign currency notes on his bullet-riddled body. “They (mobs) say they want their money and (after a while) they say they don’t want it anymore,” a source said. Investigators believe that Mootoo’s killers arrived at his home around 23:00 hrs on Thursday. It is believed that the men were individuals that the businessman considered to be his close friends, so he let them in.

Executed: Jason Wills

Police sources say that from evidence at the crime scene, the men conversed at a table and even had refreshments.  “It looked like they had a decent conversation before they killed him.” Some sources believe that after that ‘decent conversation’, the men took Mootoo and his wife to their bedroom, where they used duct-tape to bind the businessman’s hands behind his back. The police sources believe that the men tortured Mootoo, before placing the couple on their bed and shooting them. It is also believed that the hit-men forced Mootoo to open a money-safe in his bedroom. From evidence at the scene the killers then placed a 20-pound gas cylinder on the bed and caused it to ignite. The ensuing explosion blew a hole in the bedroom wall and the subsequent blaze destroyed the house. Police officials said yesterday that while some of the houses in the upscale neighbourhood known as Guysuco Scheme have surveillance cameras, none of them appear to have recording equipment. The sole surveillance camera on the slain couple’s home was destroyed during the fire. Detectives are expected to return to the scene today. At least two individuals alleged that they saw the occupants of a car driving from the area shortly after the blaze started. The charred bodies of 54-year-old Totaram Mootoo, called ‘Beer’, and 48-year-old Bhagmattie Mootoo, called ‘Dolly’, were discovered early Friday morning in their master bedroom. The businessman’s hands were bound behind his back with duct-tape while his wife was lying nearby with an arm around her husband. Fragments of a gas cylinder were found at the head of the bed. Other fragments were also found in the yard, having blasted through a massive hole in the bedroom wall.  The blast also blew off the roof and several windows.

Executed: Intaz Roopnarine

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

This Forum has lots of BIG mouth FOOLS who can spew GARBAGE but when asked foe Proof, they run and put their heads in Toilet Bowls!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

This Forum has lots of BIG mouth FOOLS who can spew GARBAGE but when asked foe Proof, they run and put their heads in Toilet Bowls!!!!!

but but but but . . . is drug_b nat yuh "comrade" PPP bitter ender?


you're a dankey, same breed like he . . . why de fleas and lice suddenly bothering u?


When you owe organize criminal organizations money they may not kill you. If they kill you then they are not getting back their money.  That is the reason why they are into crime. It is to make money with interest.  They will scare or beat you bad until you pay back that money with interest.  The only way they will kill you is if you con/rip them off or steal from them.  Because they see it as an insult that damages their reputation on the streets.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

This Forum has lots of BIG mouth FOOLS who can spew GARBAGE but when asked foe Proof, they run and put their heads in Toilet Bowls!!!!!

Redux.....De Crab Louse and De Parasite can't agree on everything

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

This Forum has lots of BIG mouth FOOLS who can spew GARBAGE but when asked foe Proof, they run and put their heads in Toilet Bowls!!!!!

Redux.....De Crab Louse and De Parasite can't agree on everything

bai, i know . . . is a warning to neroo bout de company he following

Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

Sheik, dondadda, I already explained this many times on this forum. He got caught up in the hype and meddled with RK. When the US put pressure on him, he retracted the timber concession and got burned. He may have been a decent man, however you may ask why he gave timber concession to a suspected drug lord?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

This Forum has lots of BIG mouth FOOLS who can spew GARBAGE but when asked foe Proof, they run and put their heads in Toilet Bowls!!!!!

but but but but . . . is drug_b nat yuh "comrade" PPP bitter ender?


you're a dankey, same breed like he . . . why de fleas and lice suddenly bothering u?

I owe support to myself. I am not a ASS KISSER and  Gravy licker like you. One day you with Ravi Dev, the other day you with WPA, when the milk spoil you run to KFC. At Gaumont we call such people by a popular name!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

This Forum has lots of BIG mouth FOOLS who can spew GARBAGE but when asked foe Proof, they run and put their heads in Toilet Bowls!!!!!

but but but but . . . is drug_b nat yuh "comrade" PPP bitter ender?


you're a dankey, same breed like he . . . why de fleas and lice suddenly bothering u?

I owe support to myself. I am not a ASS KISSER and  Gravy licker like you. One day you with Ravi Dev, the other day you with WPA, when the milk spoil you run to KFC. At Gaumont we call such people by a popular name!!!

kinda sad . . . look how u let me gat u stumbling around making a complete ass of yourself


har de har har har har har!


Frankly, when I read this story, something seems fishy.  One thing I learn in Guyana, you never know who is into shady business.  This looked like a professional hit which raises questions.


The Buxton FF's and PNC terrorists are the ones who attack innocent individuals.


Nehru: I owe support to myself. I am not a ASS KISSER and  Gravy licker like you.

One day you with Ravi Dev, the other day you with WPA, when the milk spoil you run to KFC.

At Gaumont we call such people by a popular name!!!


Very Revealing Nehru-gee.....


Nehru-gee please tell us a little more about those [at Garmont] where yuh come from????


Crab louse
Crab louse


The crab louse, also known as the pubic louse, is an insect that is an obligate ectoparasite of humans. It is typically found in pubic hair, but may also live on other areas with coarse hair, including the eyelashes.

They feed exclusively on blood.

Humans are the only known hosts of this parasite, although a closely related species, Pthirus gorillae, infects gorilla populations.

The species passed to humans 3.3 million years ago.  · Text under CC-BY-SA license 

Scientific name: Pthirus pubis

Biological classification: Species

Belongs to: Pthirus


I wrote years ago on GNI that we should be careful with those Brazilians, just as I wrote recently about the Chinese. These people have been unleashing a crimewave in Suriname, and are now doing the same in Guyana. The Surinamese police has had to be tough with them. If the Guyanese police don't pull their fingers out and get on top of these foreign criminals then Guyana will end up like Mexico very soon.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I wrote years ago on GNI that we should be careful with those Brazilians, just as I wrote recently about the Chinese. These people have been unleashing a crimewave in Suriname, and are now doing the same in Guyana. The Surinamese police has had to be tough with them. If the Guyanese police don't pull their fingers out and get on top of these foreign criminals then Guyana will end up like Mexico very soon.

Look how you just write off two nationalities with a quick whiff of ignorant flatulence. Why did the Guyanese and Surinamese rob the Brazilians? Don't play with fire unless you want to get burnt.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I wrote years ago on GNI that we should be careful with those Brazilians, just as I wrote recently about the Chinese. These people have been unleashing a crimewave in Suriname, and are now doing the same in Guyana. The Surinamese police has had to be tough with them. If the Guyanese police don't pull their fingers out and get on top of these foreign criminals then Guyana will end up like Mexico very soon.

Look how you just write off two nationalities with a quick whiff of ignorant flatulence. Why did the Guyanese and Surinamese rob the Brazilians? Don't play with fire unless you want to get burnt.

you miss the bigger picture here...Mr T making the point that these Brazilians and CHinese are crooks to begin with.

But're not known to be a smart fellow

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I wrote years ago on GNI that we should be careful with those Brazilians, just as I wrote recently about the Chinese. These people have been unleashing a crimewave in Suriname, and are now doing the same in Guyana. The Surinamese police has had to be tough with them. If the Guyanese police don't pull their fingers out and get on top of these foreign criminals then Guyana will end up like Mexico very soon.

Look how you just write off two nationalities with a quick whiff of ignorant flatulence. Why did the Guyanese and Surinamese rob the Brazilians? Don't play with fire unless you want to get burnt.

you miss the bigger picture here...Mr T making the point that these Brazilians and CHinese are crooks to begin with.

But're not known to be a smart fellow

Who are " these Brazilians and CHinese" . The point I am making is that he is prejudiced against Brazilians and Chinese.  We should not pass judgement on an entire nationality/race based on the perceived actions of a few.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Sheik101:

Yes, BGurd, which fire was Mr. Sawh playing with. Please tell us.

Sheik, dondadda, I already explained this many times on this forum. He got caught up in the hype and meddled with RK. When the US put pressure on him, he retracted the timber concession and got burned. He may have been a decent man, however you may ask why he gave timber concession to a suspected drug lord?

So if RK killed a minister who refused him a timber concession in ordxer to protect Guyana's image, why is RK a hero?  After all RK wanted this to disguise his coke shipments in timber, giving Guyana a bad rep and jeopardizing its other exports.


RK was one of Jagdeo's buddies and he ordered that RK be  given a concession.  Yet he is another hero in your eyes.  This is why Delta searched about Jagdeo's bags before he was allowed to board that plane.  After all people who travel VIP are generally not searched unless the airline has good reason to do this.

Originally Posted by baseman:



The Buxton FF's and PNC terrorists are the ones who attack innocent individuals.

And RK is a law abiding man who was never known to kill his enemies.  It is also true that he never engaged in gun or drug, or robberies. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I wrote years ago on GNI that we should be careful with those Brazilians, just as I wrote recently about the Chinese. These people have been unleashing a crimewave in Suriname, and are now doing the same in Guyana. The Surinamese police has had to be tough with them. If the Guyanese police don't pull their fingers out and get on top of these foreign criminals then Guyana will end up like Mexico very soon.

All one needs to do is to look at Brazil and see how corrupt and criminally oriented that country is.  When folks like druggie endorse phantoms they are guaranteeing that G/Twn will become as dangerous as Rio.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I wrote years ago on GNI that we should be careful with those Brazilians, just as I wrote recently about the Chinese. These people have been unleashing a crimewave in Suriname, and are now doing the same in Guyana. The Surinamese police has had to be tough with them. If the Guyanese police don't pull their fingers out and get on top of these foreign criminals then Guyana will end up like Mexico very soon.

Look how you just write off two nationalities with a quick whiff of ignorant flatulence. Why did the Guyanese and Surinamese rob the Brazilians? Don't play with fire unless you want to get burnt.

you miss the bigger picture here...Mr T making the point that these Brazilians and CHinese are crooks to begin with.

But're not known to be a smart fellow

Who are " these Brazilians and CHinese" . The point I am making is that he is prejudiced against Brazilians and Chinese.  We should not pass judgement on an entire nationality/race based on the perceived actions of a few.

The PNC/AFC Indians gang is the most racist around here. They have an intense hate for Chinese Guyanese but loving embrace PNC terrorists and thugs. Go figure.


You are again an ass. You and others just like yourself are the true racists here.

What MrT said is true, the PPP govt are also made up of thieves, that's also true but you don't care as long as they're your own mattie doing it, is aright.


You and the others who think like that are blasted racist scum.


KN story on murder of Mohotoos `totally false’ – police

The Guyana Police Force says that a news item in the Kaieteur News today that the “Brazil mob” may have executed Turkeyen couple Totaram Mohotoo and Bhagmattie Mohotoo on Thursday is “totally false”.

The statement issued today follows:

“The Guyana Police Force is responding to an article published in the Kaieteur News of today Sunday May 12, 2013, under the caption “Brazil mob may have executed Guyanese couple over stolen cache”.

“From the outset the police are advising the public that information stated in the article purportedly coming from “police sources” is totally false, and the Police Force wishes to express grave concern over these falsehoods and speculations which are likely to incite violence against persons of a particular nationality who reside and are working in Guyana.

“While some facts concerning the murder of Jason Wills and the (Mohotoos) are still unknown, the police have a lot of intelligence and evidence surrounding the murder of Intaz Roopnarine which led to arrest and charge in the matter. The public will be made aware as the trial progresses that the circumstances surrounding the death of Roopnarine are quite contrary to the speculations stated by the Kaieteur News in the article.

“Finally, the Guyana Police Force is once again urging the Kaieteur News to act with a sense of responsibility and professionalism when making their publications.”

Excerpts from the Stabroeknews

Originally Posted by caribny:

So if RK killed a minister who refused him a timber concession in ordxer to protect Guyana's image, why is RK a hero?  After all RK wanted this to disguise his coke shipments in timber, giving Guyana a bad rep and jeopardizing its other exports.


RK was one of Jagdeo's buddies and he ordered that RK be  given a concession.  Yet he is another hero in your eyes.  This is why Delta searched about Jagdeo's bags before he was allowed to board that plane.  After all people who travel VIP are generally not searched unless the airline has good reason to do this.

RK was never one of Jagdeo's buddies, in fact he was closer to members of the AFC/PNC until they crossed him when they decided to go into the drug business themselves and cut into his turf. From your armchair in the US basement apartment you would not know about this. After the PPP cross him he turned on them too. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

So if RK killed a minister who refused him a timber concession in ordxer to protect Guyana's image, why is RK a hero?  After all RK wanted this to disguise his coke shipments in timber, giving Guyana a bad rep and jeopardizing its other exports.


RK was one of Jagdeo's buddies and he ordered that RK be  given a concession.  Yet he is another hero in your eyes.  This is why Delta searched about Jagdeo's bags before he was allowed to board that plane.  After all people who travel VIP are generally not searched unless the airline has good reason to do this.

RK was never one of Jagdeo's buddies, in fact he was closer to members of the AFC/PNC until they crossed him when they decided to go into the drug business themselves and cut into his turf. From your armchair in the US basement apartment you would not know about this. After the PPP cross him he turned on them too. 

You never cease to amaze me with your constant lies.

You are the dirtbag who knows all about drug running and if I were you, I'd stop the friggin lying about others just to throw the trail off of you, you lying drug running sack of shit.

Originally Posted by cain:

You never cease to amaze me with your constant lies.

You are the dirtbag who knows all about drug running and if I were you, I'd stop the friggin lying about others just to throw the trail off of you, you lying drug running sack of shit.

Take it easy there Cain, you might pop a blood vessel. Note that I have always maintained that the pnc/afc have experimented in many illicit criminal activities in order to fund their campaign and further political unrest. Let me remind you, the pepper sauce man, the cocaine in coconut, the cocaine in chowmein, the cocaine in polourie, the gold heist, the robbing and killing of Guyanese and the Barbados prostitution ring and the list goes on. ahahhaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

RK was never one of Jagdeo's buddies, in fact he was closer to members of the AFC/PNC until they crossed him when they decided to go into the drug business themselves and cut into his turf. From your armchair in the US basement apartment you would not know about this. After the PPP cross him he turned on them too. 

Druggie why do the PPP supporters scream what a hero RK was if he was a PNC supporter?  Why does the PNC scream that RK killed off more than 200 black people, and they go to international forums using this as evidence that the PPP is a racist against blacks as the Afrikaners were.


And why did Jagdeo wail and cry and sob and threaten to leave CARICOM because T&T and Suriname were "traitors" because they cooperated with the USA to seize a very important Guyanese citizen?  And of course RK fled to Suriname because he was being harrassed by a police commissioner who was much hated by the PPP.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:

You never cease to amaze me with your constant lies.

You are the dirtbag who knows all about drug running and if I were you, I'd stop the friggin lying about others just to throw the trail off of you, you lying drug running sack of shit.

Take it easy there Cain, you might pop a blood vessel. Note that I have always maintained that the pnc/afc have experimented in many illicit criminal activities in order to fund their campaign and further political unrest. Let me remind you, the pepper sauce man, the cocaine in coconut, the cocaine in chowmein, the cocaine in polourie, the gold heist, the robbing and killing of Guyanese and the Barbados prostitution ring and the list goes on. ahahhaha

I'd probably believe the hilited if you are in the PNC.  Now go again and read what Carib mentioned about your PPP God in a US jail.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie why do the PPP supporters scream what a hero RK was if he was a PNC supporter?  Why does the PNC scream that RK killed off more than 200 black people, and they go to international forums using this as evidence that the PPP is a racist against blacks as the Afrikaners were.


And why did Jagdeo wail and cry and sob and threaten to leave CARICOM because T&T and Suriname were "traitors" because they cooperated with the USA to seize a very important Guyanese citizen?  And of course RK flee to Suriname because he was being harrassed by a police commissioner who was much hated by the PPP.

You didn't know that RK was a PNC/afc bai before he helped out the PPP?  Man you are so disconnected from Guyana, its about time you visit and clear up all the misconceptions of a country you visited a decade ago.  


The PPP actually collaborated with the US and Suriname to capture RK, their public sentiments were just a show for their supporters who saw him as their savior. Man you have a lot to learn, this is what happens when you are a section 8 shut in. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I already reported on GNI that RK was hung out to dry by Jagdeo in order to get hold of the properties and drugs supply routes that RK operated.

No, it was Bouterse who got the drug supply routes, Jagdeo got funding for the Providence stadium and Berbice bridge. ahahahah 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
. They have an intense hate for Chinese Guyanese but loving embrace PNC terrorists and thugs. Go figure.

OK so its now confirmed that the PPP, having failed to make inroads into the African/mixed vote beyond a trifling 10%, and fearing that they are losing grasp of the Indian and Amerindian votes, are now securing their position by bringing in FOREIGNERS and calling them Guyanese.


No wonder they damn Guyanese as lazy and unskilled while Jamaica ensures that any projects which the Chinese are involved use at a minimum 80% JAMAICANS.  And if the locals lack expertise they are trained.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

I already reported on GNI that RK was hung out to dry by Jagdeo in order to get hold of the properties and drugs supply routes that RK operated.

No, it was Bouterse who got the drug supply routes, Jagdeo got funding for the Providence stadium and Berbice bridge. ahahahah 

And how have these benefitted Guyanese?  Berbicians are complaining that the bridge is too expensive and are enraged that alternate means of crosisng the river have been removed.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PPP actually collaborated with the US and Suriname to capture RK, their public sentiments were just a show for their supporters who saw him as their savior. Man you have a lot to learn, this is what happens when you are a section 8 shut in. 

Druggie every day you hail Jagdeo because he collaborated with RK.  So why are you changing your tune?


Jagdeo screamed and cried and threatened to leave CARICOM because Bouterse and Manning cooperated with the USA.  Why did he risk ridicule by supporting an international terrorist?

Originally Posted by caribny:

And how have these benefitted Guyanese?  Berbicians are complaining that the bridge is too expensive and are enraged that alternate means of crosisng the river have been removed.

The flow of goods and services now flow efficiently over the bbice bridge with minimal interruption. A far cry from the ferry days when hours of productive time would be lost in line for the ferry. Whenever people have to pay to cross a bridge they complain. In the US it is the same, check out the cost of crossing on the various bridges, and they have exponential more traffic and income than Bbice. If the traffic over the bbice bridge was busy enough the cost would go down, however it is not in a highly populated area like the US.

In terms of the stadium you sour pusses cried that it was a white elephant, now the country is able to host international stars and events that would not have been possible without it. Even the pnc/afc supporters are able to enjoy their artists there, everyone benefited by this decision to build the stadium while you continue to hope and cry for its failure. ahahah

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PPP actually collaborated with the US and Suriname to capture RK, their public sentiments were just a show for their supporters who saw him as their savior. Man you have a lot to learn, this is what happens when you are a section 8 shut in. 

Druggie every day you hail Jagdeo because he collaborated with RK.  So why are you changing your tune?


Jagdeo screamed and cried and threatened to leave CARICOM because Bouterse and Manning cooperated with the USA.  Why did he risk ridicule by supporting an international terrorist?

It takes a thief to catch a thief, RK was used productively and then discarded when his job was finished. hahahaha

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PPP actually collaborated with the US and Suriname to capture RK, their public sentiments were just a show for their supporters who saw him as their savior. Man you have a lot to learn, this is what happens when you are a section 8 shut in. 

Druggie every day you hail Jagdeo because he collaborated with RK.  So why are you changing your tune?


Jagdeo screamed and cried and threatened to leave CARICOM because Bouterse and Manning cooperated with the USA.  Why did he risk ridicule by supporting an international terrorist?

It takes a thief to catch a thief, RK was used productively and then discarded when his job was finished. hahahaha

Glad you admit that Jagdeo was a thief, which even the smallest kid in Guyana knows.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The PPP actually collaborated with the US and Suriname to capture RK, their public sentiments were just a show for their supporters who saw him as their savior. Man you have a lot to learn, this is what happens when you are a section 8 shut in. 

Druggie every day you hail Jagdeo because he collaborated with RK.  So why are you changing your tune?


Jagdeo screamed and cried and threatened to leave CARICOM because Bouterse and Manning cooperated with the USA.  Why did he risk ridicule by supporting an international terrorist?

It takes a thief to catch a thief, RK was used productively and then discarded when his job was finished. hahahaha

Glad you admit that Jagdeo was a thief, which even the smallest kid in Guyana knows.

RK being the thief or criminal. Concerned citizens recruited RK and he served his purpose in killing off his old henchmen in the PNC who he had a falling out with.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In terms of the stadium you sour pusses cried that it was a white elephant, now the country is able to host international stars and events

And Guyana always hosted international stars.  But tell me how does that create employment in Guyana so that desperate Guyanese arent forced into sex slavery in Suriname, Trinidad, Bdos, and Antigua?


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